The PBR1000 January 2017 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

January 2017: How Much More Bull Is Left In The Trump Bump?

Bull Growth Trend-hywards ID-100395863

It’s One Month Into 2017. How Long Can The Trump Bull Keep Climbing?


By Larry C. Paxton

While a good month overall, January was a particularly good month for the NASDAQ as key technology players made some big advances. Perhaps the upswing for the US stock exchanges is the anticipation of the Trump administration dropping barriers to business by eliminating some particular distasteful regulations like Dodd-Frank. Perhaps it’s the promise of lowering corporate taxes to be more competitive with the rest of the world and hopefully bring back trillions of dollars to the US parked in foreign markets.   Or maybe it’s the trade agreements currently in place, or in the process of being approved, which are now potentially on the chopping block.

At the same time the economy keeps plugging along at a modest rate for most of the country.

So, for stocks and commodities, the question remains about the potential continued gain in the markets, and the concern that this level of growth can’t be sustained for much longer. There is the sentiment that many key stocks are close, if not already, to being overvalued, and there will have to be a major adjustment.  On the otherhand, if President Trump can get his way, the bulls might still have room to run, and we are in an interesting ride as the year continues to unfold in unpredictable ways.

Here are some January summaries on the US stock exchanges:

Number of Trading Days: 20

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 8+, 12-; NASDAQ 14+, 6-; SPX 10+, 10-.

Record Days: DJIA 2, NASDAQ 9, SPX 3

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3, NASDAQ 7, SPX 2

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3, NASDAQ 1, SPX 4

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): None

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): None

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 January Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on January 31, Month % Chg is compared to December 30, YTD % Chg is compared to December 31, 2016, and the 13 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2015. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 2 month or significantly discounted 13 month subscription and automatically download the December 2016 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +333% to -62%. 609 out of 1,003 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 1.9%, the median was a gain of 1.27%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
13 Mos
% Chg
Republic Airways
955 RJETQ 0.26 +333 +333 -93
921 AROPQ 0.07 +261 +261 -74
Allegheny Technologies
559 ATI 21.73 +36 +36 +93
NRG Energy
179 NRG 16.54 +35 +35 +41
116 AA 36.45 +30 +30 +23


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +333% to -62%. 609 out of 1,003 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 1.9%, the median was a gain of 1.27%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
13 Mos
% Chg
Republic Airways
955 RJETQ 0.26 +333 +333 -93
921 AROPQ 0.07 +261 +261 -74
Allegheny Technologies
559 ATI 21.73 +36 +36 +93
NRG Energy
179 NRG 16.54 +35 +35 +41
116 AA 36.45 +30 +30 +23


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 13 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +455% to -85%. 747 out of 998 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 14.2%. The median was a gain of 16.3%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
13 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
831 CLF 8.77 +4 +4 +455
US Steel
230 X 32.71 -1 -1 +310
10.37 -9 -9 +261
AK Steel
355 AKS 8.08 -21 -21 +261
Titan Intl
944 TWI 13.29 +19 +19 +237


Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $647.08 billion to $0.01 billion. The average is $22.22 billion, median is $7.03 billion, out of 1,002 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
13 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 647.08 +4.8 +4.8 +10.3
33 GOOG 550.82 +3.5 +3.5 +5.5
30 MSFT 499.58 +3.4 +3.4 +12.7
Berkshire Hathaway
4 BRK 405.94 +0.1 +0.1 +24.7
Amazon 20 AMZN 391.29 +9.8 +9.8 +23.50
The PBR1000
  22,288.55 +1.7 +1.7 +10.5


Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
13 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000     75,839.49 +1.9 +1.9 +14.2
DJIA     19,864.09 +0.5 +0.5 +14.0
NASDAQ        5,614.79 +4.3 +4.3 +12.1
S&P500        2,278.87 +1.8 +1.8 +11.5
GOLD        1,209.00 +5.0 +5.0 +14.0
SILVER              17.47 +9.3 +9.3 +26.6
OIL              52.74 -1.8 -1.8 +42.4


Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us in the US at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

(Photo courtesy of, hywards.)

Copyright © 2017 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, Tucson, AZ, USA, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 December 2016 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

December 2016: Ending On A High Note, Now What?


Welcome to 2017! What it means today is a little uncertain!

Welcome to 2017! What it means today as we take it on is a little uncertain. Let’s do our best!


By Larry C. Paxton

The Trump Bump continued its rise throughout December, expressing the relief of the end of a rather bizarre US Presidential campaign with the election being decided by the Electoral College. But hopefully it also reflected the hope and optimism that there will be positive changes in the new government.

All 3 major US stock exchanges hit record highs in December. The DJIA almost hit the 20,000 mark, but in the last 3 trading days all major US stock exchanges backed down by 1% or more to finish a year that ended up much higher than predicted at the beginning of 2016.

2016 ended on a high note but there is much confusion about what direction stocks and commodities will take in 2017. Trading can be expected to be volatile as the Trump administration gets settled in, the world gets used to a much different American style of dealing with important issues, and new policies start to be(or not to be) implemented. These actions will be further impacted by unpredictable international influences like energy production and prices, Brexit, regional wars, acts of terrorism, natural disasters, and innovative new technologies, to name just a few in no particular order.  We start 2017 anticipating an interesting ride into the unknown that will carry risks and some intended and unintended consequences from decisions made and actions taken, but also will provide some significant opportunities for alert leaders and investors. We wish you the best and look forward to The PBR1000 contributing to your success in 2017!

Here are some December summaries on the US stock exchanges:

Number of Trading Days: 21

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 13+, 8-; NASDAQ 12+, 9-; SPX 12+, 9-.

Record Days: DJIA 9, NASDAQ 5, SPX 2

Gain Streaks(Consecutive Days): DJIA 7, NASDAQ 6, SPX 6

Loss Streaks(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3, NASDAQ 3, SPX 3

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 12/07/16(DJIA, NASDAQ, SPX)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 12/01/16(NASDAQ)

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 December Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on December 30th, Month % Chg is compared to November 30th, YTD % Chg is compared to December 31, 2015, and the 24 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2014.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 2 month or significantly discounted 13 month subscription and automatically download the December 2016 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +86% to -85%. 609 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 0.9%, the median was a gain of 1.35%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
800 FRED 18.56 +86 +13 +7
Pier 1 Imports
847 PIR 8.54 +53 +68 -45
Tailored Brands
580 TLRD 25.55 +36 +74 -42
Bristow Group
887 BRS 20.48 +31 -21 -69
Alliance One Intl
843 AOI 19.20 +30 +67 +22


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +432% to -80%. 730 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 12.1%. The median was a gain of 14.3%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
830 CLF 8.41 -5 +432 +18
AK Steel
353 AKS 10.21 +12 +356 +72
US Steel
229 X 33.01 +2 +314 +23
533 AMD 11.34 +27 +295 +325
264 NAV 31.37 +2 +255 -6


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +432% to -90%. 574 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 6.2%. The median was a gain of 6.4%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
452 NVDA 106.74 +16 +224 +432
AMD 533 AMD 11.34 +27 +295 +325
SkyWest 634 SKYW
36.45 -1 +92 +174
McDermott Intl
635 MDR 7.39 +7 +121 +154
350 NFLX 123.80 +6 +8 +154


Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $617.59 billion to $0.00 billion. The average is $21.77 billion, median is $6.92 billion, out of 1,000 companies tracked.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 617.59 +4.8 +5.2 -4.6
34 GOOG 531.97 +1.8 +1.9 +49.0
31 MSFT 483.16 +3.1 +9.0 +26.2
Berkshire Hathaway
4 BRK 402.11 +3.4 +23.5 +11.2
ExxonMobil 2 XOM 374.28 +3.4 +15.3 -4.4
The PBR1000
  21,773.35 +1.8 +8.6 +6.5


Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 73,918.58 +0.9 +12.1 +6.2
DJIA 19,762.60 +3.3 +13.4 +10.9
NASDAQ 5,383.12 +1.1 +7.5 +13.7
S&P500 2,238.83 +1.8 +9.5 +8.7
GOLD 1,151.70 -1.9 +8.6 -2.8
SILVER 15.99 -3.0 +15.9 +2.5
OIL 53.72 +8.7 +45.0 +0.8


Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us in the US at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

(Photo made available by, Idea go.)

Copyright © 2017 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, Tucson, AZ, USA, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 December 2016 Breaking News Recap

December 2016: A Nice End, Let 2017 Start!

2017 and Smartphone-StuartMiles ID-100129443

There are a lot of puzzle pieces to put together as we start 2017. Be alert for Trump Tweets!


By Larry C. Paxton

2016 finished on mostly a high note.  The US stock markets registered new highs that were no where close to what prognosticators had predicted at the start of the year, mostly due to what most people called The Trump Bump. This was probably a reflection that the country had completed a long, controversial, mean-spirited, unconventional, and tumultuous presidential election. But the transfer of power will proceed in an orderly manner, there is a sense of relief, and hopeful optimism by a large segment of a somewhat disenchanted populace that felt traditional politics had failed them and this was a chance to make much needed changes.  The President-Elect is an unpredictable person and there are still a lot of the traditionalists left, so fireworks can be expected. It will be an interesting show for the whole world.

After a long wait, the Federal Reserve Board finally increased the federal funds rate by a quarter point and signaled there will be more increases in 2017 if the economy continues its modest/moderate growth.

Here’s a quick December 2016 summary on key activities that relate to The PBR1000:

US Presidency:  Donald J. Trump is the US President-Elect, to be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States on Friday, January 20, 2017. Cabinet appointees being announced, heavy emphasis on business experience, major policy changes expected in healthcare, immigration, infrastructure programs, and international trade.

Mergers & Acquisitions: 28 deals worth at least $1 billion initiated, closed, or updated. Total transaction value is $157 billion.

Restructurings/Spinoffs: 6

Share Repurchase Programs: 9 announced, total $17 billion.

Bankruptcies: 0

CEO Changes: 20 announced.

Jobs: Modest growth.

US Economy: Modest/moderate growth continues, stable but fragile, significant growth in eCommerce, retail outlets down.

Federal Reserve Federal Funds Rate Changes: 1, increased 0.25% to 0.50-0.75%, more increases anticipated in 2017.

International: Brexit, oil price fluctuations, Middle East conflicts, refugee crisis, N Korea nuclear/missile tests, upcoming European elections, climate change, new US president continue to be the headliners.

For more details here are The PBR1000 corporate and economic related breaking news items of interest with hotlinks to the sources for December 2016, starting with the last active business day.

Friday, December 30:

The PBRMarketTools Year Ending 12/30/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends 2016 at 19,762.60, -0.86% from last Friday, +3.34% MTD, +7.94% QTD, +13.42% YTD, -1.06% from record 19,974.62 on 12/20/16.
NASDAQ ends 2016 at 5,383.12, -1.46% from last Friday, +1.12% MTD, +1.34% QTD, +7.50% YTD, -1.90% from record 5,487.44 on 12/27/16.
SPX ends 2016 at 2,238.83, -1.10% from last Friday, +1.82% MTD, +3.25% QTD, +9.54% YTD, -1.45% from record 2,271.72 on 12/13/16.

Freeport_McMoRan(PBR128) completes $592 million cash sale of onshore California properties to Sentinel Peak Resources California. $FCX PR link.

Abbott Labs(PBR134) to complete $25 billion cash/stock acquisition of cardiovasular medical devices developer St Jude Medical(PBR440) on 01/04/17. $ABT PR link.

Southern Co(PBR155) Power subsidiary to do joint development with Renewable Energy Systems Americas for 3,000 MW across 10 projects. $SO PR link.

Huntsman Corp(PBR244) completes sale of European surfactants business to Innospec(NASDAQ: IOSP) for $225 million. $HUN PR link.

SPX(PBR506) completes sale of European Power Generation business. $SPXC PR link.

Cabela’s(PBR606) and Bass Pro Shops receive request for additional info from FTC regarding $5.5 billion merger. $CAB PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago November Midwest Economic Index at -0.01, relative MEI +0.20. ChicagoFed PR link.

MNI December Chicago Business Barometer at 54.6, Nov was 57.6, Dec 2015 was 42.9. ISM/MNI PR link.

Thursday, December 29:

Sears Holdings(PBR93) announces secured standby Letter Of Credit facility for $200 million, can be expanded by $300 million. $SHLD PR link.

General Cable(PBR418) resolves ongoing SEC and DOJ investigations, agrees to $82.3 million in fines. $BGC PR link.

Welltower(PBR635) completes sale of 28 long-term/post-acute care facilities to Cindat/Union Life joint venture, retains 25% stake. $HCN PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US 3Q16 Net International Position at Assets $24.861 trillion, Liabilities $32.642 trillion, Deficit $7.781 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US 12/17/16 Total Insured Unemployment 4 Week Moving Average at 2.042 million, +0.9% from previous month, -7.6% previous year. USDOL PR link.

The US Energy Information Agency says 12/23/16 US Crude Oil Reserves at 486.1 million barrels, -0.4% from 11/25/16, +6.8% from 12/25/15. EIA PR link.

FreddieMac(PBR41) says US 30 Yr Fixed Mortgage Rate Average at 4.32%, 11/23/16 was 4.03%, 12/31/15 4.01%. $FMCC PR link.

Tech Trends: Intel(PBR51) experts share insights on tech trends for 2017 and beyond. $INTC PR link.

Consumer Electronics Show: The 5 tech trends that will dominate CES and 2017. MarketWatch PR link.

Wednesday, December 28:

McKesson(PBR6) completes $2.1 billion acquisition of Canada based 8,600 employees 470+ retail pharmacies Rexall Health from Katz Group; appoints Domenic Pilla as CEO McKesson Canada. $MCK PR link.

Sprint(PBR86) commits to create or bring back to the US 5,000 jobs. $S PR link.

Roper Technologies(PBR614) completes $2.8 billion cash acquisition of 22,000 clients global project management software/information solutions provider Deltek. $ROP PR link.

Southwest Gas(PBR867) to become a holding company on 01/01/17, keep SWX trading symbol. $SWX PR link.

PSEG(PBR257) Power unit president/CEO Bill Levis to retire 3Q17. $PEG PR link.

Personal Finance: Americans use debit cards twice as much as credit cards. MarketWatch PR link.

Real Estate: As home prices rise, house-flippers stage comeback. MarketWatch PR link.

Tuesday, December 27:

Amazon(PBR29) ships over 1 billion items for Prime and FulFillment subscribers during the 2016 holiday season. $AMZN PR link.

UPS(PBR47) forecasts 1.3 million packages back to retailers for 01/05/17, National Returns Day, 5.8 million during first full week of 01/17. $UPS PR link.

Qualcomm(PBR106) to appeal $865 million fine for unfair business practices from Korea Fair Trade Commission. $QCOM PR link.

Panasonic to invest $260M in a solar cell plant that will supply Tesla(PBR651 $TSLA). MarketWatch PR link.

Vornado(PBR738) announces final disposition of Skyline Properties recognizing $486 million gain. $VNO PR link.

Fred’s(PBR897) adopts shareholder rights plan, to close 40 underperforming stores in 1H2017. $FRED PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says US 5th District December Manufacturing Annualized Index at 8%, November was 4%, October -4%. RichmondFed PR link.

The Conference Board US December Consumer Confidence Index at 113.7, November was 109.4, December 2015 96.3(1985=100). TCB PR link.

The Case-Shiller US October Home Price Index at 185.06, September was 184.65, October 2015 175.23(01/2000=100). C-S PR link.

Passive investing, a winner in 2016, shows no sign of stopping. MarketWatch PR link.

Monday, December 26:

***US Stock Markets Closed.
***Christmas Holiday Observed.

Friday, December 23:

The PBRMarketTools Week Ending 12/23/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 19,933.91, +0.46% from last Friday, +4.24% MTD, +8.88% QTD, +14.40% YTD, -0.20% from record 19,974.62 on 12/20/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,462.69, +0.47% from last Friday, +2.61% MTD, +2.84% QTD, +9.09% YTD, -0.39% from record 5,483.94 on 12/20/16.
SPX ends week at 2,263.79, +0.25% from last Friday, +2.96% MTD, +4.41% QTD, +10.76% YTD, -0.35% from record 2,271.72 on 12/13/16.

Cardinal Health(PBR26) settles nationwide civil suit for $44 million with US Dept of Justice for 2012 administrative settlement with US DEA. $CAH PR link.

Halliburton(PBR90) settles for $100 million a class action suit filed in 2002 regarding longterm projects accounting & asbestos liability disclosures. $HAL PR link.

Biogen(PBR282) gets US FDA approval for SPINRAZA™ (nusinersen), first treatment for spinal muscular atrophy. $BIIB PR link.

Pinnacle West(PBR620) subsidiary APS contracts for 565 megawatts for 6 years starting 06/01/20 from Arlington Valley cycle power plant. $PNW PR link.

Caterpillar(PBR54) promotes Tom Pellette to group president/Energy & Transportation, Bob De Lange group president/Construction Industries, Billy Ainsworth to SVP & Strategic Advisor. $CAT PR link.

Caterpillar(PBR54) president/CEO Kent Adams of Caterpillar Financial Services Division to retire; VP Financial Services Division Mike DeWalt to retire, succeeded by Joe Creed; Zack Kauk promoted to VP/Excavation Division. $CAT PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US November New Houses Sold/For Sale Annual Rate at 592,000, +5.5% from October, +16.5 from November 2015. USDOC PR link.

University of Michigan says US December Final Consumer Sentiment Index at 98.2, November was 93.8, October 87.2. UMich PR link.

Thursday, December 22:

The PBR1000 November Snapshot 15
#101-105 By Market Capitalization Summary
(PBR Rankings are by Revenues):

101. Kinder Morgan(PBR184), $KMI, $49.6B
102. Ford Motor(PBR9), $F, $47.5B
103. Exress Scripts(PBR22), $ESRX, $46.8B
104. Dominion Resources(PBR226), $D, $45.9B
105. Aetna(PBR45), $AET, $45.9B

Total The PBR1000 Market Capitalization: $21.5 trillion

Range: $589.3B to $0.0B
Average: $21.5B
Median: $6.9B

Get the full Snapshot 15 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots with a 2 month or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Nokia expands patents legal fight with Apple(PBR5 $AAPL) to 9 countries. MarketWatch PR link.

Boeing(PBR27) delivers 500th 787 Dreamliner. $BA PR link.

Community Health System(PBR125) completes sale of ten medical office buildings across 5 states to HCP(PBR834 $HCP) for $163 million, doing leasebacks. $CYH PR link.

Southern Co(PBR155) subsidiary acquires two wind projects in Texas totaling 300 megawatts. $SO PR link.

Biogen(PBR282) gets SEC approval to spinoff Bioverativ(NASDAQ: BIVV), to be effective 02/01/17. $BIIB PR link.

Davita Healthcare(PBR302) HealthCare Partners Nevada unit to acquire 3,000 Nevada providers network WellHealth Quality Care. $DVA PR link.

KKR(PBR332 $KKR) seeks buyer for public utilities water venture. MarketWatch PR link.

Peabody Energy(PBR372) files plan of reorganization and disclosure statement to emerge from Chapter 11, hearing set for 01/26/17. $BTUUQ PR link.

Varian Medical(PBR678) to acquire PerkinElmer(PBR839 $PKI)’s Medical Imaging business for $276 million, will be included in spinoff Varex Imaging. $VAR PR link.

Reinsurance Group of America(PBR256) to promote president Anna Manning to CEO on 01/01/17, succeeds retiring Greig Woodring. $RGA PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce revises US 3Q16 GDP Annual Rate from 3.2% to 3.5%, $18.675 trillion, +1.2% from 2Q16, +2.9% from 3Q15. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US November Total Personal Income Annual Rate at $16.234 trillion, +0.01% from October, +3.50% from November 2015. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago estimates US November National Activity Index at -0.27, October was -0.05, September -0.11. ChicagoFed PR link.

The Conference Board US Preliminary November Leading Economic Index at 124.6(2010=100), Coincident 114.6, Lagging 123.2. TCB PR link.

Wednesday, December 21:

Coca-Cola(PBR63) to acquire Anheuser-Busch InBev(NYSE: BUD)‘s 54.5% equity stake in Coca-Cola Beverages Africa for $3.15 billion. $KO PR link.

Delta Air Lines(PBR72) & Aeromexico get US Dept of Transportation approval to establish largest transboarder alliance between US & Mexico. $DAL PR link.

Goldman Sachs(PBR76 $GS) gets fined $120 million by CFTC for manipulating interest rate products 2007-2012. MarketWatch PR link.

Stanley Black & Decker(PBR249) to sell majority Of Its Mechanical Security businesses to dormakaba For $725 million cash. $SWK PR link.

FMC Technologies(PBR334) & France based Technip(EUROnext: TEC) $13 billion merger to close 01/16/17. $FTI PR link.

Bristol-Myers Squibb(PBR185) elects Giovanni Caforio, MD, chairman, effective 05/02/16, succeeds retiring Lamberto Andreotti. $BMY PR link.

BB&T(PBR277) COO Chris Henson now also president. $BBT PR link.

Caesars Entertainment(PBR314) interim chief marketing officer Ruben Sigala now officially CMO. $CZR PR link.

Hershey(PBR354) EVP/COO Michele Buck to become president/CEO on 03/01/17, succeeds retiring John Bilbrey who will remain non-executive chairman. $HSY PR link.

Twitter(PBR786 $TWTR) is teetering after two more executive departures. MarketWatch PR link.

Allison Transmission(PBR865) chairman/CEO Lawrence Dewey to retire in 05/18. $ALSN PR link.

Red Hat(PBR936) CFO Frank Calderoni leaving in 01/17, VP Finance Eric Shander is acting CFO. $RHT PR link.

Natl Assn of Realtors says US November Existing Home Median Price at $234,900, +1.2% from October, +6.8% from November 2015. NAR PR link.

Bitcoin surpasses $800 for the first time in 3 years. MarketWatch PR link.

Executive Management: The Rising Risk of Being CFO. CFO Magazine PR link.

Tuesday, December 20:

Bank of America(PBR24) to sell UK consumer credit card $10 billion portfolio business MBNA Ltd to Lloyds Banking Group for $2.4 billion. $BAC PR link.

Amazon(PBR29) to expand again in Illinois with two more fulfillment centers and 1,000 full-time jobs. $AMZN PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR36) and Rite Aid(PBR105 $RAD) reach agreement to sell 865 Rite Aid Stores to Fred’s(PBR897 $FRED) Pharmacy for $950 million cash. $WBA PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR131) to sell second Haynesville shale acreage position for $465 million. $CHK PR link.

Allergan(PBR219) to acquire Acelity L.P. Inc.’s regenerative medicine company LifeCell Corporation for $2.9 billion. $AGN PR link.

Praxair(PBR233) & Germany based Linde AG(Xetra: LIN) to merge as $30 billion/year Linde in 50/50 stock ownership deal. $PX PR link.

Biogen(PBR282) completes Bioverativ(NASDAQ: BIVV) spinoff, declares special dividend distribution of Bioverativ stock. $BIIB PR link.

Ingredion(PBR415) to acquire TIC Gums for $400 million cash; expands customer base, specialty portfolio & texture expertise. $INGR PR link.

Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) acquires Metairie, LA, employee benefits insurance provider Group Insurance Associates. $AJG PR link.

Boyd Gaming(PBR727) completes $230 million cash acquisition Of Las Vegas assets Of Cannery Casino Resorts. $BYD PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR728 $AMC) required to divest movie theatres, reduce NCM ownership and complete screen transfers in order to complete $1.2 billion acquisition of Carmike Cinemas(NASDAQ: $CKEC) per US Dept of Justice. USDOJ PR link.

ABM Industries(PBR478) EVP/General Counsel & Corporate Secretary Sarah Hlavinka McConnell is leaving mid 01/17. $ABM PR link.

Hasbro(PBR549) Chairman, President/CEO Brian Goldner gets contract extension through 2020. $HAS PR link.

Endo Intl(PBR700) interim CFO Blaise Coleman is now officially CFO. $ENDP PR link.

Twitter(PBR786 $TWTR) chief technology officer Adam Messinger to leave the company. MarketWatch PR link.

ResMed(PBR977) hires Carlos Nunez, MD, as Chief Medical Officer. $RMD PR link.

Monday, December 19:

Icahn Enterprises(PBR147) to sell American Railcar Leasing unit to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp subsidiary for $3.36 billion cash. $IEP PR link.

Estée Lauder(PBR255) completes $1.45 billion acquisition of prestige makeup millennials emphasis brand Too Faced. $EL PR link.

The Mosaic Co(PBR300) to acquire Brazil based Vale Fertilizantes for $2.5 billion. $MOS PR link.

LKQ(PBR376) to sell OEM glass manufacturing business to Mexico based Vitro SAB for $310 million. $LKQ PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR377) completes $784.5 million sale of Canadian wine business to Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. $STZ PR link.

Adobe Systems(PBR557) completes $14/share, $540 million acquisition of video advertising platform developer TubeMogul(NASDAQ: TUBE). $ADBE PR link.

Legg Mason(PBR709) to get at least $500 million investment from Shandra Group, will have 15% stake, provide 2 directors. $LM PR link.

Macy’s(PBR97) hires Cheryl Heinonen as EVP/Corporate Communications, effective 01/09/17. $M PR link.

Staples(PBR122) promotes Faisal Masud to Chief Technology Officer. $SPLS PR link.

Biogen(PBR282) promotes EVP/Chief Commercial Officer Michel Vounatsos to CEO effective 01/06/17, succeeds George Scangos, PhD, who is stepping down. $BIO PR link.

Lands’ End(PBR976) hires Jerome Griffith as CEO starting 03/06/17. $LE PR link.

Friday, December 16:

The PBRMarketTools Week Ending 12/16/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 19,843.41, +0.44% from last Friday, +3.76% MTD, +8.39% QTD, +13.88% YTD, -0.34% from record 19,911.21 on 12/13/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,437.16, -0.13% from last Friday, +2.13% MTD, +2.36% QTD, +8.58% YTD, -0.49% from record 5,463.83 on 12/13/16.
SPX ends week at 2,258.07, -0.06% from last Friday, +2.70% MTD, +4.14% QTD, +10.48% YTD, -0.60% from record 2,271.72 on 12/13/16.

Express Scripts(PBR22) authorizes an additional 65 million shares for share repurchase program, balance is 330 million shares. $ESRX PR link.

Pfizer(PBR56) gets FDA approval for removal of boxed warning regarding serious neuropsychiatric events from CHANTIX® (varenicline) smoking cessation treatment labeling. $PFE PR link.

Cummins(PBR146) authorizes new up to $1 billion share repurchase program, takes effect after completion of 2015 $1 billion plan. $CMI PR link.

Omnicom(PBR192) confirms 2 subsidiaries received subpoenas from the US Dept of Justice Antitrust Division concerning investigation of advertising industry video production/post-production practices. $OMC PR link.

Arthur J. Gallagher(PBR515) expands affinity business, acquires errors & omissions insurance provider National Ethics Association. $AJG PR link.

Liberty Media(PBR534) gets antitrust regulators approval for $8 billion acquisition of Formula 1, special stockholders meeting set for 01/17/17. $LMCA PR link.

Chipotle(PBR561) elects 4 new board members to help re-establish fast food industry leadership. $CMG PR link.

Mylan(PBR346) launches first generic EpiPen Auto-Injector, wholesales at $300/2 pack. $MYL PR link.

Beacon Roofing(PBR818) acquires BJ Supply of Bristol, Pa. $BECN PR link.

Clearwater Paper(PBR898) acquires 170 employees 5 manufacturing plants Manchester Industries for $68.25 million. $CLW PR link.

Restoration Hardware(PBR915) changing name to RH starting 01/01/17. $RH PR link.

Scientific Games(PBR937) gets 6-10 yr contract with Kansas Lottery. $SGMS PR link.

Viacom(PBR224) annual meeting proxy statement says Chairman Emeritus Sumner Redstone to attend board meetings, but have no vote, starting in 02/17. $VIA PR link.

The US Dept of HUD estimates US November Housing Permits Annual Rate at 1,201,000, -4.7% from October, -6.6% from November 2015 HUD PR link.

Japan surpasses China as the U.S.’s largest creditor. MarketWatch PR link.

Thursday, December 15:

Comcast(PBR42 $CMCSA)’s NBC bets viewers will watch Olympics year-round. MarketWatch PR link.

Merck(PBR70) subsidiary Idenix Pharmaceutical awarded $2.54 billion from Gilead Sciences(PBR107 $GILD) for infringement of a Hepatitis C drug patent. $MRK PR link.

21st Century Fox(PBR91) to acquire European entertainment 30,000 employee Sky plc for $14.8 billion cash. $FOX PR link.

3M(PBR92) expands parental leave benefits to 10 paid weeks for moms and dads. $MMM PR link.

Freeport-McMoRan(PBR128) completes $2.0 billion sale of Deepwater Gulf of Mexico properties to Anadarko Petroleum(PBR154 $APC). $FCX PR link.

Nucor(PBR130) to purchase Republic Conduit for $335 million. $NUE PR link.

Core-Mark(PBR271) gets 3 year 5 western states snacks/candies supply deal for 530 Walmart(PBR1 $WMT) stores. $CORE PR link.

Spectra Energy(PBR422) shareholders approve $28 billion merger into Enbridge(NYSE ENB), to close in 1Q17. $SE PR link.

GNC(PBR743) to close stores 12/28/16, re-open 12/29/16 with launch of One New GNC unified format. $GNC PR link.

Armstrong World(PBR772) to acquire accoustical ceiling, wall & structural solutions manufacturer Ohio-based Tectum, terms not disclosed. $AWI PR link.

McCormick(PBR552) completes $127 million acquisition of Italian $56 million/yr flavor manufacturer Enrico Giotti SpA. $MKC PR link.

DeVry Education(PBR905) settles litigation with FTC, to pay $49.4 million, to forgive $50.6 million of student loans. $DV PR link.

Weight Watchers(PBR988) new Apple(PBR5 $AAPL) Watch Series 2 subscription plan provides members plan information and notifications. $WTW PR link.

Franklin Resources(PBR315) co-president Vijay Advani leaving, Jennifer Johnson to continue as president. $BEN PR link.

Priceline(PBR319) promotes EVP Glenn Fogel to CEO, effective 01/01/17; interim CEO Jeff Boyd to become executive chairman. $PCLN PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the US November Consumer Price Index at +0.2%, annual rate +1.7%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US November Average Earnings/Week at $890.62, -0.1% from Oct, +2.2% from Nov 2015. USDOL PR link.

The NY Federal Reserve Bank says the December General Business Conditions Index at 9.0, November was 1.5, October -6.8. NYFed PR link.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank says the December Manufacturing General Activity Index at 21.5, November was 7.6, October 9.7. PhillyFed PR link.

The Natl Assn of Homebuilders estimates US December Housing Market Index at 70, November was 63, October 63. NAHB PR link.

Wednesday, December 14:

The PBR1000 November Snapshot 13
Top 5 Stock Price Gainers since 12/31/14 Summary:

1. NVIDEA(PBR452), $NVDA, +360%
2. AMD(PBR533), $AMD, +234%
3. Skywest(PBR633), $SKYW, +177%
4. Amazon(PBR20), $AMZN, +142%
5. Netflix(PBR351), $NFLX, +140%

Range: +360% to -90%
Companies >+0%: 555/1,000
Average: +5.2%
Median: +4.1%

Get the full Snapshot 13 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots with a 2 month or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

GE(PBR9 $GE) to sell Industrial Solutions & GE Water businesses to raise $4 billion. MarketWatch PR link.

Amazon(PBR29) Prime Video service now available in over 200 countries/territories. $AMZN PR link.

Dupont(PBR82) to sell global food safety diagnostics business to Hygiena, terms not disclosed. $DD PR link.

Arrow Electronics(PBR120) authorizes additional $400 million share repurchase program. $ARW PR link.

KKR(PBR332) to sell advanced oral dosage delivery developer Capsugel to pharma/biotech Swiss based firm Lonza for $5.5 billion. $KKR PR link.

Alaska Air(PBR454) completes $4.0 billion cash acquisition of Virgin America, now 5th largest US airline. $ALK PR link.

Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) acquires Phoenix, AZ, based employee benefits/human resources consulting firm MW Bagnall Co. $AJG PR link.

Yahoo!(PBR519) releases statement regarding 1 billion user data security breach in 2013. $YHOO PR link.

Liberty Media(PBR534) announces agreements with 3rd party investors to invest $1.55 billion to support Formula 1 acquisition. $LMCA PR link.

Hologic(PBR767) to divest blood screening business to partner Grifols for $1.85 billion. $HOLX PR link.

Albemarle(PBR792) completes $3.2 billion sale of Chemetall Surface Treatment business. $ALB PR link.

ExxonMobil(PBR2) chairman/CEO Rex Tillerson to retire 12/31/16, president Darren Woods is successor. $XOM PR link.

Host Hotels(PBR455) president/CEO W Edward Walter to retire 12/31/16, EVP James Risoleo to be successor. $HST PR link.

Cliffs Natural Resources(PBR518) appoints Kelly Tompkins as EVP/COO, Tim Flanagan EVP/CFO, treasurer, and chief accounting officer. $CLF PR link.

Pitney Bowes(PBR588) hires Stan Sutula III as EVP/CFO, succeeds Mike Monahan who remains COO. $PBI PR link.

Lincoln Electric(PBR710) EVP/General Counsel Fred Steuber to retire in 04/17, Jennifer Ansbury to be successor. $LECO PR link.

A. Schulman(PBR791) hires Gary Phillips as Chief Commercial Officer. $SHLM PR link.

SemGroup(PBR866) chairman John Chlebowski to retire 12/31/16, director Thomas McDaniel elected chairman starting 01/01/17. $SEMG PR link.

Pier 1 Imports(PBR916) president/CEO Alex Smith leaving effective 12/31/16, chairman Terry Loudon adds interim president/CEO role. $PIR PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Board releases FOMC statement, raising federal funds rate 0.25% to 0.50%-0.75%. FRB PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US November Producer Price Index at +0.4%, October was +0.0%, last 12 months(Unadjusted) +1.3%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US October MTIS Total Sales at $1.327 trillion, +0.8% from September, +0.8% from October 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US November Total Retail Sales at $465.5 billion, +0.1% from October, +3.7% from November 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Board estimates US November Industrial Production Total Index(2012=100) was 103.9, October 104.3, November 2015 104.5. FRB PR link.

Prime Lending Rate: As a result of the Federal Reserve Board raising the Federal Funds Interest Rate to 0.50-0.75%, many banks raise their Prime Lending Rate from 3.50% to 3.75%.

Tuesday, December 13:

IBM(PBR25 $IBM) to hire 25,000 over 4 years in ‘new collar’ jobs says CEO Ginni Rometty in USA Today opinion piece. USAToday PR link.

Johnson & Johnson(PBR37) announces it has ended discussions with Actelion Pharmaceuticals. $JNJ PR link.

Alphabet(PBR44) is spinning out its driverless car company into new unit called Waymo. $GOOG PR link.

Monsanto(PBR187) shareholders approve $128/share, $66 billion cash acquisition by Germany’s Bayer AG, to close by end of 2017. $MON PR link.

Wynn Resorts(PBR427) to get $472 million and have 50.1% ownership in joint venture with Crown Acquisitions to develop & operate retail offerings at Wynn Las Vegas. $WYNN PR link.

JetBlue(PBR429) increases share buyback plan to $500 million, expires 12/31/19. $JBLU PR link.

Intuitive Surgical(PBR863) increases share repurchase program to up to $3.0 billion. $ISRG PR link.

SeaWorld(PBR1013) announces partnership with real estate developer Miral to develop SeaWorld Abu Dhabi by 2022. $SEAS PR link.

Facebook(PBR228) shakes up virtual-reality efforts with Oculus CEO stepping down. MarketWatch PR link.

Hertz(PBR259) hires Kathy Marinello as president/CEO starting 01/03/17, succeeds retiring John Tague. $HTZ PR link.

KBR(PBR395) hires Mark Sopp as CFO, effective in 1Q17, succeeds retiring Brian Ferraioli. $KBR PR link.

Barnes & Noble(PBR408) relieves Jaime Carey from president, development & restaurant responsibilities, has resigned. $BKS PR link.

CIT Group(PBR608) hires Gina Proia as EVP/Chief Marketing Officer & Communications Officer. $CIT PR link.

TimeInc(PBR631) Chief Revenue Officer Mark Ford to step down, assume new role of EVP/Senior Strategic Sales Advisor starting 01/09/17, Brad Elders is successor; president/COO, Sales & Marketing Mark Ellis, to leave effective 03/01/17. $TIME PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR643) hires Jack Calandra as CFO starting 01/03/17. $TLRD PR link.

Kennametal(PBR706) promotes Michelle R. Keating to VP, Secretary & General Counsel. $KMT PR link.

Domino’s Pizza(PBR889) hires Kevin Morris as EVP/General Counsel. $DPZ PR link.

Minerals Tech(PBR949) elects Doug Dietrich as CEO. $MTX PR link.

Och-Ziff Capital(PBR978) hires Alesia Haas as CFO, succeeds retiring Joel Frank; David Levine hired as Chief Legal Officer, succeeds retiring David Becker. $OZM PR link.

Red Robin(PBR1046) hires Guy Constant as EVP/CFO. $RRGB PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US November Import Prices Year-over-Year were -0.1%, Export Prices -0.3%. USDOL PR link.

Manpower(PBR132) releases US 1Q2017 Employment Outlook survey, 19% to increase staff, 73% no change. $MAN PR link.

CoreLogic says US October Foreclosure Housing Inventory at 328,000, -31.5% from Oct 2015, 0.8% of all US mortgaged homes. CoreLogic PR link.

Monday, December 12:

Boeing(PBR27) gets 80 airplanes, $16 billion order from Iran Air, will support nearly 100,000 US jobs. $BA PR link.

Dover(PBR343) completes $780 million cash acquisition of Austin, TX, based global provider of fuel dispensing, payment, systems and aftermarket services for retail and commercial fuel stations Wayne Fueling Systems. $DOV PR link.

Quest Diagnostics(PBR353) announces partial data security breach of 34,000 individual records. $DGX PR link.

Newell Brands(PBR434) to acquire New Zealand based food storage containers provider Sistema Plastics for $470 million; to acquire home fragrances provider Smith Mountain Industries, brand name WoodWick Candle, for $100 million. $NWL PR link.

Patterson-UTI Energy(PBR654) to acquire Seventy Seven Energy in mostly stock deal valued at $1.76 billion. $PTEN PR link.

SunPower(PBR680) sells majority interest in 2 Kern County, CA, solar projects, 67.4 MW each, will operate & maintain facilities. $SPWR PR link.

Scotts Miracle-Gro(PBR705) acquires smart water controllers maker Blossom & soil sensors/smart water valve systems provider PlantLink, terms not disclosed. $SMG PR link.

Viacom(PBR224) interim CEO Bob Bakish now president/CEO; terminates exploring merger with CBS(PBR210). $VIA PR link.

Ball Corp(PBR312) promotes Daniel Fisher to corporate SVP & COO/global beverage packaging, succeeds leaving Erik Bouts. $BLL PR link.

Chipotle(PBR561) founder/chairman now also sole CEO, Monty Moran has stepped down as co-CEO & member of the board. $CMG PR link.

Alexion Pharmaceuticals(PBR840) CEO David Hallal resigns, board member David Brennan appointed interim CEO; David Anderson hired as CFO. $ALXN PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says 2 Month YTD(Nov) Receipts at $421.6 billion, Outlays $602.4 billion, Deficit $180.8 billion. 2015 Deficit was $201.1 billion Treasury PR link.

Friday, December 9:

The PBRMarketTools Week Ending 12/09/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 19,756.85, +3.06% from last Friday, +3.31% MTD, +7.91% QTD, +13.38% YTD, -0.00% from record 19,756.85 on 12/09/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,444.50, +3.59% from last Friday, +2.27% MTD, +2.49% QTD, +8.73% YTD, -0.00% from record 5,444.50 on 12/09/16.
SPX ends week at 2,259.53, +3.08% from last Friday, +2.76% MTD, +4.21% QTD, +10.55% YTD, -0.00% from record 2,259.53 on 12/09/16.

Apollo Education(PBR681 $APOL) $1.14 billion acquisition by investor group lead by Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906 $APO) dependent on posting $385 million letter of credit per US Dept of Education. MarketWatch PR link.

HB Fuller(PBR870) to eliminate/relocate 220 positions globally in accelerated restructuring program. $FUL PR link.

Ferro Corp(PBR1054) completes $54 million acquisition of Belgium based Cappelle Pigments. $FOE PR link.

Coca-Cola(PBR63) president/COO James Quincey to succeed Muhtar Kent as CEO on 05/01/17, Kent to continue as chairman. $KO PR link.

Ascena Retail(PBR499) president/CEO David Jaffe now also chairman. $ASNA PR link.

CME Group(PBR664) promotes Julie Winkler to chief commercial officer, Kim Taylor to president-Clearing/Post-Trade Services. $CME PR link.

Panera Bread(PBR768) promotes Blaine Hurst to president, succeeds Drew Madsen who has resigned. $PNRA PR link.

Titan Intl(PBR910) president Paul Reitz to add CEO role on 01/01/17. $TWI PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US October Wholesale Sales at $452.2 billion, +1.4% from September, +2.2% from October 2015. USDOC PR link.

The University of Michigan preliminary survey says US December Consumer Sentiment Index at 98.0, November was 93.8, December 2015 92.6. UMich PR link.

Thursday, December 8:

The PBR1000 November Snapshot 12
Top 5 Stock Price Gainers YTD Summary:

1. Cliffs Natural Resources(PBR832), $CLF, +458%
2. AK Steel(PBR354), $AKS, +308%
3. US Steel(PBR227), $X, +305%
4. Navistar(PBR264), $NAV, +248%
5. SunCoke Energy(PBR950), $SXC, +229%

Range: +458% to -80%
Companies >+0%: 715/1,000
Average: +11.0%
Median: +12.2%

Get the full Snapshot 12 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots with a 2 month or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Ford(PBR10) tops automotive industry for patents granted in 2016 with 3,200, 1,500 to employees YTD. $F PR link.

3M(PBR92) to sell 450 employees $215 million/yr identity management business to global digital security company Gemalto for $850 million. $MMM PR link.

LinkedIn(PBR843) $26.2 billion acquisition by Microsoft(PBR31) is completed per Jeff Weiner blog post. $LNKD PR link.

MDC Holdings(PBR952)’s Richmond American opens seven new communities In Denver-metro area. $MDC PR link.

UNUM(PBR261) non-executive chairman Thomas Watjen to not run for re-election at 05/17 annual meeting, lead independent director Kevin Kabat to be recommended to shareholders. $UNM PR link.

Great Plains Energy(PBR757) announces leadership team when acquisition of Westar Energy(PBR747 $WR) is completed in spring 2017. $GXP PR link.

KB Home(PBR802) promotes Chris Apostolopoulos to Regional President of Its California operations. $KBH PR link.

Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906) hires Gary Parr as senior managing director & co-chairman of the Management Operating Committee. $APO PR link.

Titan Intl(PBR910) interim CFO James Froisland transitions to CFO. $TWI PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says US 3Q16 Households Networth at $90.196 trillion, +1.3% from 2Q16, +6.0% from 3Q15. FRB PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US September Average Employee Cost/Hr was $23.42 wages/salaries, $10.73 benefits, total $34.15, +2.4% from September 2015. USDOL PR link.

Wednesday, December 7:

Comcast(PBR42) is Official Partner of US Olympic Committee through 2020; NBCUniversal unit has broadcast rights through 2032. $CMCSA PR link.

Staples(PBR122) to keep 15% equity in $1.9 billion/yr European business in sale to Cerberus Capital Management. $SPLS PR link.

Abbott Labs(PBR134) seeks to terminate $56/share, $5.8 billion deal to acquire global point of care diagnostics provider Alere(PBR752 $ALR). $ABT PR link.

Starbucks(PBR178) announces 5 year plan, to open 12,000 more stores globally by 2021, will have 37,000 stores total. $SBUX PR link.

Corning(PBR281) authorizes new $4.0 billion share repurchase program. $GLW PR link.

Royal Caribbean(PBR329) gets Cuban government approval for cruises to Cuba, to announce Florida-Cuba cruises soon. $RCL PR link.

FIS(PBR394) to sell SunGard Public Sector and Education businesses to Vista Equity Partners for $850 million. $FIS PR link.

Alaska Air(PBR454) settles consumer lawsuit, to close $4.0 billion cash acquisition of Virgin America soon. $ALK PR link.

Triumph Group(PBR578) selling Triumph Air Repair-Asia & Triumph Engines units, combined revenues of $81 million/yr, to The Gores Group. $TGI PR link.

Varian Medical(PBR678) spinoff of independent public company Varex Imaging to be completed by 01/31/17, includes $200 million cash transfer to Varian. $VAR PR link.

SunPower(PBR680) announces restructuring program, to lay off 25%(2,500) of global workforce. $SPWR PR link.

Curtiss-Wright(PBR837) expands share repurchase program to $200 million. $CW PR link.

Fitbit(PBR870) has acquired key smartwatch developer Pebbles personnel & intellectual property related to software/firmware, excludes hardware. $FIT PR link.

Domino’s Pizza(PBR889) opens first store in Sweden in Malmo, delivery/dine-in. $DPZ PR link.

Nu Skin(PBR756) president/CEO Truman Hunt to leave mid-2017 for leadership position in Mormon church; CFO Ritch Wood to be CEO, Ryan Napierski president. $NUS PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US October Job Openings at 5.534 million, -1.7% from September, +2.1% from October 2015. USDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Board estimates US October Consumer Credit at $3.727 trillion, +0.4% from September, +5.4% YTD, +6.1% from October 2015. FRB PR link.

Tuesday, December 6:

Phillips 66(PBR7) sets world record 11.84% for organic solar cell efficiency, for future thin film lightweight low cost manufacturing applications. $PSX PR link.

Ingram Micro(PBR62) $38.90/share, $6.0 billion acquisition by China based Tianjin Tianhai is completed. $IM PR link.

Nucor(PBR130) to acquire Southland Tube for $130 million. $NUE PR link.

Micron Technology(PBR180) completes $4.0 billion acquisition of Inotera Memories of Taiwan. $MU PR link.

KKR(PBR332) to acquire 100% equity in UK’s gas & electric smartmeters provider Calvin Capital, has contracts for 8+ million smartmeters. $KKR PR link.

Genesco(PBR702) selling its SureGrip Footwear subsidiary to Shoes for Crews, terms not disclosed. $GCO PR link.

Equinix(PBR793) to acquire 24 Verizon(PBR15 $VZ) data centers in North/South America for $3.6 billion cash. $EQIX PR link.

MasterCard(PBR291) authorizes new $4.0 billion share repurchase program, to start upon completion of current $4.0 billion program. $MA PR link.

Alaska Air(PBR454) gets Justice Department approval for $4.0 billion acquisition of Virgin America. $ALK PR link.

Roper Technologies(PBR614) to acquire 22,000 clients global project management software/information solutions provider Deltek for $2.8 billion cash. $ROP PR link.

Kroger(PBR20) group VP/Chief Digital Officer Kevin Dougherty retiring on 01/27/17, Yael Cosset hired as successor. $KR PR link.

Avnet(PBR100) hires Kevin Summers as chief information officer. $AVT PR link.

American Electric Power(PBR174) announces organizational and several executive leadership changes to be effective 01/01/17. $AEP PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US October Exports YTD at $1.836 trillion, Imports $2.245 trillion, Deficit $409 billion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US October Manufacturing New Orders at $469.5 billion, +2.8% from September, +1.3% from October 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US 3Q16 Labor Productivity was +3.5% annual rate from 2Q16, 2Q16 was -0.4%, 3Q15 +2.3%. USDOL PR link.

PurdueU/CME US Nov Ag Barometer Composite Index at 116, October was 92, November 2015 97. PurdueU PR link.

Monday, December 5:

Chesapeake Energy(PBR131) to sell first of two Haynesville shale acreage positions for $450 million; $2 billion in divestitures in 2016. $CHK PR link.

Energy Transfer Partners & Sunoco Logistics(PBR158 $SON) respond to US Army’s Dakota Access Pipeline decision to not allow easement. $ETP PR link.

General Mills(PBR162) to reorganize into 4 global business groups, leadership announced, starts 01/01/17. $GIS PR link.

SuperValu(PBR164) completes $1.365 billion sale of Save-A-Lot business to Canada’s Onex Corp(TSX: OCX). $SVU PR link.

Centene(PBR177) Health-Net members get access to Tenet Healthcare(PBR161) services in 18 states in 3 year deal. $THC PR link.

Hilton Worldwide(PBR262) to spin-off of Park Hotels & Resorts and Hilton Grand Vacations as independent public companies; 1:3 reverse stock split scheduled for 01/03/17. $HLT PR link.

Caesars Entertainment(PBR314), Caesars Entertainment Operating Co get 90% approval vote by creditors, confirmation hearing scheduled for 01/17/17. $CZR PR link.

FMC Technologies(PBR334) & France based Technip(EUROnext: TEC) shareholders approve $13 billion merger, to close early 2017. $FTI PR link.

Under Armour(PBR668) gets its first professional league uniform deal with exclusive 10 year partnership with Fanatics & Major League Baseball, starts in 2020. $UA PR link.

WABCO(PBR704) authorizes new $600 million share buyback program. $WBC PR link.

Vornado(PBR Realty Trust(PBR738) completes $400 million refinancing of 350 Park Avenue realizing $111 million of net proceeds. $VNO PR link.

Domino’s Pizza(PBR889) 59 Phoenix area stores to hire 300 new team members. $DPZ PR link.

Viacom(PBR212) promotes Tom Gorke to EVP/Content Distribution, succeeds leaving Denise Denson. $VIA PR link.

LPL Financial(PBR543) president Dan Arnold to also be CEO upon retirement of Mark Casady on 01/03/17. $LPLA PR link.

Fortune Brands(PBR569) hires Tracey Belcourt as SVP/Global Growth & Development. $FBHS PR link.

ISM US November Non-Manufacturing Index at 57.2%, October was 54.8%, September 57.1%. ISM PR link.

Markit US November Final Composite PMI Output Index at 54.9, October was 54.9, September 52.3. Markit PR link.

Wearables Market: IDC says fitness trackers in the lead as wearables market grows 3.1% to 23 million shipped units in 3Q2016, Fitbit(PBR870 $FIT) leads with 5.3 million. IDC PR link.

Friday, December 2:

The PBRMarketTools Week Ending 12/02/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 19,170.42, +0.10% from last Friday, +0.24% MTD, +4.71% QTD, +10.02% YTD, -0.11% from record 19,191.93 on 12/01/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,255.65, -2.65% from last Friday, -1.28% MTD, -1.06% QTD, +4.96% YTD, -2.65% from record 5,398.92 on 11/25/16.
SPX ends week at 2,191.95, -0.97% from last Friday, -0.31% MTD, +1.09% QTD, +7.24% YTD, -0.97% from record 2,213.35 on 11/25/16.

Allergan(PBR219)‘s ulcerative colitis therapy DELZICOL® (mesalamine) patent to expire 04/13/20 per settlement agreement. $AGN PR link.

Teleflex(PBR923) to acquire medical devices developer Vascular Solutions(NASDAQ: VASC) for 56.00/share, $1 billion cash. $TFX PR link.

Delta Air Lines(PBR72) announces Ned Walker returning as Chief Communications Officer, succeeds leaving Kevin Shinkle. $DALPR link.

Xerox(PBR144) hires Bill Osborne as CFO starting 12/05/16 after spinoff of Conduent, succeeds retiring Leslie Varon. $XRX PR link.

Stanley Black & Decker(PBR249) appoints lead independent director George Buckley board chairman starting 01/01/17, succeeds retiring John Lundgren. $SWK PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US November Number People Employed at 152.085 million, +160,000 from October, +2.641 million from November 2015. USDOL PR link.

Thursday, December 1:

The PBR1000 November Snapshot 11
Top 5 Stock Price Gainers Summary:

1. FreddieMac(PBR43), $FMCC, +175%
2. FannieMae(PBR18), $FNMA, +164%
3. AK Steel(PBR354), $AKS, +76%
4. US Steel(PBR227), $X, +67%
5. Cliffs Natural Resources(PBR832), $CLF, +60%

Range: +175% to -41%
Companies >+0%: 764/1,000
Average: +6.45%
Median: +7.42%

Get the full Snapshot 11 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots with a 2 month or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Penske Automotive(PBR170) to acquire 5 locations $350 million/year Pennsylvania based used vehicles retailer CarSense. $PAG PR link.

Parker-Hannifin(PBR218) to acquire filtration company CLARCOR(PBR983 $CLC) for $83.00/share, $4.3 billion cash, includes debt. $PH PR link.

PVH(PBR328) forms joint venture with Grupo Axo for additional brands distribution in Mexico. $PVH PR link.

Calpine Corp(PBR330) completes $900 million acquisition of largest US independent power suppier to commercial/industrial retail customers Noble Americas Energy Solutions. $CPN PR link.

Weyerhauser(PBR355) completes $2.2 billion cash sale of Cellulose Fibers pulp mills to International Paper(PBR117 $IP). $WY PR link.

Celanese(PBR369) completes acquisition of Italy based 550 employees independent global thermoplastics compounder S.O.F.TER Group. $CE PR link.

CA Technologies(PBR550) to acquire Austria based 600 employees business automation software provider Automic for around $640 million. $CA PR link.

Danaher(PBR137) promotes Rainer Blair to EVP/Life Sciences, starts 01/01/17. $DHR PR link.

Progressive Corp(PBR145) promotes Lori Niederst to Chief Human Resources Officer, succeeds retiring Valerie Krasowski. $PGR PR link.

Starbucks(PBR178) chairman/CEO Howard Schultz to become executive chairman on 04/03/17, president/COO Kevin Johnson to be president/CEO. $SBUX PR link.

Texas Instruments(PBR220) promotes Rafael Lizardi to CFO starting 02/01/17, succeeds retiring Kevin March. $TXN PR link.

Avon Products(PBR303) hires Jamie Wilson as EVP/CFO starting 01/01/17, COO/CFO James Scully to remain COO. $AVP PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US October Total Construction Spending Annual Rate at $1.173 trillion, +0.5% from September, +4.4% from October 2015. USDOC PR link.

The November Manufacturing ISM Report on Business PMI Index at 53.2%, October was 51.9%, September 51.5%. ISM PR link.

The November Markit US Manufacturing PMI at 54.1, October was 53.4, September 51.5. Markit PR link.

TrueCar says November New Auto Average Transaction Price at $32,667, -1.9% from November 2015. TrueCar PR link.

Automotive News says US November New Auto Sales Units at 1,378,635, +3.6% from November 2015, Annual Rate at 17.83M. Automotive News PR link.

(The PBR1000 is the premiere business intelligence service covering over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administration headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to The PBR1000 subscribers. Users worldwide include C-level executives, entrepreneurs,  sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisors, business professors/students, human resources/career counselors/job seekers, federal/state/local government agencies, social causes organizations, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just go to the Subscribe page.)

(Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles,

Copyright © 2017 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, Tucson, AZ, USA, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 November 2016 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

November 2016: The Surprise Trump Bump

ID-100106700 Christmas Stock Market-imagerymajestic

The Trump Bump has been a nice Christmas gift for stock investors.

By Larry C. Paxton

The first part of November continued the downward trend of the last week of October for the US stock exchanges. The US presidential race was taking its toll on the public and investors with two very unpopular candidates leading the charge by lobbing huge questionable accusations at each other and making seemingly impossible promises. 

As if in a sigh of relief that it was about to be over all 3 major US stock exchanges recorded a 2+% gain the day before the election. The day of the election there was a .4-.5% gain. As polls closed and results tallied the improbable path to victory for Donald J Trump became a reality, and we now have elected our 45th US President. The next day there was another upward spike of over 1%, then mostly positive and record days during the rest of the month.

Here are some November summaries on the US stock exchanges:

Number of Trading Days: 21

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 14+, 7-; NASDAQ 15+, 6-; SPX 11+, 10-.

Record Days: DJIA 8, NASDAQ 3, SPX 4

Gain Streaks: DJIA 7, NASDAQ 3, SPX 4

Loss Streaks: DJIA 7(includes 3 days from October), NASDAQ 9(includes 5 from October), SPX 9(includes 5 from October)

Big Swing Up Days: 11/07/16(day before election), 11/09/16(day after election)

Big Swing Down Days: Streak of 7-9 down days in late October/early November before the election, 11/28/16(Monday after Thanksgiving Weekend with Black Friday shopping day)

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 November Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on November 30th, Month % Chg is compared to October 31st, YTD % Chg is compared to December 31, 2015, and the 23 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2014.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 2 month or significantly discounted 13 month subscription and automatically download the November 2016 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +175% to -41%. 764 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 6.45%, the median was a gain of 7.42%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
23 Mos
% Chg
43 FMCC 4.40 +175 +172 +114
18 FNMA 4.49 +164 +174 +118
AK Steel
353 AKS 9.13 +76 +308 +54
US Steel
229 X 32.34 +67 +305 +21
Cliffs Natural Resources
830 CLF 8.81 +60 +458 +23


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +458% to -80%. 715 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 11.0%. The median was a gain of 12.2%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
23 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
830 CLF 8.81 +60 +458 +23
AK Steel
353 AKS 9.13 +76 +308 +54
US Steel
229 X 32.34 +67 +305 +21
264 NAV 30.76 +38 +248 -8
SunCoke Energy
949 SXC 11.42 +12 +229 -41


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 23 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +360% to -90%. 555 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 5.2%. The median was a gain of 4.1%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
23 Mos
% Chg
452 NVDA 92.20 +30 +180 +360
AMD 533 AMD 8.91 +23 +210 +234
SkyWest 634 SKYW
36.85 +22 +94 +177
Amazon 20 AMZN 750.57 -5 +11 +142
350 NFLX 117.00 -6 +2 +140


Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $589.33 billion to $0.00 billion. The average is $21.46 billion, median is $6.90 billion, out of 1,000 companies tracked.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
23 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 589.33 -2.7 +0.4 -8.8
34 GOOG 522.47 -3.4 +0.1 +46.3
31 MSFT 468.54 +0.6 +5.7 +22.4
Berkshire Hathaway
148 BRK 388.83 +9.5 +19.5 +7.5
ExxonMobil 20 XOM 362.01 +4.8 +4.8 -7.5
The PBR1000
  21,459.34 +3.9 +6.8 +4.6


Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
23 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 73,677.40 +6.5 +11.0 +5.2
DJIA 19,123.58 +5.4 +9.8 +7.3
NASDAQ 5,323.68 +2.6 +6.3 +12.4
S&P500 2,198.81 +3.4 +7.6 +6.8
GOLD 1,173.90 -8.1 +10.7 -0.9
SILVER 16.48 -8.0 +19.4 +5.6
OIL 49.44 +5.3 +33.5 -7.2


Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us in the US at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

(Photo made available by, imagerymajestic.)

The PBR1000 October 2016 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

October 2016: Who Will Be President?


Voting in a Free Democratic Society, a Great Privilege.


By Larry C. Paxton

During the first part of October stock exchanges were mostly positive. But during the second half of the month there was an increasingly negative tone, mostly related to the US Presidential Race. Out of 21 trading days the DJIA and S&P500 had 7 gain days and 14 loss days. The NASDAQ showed the widest variability with 8 days positive, 13 days negative. October 11 saw a change of -1.54% based on earnings reports and down oil prices. The other extreme was October 24, up 1.00% based on some big merger/acquisition deals. The longest gain streaks for all 3 exchanges was 2 days,  the DJIA longest loss streak was 2 days but both the NASDAQ and S&P500 had 5 day loss streaks that ended the month, caused primarily by the tightening of the US Presidential Race and the increasing uncertainty over who will win.

The PBR1000 companies in The Top 5 Tables had an emphasis on energy related companies, some planning to emerge from bankruptcy soon, and mostly from the 2nd half of The PBR1000.

If you are not a current Subscriber to the highly acclaimed The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 13 month subscription and automatically download the October 2016 15 Snapshots edition.

The following partial tables are excerpts from The PBR1000 October Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on October 31st, Month % Chg is compared to September 30th, YTD % Chg is compared to December 31, 2015, and the 22 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2014.


Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +465.52% to -54.25%. 316 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a loss of 3.07%, the median was a loss of 2.74%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
22 Mos
% Chg
Peabody Energy
416 BTUUQ 8.75 +465.52 +13.93 n/a
LINN Energy
668 LINEQ 0.22 +290.91 n/a n/a
744 SUNEQ 0.19 +36.61 n/a n/a
392 TMH 42.85 +31.60 -2.37 -25.52
SunCoke Energy
953 SXC 10.21 +27.31 +194.24 -47.21


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +249.37% to -82.42%. 618 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 4.27%. The median was a gain of 6.07%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
22 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
832 CLF 5.52 -5.64 +249.37 -22.69
Cloud Peak Energy 984 CLD 6.16 +13.24 +196.15 -32.90
SunCoke Energy
950 SXC 10.21 +27.31 +194.24 -47.21
Titan International
944 TWI 10.19 +0.69 +158.63 -4.14
478 QUAD 23.76 -11.08 +155.48 +3.48


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 22 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +254.91% to -90.21%. 445 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a loss of 1.06%. The median was a loss of 3.83%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
22 Mos
% Chg
452 NVDA 71.16 +3.85 +115.90 +254.91
AMD 533 AMD 7.23 +4.63 +151.92 +170.79
Netflix 351 NFLX
124.87 +26.71 +9.17 +155.88
Amazon 20 AMZN 789.82 -5.67 +16.86 +154.49
633 SKYW 30.15 +14.16 +58.52 +127.03


Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $605.43 billion to $0.00 billion. The average is $20.66 billion, median is $6.34 billion, out of 1,000 companies tracked.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
22 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 605.43 -0.61 +3.16 -6.48
34 GOOG 540.65 +1.21 +3.59 +51.40
31 MSFT 465.90 +3.80 +5.13 +21.68
148 FB 376.16 +2.12 +27.09 +72.95
Amazon 20 AMZN 375.30 -5.45 +18.45 +161.17
The PBR1000
  20,662.10 -2.24 +2.81 +0.75


Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
22 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 69,527.64 -3.07 +4.27 -1.06
DJIA 18,142.42 -0.91 +4.12 +1.79
NASDAQ 5,189.13 -2.31 +3.63 +9.57
S&P500 2,126.15 -1.94 +4.02 +3.27
GOLD 1,277.70 -3.12 +20.51 +7.83
SILVER 17.91 -6.96 +29.78 +14.81
OIL 46.94 -2.31 +26.73 -11.88


Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

(Photo made available by

The PBR1000 October 2016 Breaking News Recap

October 2016: Major Acquisitions Dominate

Some Major Acquisitions Were Initiated In October 2016, Some Contorversial.

Some Major Acquisitions Were Initiated In October 2016, Some Contorversial.


By Larry C. Paxton

The big acquisition announcement in October for The PBR1000 was AT&T(PBR10)’s controversial $85 billion bid for Time Warner(PBR95). Regulators have a major challenge in assessing if this should happen.

There were also 3 other deals valued at over $30 billion that will interesting to follow as well.

But the major news in the month was not so much regarding business, but politics, as US voters struggle over which presidential candidate they should elect, as well as House, Senate, state and local seats. Regardless of who wins, business will have to make some major adjustments.

Here’s a quick October 2016 summary on key activities that relate to The PBR1000:

US Presidential Race:  31 days completed, 8 days left. Will there be a national collective sigh of relief?

Mergers & Acquisitions: 27 deals worth over $1 billion  initiated, closed, or updated. 17 were initiated, total transaction value is $247.5 billion.

Restructurings/Spinoffs: 12

Bankruptcies: 2 emerge from bankruptcy

CEO Changes: 8 announced.

Jobs: Retailers busy hiring/training temporary help for the holidays.

US Economy: Modest/moderate growth continues, stable but fragile.

Federal Reserve Federal Funds Rate Changes: 0, remains at 0.25-0.50%.

International: Brexit, oil price fluctuations, Middle East conflicts, refugee crisis, and climate change continue to be the headliners.

For more details here are The PBR1000 corporate and economic related breaking news items of interest with hotlinks to the sources for October 2016, starting with the last active business day.

Monday, October 31:

The PBR1000 End of October US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends October at 18,142.42, -0.10% from last Friday, -0.91% MTD/QTD, +4.12% YTD, -2.65% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends October at 5,189.13, -0.02% from last Friday, -2.31% MTD/QTD, +3.63% YTD, -2.82% from record 5,339.52 on 09/22/16.
SPX ends October at 2,126.15, -0.01% from last Friday, -1.94% MTD/QTD, +4.02% YTD, -2.92% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Amazon(PBR29) Web Services’ 189 megawatt Wind Farm US Central 2 in Hardin County, Ohio, to be ready by 12/17. $AMZN PR link.

Macy’s(PBR97) sells 5 stores to General Growth Properties(PBR765 $GGP) for $46 million for 4 stores, lease the 5th. $M PR link.

Baker Hughes(PBR108) stockholders to get $17.50/share dividend in $7.4 billion deal to merge with GE(PBR9) Oil & Gas unit as separate independent public company 62.5% owned by GE. $BHI PR link.

Occidental Petroleum(PBR123) has acquired leasehold acreage in Permian Basin, in separate transaction EOR/CO2 properties, total $2 billion. $OXY PR link.

HollyFrontier(PBR140) to acquire Suncor Energy‘s 15,600 barrels/day Group III base oils Petro-Canada Lubricants business for $845 million. $HFC PR link.

CenturyLink(PBR160) to acquire Level 3 Communications(PBR375) for $66.50/share, $34 billion cash/stock. $CTL PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR377) to acquire Obregon Brewery from Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary Grupo Modelo for $600 million. $STZ PR link.

TeamHealth(PBR498) to be acquired by Blackstone(PBR352 $BX) for $43.50/share, $6.1 billion cash. $TMH PR link.

USG Corp(PBR599) completes sale of building product distributor L&W Supply unit to private $5.9 billion/2015 ABC Supply for $670 million cash. $USG PR link.

Vornado Realty Trust(PBR738) to spin-off Washington DC business, merge it with The JBG Companies in $8.4 billion transaction. $VNO PR link.

HCP(PBR838) completes spin-off of Quality Care Partners as an independent public REIT, symbol NYSE: QCP. $HCP PR link.

Viacom(PBR212) appoints Bob Bakish to be acting president/CEO starting 11/15/16, succeeds leaving Tom Dooley. $VIA PR link.

Louisiana-Pacific Corp(PBR902) promotes Brad Southern to new position of COO. $LPX PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says Total US September Personal Income Annual Rate at $16.090 trillion, +0.3% from August, +4.0% from September 2015. USDOC PR link.

The MNI October Chicago Business Barometer at 50.6, September was 54.2, August 51.5. ISM PR link.

Friday, October 28:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 10/28/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 18,161.19, +0.09% from last Friday. -0.80% MTD/QTD, +4.22% YTD, -2.55% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,190.10, -1.28% from last Friday, -2.29% MTD/QTD, +3.65% YTD, -2.80% from record 5,339.52 on 09/22/16.
SPX ends week at 2,126.41, -0.69% from last Friday, -1.93% MTD/QTD, +4.03% YTD, -2.91% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

AutoNation(PBR148) launches AutoNation USA stand-alone pre-owned vehicle sales and service centers, expanding other services. $AN PR link.

Corrections Corp(PBR965) rebranding itself as CoreCivic with 3 business units by end of 2016. $CXW PR link.

Patterson Cos(PBR542) promotes Dave Misiak to president, Patterson Dental Health North America & Dave Lardy to CIO. $PDCO PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says 3Q16 Advance Report GDP Annual Rate at 2.9%, $18.651T, +1.1% from 2Q16, +2.8% from 3Q15. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says 3Q16 Employee Cost Index at 127.4(2005=100), +0.6% from 2Q16, +2.3% from 3Q15. USDOL PR link.

The U of Michigan October Final Consumer Sentiment Index at 87.2, September was 91.2, August 89.8. UMich PR link.

Thursday, October 27:

Apple(PBR5) unveils new MacBook Pro. $AAPL PR link; Unveils new TV app for Apple TV, iPhone & iPad. $AAPL PR link.

Alphabet(PBR44 $GOOG) spinning off driverless cars into standalone business. MarketWatch PR link.

UPS(PBR47) forecasts 700 million+ package deliveries in 25 days between Thanksgiving & New Year’s Eve, +14% from 2015. $UPS PR link.

Qualcomm(PBR106) to acquire Netherlands based NXP Semiconductors NV(NASDAQ: NXPI) for $110.00/share, $47 billion cash. $QCOM PR link.

CBRE(PBR301) authorizes up to $250 million over 3 years stock repurchase program. $CBG PR link.

Twitter(PBR787 $TWTR) to cut 9% of workforce – MarketWatch. MarketWatch PR link.

Lowe’s(PBR50) promotes Michael McDermott to Chief Customer Officer. $LOW PR link.

Willis Towers Watson(PBR621) announces several leadership changes effective immediately. $WLTW PR link.

HealthSouth(PBR800) president/CEO Jay Grinney to retire on 12/31/16, EVP/COO Mark Tarr appointed successor, Barb Jacobsmeyer to become EVP/Operations. $HLS PR link.

Cedar Fair(PBR977) promotes Richard Zimmerman to president/COO. $FUN PR link.

US Energy Information Administration says US Crude Oil Stocks(Millions of Barrels) 10/21/16 at 468.2, -6.9% from 09/23/16, -2.5% from 10/23/15. EIA PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says Weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims on 10/22/16 was 258,000, -1.2% from 09/24/16, -2.4% from 10/24/15. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says 3Q16 Total Housing Units at 135.7M, Occupied 118.6M, Occupancy Rate 87.4%, 3Q15 87.1% USDOC PR link.

FreddieMac(PBR41) says 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Average on 10/27/16 was 3.47%, 09/26/16 3.42%, 10/29/15 3.76%. $FMCC PR link.

US Federal Communications Commission adopts privacy rules to give broadband consumers more choice, transparency & security for personal data. FCC PR link.

Adobe Systems(PBR557) predicts 11/01/16-12/31/16 holiday spending to be $91.6 billion. $ADBE PR link.

Wednesday, October 26:

The PBR1000 September Snapshot 12 Summary:
The Top 5 Stock Price Gainers Since 12/31/14:

1. NVIDIA(PBR453), $NVDA, +242%
2. Amazon(PBR19), $AMZN, +170%
3. AMD(PBR533), $AMD, +159%
4. Activision Blizzard(PBR480), $ATVI, +120%
5. Insperity(PBR718), $NSP, +114

Range: +242% to -99%
Companies >+0%: 471/994(47.4%)
Average: +2.1%
Median: +2.2%

To get the full Snapshot 12 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots just get a monthly or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Amazon(PBR29) expands AmazonFresh grocery shopping delivery service to Chicago & Dallas, $14.99/mo for Prime members. $AMZN PR link.

Microsoft(PBR31) introduces Surface Studio, Surface Dial, new Surface Book, & Windows 10 Creators Update. $MSFT PR link.

HCA(PBR75) to get $750 million for hospital lease & joint operating agreement early termination by Oklahoma University Hospitals Authority. $HCA PR link.

Medtronic(PBR133) gets FDA approval of new recapturable 34 mm transcatheter aortic valve replacement system. $MDT PR link.

Groupon(PBR652) to acquire competitor LivingSocial, close expected in early 11/16, terms not disclosed. $GRPN PR link.

Woodward(PBR888) promotes John Tysver to new position of VP/Technology. $WWD PR link.

The US Dept of HUD says September US New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate at 593,000, +3.1% from August, +29.8 from September 2015. HUD PR link.

FreddieMac(PBR41) 2Q16 US Apartment Investment Market Index at 110.4, +2.64% from 1Q16, -4.77% from 2Q15. $FMCC PR link.

Tuesday, October 25:

IBM(PBR25) adds $3 billion to share repurchase program, balance is now $6 billion. $IBM PR link.

Meredith Corp(PBR994) to increase distribution to 600,000 copies for premiere issue of quarterly lifestyle The Magnolia Journal. $MDP PR link.

Terex(PBR357) promotes Steve Filipov to president, Terex Cranes, succeeds leaving Ken Lousberg. $TEX PR link.

Sonoco Products(PBR480) promotes John Florence to VP/General Counsel/Secretary, succeeds retiring Ritchie Bond. $SON PR link.

Aerojet Rocketdyne(PBR969) hires Paul Lundstrom as VP/Finance/CFO starting 11/07/16. $AJRD PR link.

Invacare(PBR1028) promotes Ralf Ledda to SVP/GM Europe &EMEA. $IVC PR link.

The Federal Reserve of Richmond says October 5th District Manufacturing Index at -4%, September was -8%, August -11%. FRBRichmond PR link.

Black Knight Financial Services says September US Active Foreclosures at 1% of all mortgages, lowest in 9 years. $BKFS PR link.

The Conference Board says October US Consumer Confidence Index at 98.6, September was 103.5, August 101.8. TCB PR link.

Case-Shiller August US National Home Price Index at 184.42(Jan2000=100), July 183.43, August 2015 175.11. C-S PR link.

Monday, October 24:

Merck(PBR70) gets FDA approval for lung cancer therapy KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab). $MRK PR link.

T-Mobile US(PBR95) gets 2 million net adds in 3Q16, now has 69 million+ customers. $TMUS PR link.

Nordstrom(PBR214) to hire 11,400 seasonal employees across the US & Canada. $JWN PR link.

Jacobs Engineering(PBR225) relocates global headquarters from Pasadena, CA, to Dallas, TX. $JEC PR link.

Hilton Worldwide(PBR262) announces China based HNA Group to acquire 25% ownership stake through $6.5 billion purchase of Blackstone(PBR352 $BX) shares which will then have a 21% ownership stake. $HLT PR link.

TD Ameritrade(PBR662) to acquire private Scottrade Financial Services for $4 billion cash/stock. $AMTD PR link.

New York Times(PBR971) acquires product recommendation services The Wirecutter and sister site Sweethome, terms not disclosed. $NYT PR link.

Lowe’s(PBR50) CNA Financial subsidiary hires Dino Robusto to be its chairman/CEO on 11/21/16. CNAF PR link.

Nordstrom(PBR214) EVP/CFO Mike Koppel to retire in spring 2017. $JWN PR link.

Buffalo Wild Wings(PBR981) hires Alex Ware to be EVP/CFO starting 10/31/16. $BWLD PR link.

The Fed Reserve Bank of Chicago September National Activity Index estimated at -0.14, August was -0.72, July +0.23. ChicagoFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco releases research showing jobs growth can be healthy at 50,000 to 110,000/mo. FRBSF PR link.

Smartwatch Market Declines 51.6% in the Third Quarter as Platforms and Vendors Realign. IDC PR link.

Opinion: Workers will simply try to survive, rather than prosper, as tech takes over the economy. MarketWatch PR link.

Sunday, October 23:

Genworth Financial(PBR287) to be acquired by privately heldChina Oceanside for $5.43/share, $2.7 billion cash. $GNW PR link.

B/E Aerospace(PBR748) to be acquired by Rockwell Collins(PBR495 $COL) for $62.00/share, $8.3 billion cash/stock. $BEAV PR link.

Saturday, October 22:

AT&T(PBR12) to acquire Time-Warner(PBR103 $TWX) for $107.50/share, $85.4 billion cash/stock. $T PR link.

Friday, October 21:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 10/21/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 18,145.71, +0.04% from last Friday. -0.89% MTD/QTD, +4.14% YTD, -2.63% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,257.40, +0.83% from last Friday, -1.03% MTD/QTD, +4.99% YTD, -1.54% from record 5,339.52 on 09/22/16.
SPX ends week at 2,141.16, +0.38% from last Friday, -1.25% MTD/QTD, +4.76% YTD, -2.24% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Merck(PBR70) gets US FDA approval for injected supplement ZINPLAVA to reduce reoccurrence of adult CDI. $MRK PR link.

Reynolds American(PBR105 $RAI) gets $56.20/share, $47 billion cash/stock proposal from British American Petroleum(LSE: BATS) to acquire the 57.8% of stock it doesn’t own. $BATS PR link.

Altria Group(PBR110) now has 10.2% voting stake with 12 million shares purchased in Anheuser-Busch InBev after A-B’s merger with SABMiller. $MO PR link.

AutoNation(PBR148) hires Tom Conophy as EVP/CTO, effective 10/31/16, SVP/CIO Allan Stejskal resigns, effective 10/28/16. $AN PR link.

Thursday, October 20:

The PBR1000 September Snapshot 4 Summary:
The Top 5 Corporations By Profits/Revenues(Last FY) are:

1. Caesars Entertainment(PBR482), $CZR, +127%
2. Kimco Realty(PBR982), $KIM, +71%
3. Visteon(PBR612), $VC, +70%
4. Symantec(PBR565), $SYMC, +69%
5. General Growth Properties(PBR754), $GGP, +57%

Range: +127% to -363%
Companies >+0%: 841/1,000
Average: +6.8%
Median: +5.6%

To get the full Snapshot 4 list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots just get a monthly or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Walmart(PBR1) invests $50 million in China’s largest on-demand logistics and O2O grocery platform New Dada. $WMT PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR36) closing of $17.2 billion cash acquisition of Rite Aid(PBR105 $RAD) extended from 10/27/16 to 01/27/17. $WBA PR link.

Gannett(PBR414)’s USA TODAY NETWORK unit releases first weekly virtual reality news show VRtually There, features Toyota cubemercial. $GCI PR link.

Endo Intl(PBR700) EVP/CFO Suketu Upadhyay leaving 11/22/16, interim CFO appointed, CFO search begins. $ENDP PR link.

Penn Natl Gaming(PBR750) to promote EVP/Chief Development Officer William Fair to EVP/CFO on 01/01/17, succeeds retiring Saul Reibstein. $PENN PR link.

KB Home(PBR802) promotes Matt Mandino to regional president for Colorado, Las Vegas, & Arizona markets. $KBH PR link.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank says October Philadelphia Manufacturing General Activity Indicator at 9.7, September was 12.8, August 2.0. PhillyFed PR link.

The Conference Board says September Leading Economic Index at 124.4(2010=100), Coincident EI 114.2, Lagging EI 122.3. TCB PR link.

The National Association of Realtors says US September Existing Home Sales Annual Rate at 5.47 million, +3.2% from August, +0.6% from September 2015. NAR PR link.

FreddieMac October Outlook sees slowdown in home refinancing, more purchases, mortgage rates to remain low. $FMCC PR link.

The World Bank raises 2017 oil price forecast from $53 to $55/barrel, 2016 still estimated at $43/barrel. WB PR link.

Wednesday, October 19:

Henry Schein(PBR270) adds $400 million to share repurchase program, balance is $429 million. $HSIC PR link.

Joy Global(PBR590) shareholders approve $3.7 billion cash acquisition by Japan based Komatsu, to close by mid 2017. $JOY PR link.

QEP Resources(PBR626) completes $595 million acquisition of 9,400 acres, 430 potential oil wells, in Permian Basin in Martin County, TX. $QEP PR link.

Reynolds American(PBR317) president/CEO Susan Cameron to become executive chairman 01/01/17, Debra Crew, president/COO of subsidiary RJ Reynolds Tobacco, to become president/CEO. $RAI PR link.

New York Times(PBR971) promotes A G Sulzberger to deputy publisher, effective 11/01/16, will report to his father publisher Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. $NYT PR link.

The Federal Reserve Beige Book says outlooks were mostly positive, slight to moderate growth in several districts. FRB PR link.

The US Dept of HUD estimates US September Housing Permits Annual Rate at 1.225 million units, +6.3% from August, +8.5% from September 2015. HUD PR link.

Investing: ETF assets hit a fresh record, $3.408 trillion, in 3Q. MarketWatch PR link.

ADP(PBR235) 3Q16 US Workforce Vitality Report says wage growth at +2% year over year across all industries. $ADP PR link.

Tuesday, October 18:

The PBR1000 September Snapshot 7 Summary:
The Top 5 Corporations By Equity/Assets(Last FY) are:

1. Public Storage(PBR759), $PSA, +94%
2. T Rowe Price(PBR514), $TROW, +93%
3. AVX Corp(PBR976), $AVX, +90%
4. Facebook(PBR147), $FB, +90%
5. Intuitive Surgical(PBR758), $ISRG, +88%

Range: +94% to -225%
Companies >+0%: 953/1,000
Average: +19.6%
Median: +34.3%

To get the full list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots just get a monthly or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

AIG(PBR46) to sell certain Latin America, Central/Eastern Europe operations to Fairfax Financial for $240 million cash, enters strategic multi-national support partnership. $AIG PR link.

St Jude Medical(PBR440 $STJ) & Abbott Labs(PBR134) to sell portion of vascular closure & electrophysiology businesses to Terumo Corp for $1.12 billion. $ABT PR link.

BlackRock(PBR252) exceeds $5.1 trillion in Assets Under Management at end of 3Q16, +14% from 3Q15. $BLK PR link.

Steel Dynamics(PBR306) authorizes up to $450 million share repurchase program. $STLD PR link.

Harley-Davidson(PBR400) in 3Q16 report says it expects to ship 264,000-269,000 motorcycles in 2016. $HOG PR link.

Scientific Games(PBR937) gets agreement with Penn Natl Gaming(PBR750 $PENN) to supply systems, games and table solutions to Tropicana Las Vegas and New Hollywood Casino Jamul-San Diego. $SGMS PR link.

TimeInc(PBR630) EVP/CFO Jeff Bairstow departing 11/07/16, Sue D’Emic to succeed him, other executive changes announced. $TIME PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US September All Items Consumer Price Index +0.3% from August, Annual Unadjusted at 1.5%, August 1.1%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US September Current Average Weekly Earnings at $887.18, +0.5% from August, +2.3% from September 2015. USDOL PR link.

Jobs: Manpower(PBR132) survey says 46% of US businesses have difficulties filling positions, lists top 10. $MAN PR link.

The National Assn of Homebuilders says US October Housing Market Index(HMI) at 63, September was 65, August 59. NAHB PR link.

Monday, October 17:

Macy’s(PBR97) to carry 30+ Brookstone specialty gift items, many technology related, in its stores and online. $M PR link.

Avnet(PBR100) completes $2.46/share, $919 million cash acquisition of UK based global distributor of electronic & related components Premier Farnell plc. $AVT PR link.

Community Health System(PBR125) to sell majority interest in its Home Health division to Almost Family(NASDAQ: AFAM). $CYH PR link.

SuperValu(PBR164) to sell Save-A-Lot business to Canada’s Onex Corp(TSX: OCX) for $1.365 billion. $SVU PR link.

Celanese(PBR369) to acquire Italy based 550 employees independent global thermoplastics compounder SO.F.TER Group. $CE PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR377) to sell Canadian wines business to Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan for $784.5 million. $STZ PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR377) to acquire Columbia Valley, Washington, Charles Smith Wines for $120 million. $STZ PR link.

Netflix(PBR447) 3Q16 report says 86.74 million total streaming memberships, was 74.76 million 4Q15. $NFLX PR link.

Regions Financial(PBR450) acquires 30,000 rental units Low Income Housing Tax Credit corporate fund syndication and asset management businesses of First Sterling Financial. $RF PR link.

Coty(PBR524) to acquire UK high-end hairstyling appliances provider ghd for $510 million cash. $COTY PR link.

Snap-On(PBR641) to acquire Swedish collision repair equipment/truck alignment systems $95 million/yr Car-O-Liner for $155 million cash. $SNA PR link.

Orbital ATK(PBR655) launches 6th cargo delivery mission to International Space Station. $OA PR link.

Vail Resorts(PBR1032) completes $46.80/share, $1.8 billion cash/stock acquisition of Canada’s mountain resort Whistler Blackcomb. $MTN PR link.

Caterpillar(PBR54) Chairman/CEO Doug Oberhelman to retire on 03/31/17; group president Jim Umpleby to be CEO on 01/01/17. $CAT PR link.

VISA(PBR224) CEO Charlie Sharf resigns effective 12/01/16, board member Alfred Kelly to be CEO designate on 10/31/16. $V PR link.

Campbell Soup(PBR326) promotes Ed Carolan to president, C-Fresh, succeeds leaving Jeff Dunn; Bethmara Kessler promoted to SVP/Integrated Global Services. $CPB PR link.

Simon Property(PBR494) general counsel/secretary James Barkley to retire on 01/01/17, to be succeeded by Steven Fivel. $SPG PR link.

Greenbrier Cos(PBR846) promotes Mark Rittenbaum to EVP/Commercial & Leasing, succeeds retiring James Sharp. $GBX PR link.

The US Federal Reserve estimates US September Industrial Production Capacity at 75.4%, August was 75.3%, July 75.8%. FRB PR link.

The Federal Reserve Board of New York October Empire State General Business Conditions Index at -6.8, September was -2.0, October 2015 -11.4. FRBNY PR link.

Friday, October 14:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 10/14/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 18,138.38, -0.56% from last Friday. -0.93% MTD/QTD, +4.09% YTD, -2.67% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,214.16, -1.48% from last Friday, -1.84% MTD/QTD, +4.13% YTD, -2.35% from record 5,339.52 on 09/22/16.
SPX ends week at 2,132.98, -0.96% from last Friday, -1.63% MTD/QTD, +4.36% YTD, -2.61% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Boeing(PBR27) to build a St. Louis $300 million 424,000 sf facility for composite parts manufacturing for 777S jetliner, 700 jobs to be generated. $BA PR link.

Freeport-McMoRan(PBR128) to sell onshore California oil & gas properties for $742 million. $FCX PR link.

Monster Beverage(PBR785) to do 3:1 stock split on 11/09/16. $MNST PR link.

Boston Properties(PBR803) Salesforce Tower development reaches 867 feet, now tallest building in San Francisco, will go to 1,070 feet. $BXP PR link.

Hershey(PBR354) chairman/president/CEO John Bilbrey to retire from president/CEO roles on 07/01/17. $HSY PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says US Total Receipts YTD(12 months) at $3.267 trillion, Outlays $3.854 trillion, Deficit $587 billion. Treas PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US September Producer Price Index Total Final Demand at +0.3%, August was 0.0%, July -0.4%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says US August Total Manufacturers/Retail/Wholesales Sales at $1.304 trillion, +0.16% from July, -0.03% from August 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce US Total September Retail Trade(Advance Report) at $459.8 billion, +0.6% from August, +2.7% from September 2015. USDOC PR link.

The University of Michigan October Preliminary Index of Consumer Sentiment at 87.9, September Final was 91.2, August 89.8. UMich PR link.

Thursday, October 13:

Amazon(PBR29) creating 120,000 seasonal jobs in customer fulfillment and customer service this holiday season. $AMZN PR link.

Kellogg(PBR198) to make its largest acquisition in S America, Brazilian biscuit, powdered beverage & pasta brands manufacturer Parati Group for $429 million cash; lowers buyback program to $450-550 million. $K PR link.

Kellogg(PBR198) announces goal to create 3 billion better days for people around the world. $K PR link.

Discovery Communications(PBR399) invests $100 million in new digital content holding company Group Nine Media, includes strategic partnership. $DISCA PR link.

Welltower(PBR635) completes $1.15 billion acquisition of Vintage Senior Living 19 properties California portfolio. $HCN PR link.

HCP(PBR834) to spin-off Quality Care Partners as an independent public REIT around 10/31/16, symbol NYSE: QCP. $HCP PR link.

International Paper(PBR117) SVP/CFO Carol Roberts & SVP William Hoel to retire on 03/31/17, to promote Glenn Landau to CFO 01/01/17; other senior management changes announced. $IP PR link.

S&P Global(PBR477) hires Ewout Steenbergen to be EVP/CFO starting 11/14/16. $SPGI PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US September Imports Price Index at +0.1%, Exports +0.3%, Y-Y Imports -1.1%, Exports -1.5%. USDOL PR link.

Wednesday, October 12:

The PBR1000 Top 5 Corporations By Revenue Growth(Last FY)(Snapshot 3) are:

1. Fitbit(PBR859), $FIT, +149%
2. Zebra Tech(PBR560), $ZBRA, +119%
3. AECOM Tech(PBR146), $ACM, +115%
4. Dollar Tree(PBR167), $DLTR, +80%
5. Kraft Heinz(PBR142), $KHC, +68%

Range: +149% to -66%
Companies >+0%: 505
Median: +0.1%

To get the full list with more details and the 14 other analytical snapshots get a monthly or significantly discounted annual The PBR1000 subscription today! Subscribe link.

Walmart(PBR1 $WMT) raises salaries by enough to beat new overtime rules. MarketWatch PR link.

Icahn Enterprises(PBR147) extends $9.25/share cash tender offer for Federal-Mogul to 10/28/16. $IEP PR link.

Stanley Black & Decker(PBR249) to acquire Tools business from Newell Brands(PBR434 $NWL) for $1.95 billion cash. $SWK PR link.

Polaris Industries(PBR531) to acquire private off-road jeep/truck aftermarket accessories $740 million/yr Transamerican Auto Parts for $665 million. $PII PR link.

LPL Financial(PBR543 $LPLA) faces challenges as it mulls alternatives. MarketWatch PR link.

Tesla(PBR651) $25.83/share $2.6 billion stock deal to acquire Solar City($SCTY) to be voted on by both shareholder groups on 11/17/16. $TSLA PR link.

SunEdison(PBR782) receives notification from SEC, conducting a fact-finding investigation, accompanied by DOJ subpoena. $SUNEQ PR link.

PC Connection(PBR786) to acquire NJ based 500 partners 25,000 OEM-authorized partners in 174 countries IT procurement & service management co GlobalServe. $CNXN PR link.

Wells Fargo(PBR30) chairman/CEO John Stumpf retires; president/COO Tim Sloan elected president/CEO. $WFC PR link.

Fiserv(PBR474) hires Devin McGranahan as president/Billing & Payments Group, effective 11/01/16, succeeds leaving Rahul Gupta. $FISV PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases the FOMC minutes for the 09/20-21/16 meeting. Anticipates federal funds rate increase soon. FRB PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says August US Job Openings at 5.443 million, -6.6% from July, +2.5% from August 2015. USDOL PR link.

PC Market: Chromebooks destroyed Apple in back-to-school shopping. MarketWatch PR link.

CBRE(PBR301) study finds San Francisco the nation’s greenest city. $CBG PR link.

Tuesday, October 11:

GE(PBR9) to acquire Denmark’s global designer & manufacturer of wind turbine blades LM Wind Power for $1.65 billion. $GE PR link.

Altria Group(PBR110) now has 9.6% voting stake in Anheuser-Busch InBev; expands $1 billion share repurchase program to $3 billion, to be completed by 06/30/18. $MO PR link.

ConAgra(PBR166) to complete spin-off of potato foods provider Lamb Weston as an independent public company on 11/09/16; increases existing share repurchase program to $1.25 billion. $CAG PR link.

YUM!(PBR217) details transformation plans after planned 10/31/16 separation of YUM China. $YUM PR link.

Molson Coors(PBR558) completes acquisition of full ownership of MillerCoors & global Miller brand portfolio. Now 3rd largest world brewer by enterprise value. $TAP PR link.

Domino’s Pizza(PBR889) 111 Boston area stores to hire 1,000 new team members. $DPZ PR link.

Intl Flavors & Fragrances(PBR666) promotes Richard O’Leary to EVP/CFO, succeeds leaving Alison Cornell. $IFF PR link.

CoreLogic says August Housing Seriously Delinquencies at 1.085 million, -1.6% from July, -20.6% from August 2015. CoreLogic PR link.

CoreLogic analysis shows between $4 billion and $6 billion in insured property loss from Hurricane Matthew: CoreLogic PR link.

NFIB says September Small Business Optimism Index at 94.1, August was 94.4, September 2015 was 96.0. NFIB PR link.

Monday, October 10:

The PBR1000 Fun Fact: The September Top 5 by Value(Market Cap) were(Snapshot 15):

1. Apple(PBR3), $AAPL, $609 billlion
2. Alphabet(PBR34), $GOOGL, $534 billion
3. Microsoft(PBR31), $MSFT, $449 billion
4. Amazon(PBR19), $AMZN, $397 billion
5. Facebook(PBR147), $FB, $368 billion

The PBR1000 Total: $21.133 trillion

Range: $609 billion to $0 billion
Average: $21 billion
Median: $6.4 billion

Become a The PBR1000 Subscriber today to get the full list of 1,000 plus 14 more insightful Snapshots!

Coca-Cola(PBR63) exercises call option to acquire Anheuser-Busch InBev‘s stake in Coca-Cola Beverages Africa. $KO PR link.

Tyson Foods(PBR80) to take 5% ownership stake in private plant-based protein producer Beyond Meat. $TSN PR link.

Duke Energy(PBR114) completes exit of international business in 2 deals from Central & South America valued at $1.2 billion each. $DUK PR link.

Facebook(228) makes its Workplace internal communications app available to any organization that wants to use it. $FB PR link.

Ross Stores(PBR253) opens 34 new stores in Sept/Oct, has added 93 stores in 2016. $ROST PR link.

Calpine Corp(PBR330) to acquire largest US independent power suppier to commercial/industrial retail customers Noble Americas Energy Solutions for $900 million. $CPN PR link.

TeleFlex(PBR923) gets FDA clearance for ARROW®JACC with Chlorag+ard® Technology central venous catheter and Tunneler. $TFX PR link.

Level 3 Communications(PBR375) promotes Andrew Dugan to CTO, Atilla Tinic to CIO. $LVLT PR link.

Blackhawk Network(PBR998) promotes David Tate to SVP/US Retail. $HAWK PR link.

Samsung issues update on Galaxy Note7 Safety Recall and Exchange Program. Samsung PR link.

Friday, October 7:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 10/07/16 US Stock Exchanges Recap:
DJIA ends week at 18,240.49, -0.37%% from last Friday/MTD/QTD, +4.68% YTD, -2.12% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,292.40, -0.37% from last Friday/MTD/QTD, +5.69% YTD, -0.88% from record 5,339.52 on 09/22/16.
SPX ends week at 2,153.74, -0.67% from last Friday/MTD/QTD, +5.37% YTD, -1.66% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Johnson & Johnson(PBR37) affiliate Cilag GmbH International acquires outside the US rights from AstraZeneca for nasal spray Rhinocort Aqua for $330 million. $JNJ PR link.

Merck(PBR70) Animal Health unit gets USDA approval for innovative canine flu bivalent vaccine. $MRK PR link.

Oracle(PBR78) announces final extension of $109/share, $9.3 billion tender offer for NetSuite to expire 11/04/16. $ORCL PR link.

PPG Industries(PBR190) looking to reduce costs, okays new additional $2 billion share repurchase program, balance is $2.520 billion. $PPG PR link.

Mylan(PBR346) agrees to $465 million settlement with DOJ on Medicaid rebate classification for EpiPen auto-injector. $MYL PR link.

Carlyle Group(PBR581) to acquire Total affiliate specialty chemicals company Atotech for $3.2 billion. $CG PR link.

Pinnacle West(PBR620) subsidiary APS becomes only utility outside California to generate 1 gigawatt of solar energy capacity.

Intl Flavors & Fragrances(PBR666) completes acquisition of Philadelphia based $85 million/yr flavors developer David Michael. $IFF PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US September Available Workforce at 159.9 million, 152.0 million Employed, 7.9M Unemployed, 5.0% Unemployment Rate. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US August Wholesale Sales at $444.2 billion, +0.7% from July, +0.6% from August 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank estimates August Total US Consumer Credit Outstanding at $2.712 trillion, +0.7% from July, +6.3% from August 2015 FRB PR link.

Thursday, October 6:

The PBR1000 Stocks Fun Fact: The September YTD Top 5 Stock Gainers were(Snapshot 12):
1. Cliffs Natural Resources(PBR836), $CLF, +270%
2. Quad/Graphics(PBR480), $QUAD, +187%
3. Cloud Peak Energy(PBR989), $CLD, +162%
4. Navistar(PBR265), $NAV, +159%
5. Titan International(PBR950), $TWI, +157%

The PBR1000: +7.4%
DJIA: +5.1%
NASDAQ: +6.1%
SPX: +6.1%

Range: +270% to -99%, 666/1,000 companies were +0.00%, Median was +8.86%.

Walmart(PBR1) projects opening 130 new stores in US in FY2017, 55 in FY2018, to accelerate e-commerce offering. $WMT PR link.

CIT Group(PBR608) to sell its CIT Commercial Air unit to Avolon Holdings for $10.0 billion, to close by end of 1Q2017. $CIT PR link.

Blackhawk Network(PBR998) completes $118 million cash acquisition of UK based 20,000 clients global branding services provider Grass Roots Group. $HAWK PR link.

American Banking Assn says 2nd Quarter Consumer Delinquencies Composite Ratio at 1.35%, record low. ABA PR link.

Wednesday, October 5:

The PBR1000 Stocks Fun Fact: The September Top 5 Stock Gainers were:
1. Navistar(PBR265), $NAV, +63%
2. Conn’s(PBR910), $CONN, +52%
3. Scientific Games(PBR689), $SGMS, +37%
4. Liberty Media(PBR474), $LMCA, +34%
5. Cloud Peak Energy(PBR989), $CLD, +32%

Range: +63% to -42%, 491/1,000 companies were +0.00%, median was -0.10%.

MetLife(PBR39) to separate into 2 separate public companies with Brighthouse Financial filing Form 10 Registration Statement. $MET PR link.

Alcoa(PBR115) completes 1:3 reverse stock split. $AA PR link.

Eli Lilly(PBR142) subsidiary Elanco Animal Health to acquire Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica’s US feline, canine & rabies vaccines portfolio – as well as a fully integrated manufacturing and R&D site – for $885 million. $LLY PR link.

PSEG(PBR257) to retire two New Jersey coal plants on 06/01/16, generates 1,252 MW, employs 200. $PEG PR link.

Lennar(PBR340) completes $2.2 billion fund raising for long term development & ownership of Class A multifamily communities. $LEN PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR377) to acquire Utah-based 70,000 cases/year high end High West Distillery. $STZ PR link.

Gannett(PBR414) acquires Golfweek, to be part of USA TODAY Sports Media Group. $GCI PR link.

LAM Research(PBR520) $10.6 billion planned acquisition of KLA-Tencor(PBR692 $KLAC) terminated by mutual agreement. $LRCX PR link.

Arch Coal(PBR691) completes financial restructuring, emerges from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, to re-list on NYSE: ARCH. $ACIIQ PR link.

Scientific Games(PBR937) acquires Karma Gaming‘s portfolio of interactive games used globally. $SGMS PR link.

Cincinnati Bell(PBR1027) completes 1:5 reverse stock split. $CBB PR link.

Red Robin(PBR1046) closes 9 restaurants, rebrands 3 others as Red Robin Express in strategic reevaluation of alternative fast casual platform. $RRGB PR link.

AIG(PBR46) hires Peter Solmssen as EVP/General Counsel, succeeds retiring Thomas Russo. $AIG PR link.

Advance Auto Parts(PBR279) hires Thomas Okray as EVP/CFO, effective 10/31/16, succeeds leaving Mike Norona. $AAP PR link.

Bristow Group(PBR919) hires Bill Collins as SVP/Global Operations. $BRS PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US August Manufacturing New Orders at $453.2 billing, +0.2% from July, -1.6% from August 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says Total US Exports August YTD at $1.459 trillion, Imports $1.790 trillion, Deficit $331 billion. USDOC PR link.

ADP(PBR235) estimates US September Employment up 154,000, 34,000 from small businesses, 56,000 midsize, 64,000 large. $ADP PR link.

Markit says US September Composite PMI Output Index at 52.3, August was 51.5, July 51.8. Markit PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says US September Non-Manufacturing Index at 57.1%, August was 51.4%, July 55.5%. ISM PR link.

Tuesday, October 4:

LKQ(PBR376) acquires UK‘s 102 locations auto parts distributor Andrew Page Ltd, terms not disclosed. $LKQ PR link.

Newell Brands(PBR434) in new growth game plan to sell off 10% of its portfolio companies that generate $1.5 billion in revenues, consolidate operations, & create a global e-commerce division. $NWL PR link.

Ascena Retail(PBR499) in Change for Growth program reorganizing into 4 business units serving 8 brands. $ASNA PR link.

WhiteWave Foods(PBR624) shareholders approve $56.25/share, $12.5 billion cash acquisition by France’s global food company Danone. $WWV PR link.

Concho Resources(PBR734) completes $1.625 billion 40,000 net Midland Basin acres acquisition, now has 150,000+ net acres. $CXO PR link.

SandRidge Energy(PBR975) emerges from Chapter 11 bankruptcy with $525 million in liquidity, starts trading again on NYSE: $SD. $SD PR link.

Vail Resorts(PBR1032) $46.80/share, $1.8 billion cash/stock acquisition of mountain resort Whistler Blackcomb gets Canada Act approval, expected to close on 10/17/16. $MTN PR link.

Discovery Communications(PBR399) to name Gunnar Wiedenfels as CFO, effective around 04/01/17, to succeed departing Andrew Warren. $DISCA PR link.

Dynegy(PBR777) promotes Martin Daley to EVP/COO, Carolyn Burke to EVP/Strategy, Mario Alonso to EVP/Plant Operations, names rest of executive management team. $DYN PR link.

PurdueU/CME September Ag Barometer at 101, August was 95, July 112; continues to favor livestock. PU/CME PR link.

Monday, October 3:

Ford(PBR10) US September Sales at 204,447 vehicles, -8% from year ago, best 2016 month for F-Series vehicles. $F PR link.

Illinois to suspend $30 billion in investment activity with Wells Fargo(PBR30 $WFC). MarketWatch PR link.

Microsoft(PBR31) increases European cloud investment to $3 billion, unveils cloud policy recommendations. $MSFT PR link.

Capital One(PBR116) to be exclusive long-term card issuing partner with Cabela’s(PBR606) upon completion of acquisition by Bass Pro Shops. $COF PR link.

Community Health System(PBR125) adopts a short-term stockholder protection rights agreement. $CYH PR link.

Tenet Healthcare(PBR161) to pay $514 million per agreement with federal & state authorities for improper referral source arrangements at 4 hospitals. $THC PR link.

Penske Automotive(PBR170) acquires Audi, Land Rover, Volvo & 3 Porsche franchises in Bologna area of N Italy, to add $200 million in annual revenues. $PAG PR link.

Allergan(PBR219) gets exclusive worldwide license from AstraZeneca for $250 million plus up to $1.27 billion to develop & commercialize Crohn’s Disease therapy MED12070. $AGN PR link.

RR Donnelley(PBR243) completes spinoff of LSC Communications(NYSE: LKSD) & Donnelley Financial(NYSE: DFIN); Daniel Knots is new CEO; completes 3 for 1 reverse stock split. $RRD PR link.

Marathon Oil(PBR250) sells certain non-operated assets in W Texas/New Mexico for $235 million, has sold $1.5 billion in non-core assets since 08/15. $MRO PR link.

Air Products(PBR267) completes spinoff of electronics materials division now called Versum Materials(NYSE: VSM). $APD PR link.

Dover(PBR343) to sell Tipper Tie, its global supplier of processing & clip packaging machines, to JBT Corp(NYSE: JBT) for $160 million. $DOV PR link.

Dover(PBR343) acquires Italy’s global automotive service equipment manufacturer Ravaglioli SpA for $274 million. $DOV PR link.

Salesforce(PBR453 $CRM) to buy data startup Krux for $700 million. MarketWatch PR link.

TeamHealth(PBR498) acquires 150 physicians 100 advanced practice clinicians Florida Emergency Physicians, serve 600,000 patients/year. $THC PR link.

Cabela’s(PBR606) to be acquired by Bass Pro Shops for $65.50/share, $5.5 billion. $CAB PR link.

CIT Group(PBR608) sells $700 million in assets 135 employees Canadian equipment finance & corporate finance businesses to Laurentian Bank of Canada. $CIT PR link.

Green Plains(PBR649) acquires world’s largest manufacturer & marketer of food-grade industrial vinegar Fleischmann’s Vinegar Co for $250 million. $GPRE PR link.

Tesla(PBR651) 3Q16 production at 15,800 Model S, 8,700 Model X, total 24,500, 2Q16 total was 18,345. $TSLA PR link.

AMSURG(PBR945) Sheridan division acquires N California’s 38 physicians covering 7 facilities Fidere Anesthesia Consultants. $AMSG PR link.

American Capital Agency(PBR992) completes name change to AGNC Investment Corp. $AGNC PR link.

Dick’s Sporting Goods(PBR367) promotes Lee Belitsky to EVP/CFO. $DKS PR link.

A. Schulman(PBR791) hires John Richardson as EVP/Finance, to succeed Joseph Levanduski as CFO on 11/01/16. $SHLM PR link.

Plexus(PBR807) promotes Steve Frisch to EVP/COO. $PLXS PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US August Total All Construction Annual Rate at $1.142 trillion, -0.7% from July, -0.3% from August 2015. USDOC PR link.

Inst for Supply Management says US September PMI at 51.5%, August was 49.4%, July 52.6%. ISM PR link.

Markit says US September PMI at 51.5, August was 52.0, weakest upturn in new orders for 9 months. Markit PR link.

TrueCar estimates Total September US Auto Sales at $47 billion, -0.3% from September 2015; Average Price $33,090, +2.0% from September 2015. TrueCar PR link.

Automotive News estimates Total September US Vehicles Sold was 1,434,483, -5.1% from August, -0.7% from September 2015. Automotive News PR link.

Survey says Holiday Retail Shopping to Increase 4%. PR link.

(The PBR1000 is the premiere business intelligence service covering over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administration headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to The PBR1000 subscribers. Users worldwide include C-level executives, entrepreneurs,  sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisors, business professors/students, human resources/career counselors/job seekers, federal/state/local government agencies, social causes organizations, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just go to the Subscribe page.)

(Photo courtesy of, Stuart Miles)

Copyright © 2016 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 September 2016 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

September 2016: When Will Fed Rates Rise, How Will Stocks Respond?

Wall Street photo_8905_20091020

Wall Street Anxiously Waits. Federal Funds Rates Will Increase, But When?

By Larry C. Paxton

There were some big swings in the major US Stock Exchanges  during September 2016. The NASDAQ showed the most variability with 13 days positive, 8 days negative and had only 9 trading days out of 21 that varied between a -0.50% to +0.50% change. The longest streaks also belonged with the NASDAQ with a 4 day win streak and all 3 had some 2 day loss streaks. September 9th experienced the biggest swing during the month with all 3 exchanges losing over 2% based on concern that the Federal Reserve would raise federal funds interest rates. The ongoing saga of the ups and downs of the oil markets continued to contribute some anxieties throughout the month as well.

It is still uncertain if the UK’s leaving the European Union, Brexit, will be soft or hard, the effect will be more dramatic for the EU countries, but there will also be some impact on the US economy and stocks.

The stock market also seems to also be taking a “wait and see” attitude on the contentious US presidential race as the candidates continue to roll out their economic plans which are then immediately attacked as horrible by both sides.

The PBR1000 companies in The Top 5 Tables continue to be spread across a wide variety of industries.

If you are not a current Subscriber to the highly acclaimed The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 13 month subscription and automatically download the September 2016 15 Snapshots edition.

The following partial tables are excerpts from The PBR1000 September Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on September 30th, Month % Chg is compared to August 31st, YTD % Chg is compared to December 31, 2015, and the 21 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2014.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +63.03% to -42.32%. 491 out of 1,000 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 0.18%, the median was a loss of 0.10%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
21 Mos
% Chg
264 NAV 22.89 +63.03 +158.94 -31.63
906 CONN 10.32 +51.99 -56.03 -44.78
Scientific Games
688 SGMS 11.27 +36.61 +25.64 -11.47
Liberty Media
472 LMCA 28.65 +33.88 -27.01 -18.77
Cloud Peak Energy
986 CLD 5.44 +31.72 +161.54 -40.74

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +270.25% to -99.01%. 661 out of 999 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 7.58%. The median was a gain of 9.13%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
21 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
832 CLF 5.85 +2.63 +270.25 -18.07
Quad/Graphics 479 QUAD 26.72 -1.37 +187.31 +16.38
Cloud Peak Energy
986 CLD 5.44 +31.72 +161.54 -40.75
264 NAV 22.89 +63.03 +158.94 -31.63
Titan International
946 TWI 10.12 +10.12 +156.85 -4.80

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 20 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +241.75% to -99.74%. 471 out of 994 stock prices were up 0.00% or more. The average was a gain of 2.07%. The median was a loss of 1.24%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
21 Mos
% Chg
453 NVDA 68.52 +11.71 +107.89 +241.75
Amazon 19 AMZN 837.31 +8.86 +23.88 +169.80
AMD 533 AMD 6.91 -6.62 +140.77 +158.80
Activision Blizzard 480 ATVI 44.30 +7.08 +14.44 +119.85
718 NSP 72.64 +10.82 +50.86 +114.34

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $609.16 billion to $0.00 billion. The average is $21.15 billion, median is $6.40 billion, out of 999 companies tracked.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
21 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 609.16 +6.55 +3.80 -5.91
35 GOOG 534.21 +1.34 +2.36 +49.60
25 MSFT 448.85 +0.24 +1.28 +17.22
19 AMZN 396.95 +8.86 +25.29 +176.34
Facebook 147 FB 368.35 +1.71 +24.45 +69.36
The PBR1000
  21,132.84 -0.17 +5.16 +3.03

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
21 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 71,739.53 +0.18 +7.58 +2.07
DJIA 18,308.15 -0.50 +5.07 +2.72
NASDAQ 5,312.00 +1.89 +6.08 +12.16
S&P500 2,168.77 -0.12 +6.08 +5.31
GOLD 1,318.80 +0.44 +24.39 +11.30
SILVER 19.25 +2.39 +39.49 +23.40
OIL 48.05 +7.02 +29.72 -9.80

Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or significantly discounted annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

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The PBR1000 Case Study: Stock Investor-Dividend Yield

A Dividend Yield Case Study from Snapshot 8

Invest Button 87976-20131105

By Larry C. Paxton

During a recent conversation with PhilF, a The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots subscriber from the Atlanta area, he described some of his strategies for finding stocks in which to consider investing. This quick article is how he has used Dividend Yield as part of his assessment.

Basically, PhilF wanted to consider stocks that had a history of paying  out around a 5% to 6% dividend yield, no lower than a 4% dividend yield.

The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots are a great tool for these types of analyses. In this case the information is easily obtained from The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshot 8: Dividend Yield.

We calculate an Annual Dividend Yield by dividing the total amount of dividends paid in a fiscal year by the stock price at the end of the fiscal year. For example, if ABC Company paid out $1.00 in dividends in 2015, their fiscal year ends on 12/31/15, and the stock price at the close of that day was $20.00/share, the Dividend Yield would be $1.00/$20.00=5%.

The PBR1000 August 2016 Snapshot 8 Summary: Dividend Yield

In August 2016 there were 1,001 companies in The PBR1000. 735 of them paid dividends in FY2015.

The PBR1000 August 2016 Snapshot 8 is sorted by Dividend Yield, from the highest Dividend Yield to the lowest. The Dividend Yield Range for the 735 companies was 101.65%(#1) to 0.03%(#735). The median(#368) was 2.29%.

Those companies that had a FY2015 Dividend Yield of 5% to 6% ranked #65-#92, 28 companies. Of these, 9 had a preceding fiscal year that also had a Dividend Yield of at least 4%.

Here is the table of those results(PBR1000 Rank is by last fiscal year revenues.):


Company PBR1000
DY Rank Symbol DY 2014 DY 2015
730 67 HCP 4.95% 5.91%
Enterprise Products
98 68


6.89% 5.90%
413 75 MAT 4.91% 5.59%
Cedar Fair
977 79 FUN 5.96% 5.51%
10 82 T 5.48% 5.46%
Centerpoint Energy
333 84 CNP 4.05% 5.39%
605 85 VTR 4.14% 5.39%
General Cable
511 87 BGC 4.83% 5.36%
Mercury General
650 88 MCY 4.35% 5.31%

As it turns out, all these The PBR1000 Companies have 2016 fiscal year ends in December. The August Snapshots include FY2016 Dividend Yields for The PBR1000 Companies that have fiscal years ending through June 2016.

From this PhilF quickly narrowed down the stocks of interest, did some additional research, and invested in a couple of stocks. But Snapshot 8 helped him in only a few seconds to get the information from which he wanted to start.

To get the full Snapshot 8, as well as all 15 snapshots, you need to be a monthly or significantly discounted annual subscriber. If you are not a current subscriber just click here to go to the Order page.

Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact me at or call us at 520-282-4100.

Follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the daily news and monthly data/analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These companies are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. is a news, data, and analysis provider only. We do not make recommendations on investments.)

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The PBR1000 August 2016 Stocks/Commodities Snapshots

August 2016: The Waiting Game


Hope You Enjoyed A Nice Relaxing Vacation. Was August The Calm Before The Storm?

By Larry C. Paxton

Not much materialized during August 2016 to cause any big swings , though at times there were some signals that something might happen. August 2016 ended up seeming more like a waiting period.

Oil prices fluctuated up and down based on what might be happening with some agreements among the oil producing nations. The US jobs reports and other economic indices were not dramatic, and globally Brexit is still an unknown work in progress. However, during the last week or so there was some growing concern that the stage had been set for the Federal Reserve to raise rates in September.

The major US Stock Exchanges did not show much volatility during August 2016. For example, the S&P500 had 18 trading days out of 23 that varied between a -0.50% to +0.50% change, and all days varied by less than a 1% change either way. The longest streaks for the S&P500 was a 3 day win streak and a 2 day loss streak.

Perhaps the main volatility for August 2016 was between the two major US presidential candidates as they continue to call each other names and question their rival’s qualifications.

The PBR1000 companies in The Top 5 Tables continue to be spread across a wide variety of industries.

If you are not a current Subscriber to the highly acclaimed The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 13 month subscription and automatically download the August 2016 15 Snapshots edition.

The following partial tables are excerpts from The PBR1000 August Snapshots. The stock price is for the close of trading on August 31st, Month % Chg is compared to July 29th, YTD % Chg is compared toDecember 31, 2015, and the 20 Months % Chg is compared to December 31, 2014.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +169.44% to -58.62%. 516 out of 1,002 stock prices were up 0.00% or more, or 51.50% of the companies tracked. The median was a gain of 0.32%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
20 Mos
% Chg
Republic Airways
961 RJETQ 0.97 +169.44 -75.32 -93.35
Mattress Firm
731 MFRM 63.95 +114.31 +43.29 +10.11
Ocwen Financial
892 OCN 3.56 +78.00 -48.92 -76.42
924 AROPQ 0.06 +72.96 -80.36 -97.63
Genworth Financial
298 GNW 4.73 +65.38 +26.81 -44.35

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 Year-To-Date Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +260.76% to -98.94%. 691 out of 1,001 stock prices were up 0.00% or more, or 69.03% of the companies tracked. The median was a gain of 9.13%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
20 Mos
% Chg
Cliffs Natural Resources
836 CLF 5.70 -27.94 +260.76 -20.17
Quad/Graphics 480 QUAD 27.09 +6.82 +191.29 +17.99
AMD 535 AMD 7.40 +7.87 +157.84 +177.15
US Steel
228 X 19.44 -29.28 +143.61 -27.30
Tronox 812 TROX 9.13 +40.68 +133.50 -61.77

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 20 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: Range was +205.94% to -99.72%. 475 out of 996 stock prices were up 0.00% or more, or 47.69% of the companies tracked. The median was a loss of 1.24%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
% Chg
20 Mos
% Chg
454 NVSA 61.34 +7.43 +86.10 +205.94
AMD 535 AMD 6.86 +7.87 +157.84 +177.15
Amazon 19 AMZN 758.81 +1.36 +13.80 +147.84
SkyWest 634 SKYW 44.00 -1.88 +48.42 +112.58
Activision Blizzard
481 ATVI 78.49 +3.01 +6.87 +105.31

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: Range was $571.71 billion to $0.00 billion. The average is $21.20 billion, median is $6.52 billion, out of 1,001 companies tracked.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
20 Mos
% Chg
3 AAPL 571.71 +1.72 -2.58 -11.69
35 GOOG 527.17 -0.12 +1.01 +47.63
25 MSFT 447.76 +1.17 +1.04 +16.94
Berkshire Hathaway
4 BRK 370.07 +3.90 +13.70 +2.34
Amazon 18 AMZN 364.64 +1.87 +15.09 +153.75
The PBR1000
  21,223.16 +0.08 +5.38 +3.15

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Selected Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
% Chg
20 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 71,994.13 +0.11 +7.55 +1.95
DJIA 18,400.88 -0.17 +5.60 +3.24
NASDAQ 5,213.22 +0.99 +4.11 +10.08
S&P500 2,170.95 -0.12 +6.21 +5.44
GOLD 1,313.00 -3.31 +23.84 +10.81
SILVER 18.18 -7.80 +36.23 +20.51
OIL 44.90 +8.51 +21.22 -15.71

Have questions on The PBR1000 or The PBR US Economic Indices Monthly Snapshots? Please contact us at or call us at 520-282-4100.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @ThePBR1000.

(The PBR1000 provides astute investors and business professionals with the data, news, and analysis for taking higher probability of success actions. The PBR1000 covers over 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with principle or administrative headquarters in the US. These companies generate nearly $13 trillion in annual worldwide revenues, more than all other companies in the US combined. These are the key drivers in the US and world economies. On a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis several analytical reports in customizable Microsoft Excel format are provided to Subscribers of The PBR1000. Subscribers include C-level executives, entrepreneurs, sales/marketing/advertising professionals, investors/investment advisers, business professors/students, career counselors/job seekers, to name just a few. To order your monthly or annual subscription, just click here to go to the Order page.)

(Photo made available by marcolm,

The PBR1000 August 2016 Breaking News Recap

August 2016: A Wait and See Month?

business strategy process

Maybe Football Season Is The Best Time To Also Develop A New Winning Business Strategy!

By Larry C. Paxton

There were some opportunities for some major dramatics in August 2016, but not much materialized.

Perhaps much  of the excitement energy was transferred to the Rio De Janeiro 31st Olympiad which was center stage for half of the month. As always, it was a great celebration of sport at its best with dazzling performances in gymnastics, swimming, track & field, and many other events.

In the meantime US and global economic news continued to show moderate growth at best, with some big question marks regarding what Brexit really means. Mergers and acquisition activities were modest. There were no surprising leadership changes. The Federal Reserve did send a message that it might be open to increase the funds interest rate, but it would be a minimal increase.

With Labor Day being the traditional end of summer we enter a new season The big question is which will be more volatile, the economy, markets, the much anticipated U.S. Presidential debates, or the college and pro football season?

Following are The PBR1000 and economic related breaking news items of interest for August 2016, starting with the last active business day.

Wednesday, August 31:

The PBR1000 End of August US Stock Exchanges Snapshot:
DJIA ends August at 18,400.88, +0.03% from last Friday, -0.17%% MTD, +2.63% QTD, +5.60% YTD, -1.26% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends August at 5,213.22, -0.11% from last Friday, +0.99% MTD, +7.65% QTD, +4.11% YTD, -0.93% from record 5,262.02 on 08/15/15.
SPX ends August at 2,170.95, +0.09% from last Friday, -0.12% MTD, +3.43 QTD, +6.21% YTD, -0.88% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Amazon(PBR29 $AMZN) and Wells Fargo(PBR30 $WFC) abruptly end student loan partnership. MarketWatch PR link.

Deere & Co(PBR81) to contest DOJ decision to block acquisition of Monsanto(PBR187 $MON) subsidiary The Climate Corp’s Precision Planting $100 million/year farming equipment unit. $DE PR link.

C.H. Robinson(PBR215) to acquire New Zealand/Australia $251 million/FY16 freight forwarding/customs brokerage services provider APC Logistics for $225 million cash. $CHRW PR link.

A-Mark Precious Metals(PBR419) acquires majority interest in Indiana based SilverTowne Mint, signs exclusive supplier agreement with global refiner/precious metals producer Asahi Refining USA. $AMRK PR link.

JetBlue(PBR429) flight 387 arrives in Santa Clara, Cuba, first US commercial flight to Cuba in over 50 years. $JBLU PR link.

Insight(PBR460) acquires Perth, Australia based technology consulting/managed services provider Ignia. $NSIT PR link.

Pioneer Natural Resources(PBR476) completes $450 million acquisition of 28,000 Midland Basin acres from Devon Energy(PBR143 $DVN). $PXD PR link.

NVIDIA(PBR510) in partnership with China’s Baidu to use artificial intelligence to develop cloud-to-car autonomous car platform. $NVDA PR link.

Brunswick(PBR584) completes acquisition of Germany based $41 million/2015 Indoor Cycling Group. $BC PR link.

IDEX(PBR861) completes $239 million acquisition of global Swiss based metal-to-metal seal & flow control solutions manufacturer SFC Koenig AG. $IEX PR link.

Fitbit(PBR870) opens Europe/Middle East/Africa headquarters office in Dublin, Ireland. $FIT PR link.

Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906) extends $1.6 billion tender offer for Outerwall(824) to 09/22/16, 28.1% of shares tendered to date. $APO PR link.

Blackhawk Network(PBR998) to acquire UK based 20,000 clients global branding services provider Grass Roots Group for $118 million cash. $HAWK PR link.

McDonald’s(PBR101) USA president Mike Andres to retire at 2016 end, Chris Kempczinski named successor, other executive appointments named. $MCD PR link.

IDEX(PBR861) names Mike Yates as Interim CFO, effective 09/09/16, Heath Mitts is leaving. $IEX PR link.

ADP(PBR235) says 177,000 new US jobs created in August. $ADP PR link.

The Chicago August PMI Index falls 4.3 points to 51.5. MNI-ISM PR link.

Tuesday, August 30:

European Commission says Ireland gave illegal tax benefits to Apple(PBR5 $AAPL) worth up to $14.5 billion. EC PR link.

Apple(PBR5) CEO Tim Cook writes letter regarding history of taxes in European operations, says European Commission decision unfounded. $AAPL PR link.

Honeywell(PBR74) completes $1.5 billion acquisition of private supply chain & warehouse automatiion provider Intelligrated. $HON PR link.

KKR(PBR332) to acquire 4,000 clients contact centers & analytics software developer Calabrio, terms not disclosed. $KKR PR link.

Chipotle(PBR561) to offer free Kid’s Meals with purchase of an entre on Sundays during September. $CMG PR link.

Under Armour(PBR668) to open 1.3 million sf distribution center in Sparrows Point, MD, in summer 2018, employ 1,000. $UA PR link.

Brinker Intl(PBR697)’s Chili’s unit makes $30 million over 6 years commitment to St. Jude School Program. $EAT PR link.

Ford(PBR10) Credit unit group VP, chairman/CEO Bernard Silverstone retiring 10/01/16 after 37 years; Joy Falotico named successor. $F PR link.

General Cable(PBR418) hired Leah Stark in 07/16 as SVP/Chief Human Resources Officer. $BGC PR link.

S&P Global(PBR477) hires Steve Kemps as EVP/General Counsel. $SPGI PR link.

CIT Group(PBR608) rehires Jim Duffy to be EVP/Chief Human Resources Officer. $CIT PR link.

The Conference Board says the August Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 101.1, July was 96.7, Dec 2015 96.3. TCB PR link.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller June US National Home Price Index(Jan2000=100) at 182.42, May at 180.69, June 2015 173.61. CoreLogic PR link.

Monday, August 29:

Chevron(PBR3) to provide 0.65 million metric tons of liquid natural gas annually for 10 years to China through deal with ENN LNG Trading Company. $CVX PR link.

Amazon(PBR29) to open 850,000+ sf fulfillment center in Monee, IL. $AMZN PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR36) Walgreens unit & Prime Therapeutics to form new central specialty pharmacy/mail service businesses. $WBA PR link.

Mondelez(PBR87) says no longer pursuing acquisition of Hershey(PBR354 $HSY). $MDLZ PR link.

Southern Co(PBR155) subsidiary to acquire 147 MW Grant Plains wind facility in Oklahoma. $SO PR link.

NextEra Energy(PBR173) reaches agreements with 17 global financial institutions for $18.4 billion Oncor transaction. $NEE PR link.

Nordstrom(PBR214) to carry edited J. Crew collection in 16 full line stores & online beginning 09/12/16. $JWN PR link.

Core-Mark(PBR271) supply agreement with 1,100 Circle K stores in SE US not being renewed in 01/17. $CORE PR link.

Packaging Corp(PBR425) completes $386 million cash acquisition of independent corrugated products producer $324 million/2015 TimBar. $PKG PR link.

USG Corp(PBR599) to sell building product distributor L&W Supply unit to private $5.9 billion/2015 ABC Supply for $670 million cash. $USG PR link.

Verisk Analytics(PBR943) acquires offshore oil/gas data & subscriptions business of Quest Offshore. $VRSK PR link.

American Airlines(PBR69) promotes COO Robert Isom to president, succeeds leaving Scott Kirby. $AAL PR link.

United Continental(PBR77) hires Scott Kirby to new role of president. $UAL PR link.

KKR(PBR332) expands Asia-Pacific leadership team with new appointments in China, Korea, & Singapore. $KKR PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates Total US July Personal Income Annual Rate at $16.023 trillion, +0.45% from June, +4.0% from July 2015 USDOC PR link.

Friday, August 26:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 08/26/16 US Stock Exchanges Snapshot:
DJIA ends week at 18,395.40, -0.85% from last Friday, -0.20% MTD, +2.60% QTD, +5.57% YTD, -1.29% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,218.92, -0.37% from last Friday, +1.10% MTD, +7.77% QTD, +4.22% YTD, -0.82% from record 5,262.02 on 08/15/15.
SPX ends week at 2,169.04, -0.68% from last Friday, -0.21% MTD, +3.34% QTD, +6.12% YTD, -0.96% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

Judge denies Caesars Entertainment(PBR314 $CZR) litigation reprieve in $11 billion bondholder battle. MarketWatch PR link.

Herbalife(PBR354) CEO expresses appreciation for Carl Icahn‘s purchase of 2.3 million shares. $HLF PR link.

Rackspace(PBR935) to be acquired by Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906 $APO) for $32.00/share, $4.3 billion cash. $RAX PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce 2nd Estimate 2Q GDP is 1.1%, $18.437 trillion, Personal Consumption Expenditures $12.965 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The Fed: Text of Janet Yellen’s speech at Jackson Hole, WY, symposium. When will interest rates go up? FRB PR link.

The U of Michigan August Final Index of Consumer Sentiment at 89.8, July was 90.0, Aug 2015 91.9. UMich PR link.

Investing: E*Trade(PBR930) study reveals varying ETF preferences of older & younger investors. $ETFC PR link.

Thursday, August 25:

Amazon(PBR29) introduces Amazon Vehicles, a car research destination & automotive community. $AMZN PR link.

Amazon(PBR29) to open 8th Texas fulfillment center, 2nd in Coppell. Employs over 10,000 full-time hourly workers in 5 current open facilities. $AMZN PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR36) exercises 2nd tranche of warrants to purchase AmerisourceBergen(PBR16 $ABC) shares, now owns 23.9% equity stake. $WBA PR link.

Freddie Mac(PBR41) & Fannie Mae(PBR17 $FNMA) to continue high loan-to-value refinancing HARP program through 09/30/17 when new program kicks in. $FMCC PR link.

Mylan(PBR346) providing options to cut retail cost of its EpiPen by 50% for eligible patients. $MYL PR link.

Berry Plastics(PBR488) to acquire flexible plastic packaging films manufacturer AEP Industries(NASDAQ: $AEPI) for $765 million cash/stock, includes debt. $BERY PR link.

ON Semiconductor(PBR656) receives FTC regulatory approval for acquisition of Fairchild Semiconductor(PBR1000 $FCS). tender offer still needs to be satisfied. $ON PR link.

Great Plains Energy(PBR757) $12.2 billion cash/stock acquisition of Westar Energy(PBR747 $WR) to be voted on by shareholders of both companies on 08/26/16, still expects to close in spring 2017. $GXP PR link.

Estee Lauder(PBR255) hires Andrew Ross as SVP/Strategy & New Business Development. $EL PR link.

Wednesday, August 24:

Pfizer(PBR56) to acquire small molecule anti-infective business from AstraZeneca for up to $1.575 billion plus royalties. $PFE PR link.

Lear Corp(PBR165) hires Dr. Andre Weimerskirch as VP, Cyber Security for E-Systems. $LEA PR link.

Williams Cos(PBR348) confirms receipt of investor Corvex‘s director nominations, expresses disappointment on timing. $WMB PR link.

Alcoa(PBR115) hires Kate Hargrove Ramundo to be future Arconic spinoff EVP/Chief Legal Officer/Secretary. $AA PR link.

Jones Lang LaSalle(PBR449) president Christian Ulbrich to add CEO role on 10/01/16, to succeed retiring Colin Dyer. $JLL PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realors says July Existing Home Sales Annual Rate at 5,390,000, -3.2% from June, -1.6% from July 2015 $NAR PR link.

Discover Financial(PBR286) report says Millennials are twice as likely as Boomers to take out a home equity loan. $DFS PR link.

Equifax(PBR795) survey says most college students pay credit cards in full each month. $EFX PR link.

Tuesday, August 23:

Medtronic(PBR133) completes $1.1 billion cash acquisition of miniaturized, mechanical circulatory support technologies developer Heartware International(NASDAQ: $HTWR). $MDT PR link.

Lear Corp(PBR165) signs investment agreement to build a 32,000 sq meter leather plant in Yangzhou, China. $LEA PR link.

Tesla(PBR651) announces new Model S electrical car version with range of 315 miles, 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds, fastest production car in the world. $TSLA PR link.

Albemarle(PBR792) to acquire 15,000 MT/year lithium salts production assets in China. $ALB PR link.

Zoetis(PBR500) promotes Glenn David to EVP/CFO, succeeds Paul Herendeen, who has resigned. $ZTS PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates July New Home Sales Annual Rate at 654,000, +12.4% from June, +31.3% from July 2015. July New Home Median Price at $294,600, -5.1% from June, -0.5% from July 2015. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond estimates August 5th District Manufacturing Index(Annualized) at -11%, July was +10%, June -10%. RichmondFed PR link.

Monday, August 22:

Pfizer(PBR56) to acquire oncology biopharma firm Medivation(NASDAQ: $MDVN) for $81.50/share, $14 billion. $PFE PR link.

Peabody Energy(PBR372) reaches agreement with Illinois on financial assurances in support of coal mine restoration activities. $BTUUQ PR link.

TeamHealth(PBR498) acquires operations of Grossmont Emergency Medical Group, serves 100,000 San Diego area patients/year. $TMH PR link.

Green Plains(PBR649) to purchase 3 Abengoa Bioenergy ethanol plants for $237 million cash in bankruptcy sale. $GPRE PR link.

Office Depot(PBR182) Chairman/CEO Roland Smith to resign CEO role by 1Q2017 end; Troy Rice promoted to new position of COO. $ODP PR link.

Viacom(PBR212) president/CEO Philippe Bauman steps down, COO Thomas Dooley named interim president/CEO through 09/30/16, 5 independent directors elected to board. $VIA PR link.

Marathon Oil(PBR250) promotes T Mitch Little to EVP/Operations; EVP/CFO JR Sult is leaving; other executive changes made. $MRO PR link.

Avis Budget(PBR316) hires Arthur Orduna to new position of Chief Innovation Officer. $CAR PR link.

A. Schulman(PBR791) promotes Gary Miller to COO, Frank Roederer to SVP/GM USCAN. $SHLM PR link.

July Chicago Fed National Activity Index +0.27, from +0.05 in June. ChicagoFed PR link.

Friday, August 19:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 08/19/16 US Stock Exchanges Snapshot:
DJIA ends week at 18,552.57, -0.13% from last Friday, +0.65% MTD, +3.47% QTD, +6.47% YTD, -0.45% from record 18,636.05 on 08/15/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,238.38, +0.10% from last Friday, +1.48% MTD, +8.17% QTD, +4.61% YTD, -0.45% from record 5,262.02 on 08/15/15.
SPX ends week at 2,183.87, -0.01% from last Friday, +0.47% MTD, +4.05% QTD, +6.85% YTD, -0.29% from record 2,190.15 on 08/15/16.

ON Semiconductor(PBR656) extends $20/share, $2.4 billion cash tender offer for Fairchild Semiconductor(PBR1000 $FCS) to 09/01/16, currently has commitment of 70.3% of shares. $ON PR link.

A. Schulman(PBR791) to promote Andrean Horton to EVP/Chief Legal Officer on 09/01/16, succeeds retiring David Minc. $SHLM PR link.

Thursday, August 18:

Dow Chemical(PBR48) celebrates its 50,000th Habitat for Humanity home. $DOW PR link.

Caterpillar(PBR54) to close down certain mining product lines, eliminate 195 jobs. $CAT PR link.

Sprint(PBR86) launches Unlimited Freedom, 2 lines $100/mo unlimited talk/text/data plan. $S PR link.

T-Mobile US(PBR95) announces T-Mobile ONE unlimited calls/text/data 4 line family plan for $160/mo. $TMUS PR link.

Emerson Electric(PBR109) to acquire valves & controls business from Pentair(PBR363 $PNR) for $3.15 billion. $EMR PR link.

Continental Resources(PBR497) to sell 80,000 acres of non-strategic properties in N Dakota & Montana for $222 million. $CLR PR link.

Toro(PBR855) to do 2-for-1 stock split, effective 09/16/16. $TTC PR link.

Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906) & Nike(PBR98 $NKE) form strategic partnership for apparel manufacturing in the Americas. $APO PR link.

United Continental(PBR77) hires Andrew Levy as EVP/CFO, Julia Haywood as EVP/Chief Commercial Officer. $UAL PR link.

Macy’s(PBR97) hires Richard Lennox as Chief Marketing Officer, effective 09/15/16. $M PR link.

General Cable(PBR418) EVP & president/CEO of Americas Gregory Lampert leaving; Juan Mogollon hired as SVP of Latin America. $BGC PR link.

A. Schulman(PBR791) Chairman Joe Gingo is now also president/CEO with departure of Bernard Rzepka. $SHLM PR link.

The US Dept of Justice issues a directive to phase out use of private prisons. DOJ PR link.

Employment: There are 1.2 million missing retail workers because Amazon(PBR29 $AMZN)’s so good MarketWatch PR link.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve says August Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey Index at +2.0, July was -2.9, June 4.7. PhillyFed PR link.

The Conference Board says August Leading Economic Index at 124.3(2010=100), July was 123.8, June 123.4. TCB PR link.

Wednesday, August 17:

Cisco(PBR60) announces restructuring plan, to lay off up to 5,500 employees, 7% of global workforce. $CSCO PR link.

Progressive(PBR145), 4th largest US auto insurer, reports July Personal Lines Policies in Force are 14.544 million, +7% from July 2015. $PGR PR link.

JCPenney(PBR234) presents 3 year plan for accelerated growth through private brands, home & beauty. $JCP PR link.

Ingredion(PBR415) to acquire 120 employee rice starch/rice flour business of Thailand’s Sun Flour Industry Co, now has 870 employees, 4 facilities in Thailand. $INGR PR link.

Universal Forest Products(PBR733) promotes Mike Mordell to EVP-International Operations. $UFPI PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases FOMC minutess for July meeting, labor market improved, 2Q GDP moderate, inflation rate <2% target. FRB PR link.

Tuesday, August 16:

Ford(PBR10) targets fully autonomous vehicle for ride sharing in 2021; invests in new tech companies, doubles Silicon Valley team. $F PR link.

Essendant(PBR458) reorganizing into Business & Facilities Essentials and Industrial Essentials, names management team. $ESND PR link.

Leidos(PBR475) completes $1.8 billion/50.5% equity acquisition of Lockheed(PBR64 $LMT)’s Information Systems & Global Solutions unit. $LDOS PR link.

Cintas(PBR523) to acquire branded uniforms & facility services programs G & K Services(NASDAQ: GK) for $97.50/share, $2.2 billion enterprise value. $CTAS PR link.

Wolverine Worldwide(PBR722) authorizes up to $300 million over 4 years share repurchase program. $WWW PR link.

KB Home(PBR802) acquires rights to 300+ homesites in master-planned community The Meadows in Castle Rock, CO. $KBH PR link.

Buffalo Wild Wings(PBR981) expands share repurchase program by $300 million, balance is $375 million. $BWLD PR link.

Visteon(PBR351) hires Christian Garcia as EVP/CFO, effective 10/01/16. $VC PR link.

Barnes & Noble(PBR408) CEO Ronald Boire departs per board decision, executive chairman Leonard Riggio to be interim CEO. $BKS PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US July Consumer Price Index was +0.0%, last 12 mos +0.8%(Unadjusted). USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US July Average Current Weekly Earnings at $886.31, +0.6% from June, +2.4% from July 2015. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of HUD says US July Private Housing Building Permits were 1,152,000, -0.09% from June, +0.88% from July 2015 HUD PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says US July Total Industrial Production Capacity at 75.9%, +0.5% from June, -1.5% from July 2015. FRB PR link.

Monday, August 15:

AIG(PBR46) to sell its private mortgage insurance unit United Guaranty Corporation to Arch Capital Group(NASDAQ: ACGL) for $3.4 billion. $AIG PR link.

Aetna(PBR49) to reduce participation in Affordable Care Act individual public exchanges from 778 counties to 242 in 2017. $AET PR link.

Dollar General(PBR151) opens site 13,000, located in Birmingham, AL. $DG PR link.

Jones Lang LaSalle(PBR449) acquires Singapore 180 professional staff Asia Pacific interior design service PDM International. $JLL PR link.

Salesforce(PBR453 $CRM) to acquire business analytics firm BeyondCore, terms not disclosed. BeyondCore PR link.

Xylem(PBR575) to acquire global water industry technologies/data analytics firm $837 million/FY2016 Sensus for $1.7 billion. $XYL PR link.

Diebold(PBR676) completes $1.8 billion acquisition of Germany based 9,000 employee retail banks IT solutions/services provider Wincor Nixdorf. $DBD PR link.

Concho Resources(PBR734) to acquire 40,000 net Midland Basin acres from Reliance Energy for $1.625 billion, to have 150,000+ net acres. $CXO PR link.

FreddieMac(PBR41) August Outlook says 2016 could reach $2 trillion in mortgage originations, forecasts 2017 GDP at 1.9%. $FMCC PR link.

The preliminary Natl Assn of Homebuilders US August Housing Market Index at 60, July was 58, June 60. NAHB/Wells Fargo PR link.

The NY Federal Reserve says the August Empire State Manufacturing Survey General Business Conditions Index at -4.21, July was +0.55, Aug 2015 -12.79. NYFed PR link.

Friday, August 12:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 08/12/16 US Stock Exchanges Snapshot:
DJIA ends week at 18,576.47, +0.18% from last Friday, +0.78% MTD, +3.61% QTD, +6.61% YTD, -0.20% from record 18,613.51 on 08/11/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,232.89, +0.23% from last Friday, +1.37% MTD, +8.06% QTD, +4.50% YTD, +0.00% from record 5,232.89 on 08/12/15.
SPX ends week at 2,184.05, +0.05% from last Friday, +0.48% MTD, +4.06% QTD, +6.85% YTD, -0.08% from record 2,185.79 on 08/11/16.

Anthem(PBR38 $ANTM)-Cigna(PBR85 $CI) merger ruling unlikely to come in 2016, judge says. MarketWatch PR link.

KBR(395) to acquire the Honeywell(PBR74) 3,550 employee $600 million/yr government services provider HTSI for $266 million. $KBR PR link.

SunEdison(PBR782 $SUNEQ) shareholders lose bankruptcy fight, judge says company ‘hopelessly insolvent.’ MarketWatch PR link.

E*Trade(PBR930) reports End of July Stock Plan Accounts at 1,455,148, +0.8% from June, +8.1% from July 2015. $ETFC PR link.

21st Century Fox(PBR91 $FOX) Fox News unit gets new leadership team. MarketWatch PR link.

Dick’s Sporting Goods(PBR367) Teri List-Stoll no longer EVP/CFO, EVP/COO Andre Hawaux to serve as interim CFO. $DKS PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US June Trade Sales/Mfrs Shipments at $1.308 trillion, +1.16% from May, -0.64% from June 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce Advance July Retail Trade Total at $457.7 billion, -0.04% from June, +2.26% from July 2015. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US July Producer Price Index at -0.4%, June was +0.5%, -0.2% from July 2015. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Agriculture August WASDE report forecasts record levels for corn & soybean crops for 2016/2017. USDA PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary August Consumer Sentiment Index at 90.4, July was 90.0, June 93.5. UMich PR link.

Thursday, August 11:

Ingram Micro(PBR62) $38.90/share, $6.0 billion acquisition by China based Tianjin Tianhai must close by extended date of 11/13/16. $IM PR link.

Macy’s(PBR97) to close around 100 of its 728 stores in early 2017, represents $1 billion in revenues. $M PR link.

United Natural Foods(PBR371) acquires $50 million/year fresh & organic foods distributor/merchandiser Gourmet Guru. $UNFI PR link.

Lithia Motors(PBR451) acquires Kemp Ford in Thousand Oaks, CA, to add $65 million to annual revenues. $LAD PR link.

Meredith Corp(PBR994) promotes Tom Harty to president/COO. $MDP PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says US July Import Price Index was +0.1%, June was +0.6%, Yr-to-Yr -3.7%. USDOL PR link.

Adobe Systems(PBR557) reports falling consumer goods prices for six consecutive months in July Digital Price Index.

Healthcare: Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) says most companies paying at least 5% more for health insurance premiums in 2016; 1-in-4 incurring double digit increases. $AJG PR link.

Wednesday, August 10:

Exelon(PBR102) to invest $25 billion over 5 years in infrastructure, smart grid technology in its 6 utilities serving 10 million customers. $EXC PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR131) to transfer N Texas Barnett Shale asset to First Reserve; to renegotiate Mid-Continent Gas Gathering agreement. $CHK PR link.

Peabody Energy(PBR372) business plan approved by DIP lenders, plans to emerge from Chapter 11 bankruptcy by end of year. $BTUUQ PR link.

JetBlue(PBR429) July Passenger Load Factor at 87.7%, June was 87.0%, YTD is 85.1%. $JBLU PR link.

Herbalife(PBR487) gets approval from China’s Ministry of Commerce to operate in 3 more provinces, currently in 25. $HLF PR link.

LAM Research(PBR520 $LRCX) and KLA-Tencor(PBR692) provides update on $10.6 billion deal, regulatory approvals might extend past 10/20/16. $KLAC PR link.

WABCO(PBR704) to supply vast majority of vacuum pumps for China based auto manufacturer/Volvo owner Geely in multi-year deal. $WBC PR link.

AAR Corp(PBR883) hires Marcus Jadotte as VP of Public Affairs, to establish a Washington DC office. $AIR PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates Total US June Job Openings at 5,624,000, +2.0% from May, +8.8% from June 2015. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says Total US July Receipts were $210.0 billion, Outlays $322.8 billion, Deficit $112.8 billion, YTD Deficit $513.7 billion. Treasury PR link.

Tuesday, August 9:

Walt Disney(PBR57) to acquire 33% stake in video streaming company BAMTech for $1 billion, option to purchase majority stake. $DIS PR link.

American Airlines(PBR69) reports July traffic, total passenger load factor at 85.2%, -2.1% from July 2015. $AAL PR link.

RR Donnelley(PBR243) to move from NASDAQ to NYSE on 08/22/16, will use same RRD symbol. $RRD PR link.

Gannett(PBR414) completes $4.60/share, $140 million acquisition of $320 million/year digital market solutions company ReachLocal. $GCI PR link.

TD Ameritrade(PBR662) averaged 454,000 client trades per day in July, -3% from June, same as July 2015. $AMTD PR link.

SunPower(PBR680) to lay off 15% of workforce, 1,200 positions, primarily from the Philippines. $SPWR PR link.

Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR906) affiliates extend $30.25/share, $2.2 billion cash tender offer to acquire Diamond Resorts Intl(NYSE: DRII) extended to 08/24/16. $APO PR link.

Community Health System(PBR125) promotes Tim Hingtgen to president/COO on 09/01/16, succeeds retiring Wayne Smith. $CYH PR link.

hhgregg(PBR864) promotes Kevin Kovacs to CFO, Samuel Johnson to Chief Retail Officer. $HGG PR link.

Domino’s Pizza(PBR889) opens 13,000th store in the Seattle, WA, area. $DPZ PR link.

US Dept of Labor 2Q2016 Labor Productivity Annual Rate -0.7% from 1Q2016, Output +1.4%. USDOL PR link.

US Dept of Commerce estimates Total US June Wholesale Sales at $444.6 billion, +1.88% from May, -0.45% from June 2015. USDOC PR link.

CoreLogic: 38,000 completed foreclosures in June, down 4.9% YOY. CoreLogic PR link.

Monday, August 8:

Walmart(PBR1) to acquire e-commerce store for $3 billion cash plus $300 million stock. $WMT PR link.

Chevron(PBR3) gets affirmation from US Appeals Court that $9.5 billion judgment in Ecuador was fraudulent & unenforceable in the US. $CVX PR link.

Delta Air Lines(PBR72) issues statement to customers regarding flight cancellations & delays. $DAL PR link.

Marriott Intl(PBR211) merger with Starwood Hotels(PBR417 $HOT) extended by up to 60 days per China Ministry of Commerce request. $MAR PR link.

Williams Cos(PBR348) to receive $209 million & Williams Partners(NYSE: WPZ) $817 million in sale of Canadian businesses. $WMB PR link.

Terex(PBR357) gets European Union & US Antitrust clearances for $1.3 billion sale of Material Handling/Port Solutions business to Konecranes, expected to close early 2017. $TEX PR link.

Intuit(PBR529)’s QuickBooks Online unit passes 1.5 million paid subscribers. $INTU PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR851) to accelerate deployment of Dolby cinema in 100 AMC sites by end of 2017, 7 years early. $AMCX PR link.

Mattress Firm(PBR932) to be acquired by S Africa based global integrated retailer Steinhoff for $64.00/share, $3.8 billion cash. $MFRM PR link.

Vail Resorts(PBR1032) to acquire Canada mountain resort Whistler Blackcomb in $46.8/share, $1.8 billion cash/stock deal. $MTN PR link.

Polaris Industries(PBR531) promotes Joel Houlton to VP Global Safety and Quality. $PII PR link.

Endo Intl(PBR700) hires Joseph Ciaffoni as president, US Branded Pharmaceuticals. $ENDP PR link.

hhgregg(PBR864) appoints 4 to SVP/VP responsibilities in marketing, 3 merchandising areas. $HGG PR link.

Red Robin(PBR1046) promotes president Denny Marie Post to CEO, succeeds retiring Steve Carley. $RRGB PR link.

New York Federal Reserve article: Consumers’ Income/Spending Growth Expectations Strengthen, Labor Market Expectations Weaken. $NYFED PR link.

Fannie Mae(PBR17 $FNMA) and Freddie Mac(PBR41 $FMCC) could need $126 billion taxpayer bailout in next crisis, stress test finds. MarketWatch PR link.

Friday, August 5:

The PBR1000 Week Ending 08/05/16 US Stock Exchanges Snapshot:
DJIA ends week at 18,543.53, +0.60% from last Friday/MTD, +3.42% QTD, +6.42% YTD, -0.28% from record 18,595.03 on 07/20/16.
NASDAQ ends week at 5,221.12, +1.14% from last Friday/MTD, +7.81% QTD, +4.27% YTD, +0.00% from record 5,221.12 on 08/05/15.
SPX ends week at 2,182.87, +0.43% from last Friday/MTD, +4.00% QTD, +6.80% YTD, +0.00% from record 2,182.87 on 08/05/16.

The PBR1000 End of July Top 5 Companies by Market Capitalization:
1. Apple(PBR3), $AAPL, $562.02B
2. Alphabet(PBR35), $GOOGL, $527.82
3. Microsoft(PBR25), $MSFT, $442.56B
4. ExxonMobil(PBR2), $XOM, $368.84B
5. Amazon(PBR18), $AMZN, $358.03B

Range: $562.02 to $0.00, median was $6.34B(PBR502), Average was $21.14B(PBR226).

Total The PBR1000 Market Capitalization was $21,208.33B, +3.30% from June, +5.31%YTD, +3.12% from 12/31/14. (1,003 companies)

Get the current month plus the next 12 months of the 15 analytical snapshots of The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots, including the full Market Capitalization Snapshot, by going to the SUBSCRIBE page now!

American Airlines(PBR69) & TMU-IAM Association reach interim agreement on pay increases for 30,000 ground employees. $AAL PR link.

International Paper(PBR117) to complete $2.2 billion acquisition of Weyerhauser(PBR355 $WY)‘s pulp business in 4Q2016. $IP PR link.

AbbVie(PBR136 $ABBV) files patent suit against Amgen(PBR135 $AMGN) over Humira biosimilar. MarketWatch PR link.

Priceline(PBR319)’s unit adds its one-millionth property in Nantucket, Massachussets. $PCLN PR link.

Mylan(PBR346) completes $9.9 billion acquisition of Sweden based 4,500 employee global pharmaceuticals provider Meda. $MYL PR link.

Sprint(PBR86) hires Jan Geldmacher, former CEO of Vodafone Global Enterprise, as president of Sprint Enterprise.

Scientific Games(PBR937) hires Kevin Sheehan as new president/CEO, Gavin Isaacs to become vice chairman of the board. $SGMS PR link.

The US Dept of Labor estimates US July Employment at 151.5 million, +420,000 from June, +2.7 million from Jul 2015, Unemployment rate at 4.9%. USDOL PR link.

US Dept of Commerce says US Total June Exports YTD at $1.091 trillion, Imports $1.335 trillion, Deficit $245 billion. USDOC PR link.

US Federal Reserve estimates US June Consumer Credit Outstanding at $3.634 trillion, +0.34% from May, +2.78% YTD, +5.77% from June 2015 FedReserve PR link.

Thursday, August 4:

Spectra Energy(PBR422) sells its Canadian natural gas liquids business to Plains Midstream Canada for $204 million. $SE PR link.

LinkedIn(PBR843) 2Q2016 report says cumulative members grew 18% year-over-year to 450 million. $LNKD PR link.

Natl Oilwell Varco(PBR127) promotes Isaac Joseph to president, Wellbore Technologies unit. $NOV PR link.

Diebold(PBR676) promotes Octavio Marquez to SVP/Managing Director N & S America operations. $DBD PR link.

TreeHouse Foods(PBR690) EVP/CFO & interim president of Private Brands to become a senior advisor, search for new CFO starts. $THS PR link.

Bristow Group(PBR919) promotes Chip Earle to SVP/Chief Legal& Support Officer, Mary Wersebe to VP/Human Resources. $BRS PR link.

US Dept of Labor estimates US July Employment at 151,517,000, +420,000 from June, +2.651,000 from Jul 2015, Unemployment rate at 4.9% USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates US June Manufacturers’ New Orders were $447.4 billion, -1.5% from May, -2.6% YTD. USDOC PR link.

Wednesday, August 3:

Stocks Fun Fact: The PBR1000 Top 5 YTD Stock Gainers through July are:
1. Cliffs Natural Resources(PBR842), $CLF, +400.63%
2. US Steel(PBR228), $X, +244.49%
3. AK Steel(PBR351), $AKS, +192.86%
4. Quad/Graphics(PBR478), $QUAD, +172.69%
5. CONSOL Energy(PBR633), $CNX, +145.32%

Range: +400.63% to -97.45%, 685 companies were +0.00%, median was +9.60%. (1,003 companies)

Allergan(PBR219) to sell pharmaceutical products distributor Anda to Teva Pharmaceuticals for $500 million. $AGN PR link.

Newfield Exploration(PBR830) In two separate agreements sells most of its Texas assets for $390 million. $NFX PR link.

Universal American(PBR882) completes sale of traditional insurance business to Nassau Reinsurance Group for $30.5 million cash. $UAM PR link.

Wolverine Worldwide(PBR722) promotes Mike Jeppesen to expanded role of president, Wolverine Heritage Group. $WWW PR link.

ADP(PBR235) says July Change in National Employment was +179,000 with Goods Producing -6,000, Services +185,000. $ADP PR link.

The Conference Board July Help Wanted Online Ads were 4,814,300, +3.4% from June, -10.3% from July2015. TCB PR link.

Markit reports July US Composite PMI Output Index at 51.8, June was 51.2, May 50.9. Markit PR link.

ISM says US July Non-Manufacturing Index at 55.5%, June was 56.5%, May 52.9%. ISM PR link.

Automotive News says July US New Auto Units Sold were 1,521,245, +0.5% from July 2015. AutoNews PR link.

Tuesday, August 2:

Stocks Fun Fact: The PBR1000 Top 5 Stock Gainers 12/31/14-07/31/16:
1. NVIDIA(PBR454), $NVDA, +184.79%
2. AMD(PBR536), $AMD, +156.93%
3. Amazon(PBR18), $AMZN, +144.50%
4. Newmont Mining(PBR320), $NEM, +132.80%
5. Insperity(PBR722), $NSP, +131.60%

Range: +184.79% to -95.15%, 494 companies were +0.00%, median was -0.16%. (991 companies)

AIG(PBR46) authorizes additional $3.0 billion for share repurchase program, balance is $4.0 billion. $AIG PR link.

Energy Transfer Equity(PBR52) & Sunoco Logistics(PBR158 $SXL) sell 36.75% stake in Bakken Pipeline Project to Enbridge Energy(PBR333 $EEP) & Marathon Petroleum(PBR23 $MPC) for $1.2 billion & $800 million respectively. $ETE PR link.

Allergan(PBR219) completes $40.5 billion cash/stock divestiture of global generics business to Teva Pharmaceutical. $AGN PR link.

Molina Healthcare(PBR284) to acquire certain Medicare Advantage assets from Aetna(PBR49 $AET) & Humana(PBR58 $HUM) for $117 million. $MOH PR link.

Mylan(PBR346) to complete $9.9 billion acquisition of Sweden based 4,500 employee global pharmaceuticals provider Meda on 08/05/16. $MYL PR link.

Avery Dennison(PBR396) completes $226 million acquisition of $170 million/year Mactac Europe. $AVY PR link.

Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) acquires Pearland, TX, south central US retail insurance broker Victory Insurance Agency. $AJG PR link.

Griffon Corp(PBR890) adds $50 million to share repurchase program, balance is $64.6 million. $GFF PR link.

Cincinnati Bell(PBR1027) shareholders approve 1-for-5 reverse stock split, to be effective 10/05/16. $CBB PR link.

Macy’s(PBR97) hires Elisa Garcia as Chief Legal Officer, effective 09/07/16, succeeds retiring Dennis Broderick. $M PR link.

McDonald’s(PBR101) Chief Administrative Officer Pete Benson retiring on 09/02/16; organizational changes to be announced in coming weeks. $MCD PR link.

NRG Energy(PBR186) hires Bruno Sarda as VP/Sustainability. $NRG PR link.

PVH(PBR328) hires Raf Simons as Chief Creative Officer of its Calvin Klein unit. $PVH PR link.

TD Ameritrade(PBR662) EVP/COO Marv Adams resigning on 12/01/16, COO position to be eliminated. $AMTD PR link.

The Dept of Commerce estimates US June Total Personal Income Annual Rate at $15.883 trillion, +0.2% from May, +3.4% from June 2015. USDOC PR link.

TrueCar estimates July New Auto Sales at $48.9 million, Average Transaction Price $32,518, Incentive per Unit Spending $3,225. TrueCar PR link.

US July Purdue/CME Ag Barometer Index at 112, June was 104, May 97. Purdue/CME PR link.

Monday, August 1:

Verizon(PBR15) to acquire Ireland based global fleet & mobile workforce management solutions provider Fleetmatics(NYSE: FLTX) for $60.00/share, $2.4 billion cash. $VZ PR link.

Glaxo, Alphabet(PBR44 $GOOGL) plan $700 million bioelectric venture. MarketWatch PR link.

Pfizer(PBR56) acquires remaining 78% of private gene therapy firm Bamboo Therapeutics for up to $650 million. $PFE PR link.

McDonald’s(PBR101) USA announces big changes to its food. $MCD PR link.

Icahn Enterprises(PBR147) confirms co-manager arrangements with Brett Icahn and David Schechter. $IEP PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR273) completes $900 million acquisition of Boyd Gaming(PBR727)‘s 50% ownership in Borgata Hotel Casino in Atlantic City, NJ. $MGM PR link.

Gannett(PBR414) extends $4.60/share tender offer for $320 million/year digital market solutions company ReachLocal(NASDAQ: RLOC) to 08/08/16, 42.09% of shares tendered so far. $GCI PR link.

Jones Lang LaSalle(PBR449) completes acquisition of UK based 1,600 clients in 60,000 locations property maintenance provider Integral UK. $JLL PR link.

Salesforce(PBR453) to acquire collaboration software developer Quip in $582 million stock deal. $CRM PR link.

Coach(PBR496) sells interest in 10 Hudson Yards headquarters location for $707 million, signs 20 year lease. $COH PR link.

Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) acquires UK based employee benefits insurance provider Orb Financial Services. $AJG PR link.

Arthur J Gallagher(PBR515) acquires San Diego, CA, retail insurance broker Blue Horizon Insurance Services. $AJG PR link.

Tesla(PBR651 $TSLA) to acquire Solar City($SCTY) for $25.83/share, $2.6 billion in all stock deal. MarketWatch PR link.

Convergys(PBR703) becomes 2nd largest customer management services company in Germany with $135 million acquisition of buw. $CVG PR link.

Kennametal(PBR706) to eliminate 1,000 positions in FY2017, form new organizational structure with 3 operating units. $KMT PR link.

Equinix(PBR793) completes $211 million acquisition of Paris data center from Digital Realty. $EQIX PR link.

Newell Brands(PBR434) Chief Commercial Officer Joseph Arcuri leaving effective 08/31/16, to receive $625,000 severance payment plus other benefits. $NWL PR link.

hhgregg(PBR864) interim president/CEO & CFO Robert Riesbeck appointed president/CEO. $HGG PR link.

The US Dept of Agriculture lifts years-long ban on beef imports from Brazil. MarketWatch PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce estimates June US Construction Spending Annual Rate at $1.134 trillion, -0.65% from May, +0.27% from June 2015 USDOC PR link.

The July 2016 Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® says PMI at 52.6%, June was 53.2%, May 51.3%. ISM PR link.

The Markit July Flash US Manufacturing PMI at 52.9, June was 51.3, May was 50.7. Markit PR link.

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