The Week 42 of 2021 US Stock Market News Recap

In Week 42 of 2021 The Stock Market Bull gets a trifecta with his 3rd week in a row 3-0 victory over The Stock Market Bear.
By Larry C. Paxton
US Stock Market Indices Summary |
Week 42 of 2021 Ending 10/22/21 |
DJIA | NASDAQ | S&P500 | |
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) | 30,606.48 | 12,888.28 | 3,756.07 |
Previous Quarter Close(09/30/21 | 33,843.92 | 14,448.58 | 4,307.54 |
Previous Month Close(09/30/21) | 33,843.92 | 14,448.58 | 4,307.54 |
Record Close Date | 10/22/21 | 09/07/21 | 10/21/21 |
Record Close | 35,677.02 | 15,374.33 | 4,549.78 |
Week 41-Friday & Close(10/15/21) | 35,294.76 | 14,897.34 | 4,471.37 |
Week 42-Monday(10/18/21) | 35,258.61 | 15,021.81 | 4,486.46 |
Day Change | (36.15) | 124.47 | 15.09 |
Day % Change | -0.10% | 0.84% | 0.34% |
Week 42-Tuesday(10/19/21) | 35,457.31 | 15,129.09 | 4,519.63 |
Day Change | 198.70 | 107.28 | 33.17 |
Day % Change | 0.56% | 0.71% | 0.74% |
Week 42-Wednesday(10/20/21) | 35,609.34 | 15,121.68 | 4,536.19 |
Day Change | 152.03 | (7.41) | 16.56 |
Day % Change | 0.43% | -0.05% | 0.37% |
Week 42-Thursday(10/21/21) | 35,603.08 | 15,215.70 | 4,549.78 |
Day Change | (6.26) | 94.02 | 13.59 |
Day % Change | -0.02% | 0.62% | 0.30% |
Week 42-Friday & Close(10/22/21) | 35,677.02 | 15,090.20 | 4,544.90 |
Day Change | 73.94 | (125.50) | (4.88) |
Day % Change | 0.21% | -0.82% | -0.11% |
Change-Week | 382.26 | 192.86 | 73.53 |
% Change-Week | 1.08% | 1.29% | 1.64% |
Change-Month-to-Date | 1,833.10 | 641.62 | 237.36 |
% Change-Month-to-Date | 5.42% | 4.44% | 5.51% |
Change-Quarter-to-Date | 1,833.10 | 641.62 | 237.36 |
% Change-Quarter-to-Date | 5.42% | 4.44% | 5.51% |
Change-Year-to-Date | 5,070.54 | 2,201.92 | 788.83 |
% Change-Year-to-Date | 16.57% | 17.08% | 21.00% |
Change-Record | 0.00 | (284.13) | (4.88) |
% Change-Record | 0.00% | -1.85% | -0.11% |
The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD |
Week 42 Winner and Tally | Bull | 3-0 | Win |
September Winner and Tally | Bear | 3-0 | Win |
Weeks | Months | YTD | |
The Stock Market Bull | 20 | 5 | Winning |
The Stock Market Bear | 14 | 1 | Losing |
Mixed Result | 8 | 3 | |
Totals | 42 | 9 |
The US Stock Market Week 42 Summary:
In Week 42 The Stock Market Bull gets his trifecta of winning weeks by taking all 3 major US stock market indices by good sized margins, taking 10 of the 15 trading sessions, including setting new records on the S&P500 and DJIA, and coming close to doing so on the NASDAQ. The best The Stock Market Bear could do was inflict some minor scratches when The Stock Market Bull took a very brief rest. Much of the results could be attributed to good quarterly corporate earnings reports, no out-of-line economic results, COVID-19 booster shots getting approvals from the FDA and CDC, and everything else pretty much staying the same as it was before. Congrats to The Stock Market Bull for his convincing 3-0 Week 42 victory.
Summary News Items for Week 42:
US Economic News
Friday, October 22, 2021
- No economic data releases today.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
- The Conference Board says the Preliminary October 2021 US Leading Economic Index(2016=100) is at 117.5, September was at 117.3, August 116.5, October 2020 108.5, October 2019 111.5. “The U.S. LEI rose again in September, though at a slower rate, suggesting the economy remains on a more moderate growth trajectory compared to the first half of the year… The Delta variant, rising inflation fears, and supply chain disruptions are all creating headwinds for the US economy… The Conference Board continues to forecast strong growth ahead: 5.7 percent year-over-year for 2021 and 3.8 percent for 2022.”
- The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary September 2021 US Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 6,290,000, August was at 5,880,000, July 6,000,000, September 2020 6,440,000, September 2019 5,410,000; September 2021 Median Home Sale Price is at $352,800, August was at $356,500, July $359,900, September 2020 $311,500, September 2019 $271,500. “Some improvement in supply during prior months helped nudge up sales in September… Housing demand remains strong as buyers likely want to secure a home before mortgage rates increase even further next year.”
- The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the October 2021 US 3rd District Manufacturing General Business Indicator is at 23.8, September was at 30.7, August 19.4, October 2020 24.6, October 2019 4.1. “The survey’s future indexes indicate that respondents continue to expect growth over the next six months.”
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
- The US Federal Reserve releases its Beige Book for data through 10/08/21, says, “Economic activity grew at a modest to moderate rate, according to the majority of Federal Reserve Districts. Several Districts noted, however, that the pace of growth slowed this period, constrained by supply chain disruptions, labor shortages, and uncertainty around the Delta variant of COVID-19.”
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
- The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary September 2021 US New Residential Construction Permits Issued Annual Rate-Private Housing is at 1,589,000 units, August was at 1,721,000, July 1,630,000, September 2020 1,589,000, September 2019 1,473,000.
Monday, October 18 2021
- The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary September 2021 US Factory % of Capacity Utilization is at 75.2%, August was at 76.2%, July 76.3%, September 2020 72.1%, September 2019 77.4%, September 2018 78.5%.
- The Natl Assn of Home Builders says the Preliminary October 2021 US Housing Market Composite Index(>50 means more homebuilders say conditions are good) is at 80, September was at 76, August 75, October 2020 85, October 2019 71. “Strong consumer demand helped push builder confidence higher in October despite growing affordability challenges stemming from rising material prices and shortages.”
US Government/Other News
- The FDA and CDC approve Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna booster shot vaccines.
- US 3rd Quarter corporate earnings reports are generally good.
- Highly respected and admired former US Secretary of State General Colin Powell passes away at age 84 from complications of COVID-19 and other underlying illnesses.
- US President Biden says he cannot get enough votes in the US Congress to increase corporate tax rates.
- The US House of Representatives continues to grapple with putting together an around $2 trillion infrastructure spending plan.
- China economic data indicates a weakening economy.
- N Korea fires another test missile, launched from a submarine.
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(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)
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