The PBR1000 Summary: L3Harris Technologies(NYSE: LHX)

The PBR1000 Summary: L3Harris Technologies(NYSE: LHX)

LHX L3Harris PBR1000

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Business Description: “L3Harris Technologies (NYSE:LHX) is an agile global aerospace and defense technology innovator, delivering end-to-end solutions that meet customers’ mission-critical needs.”

Business Name: L3Harris Technologies, Inc.
Ticker: NYSE: LHX
Fiscal Year Ending Month: June
Stock Price(08/21/20): $178.59
Analyst Estimates(08/21/20): $235.74 12 Month Target Average, +32.00% Estimated 12 Month Change, Buy Recommendation, 4.71/5.00, based on 21 Estimates.

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for LHX:

#428 By Revenues: $6.801 billion(06/30/19)
#163 By Market Capitalization: $37.40 billion(07/31/20)
#463 By Assets: $10.177 billion(06/30/19)
#404 By Employees: 18,200(06/30/19)

To get the complete profile for LHX and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2020 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 

LHXspot2 TH21

The PBR1000 July 2020 Stocks & Commodities Snapshots

July 2020 The PBR1000: The Stock Market Bull Streak Continues

PBR1000 Snapshots Recap

The Stock Market Bull takes his 4th month in a row, the NASDAQ is breaking records, the S&P 500 is ahead YTD, and the DJIA is climbing as the coronavirus pandemic continues to cause havoc to the economy.

By Larry C. Paxton

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the month of July ending 07/31/20:

DJIA ends July at 26,428.32, -0.16% from last Friday, +2.38% MTD/QTD, -7.39% YTD, -10.57% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends July at 10,745.27, +3.69% from last Friday, +6.82% MTD/QTD, +19.76% YTD, -0.20% from record 10,767.09 set 07/20/20.

SPX ends July at 3,271.12, +1.73% from last Friday, +5.51% MTD/QTD, +1.25% YTD, -3.40% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The July News Summary: It was the start of a new half, a new quarter, and there was a sense of optimism. But the Coronavirus Pandemic insisted on staying in the limelight, there was a resurgence of new cases as states tried various strategies to re-open businesses and their economies. Now discussions are about how to re-open schools safely, to push for online learning, or some hybrid. As the month came to an end there was some new optimism as some promising vaccines were entering mid-stage phases on human subjects. The Coronavirus pandemic tallies as of today at 02:35PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 17,422,252 confirmed cases globally with 675,584 deaths. For the US it’s 4,550,247 confirmed cases and 152,940 deaths. The international trade wars continue with most attention on the US/China trade negotiations which seem very far apart at the end of the month. There was a flood of corporate earnings report by the end of the month. as technology stocks had some big quarterly wins, everyone else seemed to fizzle somewhat. The US economy took a big hit at the end of the month as the GDP plummeted, jobs numbers are not recovering as fast as hoped, and the $600/week unemployment benefit was starting to end. The 2 houses of Congress end the month trying to find some common ground to go for another round of stimulus. With all that, the bottom line is that The Stock Market Bull had an excellent month, taking all major US exchanges for a 4th month in a row 3-0 win with the US stock exchanges, but it was a battle as The Stock Market Bear had some strong appearances throughout the month as well. Week 31 was an indication of this, with a Bull 2-1 mixed result win. Summer is now starting to drag on, the Coronavirus Pandemic continues with a glimmer of hope for a vaccine and upcoming tests being developed that are supposed to be reliable, quick, and inexpensive. Be safe as we close out July and start August with a lot of questions still to be answered and searching for the best directions to take.

The Week 31 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 15 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 13 weeks
Mixed Results: 3 weeks

The Monthly 2020 tally YTD(7 Months) is:
The Stock Market Bull: 4 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month


The July 2020 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 22

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 13+/9-; NASDAQ 15+/7-; SPX 14+/8-.

Record Days: DJIA 0, NASDAQ 7, SPX 0

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 4 days(07/10-15/20), NASDAQ 5 days(06/29-07/06/20),  and SPX 5 days(06/29-07/06/20)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 2 days(07/23-24/20), NASDAQ 2 day(07/23-24/20), and SPX 3 days(07/23-24/20)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 8 days, 07/06/20(D +1.78%, N +2.21%, S +1.59%), 07/08/20(N +1.49%), 07/10/20(D +1.44%, S +1.05%), 07/14/20(D +2.13%, S +1.34%), 07/20/20(N +2.51%), 07/27/20(N +1.67%), 07/29/20(N +1.35%, S +1.24%), 07/31/20(N +1.49%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 5 days, 07/07/20(D -1.51%, S -1.08%), 07/09/20(D -1.39%), 07/13/20(N -2.13%), 07/23/20(D -1.31%, N -2.29%, S -1.23%), 07/28/20(N -1.27%)

The PBR1000 July 2020 Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 July 2020 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on July 31, 20201 Month % Chg is compared to June 30, 202012 Months % Chg is compared to July 31, 2019, and the 24 Months % Chg is compared to July 31, 2018. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the July 2020 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 27 rankings with the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +88% to -83%667 out of 999 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 7.07%, the median was a gain of 3.06%. The DJIA was +2.38%, NASDAQ +6.82%, SPX +5.51%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Eastman Kodak 983 KODK $ 21.85 +880 +803 +594
930 TUP $ 15.43 +225 +1 -58
Owens & Minor
331 OMI $ 16.08 +111 +493 -15
Ocwen Financial
995 OCN $ 1.19 +79 -37 -70
Community Health 234 CYH $ 4.98 +65 +143 +49

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +803% to -98%367 out of 995 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 3.12%, the median was a loss of 10.24%. The DJIA was -1.62%, NASDAQ +31.43%, SPX +9.76%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Eastman Kodak 983 KODK $ 21.85 +880 +803 +594
Owens & Minor 331 OMI $ 16.08 +111 +493 -15
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 1,430.76 +33 +492 +380
Cincinnati Bell 956 CBB $ 15.01 +1 +293 +12
Hovnanian 894 HOV $ 23.30 -0 +288 -41

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +594% to -99%386 out of 981 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 7.43%. The median was a loss of 13.21%. The DJIA was +3.99%, NASDAQ +40.06%, SPX +16.15%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Eastman Kodak 983 KODK $ 21.85 +880 +803 +594
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 1,430.76 +33 +492 +380
Twilio 992 TWLO $ 277.42 +27 +99 +379
AMD 433 AMD $ 77.43 +47 +154 +322
Veeva Systems 996 VEEV $ 264.57 +13 +59 +250

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: The range was $1,668 billion to $0.01 billion. The average is $30.516 billionmedian is $7.07 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
% Chg
Apple 4 AAPL $ 1,668 B +6 +30 +91
Microsoft 20 MSFT $ 1,546 B +3 +29 +135
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,522 B +14 +66 +174
Alphabet 11 GOOG $ 1,048 B +13 +14 +44
Facebook 46 FB $ 669 B +6 +15 +30
The PBR1000
  $ 30,516 B +7 +1 +18

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 96,155.80 +7.1 +3.1 +7.4
DJIA 26,428.32 +2.4 -1.6 +4.0
NASDAQ 10,745.27 +6.8 +31.4 +40.1
S&P500 3,271.12 +5.5 +9.8 +16.2
GOLD 1,985.90 +10.3 +38.1 +61.1
SILVER 24.22 +29.9 +47.6 +55.9
OIL            40.27 +2.6 -31.3 -41.1

To order a 12 month subscription of The PBR1000 Snapshots go to the Subscribe page.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. This service is used by astute business professionals and shrewd investors worldwide.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent provider of news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisor firm or stock brokerage service, and is not affiliated with any such organization.

(Graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2020 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 July 2020 Breaking News Recap

The PBR1000 for July: What Now?

PBR1000 News Recap Summary

There are a lot of questions for July: To re-open or to re-close the economy fully, partially, phase-in, or do nothing. Federal/State and Local Government bureaucrats and aggressive large, mid-sized, and small business leaders will struggle to find the right answers for themselves and for society.

By Larry C. Paxton

The July 2020 breaking news items of interest for The PBR1000 follow with the most current date first.

***Friday, July 31

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for July and Week 31 ending 07/31/20:

DJIA ends July and Week 31 at 26,428.32, -0.16% from last Friday, +2.38% MTD/QTD, -7.39% YTD, -10.57% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends July and Week 31 at 10,745.27, +3.69% from last Friday, +6.82% MTD/QTD, +19.76% YTD, -0.20% from record 10,767.09 set 07/20/20.

SPX ends July and Week 31 at 3,271.12, +1.73% from last Friday, +5.51% MTD/QTD, +1.25% YTD, -3.40% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The July and Week 31 News Summary: It was the start of a new half, a new quarter, and there was a sense of optimism. But the Coronavirus Pandemic insisted on staying in the limelight, there was a resurgence of new cases as states tried various strategies to re-open businesses and their economies. Now discussions are about how to re-open schools safely, to push for online learning, or some hybrid. As the month came to an end there was some new optimism as some promising vaccines were entering mid-stage phases on human subjects. The Coronavirus pandemic tallies as of today at 02:35PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 17,422,252 confirmed cases globally with 675,584 deaths. For the US it’s 4,550,247 confirmed cases and 152,940 deaths. The international trade wars continue with most attention on the US/China trade negotiations which seem very far apart at the end of the month. There was a flood of corporate earnings report by the end of the month. as technology stocks had some big quarterly wins, everyone else seemed to fizzle somewhat. The US economy took a big hit at the end of the month as the GDP plummeted, jobs numbers are not recovering as fast as hoped, and the $600/week unemployment benefit was starting to end. The 2 houses of Congress end the month trying to find some common ground to go for another round of stimulus. With all that, the bottom line is that The Stock Market Bull had an excellent month, taking all major US exchanges for a 4th month in a row 3-0 win with the US stock exchanges, but it was a battle as The Stock Market Bear had some strong appearances throughout the month as well. Week 31 was an indication of this, with a Bull 2-1 mixed result win. Summer is now starting to drag on, the Coronavirus Pandemic continues with a glimmer of hope for a vaccine and upcoming tests being developed that are supposed to be reliable, quick, and inexpensive. Be safe as we close out July and start August with a lot of questions still to be answered and searching for the best directions to take.

The Week 31 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 15 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 13 weeks
Mixed Results: 3 weeks

The Monthly 2020 tally YTD(7 Months) is:
The Stock Market Bull: 4 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

Amazon(PBR2) gets US Federal Communications Commission 5-0 approval for $10+ billion Project Kuiper, to deploy and operate a constellation of 3,236 low earth orbital satellites to deliver high-speed, low-latency broadband internet service to places beyond the reach of traditional fiber or wireless networks. $AMZN PR link.

Alphabet(PBR11 $GOOG)’s Google and Facebook(PBR46) to be required to pay for news content under new mandatory rules set by the Australian government, have 3 months to come to agreeable terms, arbiter to used if no agreements. MarketWatch PR link.

United Airlines(PBR74) to resume service on nearly 30 international routes in September, including flights to Asia, India, Australia, Israel and Latin America and to continue to add ways to visit popular vacation destinations in the Caribbean, Hawaii and Mexico, intends to fly 40% of its US schedule. $UAL PR link.

PSEG(PBR307) is exploring strategic alternatives for PSEG Power’s non-nuclear generating fleet, which includes more than 6,750 megawatts of fossil generation located in NJ, CT, NY and MD, as well as the 467-megawatt Solar Source portfolio located in various states. $PEG PR link.

Bausch Health(PBR354) resolves legacy investigation by the US Securities and Exchange Commission regarding Valeant’s former relationship with Philidor Rx Services and certain of Valeant’s accounting practices, policies and public disclosures relating to the 2014 and 2015 reporting periods, settlement will fully resolve the investigation, Bausch agrees to negligence-based charges only, will pay a $45 million civil penalty, neither admits nor denies the SEC’s charges. $BHC PR link.

Spirit AeroSystems(PBR386) to layoff an additional 450 workers at its Wichita, KS location, total of 1,100, because of Boeing(PBR40) reduction in number of 737 MAX commercial aircraft to be built in 2020. $SPR PR link.

Franklin Resources(PBR475) completes $50.00/share cash, around $4.4 billion, acquisition of Legg Mason(PBR761), assumes about $2 billion of LM debt. $BEN PR link.

National Fuel Gas(PBR941) completes around $541 million acquisition of a Royal Dutch Shell plc (NYSE: RDS.A) subsidiary’s upstream and midstream gathering assets in Pennsylvania. $NFG PR link.

Dominion Energy(PBR194) Chairman/President/CEO Thomas F. Farrell, II, to become Executive Chairman on 10/01/20, EVP/Co-COO Robert Blue to become President/CEO, other promotions announced. $D PR link.

The US Dept of the Treasury says the 07/29/20 US National Debt-Public is at $20.584 trillion, Intragovernmental $5.936 trillion, Total Debt $26.520 trillion, 06/30/20 was at $26.477 trillion, 05/31/20 $25.752 trillion, 07/31/19 $22.022 trillion. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the June 2020 US Employment Cost Index(12/2005=100) is at 140.7, March 2020 was at 140.0, June 2019 137.0. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary June 2020 US Personal Income Annual Rate is at $19.880 trillion, May 2020 was at $20.103 trillion, April 2020 $21.038 trillion, June 2019 $18.615 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary June 2020 7th District Midwest Economy Index is at -9.48, May 2020 was at -8.38. “Index suggests Midwest growth well below trend through June.” ChiFed PR link.

The July 2020 MNI Chicago Business Barometer(>50=gaining) is at 51.9, June 2020 was at 36.6, May 2020 32.3, July 2019 44.4. “Business activity recovered following twelve consecutive months of readings below 50. Nevertheless, companies noted continued uncertainty amid the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.” MNI PR link.

The American Automobile Assn says the 07/31/20 Average Price for a Gallon of Regular Gas is at $2.189, 06/30/20 was at $2.178. 05/29/20 $1.972, 07/31/19 $2.721. AAA PR link.

The U of Michigan Final July 2020 US Consumer Sentiment Index is at 72.5, June 2020 was at 78.1, May 2020 72.3, July 2019 98.4. “Consumer sentiment sank further in late July due to the continued resurgence of the coronavirus. In the last four months, the Sentiment Index has remained trendless, averaging 73.7, a decline of 25% from the same period in 2019.” UMichigan PR link.

On 07/31/20 the GOLD(GC00) settlement price is $1,985.90/ounce, 06/30/20 it was $1,800.50, 05/31/20 1,743.00, 07/31/19 $1,437.80. GOLD current price link.

On 07/31/20 the OIL(CL1) settlement price is $40.27/barrel, 06/30/20 it was $39.27, 05/31/20 $35.32, 07/31/19 $58.58. OIL current price link.

***Thursday, July 30

What is a reliable source for picking winning stocks? Since 2013 the monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks by PBRMarketTools has been used by shrewd investors worldwide to build and maintain consistently high performing stock portfolios. Check out the The PBR25 info page!

Apple(PBR4) says 3Q20 revenues were at $59.7 billion, +11% from 3Q19, has approved a 4:1 stock split to take effect on 08/31/20. $AAPL PR link.

Johnson & Johnson(PBR35) says its investigational adenovirus serotype 26 (Ad26) vector-based vaccine elicited a robust immune response as demonstrated by “neutralizing antibodies,” successfully preventing subsequent infection and providing complete or near-complete protection in the lungs from the virus in non-human primates in the pre-clinical study, a Phase 1/2a first-in-human clinical trial of the vaccine candidate in healthy volunteers has commenced in the US and Belgium. $JNJ PR link.

Facebook(PBR46) 2Q20 revenues at $18.7 billion, +11% from 2Q19, monthly active users at 2.70 billion, +12% year-over-year. $FB PR link.

Tyson(PBR76) says less than 1% of US workforce of 120,000 has active COVID-19, has created a chief medical officer position and plans to add almost 200 nurses and administrative support personnel to supplement the more than 400 people currently part of the company’s health services team, additional nurses will conduct the on-site testing and assist with case management, coordinating treatment for team members who contract the virus. $TSN PR link.

ViacomCBS(PBR104)’s CBS All Access adds 3,500 episodes from BET, Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, and Smithsonian Channel, plus new original series and exclusive live sports to its streaming service, to relaunch in 2021, will be largest provider of streaming services. $VIAC PR link.

LabCorp(PBR261) to create a program to offer total antibody testing at no charge through the patient’s doctor in support of increased blood plasma donations for use as a possible COVID-19 treatment. $LH PR link.

Royal Caribbean(PBR283) changes name from Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd to Royal Caribbean Group(NYSE: RCL), has 63 ships in its fleet with 16 more on order. $RCL PR link.

HanesBrands(PBR419) 2Q20 sales at $1.74 billion, 2Q19 was at $1.76 billion, $752 million was from sales of protective garments globally. $HBI PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Advance Estimate 2Q20 Real Gross Domestic Product Annual Rate is at -32.9%, 1Q20 was at -5.0%, 4Q19 +2.1%, 2Q19 +2.0%; the 2Q20 Annual GDP is at $19.4 trillion, 1Q20 was at $21.6 trillion, 4Q19 $21.7 trillion, 2Q19 $21.3 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Week Ending 07/25/20 US Initial Jobless Claims 4 Week Average is at 1,368,500, 06/20/20 was at 1,620,250, 05/23/20 2,608,000, 07/20/19 213,000; Week Ending 07/18/20 US Total Insured Unemployment 4 Week Average is at 17,058,250, 06/13/20 was at 20,421,250, 05/16/20 22,722,250, 07/13/19 1,697,250. USDOL PR link.

FreddieMac says for the Week Ending 07/30/20 the US Weekly 30 Year Fixed Home Mortgage Rate Averaged 2.99% with 0.8 points/fees, 06/25/20 was at 3.13%, 05/28/20 3.15%, 07/25/19 3.75%. “Rates continue to remain near historic lows, driving purchase demand over 20 percent above a year ago. Real estate is one of the bright spots in the economy, with strong demand and modest slowdown in home prices heading into the late summer. Home sales should remain strong the next few months into the early fall.” FreddieMac PR link.

***Wednesday, July 29

The PBRMarketTools profile for social media giant Facebook(NASDAQ: $FB) has been updated, ranked 46 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the Facebook Spotlight page.

GE(PBR33) in 2Q20 report says it will fully monetize its remaining stake in Baker Hughers(PBR123) over the next 3 years. $GE PR link.

Qualcomm(PBR120) in 3Q20 report says it will receive around $1.8 billion from Huawei settlement agreement and has entered into a new long-term patent license agreement with Huawei. $QCOM PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152) adds 2 more ships to remove from fleet, is in addition to 9 ships previously removed over 90 days, and 4 prior to 2020, expect to record aggregate non-cash impairment charges during 3Q20 to be $600-650 million, impact of COVID-19 pandemic. $CCL PR link.

PG&E(PBR184) and Tesla(PBR117) start construction on a 182.5-megawatt (MW) lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) at PG&E’s electric substation in Moss Landing in Monterey County, will be owned and operated by PG&E, to have the system energized in early 2021 and fully operational in the 2Q21, will be one of the largest utility-owned, lithium-ion battery energy storage systems in the world. $PCG PR link.

JetBlue(PBR377) is deploying Honeywell(PBR85)‘s UV Cabin System as part of a 90 day pilot to evaluate effectiveness of using ultraviolet light to eliminate bacteria and viruses in passenger planes. $JBLU PR link.

Quest Diagnostics(PBR392) gets US FDA Emergence Use Authorization for for a new laboratory technique that speeds the process of extracting viral RNA from specimens and will enable the company to expand its daily capacity of COVID-19 molecular diagnostic tests on behalf of patients in the US, now expects to have the capacity to perform 150,000 tests per day by next week and to continue to build additional capacity beyond that to 185,000 tests per day by Labor Day. $DGX PR link.

Norwegian Cruise Lines(PBR449) extends previously announced suspension of global cruise voyages to include all voyages embarking between 10/01-31/20 for its three cruise brands, plans on monthly update. $NCLH PR link.

WW(PBR971)’s Health Solutions to be offered by CVS Health(PBR5)’s Point Solutions Management, will enable employers and plan sponsors that use CVS Caremark for pharmacy benefits management to access WW Health Solutions with simplified contracting, preferred pricing, and streamlined eligibility and billing processes. $WW PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) elects Acting CEO Bill Hornbuckle as President/CEO, effective immediately. $MGM PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee releases statement from its 07/28-29/20 meeting, keeps federal funds short term interest rates at 0.00-0.25%. “The path of the economy will depend significantly on the course of the virus. The ongoing public health crisis will weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and poses considerable risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.” FOMC PR link.

The US Energy Information Administration says the 07/24/20 US Crude Oil Stocks are at 526.0 millions of barrels, 06/19/20 was at 540.7, 05/22/20 534.4, 07/26/19 436.5. USEIA PR link.

***Tuesday, July 28

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR18) says contactless same-day curbside pick-up is now available at 8,600+ participating stores nationwide, includes nearly 1000 select grocery items, cleaning supplies, select over the counter products such as cough/cold, pain/fever and immunity support, infant formula/adult nutrition, medical supplies, first aid and paper goods. $WBA PR link.

Cognizant(PBR189) to acquire New Signature, one of the world’s largest independent Microsoft public cloud transformation specialists, to close in 3Q20, terms not disclosed. $CTSH PR link.

L Brands(PBR240) to reduce office headcount by around 15%, about 850 positions, reiterates plan to close around 250 Victoria’s Secret stores, says most Bath & Body Works and Victoria’s Secret stores in N America have reopened. $LB PR link.

Altice USA(PBR315) to sell 49.99% of its Lightpath fiber enterprise business, serving the New York City metro area, to Morgan Stanley Infrastructure Partners (MSIP) for an implied enterprise value of $3.2 billion, ATUS will maintain control of Lightpath, to close in 4Q20. $ATUS PR link.

Avis Budget(PBR334) in 2Q20 report says it has disposed of 100,000+ cars, cancelled 185,000+ incoming vehicle orders, reduced or furloughed 60+% of workforce. $CAR PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR501) gets multi-year agreement with Comcast(PBR28)’s Universal Filmed Entertainment Group, includes at least three weekends (17-days) of theatrical exclusivity for all Universal Pictures and Focus Features theatrical releases, at which time the studio will have the option to make its titles available across premium video on demand (PVOD) platforms, including through AMC Theatres On Demand. $AMC PR link.

Harley-Davidson(PBR508) sells 52,700 motorcyclies in 2Q20, compares to 71,800 motorcycles in 2Q19, impact of COVID-19 pandemic, remains focused on its The Rewire restructuring program. $HOG PR link.

Eastman Kodak(PBR983) to get a $765 million loan from the US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) to support the launch of Kodak Pharmaceuticals, a new arm of the company that will produce critical pharmaceutical components that have been identified as essential but have lapsed into chronic national shortage, as defined by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). $KODK PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary 2Q20 US Total Housing Units is at 140.7 million, Occupied is at 126.8 million, Owner Occupied is at 86.0 million, Renter Occupied 40.8 million, Homeownership Rate is at 67.9%, 1Q20 was at 65.3%, 2Q19 64.8%. USDOC PR link.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Preliminary May 2020 US National Home Price Index(01/2000=100) is at 218.87, April 2020 was at 217.45, March 2020 215.20, May 2019 209.53. Case-Shiller PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary July 2020 US Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 92.6, June 2020 was at 98.3, May 2020 85.9, July 2019 135.8. “Looking ahead, consumers have grown less optimistic about the short-term outlook for the economy and labor market and remain subdued about their financial prospects. Such uncertainty about the short-term future does not bode well for the recovery, nor for consumer spending.” TCB PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the July 2020 US 5th District Manufacturing Index is at +10%, June 2020 was at +0.0%, May 2020 -27%, July 2019 -12%. “Survey respondents were optimistic that conditions would improve in the next six months.” RichmondFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the July 2020 US 5th District Service Sector Revenue Index is at -14%, June 2020 was at -27%, May 2020 -50%, July 2019 +11%. “… businesses were optimistic that conditions would improve in the coming months.” RichmondFed PR link.

***Monday, July 27

The PBRMarketTools profile for digital financial services company Ally Financial(NYSE: $ALLY) has been updated, ranked 260 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the Ally Financial Spotlight page.

Lowe’s(PBR44) and ANGI Homeservices(NASDAQ: ANGI) to get leads by offering Lowe’s for Pros Loyalty Program members a free, year-long HomeAdvisor subscription, qualifiying Lowe’s Pro loyalty members will get the annual subscription and also receive a credit for an average of 10 free leads connecting them to HomeAdvisor’s extensive network of millions of homeowners looking for Pros to complete home projects. $LOW PR link.

Under Armour(PBR517) gets a “Wells Notice” from the US SEC, is investigating “pull forward” sales reported from 3Q15 to 4Q16. $UA PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR18) CEO Stefano Pessina to become Executive Chairman, will succeed Jim Skinner upon appointment of new CEO, CEO search starts. $WBA PR link.

***Friday, July 24

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 30 ending 07/24/20:

DJIA ends Week 30 at 26,469.89, -0.76% from last Friday, +2.55% MTD/QTD, -7.25% YTD, -10.43% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 30 at 10,363.18, -1.33% from last Friday, +3.03% MTD/QTD, +15.50% YTD, -3.75% from record 10,767.09 set 07/20/20.

SPX ends Week 30 at 3,215.63, -0.28% from last Friday, +3.72% MTD/QTD, -0.47% YTD, -5.04% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 30 News Summary: There was a lot press during the week about possible vaccines coming out by the end of 2020 for the coronavirus, which continues to be the headline news. The Coronavirus pandemic tallies as of today at 04:35PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 15,665,350 confirmed cases globally with 638,169 deaths. For the US it’s 4,106,225 confirmed cases and 145,324 deaths. On the international front US/China relations took another dip as the US demanded China close its Houston, TX, consulate office, with China responding by having the US consulate office closed in Chengdu. US corporate earnings were somewhat mixed as the the pandemic continues to result in lower revenues. Companies are adjusting by acquiring as much cash as they can by taking on a variety of debt, continuing to layoff people, and decrease dividends and stock buybacks. The technology sector continues to be robust, however. The US economy also had mixed signals as initial unemployment claims took another 1+ million leap. But existing and new home sales are showing a nice rebound as mortgage rates remain at historic lows. Congress announced it is working on another round of stimulus projects, expects something to pass probably in August. The US Presidential race took a strange twist when Donald Trump started wearing a mask, and cancelled part of the Republican Convention scheduled for Jacksonville, FL. The Stock Market Bull enjoyed sunshine in the pasture the first 3 days of the week, but The Stock Market Bear aggressively took the last 2 days and squeaked by with a complete 3-0 Week 30, his first since Week 26. Next week is the last in July, there will be some interesting economic reports coming out, can The Stock Market Bull hold onto the lead for the month?

The Week 30 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 15 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 13 weeks
Mixed Results: 2 weeks

Intel(PBR45) reports positive reports for 2Q20, but says its key 7nm technology is behind because of discovery of a defect, now expects initial shipments towards end of 2022/early 2023. $INTC PR link.

Goldman Sachs(PBR87) resolves all the criminal and regulatory proceedings in Malaysia, including pending criminal proceedings against subsidiaries of Goldman Sachs and certain of their current and former directors, relating to 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), involves the payment to Malaysia of $2.5 billion and a guarantee Malaysia receives at least $1.4 billion from assets related to 1MDB seized by governmental authorities around the world. $GS PR link.

Schlumberger(PBR95) says 2Q20 revenues were $5.4 billion, 28% less than 1Q20, 35% year-on-year, taking $1+ billion charge for severance expenses of 21,000 employees. $SLB PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR133)’s Kite unit gets US FDA accelerated approval to Tecartus™ (brexucabtagene autoleucel, formerly KTE-X19), the first and only approved chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy for the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). $GILD PR link.

NRG Energy(PBR312) to acquire Direct Energy, a N American subsidiary of Centrica PLC, for $3.625 billion in an all-cash transaction, has operations in all 50 US states and 6 Canadian provinces, is a leading retail providers of electricity, natural gas, and home and business energy-related products and services, to close by 12/31/20. $NRG PR link.

Ascena Retail(PBR499) gets bankruptcy court approval for “first day” motions, including access to $430+ million in cash collateral, also approved procedures for store closing sales, including all Catherines stores, a significant number of Justice stores and a select number of Ann Taylor, LOFT, Lane Bryant and Lou & Grey stores. $ASNA PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR772) gets NYSE notification that it is no longer in compliance with listing standards, has 18 months to cure the deficiencies. $TLRD PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary June 2020 New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate is at 776,000, May 2020 was at 682,000, April 2020 571,000, June 2019 726,000; June 2020 Median Home Price is at $329,200, May 2020 was at $310,200, April 2020 $307,100, June 2019 $311,800. USDOC PR link.

***Thursday, July 23

The PBRMarketTools profile for global medical devices company Boston Scientific(NYSE: $BSX) has been updated, ranked 288 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the Boston Scientific Spotlight page.

Dow(PBR74) in 2Q20 report provides analysis on impact of coronavirus pandemic, plans 6% reduction in global workforce. $DOW PR link.

Ascena Retail(PBR499) has entered into a restructuring support agreement with over 68% of its secured term lenders, is expected to significantly reduce debt by approximately $1 billion, provide increased financial flexibility to enable the Company to continue its focus on generating profitable growth, to carry out plan has filed voluntary Chapter 11 petitions in the US Bankruptcy Court. $ASNAPR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR501) now planning to reopen its US movie theatres in mid to late 08/20, approximately one-third of all AMC cinemas in Europe and the Middle East are already open and are operating normally. $AMC PR link.

ScanSource(PBR636) to implement a $30 million expense reduction plan in response to effect of COVID-19 pandemic, includes reduction of executive salaries, reduction of workforce, excludes its strong growth Intelisys business, will wind-down the Canpango professional services business. $SCSC PR link.

Twitter(PBR677) average monetizable daily active usage reached 186 million users in 2Q20, up 34% year over year, revenues were down 19%, indicating a moderate recovery, and there was an operating loss, but ad server project is nearly finished. $TWTR PR link.

SM Energy(PBR949) President/CEO Javan (Jay) D. Ottoson announces intention to retire by the end of 2020, serve on the Board until annual meeting in 05/21, EVP/COO Herbert S. Vogel appointed to be President/COO. $SM PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary May 2020 US Leading Economic Index(2016=100) is at 102.0, April 2020 was at 100.0, March 2020 96.8, May 2019 111.7. “Together with a resurgence of new COVID-19 cases across much of the nation, the LEI suggests that the US economy will remain in recession territory in the near term.” TCB PR link.

***Wednesday, July 22

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Waymo unit gets expanded strategic technology partnership with Fiat Chrysler Auto for L4 fully self-driving technology across FCA’s full product portfolio. $GOOG PR link.

Pfizer(PBR63) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) get $1.95 billion deal from the US federal government for 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine by the end of 2020, contingent on US FDA approval or emergency use authorization, potentially more than 1.3 billion doses by the end of 2021, Americans will receive the vaccine for free. $PFE PR link.

Nike(PBR81) moving towards its Consumer Direct Acceleration business model, announces leadership changes, expects to lead to a net loss of jobs across the company, resulting in pre-tax one-time employee termination costs of approximately $200 million to $250 million. $NKE PR link.

Tesla(PBR117 $TSLA) 4th US factory to be in Austin, TX, 2,000 acre complex, will build the Tesla Cybertruck, a pickup truck, and the Tesla Semi, a long-haul commercial truck as well as Model 3 and Model Y for the East Coast, will continue to grow in California, too, had an unexpected profitable 2Q20. MarketWatch PR link.

Marriott Intl(PBR150) opens its 800th property in Asia Pacific, the JW Marriott Nara in Japan, marks the entry of the JW Marriott brand into Japan. $MAR PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152)’s Princess Cruises extends pause of select global ship operations through 10/31/20 and 12/15/20. $CCL PR link.

AMD(PBR433) announces AMD Ryzen 4000 Series Desktop Processors with AMD Radeon Graphics Set for commercial and consumer desktop PCs. $AMD PR link.

The New York Times(PBR925) to acquire podcaster Serial Productions, has also entered into an ongoing creative and strategic alliance with “This American Life” that will enable it to continue to collaborate on long-form audio stories with Serial Productions and to collaborate on marketing and advertising sales with The Times, terms not disclosed. $NYT PR link.

Pyxus(PBR929)‘s Prepackaged Plan of Reorganization was overwhelmingly approved by each class of creditors entitled to vote, bankruptcy court hearing to consider approval of the Chapter 11 Prepackaged Plan is scheduled for 08/18/20. $PYXSQ PR link.

The New York Times(PBR925) President/CEO/Director Mark Thompson to step down from all roles effective 08/08/20, COO Meredith Kopit Levien named successor. $NYT PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary June 2020 US Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 4,720,000, May 2020 was at 3,910,000, April 2020 4,330,000, June 2019 5,320,000; June 2020 Median Price is at $295,300, May 2020 was at $284,600, April 2020 $286,800, June 2019 $285,400; FreddieMac says June 2020 Average 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate is at 3.16%. “The sales recovery is strong, as buyers were eager to purchase homes and properties that they had been eyeing during the shutdown… This revitalization looks to be sustainable for many months ahead as long as mortgage rates remain low and job gains continue.” NAR PR link.

ADP says that 2Q20 US Wage Growth is at +6.0%, 2Q19 was at +3.9%; Wage Level is at $30.25/hr, 2Q19 was at $28.53; 2Q20 Job Growth is at -10.2%, 2Q19 was at +1.9%; 2Q20 Turnover Rate is at +80.0%, 2Q19 was at +68.5%. “While fiscal stimulus has helped, business closures and job losses continue, albeit at a slower pace, particularly as a resurgence in COVID-19 case counts has overtaken much of the country in June.” ADP PR link.

***Tuesday, July 21

The PBR1000 June 2020 Stocks & Commodities Snapshots Summary blog has been posted, includes US stock exchanges analysis, Top 5 Stock Performers in 4 categories. June 2020 Stocks & Commodities blog post.

PBRMarketTools profile for consumer giant $AMZN) has been updated, ranked 2 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the Spotlight page.

Walmart(PBR1) to pay out another round of special bonuses, $300 for full-time hourly associates and $150 for part-time hourly and temporary associates, Drivers, Managers and Assistant Managers in stores, clubs, DCs, FCs and Health & Wellness will also receive a bonus, adds up to around $428 million; will also be closing all Walmart and Sam’s Club stores for Thanksgiving. $WMT PR link.

Microsoft(PBR20)’s LinkedIn unit to reduce its Global Sales and Talent Acquisition organizations by around 960 positions, 6% of the workforce, in response to Coronavirus pandemic. $MSFT PR link.

Best Buy(PBR72) raising the starting hourly wage for all Domestic employees to $15 effective 08/02/20, sales up around 15% compared to last year since stores reopened. $BBY PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR133) to acquire a 49.9% equity interest in Tizona Therapeutics, a privately held company developing first-in-class cancer immunotherapies, for $300 million, also gets an exclusive option to acquire the remainder of Tizona for up to an additional $1.25 billion, to close in 3Q20. $GILD PR link.

FirstEnergy(PBR281) says it has received subpoenas in connection with the investigation regarding possible bribery issues surrounding Ohio House Bill 6, are reviewing the details, intend to fully cooperate. $FE PR link.

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR276) and 1-800-FLOWERS.COM(Nasdaq: FLWS) settle litigation relating to sale of BBBY’s, FLWS to pay $245 million, to close by 08/03/20. $BBBY PR link.

eBay(PBR287) to transfer its Classifieds business to Norway based Adevinta(OSLO: ADE) for a total consideration valued at approximately $9.2 billion, will receive $2.5 billion in cash and approximately 540 million Adevinta shares, would represent an equity stake of approximately 44% and around 33.3% voting stake. $EBAY PR link.

Boston Scientific(PBR288) gets US FDA approval for the WATCHMAN FLX™ Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) Device indicated to reduce the risk of stroke in certain types of patients. $BSX PR link.

Hertz(PBR314 $HTZ) inks temporary $650 million deal with creditors linked to fleet-reduction plan. MarketWatch PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR772) expects to reduce corporate workforce by around 20%, up to 500 stores identified for potential closure over time, in response to Coronavirus pandemic, 96% of stores have reopened. $TLRD PR link.

Wendy’s(PBR939) launches “Wendy’s Rewards” mobile app program across the US. $WEN PR link.

Tapestry(PBR468) Chairman/CEO Jide Zeitlin resigns from all roles immediately for personal reasons, CFO Joanne Crevoiserat appointed Interim CEO, Lead Independent Director Susan Kropf appointed Chair, CEO search starts, to include internal and external candidates. $TPR PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary June 2020 National Activity Index is at +4.11, May 2020 was at +3.50, April 2020 -18.09, June 2019 +0.13. ChiFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the July 2020 US 3rd District Non-Manufacturing General Activity Index is at +0.7, June 2020 was at -3.6, May 2020 -68.6, July 2019 +18.4. “The respondents expect overall improvement in conditions over the next six months, as both future activity indexes remain positive.” PhillyFed PR link.

***Monday, July 20

Walmart(PBR1 $WMT) has restarted talks on the sale of a stake in Asda in a deal that could value the UK supermarket at £7bn, 15 months after the collapse of a planned merger with Sainsbury’s. The Guardian PR link.

Chevron(PBR15) to acquire Noble Energy(PBR587) in an all share purchase at $10.38/share, around $5 billion, total enterprise value, including debt, is $13 billion, to close in 4Q20. $CVX PR link.

Verizon(PBR19) launches “Groceries from Walmart,” enables Yahoo Mail users to browse, add to cart, and buy essential groceries from Walmart(PBR1) right within Yahoo Mail. $VZ PR link.

Pfizer(PBR63) and BioNTech SE(Nasdaq: BNTX) announce early postive update from German Phase 1/2 COVID-19 vaccine study, including first T cell response data. $PFE PR link.

Pfizer(PBR63) and BioNTech SE(Nasdaq: BNTX) gets agreement with the United Kingdom to supply 30 million doses of their BNT162 mRNA-based vaccine candidate against SARS-CoV-2, currently in development, subject to clinical success and regulatory approval, to be delivered in 2020 and 2021, sales terms not disclosed. $PFE PR link.

eBay(PBR287) payments agreement with PayPal(PBR177) expires, eBay management of payments begins scaling globally. $EBAY PR link.

Caesars Entertainment(PBR350) $12.75/share, $17.3 billion cash/stock acquisition by Eldorado Resorts(NASDAQ: ERI) is completed, name changed from Caesars Entertainment Corp to Caesars Entertainment, Inc., creates the largest casino and entertainment company in the US, combined company owns and operates more than 55 casino properties worldwide. $CZR PR link.

Quest Diagnostics(PBR392) gets US FDA emergence use authorization to use specimen pooling with its proprietary molecular diagnostic test for COVID-19. $DGX PR link.

Ulta Beauty(PBR401) says about 50% of furloughed workers have been reactivated, has completed its phased reopening process, goal is still to have 1,500-1,700 stores in the US, to close 19 stores, add additional stores, plans entry in Canada in mid-2021. $ULTA PR link.

Flowers Foods(PBR614) in strategic restructuring consolidates its Fresh Packaged Bread business unit and Specialty/Snacking business unit into a single function, has eliminated approximately 250 positions across different departments and job levels. $FLO PR link.

E*Trade(PBR770) shareholders approve around $13 billion all stock acquisition by Morgan Stanley(PBR60), to close in 4Q20. $ETFC PR link.

Briggs & Stratton(PBR922) enters into agreement to sell shares and assets to KPS Capital Partners, is subject to higher or better bids from other potential purchasers, BGG also files for voluntary reorganization under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, has obtained $677.5 million in Debtor-In-Possession financing. $BGG PR link.

Dollar Tree(PBR125) CEO Gary Philbin retires, remains on Board and as an executive through 09/23/20, Enterprise President Michael A. Witynski promoted to President/CEO. $DLTR PR link.

***Friday, July 17

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 29 ending 07/17/20:

DJIA ends Week 29 at 26,671.95, +2.29% from last Friday, +3.33% MTD/QTD, -6.54% YTD, -9.74% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 29 at 10,503.19, -1.08% from last Friday, +4.42% MTD/QTD, +17.06% YTD, -1.08% from record 10,617.44 set 07/10/20.

SPX ends Week 29 at 3,224.73, +1.25% from last Friday, +4.01% MTD/QTD, -0.19% YTD, -4.77% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 29 News Summary: We are well into summer and the hot news continues to be the Coronavirus Pandemic. The tallies as of today at 03:34PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 13,937,648 confirmed cases globally with 593,369 deaths. For the US it’s 3,634,807 confirmed cases and 139,076 deaths. Most health experts are now forecasting continued growth in cases for at least a few more weeks, and some beyond that. In the US many states that have reopened for business are shutting down some sectors, like restaurants, and/or requiring the use of face masks. The continued spread and reputation of the virus is now causing a great deal of concern by educational institutions as they try to figure out how to reopen safely, and most conceding that 100% virtual education is not necessarily effective for learning and is affecting socialization skills. On a more positive note, some potential vaccines and testing kits are entering advance evaluation phases. The US economy this week provided mixed signals. Job losses are a little lower but remain high, weekly unemployment benefits will be expiring in the next couple of weeks, but housing starts and permits are up, 30 year fixed mortgage rates went below 3% for the first time, manufacturing output is up, capacity utilization is up. At the same time there are renewed trade tensions between the US and China, global oil prices are remaining relatively stable but still at lower prices than last year. The US Congress is working on a new stimulus program, details are very sketchy at this time and might require they work through their normal August break. The stock market ended the week mixed as well. The Stock Market Bull took 3 out of the 5 days in Week 29, but The Stock Market Bear did enough damage on his 2 days for the markets to end mixed 2-1 in favor of the Bull, the first mixed result of 2020 since Week 1. Stay tuned as the summer excitement continues!

The Week 29 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 15 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 12 weeks
Mixed Results: 2 weeks

Exelon(PBR89)’s ComEd subsidiary gets agreement with the US Dept of Justice, resolves the investigation into ComEd’s historical lobbying practices in Illinois, EXC has agreed to make payments totaling $200 million. $EXC PR link.

Franklin Resources(PBR476) has all needed approvals for $50.00/share cash, around $4.4 billion, acquisition of Legg Mason(PBR761), will also assume about $2 billion of LM debt, to close on 07/31/20. $BRN PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary June 2020 US New Residential Building Permits Issued Annual Rate is at 1,241,000, May 2020 was at 1,216,000, April 2020 1,066,000, June 2019 1,273,000. Click on the link for Housing Starts and Completions data. USDOC PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary July 2020 Consumer Sentiment Index is at 73.2, June 2020 was at 78.1, May 2020 72.3, July 2019 98.4. “… declines are more likely in the months ahead as the coronavirus spreads and causes continued economic harm, social disruptions, and permanent scarring.” UMichigan PR link.

***Thursday, July 16

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks have 12 month average returns estimated at +21.1% to +45.5% with 12 to 41 buy recommendations by analysts. More at The PBR25 page.

Ford(PBR12) and longtime leasing services partner ALD Automotive to form Ford Fleet Management for European private and corporate customers, will be an integrated leasing and fleet management solution, will begin in autumn in the UK. $F PR link.

JetBlue(PBR377) and American Airlines(PBR68) create a strategic partnership that will create seamless connectivity for travelers in the Northeast and more choice for customers across their complementary domestic and international networks. $AAL PR link.

3M(PBR98) has created resources to fight fraud, filed 18 lawsuits and removed thousands of deceptive websites and social media posts to stop pandemic profiteers. $MMM PR link.

Thermo Fisher Scientific(PBR112) amends acquisition of Netherlands based global provider of molecular diagnostics and sample preparation technologies QIAGEN NV(NYSE: QGEN; Frankfurt Prime Standard: QIA) from $11.5 billion to $12.7 billion cash, includes $1.2 billion in debt, tender offer expiration date is 08/10/20. $TMO PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152)’s Holland America Line ships Amsterdam, Maasdam, Rotterdam and Veendam will be leaving the fleet and transferring to undisclosed buyers in 2020, some cruises to be cancelled, 10 ships with an 11th on the way in 2021 to comprise the premium line’s fleet. $CCL PR link.

Netflix(PBR157) 2Q20 shows 10.1 million net adds compared to 2.7 million in 2Q19, expects slower rate for rest of year, Ted Sarandos appointed Co-CEO. $NFLX PR link.

Uber(PBR225) has acquired Routematch, supports cities in providing more accessible public transportation, has 500 transit agency partners in urban, suburban, and rural communities around the world, terms not disclosed. $UBER PR link.

Norwegian Cruise Lines(PBR449) has commenced an underwritten public offering of $250 million of ordinary shares, expects to use the net proceeds for general corporate purposes. $NCLH PR link.

Windstream(PBR481) says in 1H20 it has enabled approximately 100,000 new locations with gigabit-capable services and added over 40,000 net new broadband subscribers. $WINMQ PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary May 2020 US Sales-Manufacturers is at $417.0 billion, Retailers $448.2, Wholesalers $419.1, Total Sales $1,284.3 billion, April 2020 was at $1,185.0 billion, March 2020 $1,384.2 billion, May 2019 $1,455.7 billion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Advance June 2020 US Sales-Retail is at $476.9 billion, Food Services & Drinking Places $47.4 billion, for Total Retail Sales $524.3 billion, May 2020 was at $487.7 billion, April 2020 $412.8 billion, June 2019 $518.6 billion. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the July 2020 3rd District Manufacturing General Business Indicator is at +24.1, June 2020 was at +27.5, May 2020 -43.1, July 2019 +16.6. “Although future indicators for general activity, new orders, and shipments declined from last month’s readings, the indexes remained elevated, suggesting that the firms expect overall growth over the next six months.” PhillyFed PR link.

The Natl Assn of Home Builders says the Preliminary July 2020 Composite Housing Market Index is at 72, June 2020 was at 58, May 2020 37, July 2019 65. “The HMI now stands at the solid pre-pandemic reading in March before the outbreak affected much of the nation… Builders are seeing strong traffic and lots of interest in new construction as existing home inventory remains lean, …” NAHB PR link.

***Wednesday, July 15

PBRMarketTools profile for technology giant Microsoft(NASDAQ: $MSFT) has been updated, ranked 20 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the Microsoft Spotlight page.

Amazon(PBR2) to open a new 820,000 sf fulfillment center in Pflugerville, TX, to open in 2021, to create 1,000 new fulltime jobs. $AMZN PR link.

Apple(PBR4 $AAPL) wins European Union court battle over unpaid Irish tax bill of $15 billion, may be subject to appeal. MarketWatch PR link.

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google unit to invest $4.5 billion in India’s Jio Platforms Ltd, taking a 7.73% stake in the company, is the first investment from the Google For India Digitization Fund, aims to accelerate India’s digital economy over the next five to seven years. $GOOG PR link.

Dell(PBR34) exploring spin-off of its 81% equity ownership interest in VMware (NYSE:VMW), would not occur prior to 09/21. $DELL PR link.

Boeing(PBR40), NASA’s lead industry partner for the International Space Station (ISS) since 1993, will continue supporting the orbiting laboratory through 09/24 under a $916 million contract extension. $BA PR link.

American Airlines(PBR68)informed approximately 25,000 U.S.-based employees of American and its affiliates, either directly or through a union representative, of the possibility of a workforce reduction at their work location, notices are part of response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, layoffs could start on or after 10/01/20. $AAL PR link.

Navistar(PBR274) and global self-driving technology company TuSimple have entered into a strategic partnership to co-develop SAE Level 4 self-driving trucks targeted for production by 2024. $NAV PR link.

JCPenney(PBR290) has identified 152 store closures, will reduce its workforce by approximately 1,000 corporate, field management, and international positions. $JCPNQ PR link.

Chipotle(PBR491) to hire as many as 10,000 employees over the next few months, including hourly and salaried management positions as well as crew, opening its 100th ChipotleLane drive-thru digital order pick-up lane later this month. $CMG PR link.

Edwards Lifesciences(PBR598) gets US FDA approval for the KONECT RESILIA aortic valved conduit (AVC), the first ready-to-implant solution for bio-Bentall procedures. $EW PR link.

Elanco Animal Health(PBR734) gets unanimous US Federal Trade Commission approval to acquire the animal health business of Bayer AG(ETR: BAYN) for $7.6 billion, 70% cash, 30% equity, last approval needed, to close around 08/01/20. $ELAN PR link.

Olin Corp(PBR467) hires Scott M. Sutton to succeed John E. Fischer as President/CEO, Fischer will become Executive Chairman, both effective 09/01/20. $OLN PR link.

The US Federal Reserve System says the Preliminary June 2020 Manufacturing Capacity Utilization is at 68.6%, May 2020 was at 65.1%, April 2020 64.2%, June 2019 77.7%. USFed PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary June 2020 US Change in Import Prices is at +1.4%, May 2020 was at +0.8%, April 2020 -2.6%, June 2019 -1.1%; the Preliminary June 2020 US Change in Export Prices is at +1.4%, May 2020 was at +0.4%, April 2020 -3.4%, June 2019 -0.6%; Last 12 Months Change in Import Prices is at -2.0%, Export Prices -1.6%. USDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the July 2020 Empire State Manufacturing General Business Conditions Index is at +17.2, June 2020 was at -0.2, May 2020 -48.5, July 2020 +4.2. “Firms remained optimistic about the six-month outlook, though less so than in June.” NYFed PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book, says “Economic activity increased in almost all Districts, but remained well below where it was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic… Outlooks remained highly uncertain, as contacts grappled with how long the COVID-19 pandemic would continue and the magnitude of its economic implications.” USFed PR link.

***Tuesday, July 14

Amazon(PBR2) is collaborating with national provider Crossover Health to pilot convenient health centers for employees near its fulfillment centers and operations facilities in Texas, with 20 centers planned for 5 states in months ahead. $AMZN PR link.

Verizon(PBR19) announces several enhancements to its BlueJeans by Verizon videoconferencing service, including being able to host up to 150 speakers and 50,000 attendees. $VZ PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) delivered 20 commercial airplanes during 2Q20, had delivered 70 in 2Q19, reflects the significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on customers and operations. $BA PR link.

3M(PBR98) and MIT doing research to learn if a simple-to-use, diagnostic device can produce highly accurate results to detect COVID-19 within minutes and is feasible to mass manufacture. $MMM PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) to reopen its Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City, NJ, on 07/26/20, with health protocols. $MGM PR link.

Lithia Motors(PBR245) has acquired $60 million in annual revenues DCH Subaru of Thousand Oaks, CA, now has 189 physical locations across the US through its 6 business lines. $LAD PR link.

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR276) in Investors FAQ document says nearly all stores have opened, For the month of June, total comparable sales, for stores that have reopened and from digital channels combined, was positive and cash flow was positive. $BBBY PR link.

PVH(PBR311) to streamline its N American operations, is exiting its 162 outlet store Heritage Brands Retail business by mid 2021 and reducing its office workforce by approximately 450 positions or 12%. $PVH PR link.

Sirius XM Radio(PBR388) adds $2 billion to its share repurchase program. $SIRI PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the June 2020 US Monthly All Items Consumer Price Index is at +0.6%, May 2020 was at -0.1%, April 2020 -0.8%, June 2019 +0.1%, Last 12 Months(Unadjusted) is at +0.6%USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary June 2020 US Current Employee Average Earnings Per Hour is at $29.37, Average Weekly Hours are at 34.5, for Current Average Weekly Earnings of $1,013.27, May 2020 was at $1,031.28, April 2020 $1,027.03, June 2019 $961.82. USDOL PR link.

CoreLogic says the April 2020 US Home Mortgages 30 or More Days Delinquent is at 6.1%, March 2020 was at 3.6%, February 2020 3.6%, April 2019 3.6%. “Early-stage delinquencies (30-59 days past due) reached its highest level in at least 21 years in April. With home prices expected to drop 6.6% by May 2021, thus depleting home equity buffers for borrowers, we can expect to see an increase in later-stage delinquency and foreclosure rates in the coming months.” CoreLogic PR link.

***Monday, July 13

PBRMarketTools profiles HCA Holdings(NYSE: $HCA), one of the leading providers of healthcare services in the US, ranked 64 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the HCA Holdings Spotlight page.

Walt Disney(PBR49) to again temporarily close Hong Kong Disneyland on 07/15/20 as required by the government and health authorities per coronavirus cases increase, resort hotels will remain open with adjusted level of services. $DIS PR link.

Pfizer(PBR63) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) say two of the companies’ four investigational vaccine candidates from their BNT162 mRNA-based vaccine program (BNT162b1 and BNT162b2) being developed to help protect against SARS-CoV-2 received Fast Track designation from the US FDA, could manufacture 100 million doses by end of 2020 if all milestones and regulatory requirements met. $PFE PR link.

Hewlett Packard Enterprises(PBR102) to acquire Silver Peak, an SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Network) leader, for $925 million cash, will be combined with HPE’s Aruba business unit, to close by 10/31/20. $HPE PR link.

Sirius XM Radio(PBR388) to acquire pioneer in podcast production, distribution, and ad sales company Stitcher from E W Scripps (NASDAQ: SSP) for $265 million cash plus up to $60 million based on milestones achieved, to close in 3Q20. $SIRI PR link.

Analog Devices(PBR463) to acquire analog and mixed-signal products and technologies developer Maxim Integrated(PBR852) in an all stock transaction that will value the combination at $68 billion, 69% owned by ADI 31% by MXIM, to close in summer 2021. $ADI PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR501) reaches agreement to reduce debt by at least $460 million and secures $300 million in new funding. $AMC PR link.

Edwards Lifesciences(PBR598) settles with Abbott Labs(PBR99) on all outstanding patent disputes in cases related to transcatheter mitral and tricuspid repair products, EW to pay a one-time settlement fee plus royalty expenses through May 2024. $EW PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says the June 2020 US Federal Government Receipts are $240.8 billion, Outlays $1,104.9 billion, Deficit is $864.1 billion; YTD Receipts(9 months) is at $2.260 trillion, YTD Outlays $5.004 trillion, YTD Deficit is at $2.744 trillion, June 2019 YTD Deficit was at $747.1 billion. US Treasury PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the June 2020 US Survey of Consumer Expectations shows that “consumers … remain less optimistic about earnings growth, income growth, and job finding expectations compared to the period before the COVID-19 outbreak. But some indicators measuring the outlook for household financial conditions show considerable improvement: home price growth expectations increased and the average probability of missing a future minimum debt payment reached a new series low.” NYFed PR link.

Adobe reports that June 2020 US Total Online Spending “was at $73 billion, up 76.2% from June 2019, down from May’s $82.5 million – a decrease that, in general, is typical at this time of the year… spend is still tracking above 2019 holiday season levels.” Adobe PR link.

***Friday, July 10

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 28 ending 07/10/20:

DJIA ends Week 28 at 26,075.3, +0.96% from last Friday, +1.02% MTD/QTD, -8.63% YTD, -11.76% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 28 at record 10,617.44, +4.01% from last Friday, +5.55% MTD/QTD, +18.33% YTD, +0.00% from record 10,617.44 set 07/10/20.

SPX ends Week 28 at 3,185.04, +1.76% from last Friday, +2.73% MTD/QTD, -1.42% YTD, -5.94% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 28 News Summary: Like an untamed wildfire the coronavirus pandemic continues to be a part of nearly every news item. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of today at 12:35PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 12,376,147 confirmed cases globally with 556,895 deaths. For the US it’s 3,163,505 confirmed cases and 133,777 deaths. However, US economic news was generally positive to neutral throughout the week. While states vacillate between reopening or reclosing their economic engines nationally job hires were up, initial jobless claims were down a little, business surveys indicated mostly positiveness, most major brand retail chains have reopened nearly all their locations, but permanent workforce reductions have been announced as retailers restructure their operations and push for a more balanced digital e-commerce/brick and mortar stores mixed model. Most economic leaders indicate that they are seeing a 2 or more years recovery, especially if the coronavirus pandemic continues. Health officials and companies are indicating that a vaccine will be available by the end of the year at the earliest. Professional and college sports, a big staple of the American lifestyle, struggle to figure out how to move ahead. Riots and protests that sometimes included the tearing down of statues were noticeably absent during the week as people are finding out that having meaningful discussions are more productive. The opening of schools at all levels for the fall season is becoming a big issue loaded with lots of well-intended ideas and opinions, with a lot of important decisions to be made. The US presidential race heated up a little bit and looks to start accelerating soon. Amid all that news the US stock exchanges moved forward for a second week in a row. The Stock Market Bull did a big snort against the coronavirus as the NASDAQ chalked up 4 record days during the week and it continues to be well ahead for the year. The Stock Market Bear did take 2 out of the first 4 days, but it was for naught as on Friday The Stock Market Bull confidently ruled the pasture at the end of the day to take Week 28 with a 3-0 win. Next week there is a lot of economic news scheduled along with the constant coronavirus pandemic updates, so it should be another interesting week with more volatility probable. Stay safe, take a deep breath when needed, and stay focused on doing the best you can during these uncertain times.

The Week 28 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 15 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 12 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Carnival Corp(PBR152) sold 1 ship in June, has sell agreements for 5 ships, preliminary agreements to sell another 3 ships, all within 90 days, expects only 5 of 9 ships scheduled for delivery in fiscal years 2020 and 2021 to be delivered by end of fiscal 2021. $CCL PR link.

Royal Caribbean(PBR283) has purchased the remaining shares it did not own of Silversea Cruises, a pioneer and leader in ultra-luxury and expedition cruising, had purchased two-thirds of company in 07/18, used 5.2 million RCL shares for this purchase. $RCL PR link.

Penn Natl Gaming(PBR514)‘s Plainridge Park Casino in Massachusetts reopened on July 8 and Hollywood Casino Bangor in Maine is reopening today, 37 of its 41 gaming and racing properties have resumed operations with social distancing and safety protocols. $PENN PR link.

Square(PBR561) has acquired Stitch Labs, an operations management platform for growing commerce brands, plans to sunset Stitch Labs’s products in Spring 2021 so the team can focus on building out Square tools. $SQ PR link.

Express(PBR893) says 95% of its fashion stores have reopened, traffic and sales have steadily improved and its e-Commerce demand was positive in June. $EXPR PR link.

Greenbrier(PBR740) Chairman/CEO Bill Furman has agreed to continue in his current position for up to two more years, to retire from all positions in 09/22, agrees to modified compensation program. $GBX PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary June 2020 US Producer Price Index Total Monthly Final Demand is at -0.2%, May 2020 was at +0.4%, April 2020 -1.3%, June 2019 -0.2%; Last 12 Months Change is at -0.8%USDOL PR link.

***Thursday, July 9

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR18) in 3Q20 report says most significant COVID-19 impact was in UK market, resulting in non-cash impairment charges of $2 billion, reorganization actions will impact more than 4,000 positions (7% of the workforce, mostly in the UK). $WBA PR link.

Merck(PBR66) Animal Health division gets US FDA approval for BRAVECTO® 1-MONTH (fluralaner) Chews for dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, for treatment and prevention of fleas and treatment and control of ticks. $MRK PR link.

AbbVie(PBR94) gets US FDA approval for a supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) that supports expanded use of BOTOX® for the treatment of spasticity in pediatric patients 2 years of age and older, including those with lower limb spasticity caused by cerebral palsy. $ABBV PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152)’s Germany based AIDA Cruises unit to resume sailing operations in 08/20 with 3 sailings. $CCL PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) gets multi-year sports betting partnership with the Denver Broncos, includes a new BetMGM Lounge at Empower Field of Mile High Stadium. $MGM PR link.

ConAgra Brands(PBR322) launches more than two dozen new products, hitting shelves this summer, including plant-based meals, keto-friendly diets. $CAG PR link.

Harley-Davidson(PBR508) is overhauling its global operating model, including a leaner, more nimble organization, called The Rewire, requires approximately 700 fewer positions across the company’s global operations with approximately 500 employees expected to exit the organization through 2020. $HOG PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary May 2020 Wholesale Sales-Durable Goods is at $207.5 billion, Non-Durable Goods $211.6, Total Wholesale Sales $419.1 billion, April 2020 was at $397.6 billion, March 2020 $475.6, May 2019 $500.2 billion. USDOC PR link.

***Wednesday, July 8

Ford(PBR12) in 2Q20 report says sales in greater China were at 158,589 vehicles, represents a 3% growth year-over-year and 78.7% sales increase compared to 1Q20. $F PR link.

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR18) to be the first national pharmacy chain to offer full-service doctor offices co-located at its stores at a large scale, following a highly successful trial begun last year, in partnership with VillageMD will open 500-700 “Village Medical at Walgreens” physician-led primary care clinics in more than 30 US markets in the next five years, with the intent to build hundreds more thereafter, initially will be staffed by more than 3,600 primary care providers, who will be recruited by VillageMD. $WBA PR link.

IBM(PBR38) to acquire Brazilian software provider of robotic process automation (RPA) WDG Automation, further advances IBM’s AI-infused automation capabilities, to close in 3Q20, terms not disclosed. $IBM PR link.

Allstate(PBR70) to acquire National General Holdings Corp for approximately $4 billion in cash, or $34.50 per share, 2019 gross premiums written were $5.6 billion, generated operating income of $319 million, to close in early 2021. $ALL PR link.

United Airlines(PBR73) SEC filings says it has informed approximately 36,000 US-based employees, either directly or through a union representative, of plans to implement a workforce reduction at their work location, is part of the Company’s strategic realignment of its business and new organizational structure as a result of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. $UAL PR link.

American Express(PBR72), Discover Financial(PBR227), MasterCard(PBR186) and VISA(PBR130) are each beginning technical preparations for global expansion of the Click to Pay online checkout – based on the EMV® Secure Remote Commerce industry standard, universal digital checkout solution started in the US in October 2019, in use b over 10,000 merchants. $V PR link.

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR276) in 1Q20 report says it has seen a surge in online buying, plans on closing around 200 stores over the next 2 years, response to COVID-19 pandemic. $BBBY PR link.

KKR(PBR609) to acquire 2+ million policyholders retirement and life insurance company Global Atlantic Financial Group Ltd, had a book value of around $4.4 billion on 03/31/20, will continue to operate as a separate business with its existing brands and management team. $KKR PR link.

Party City(PBR846) has regained compliance with the NYSE continued listing standards, stock price has averaged over $1.00/share over the past 30 days. $PRTY PR link.

Cedar Fair(PBR964)’s WildWater Adventure waterpark at Michigan’s Adventure is set to open the 2020 season on Thursday,07/16/20, reservations will be required, available starting 07/08/20. $FUN PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary May 2020 US Consumer Credit Outstanding Annual Rate-Revolving is at $995.6 billion, Non-Revolving $3,117.3 billion, Total $4,119.9 billion, April 2020 was at $4,131.2 billion, March 2020 $4,201.4 billion, May 2019 $4,085.8 billion. USFed PR link.

***Tuesday, July 7

The monthly The PBR25 Top 25 Buy Stocks has been released, Estimated Average 12 Month Return is 31.2%, Average Number of Buy Recommendations is 19. More at the The PBR25 page.

The June 2020 PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices Snapshot has been released, with over 400 rows of economic data covering jobs, housing, manufacturing, wholesale, retail, construction, stocks/commodities, currencies, business and consumer surveys and more plus the calendar of releases for July. More details on the US Economic Indices info page.

Altria(PBR114) gets the US FDA authorization for the marketing of the IQOS tobacco heating system as a modified risk tobacco product with a reduced exposure claim. $MO PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152) announces delay of its newest cruise ship and delays in cruises and some cruise cancellations, impact of the coronavirus pandemic. $CCL PR link.

Regeneron(PBR387) gets $450 million contract from a joint operation of the US Dept of Health & Human Services and the US Dept of Defense to manufacture and supply REGN-COV2, its investigational double antibody cocktail that is currently in two Phase 2/3 clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19 and in a Phase 3 trial for the prevention of COVID-19 infection. $REGN PR link.

Nielsen Holdings(PBR448) optimization plan includes exiting several smaller, underperforming markets and non-core businesses in 2H20, global reduction in force of approximately 3,500 employees. $NLSN PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary May 2020 US Job Openings is at 5,397,000, April 2020 was at 4,996,000, May 2019 7,301,000; May 2020 US Job Hires is at 6,488,000, April 2020 was at 4,047,000, May 2019 5,687,000; May 2020 Job Separations is at 4,145,000, April 2020 was at 9,975,000, May 2019 5,547,000. USDOL PR link.

FannieMae says the June 2020 US Home Purchase Sentiment Index is at 76.5, May 2020 was at 67.5, April 2020 63.0, June 2019 91.5. “The share of renters who say it’s a good time to buy a home is now at its highest level in five years, suggesting favorable conditions for first-time homebuying… We believe the continuing uncertainty regarding the coronavirus’ containment suggests an uneven and potentially volatile course toward economic recovery.” FannieMae PR link.

The PurdueU/CME Group June 2020 Ag Economy Barometer Composite Index is at 117, May 2020 was at 103, April 2020 96, June 2019 126. “Farmer Sentiment Rebounds Amidst Ongoing COVID-19 Concerns.” PurdueU/CME Group PR link.

***Monday, July 6

PBRMarketTools profiles OneMain Holdings(NYSE: OMF), the largest lending-exclusive financial company in the US, ranked #557 by revenues on The PBR1000. More on the OneMain Holdings Spotlight page.

Duke Energy(PBR115) to invest $56 billion over 5 years in renewables, battery storage, energy efficiency programs and grid projects, will advance clean energy agenda without the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project. $DUK PR link.

Dominion Energy(PBR194) and Duke Energy(PBR115) cancel the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (“ACP”), despite last month’s 7-2 victory at the US Supreme Court, due to ongoing delays and increasing cost uncertainty, which had jumped from $4.5-5.0 billion to $8 billion, which threaten the economic viability of the project. $D PR link.

Dominion Energy(PBR194) to sell substantially all of its Gas Transmission & Storage segment assets, including more than 7,700 miles of natural gas storage and transmission pipelines and about 900 billion cubic feet of gas storage, to Berkshire Hathaway(PBR6) for $9.7 billion, includes $5.7 billion of debt, to close in 4Q20. $D PR link.

Uber(PBR225) to acquire Postmates for approximately $2.65 billion in an all-stock transaction, Uber to issue approximately 84 million shares of common stock for 100% of the fully diluted equity of Postmates, to close in 1Q21. $UBER PR link.

Regis Corp(PBR999) says 88% of franchise salon locations were open and 68% of company-owned salons were open as of 07/01/20, closed on the sale of 88 company-owned locations to franchisees in June, completes restructuring process as part of becoming a franchise business model only. $RGS PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the June 2020 US Non-Manufacturing Index(>50% = economy expanding) is at 57.1%, May 2020 was at 45.4%, April 2020 41.8%, June 2019 55.1%. “Respondents remain concerned about the coronavirus and the more recent civil unrest; however, they are cautiously optimistic about business conditions and the economy as businesses are beginning to reopen…” ISM PR link.

IHS Markit says the June 2020 US Composite PMI Output Index is at 47.9, May 2020 was at 37.0, April 2020 27.0, June 2019 51.5. “… companies expressed optimism towards the outlook for output over the coming year for the first time since March.” IHS Markit PR link.

***Friday, July 3

***US Federal Holiday in observance of
***Independence Day on Saturday, July 4th.
***US Stock Exchanges Closed.
***Remembering that all people
***are created equal.

***Thursday, July 2

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 27 ending 07/03/20:

DJIA ends Week 27 at 25,827.36, +3.25% from last Friday, +0.06% MTD/QTD, -9.50% YTD, -12.60% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 27 at record 10,207.63, +4.62% from last Friday, +1.48% MTD/QTD, +13.76% YTD, +0.00% from record 10,207.63 set 07/02/20.

SPX ends Week 27 at 3,130.01, +4.02% from last Friday, +0.96% MTD/QTD, -3.12% YTD, -7.56% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 27 News Summary: During the week the month of June 2020 came to an end on a positive note. Week 27 ends continuing that trend. However, the Coronavirus Pandemic is threatening that in future weeks with a strong spike up in new cases today. On the other hand there was some new promising vaccine news. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of today at 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 10,780,980 confirmed cases globally with 518,121 deaths. For the US it’s 2,724,640 confirmed cases and 128,574 deaths. The US economy showed some strength as 4.8 million jobs were regained in the last month and the weekly US initial unemployment claims moved downward a little. Factory orders increased more than expected. But, once again, this might be temporary good news if states, cities and the US government impose new restrictions that force some reclosings, and this was a topic as Fed Chair Powell and US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin gave testimony in Congress this week. With the mixed good news The Stock Market Bull dominated the shortened week by a large margin with The Stock Market Bear taking only 1 session from the DJIA and none from the NASDAQ, which closed the week at a new record, or the SPX. The trend between the Bull and the Bear continues back and forth for the 5th straight week. We head into the long weekend to celebrate US Independence Day with what appears to be a spirit of cautious optimism as the 2nd half of 2020 starts, but also with the nation struggling with social distancing and masking practices, the resurfacing of significant inequality issues and a looming contentious US presidential election.

The Week 27 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 14 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 12 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Tesla(PBR117) produces 102,672 electric vehicles in a profitable 1Q20, 1Q19 was at 77,138. $TSLA PR link.

American Electric Power(PBR202) to acquire the entire planned 1,485 MW of North Central wind generation, is investing approximately $2 billion to bring new renewable energy to Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) customers and SWEPCO customers in Arkansas and Louisiana, did not get Texas approval, customers to save over $3 billion over the next 30 years. $AEP PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) to reopen the Springfield, MA based MGM Springfield in a limited capacity to the public on Monday, 07/13/20. $MGM PR link.

HanesBrands(PBR421) has completed production and distribution of more than 450 million all-cotton cloth face coverings and more than 20 million medical gowns supplied to the US government for use during the COVID-19 pandemic. $HBI PR link.

Alexion Pharmaceutical(PBR535) settles a suit, based on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, with the US Securities & Exchange Commission; without admitting or denying the SEC’s findings, Alexion will make a payment of approximately $21.5 million to the SEC. $ALXN PR link.

Coty(PBR353) CEO Peter Harf to become Executive Chairman, Sue Y. Nabi hired to be CEO, both effective 09/01/20. $COTY PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the June 2020 US Civilian Labor Force Employed is at 142,182,000, +4,490,000 from May 2020, -14,283,000 from June 2019, Unemployed is at 17,750,000, -3,235,000 from May 2020, +11,774,000 from June 2019, Unemployment Rate is at 11.1%, May 2020 was at 13.3%, April 2020 14.7%, June 2019 3.7%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary May 2020 Exports-Goods is at $90.0 billion, Services $54.5 billion, Total Exports $144.5 billion; May 2020 Imports-Goods is at $166.0 billion, Services $33.1 billion, Total Imports $199.2 billion, Total Deficit is at $54.6 billion, May 2019 Total Deficit was at $51.3 billion; Total Exports YTD(5 months) $908.1 billion, Total Imports YTD $1,131.3 billion, Total YTD Deficit $223.2, May 2019 Total YTD Deficit was $245.5 billion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary May 2020 Manufacturers New Orders-Durable Goods is at $193.8 billion, Non-Durable Goods $219.0 billion, Total New Orders $412.8 billion, April 2020 was at $382.3 billion, March 2020 $441.8 billion, May 2019 $490.7 billion. USDOC PR link.

***Wednesday, July 1

Walmart(PBR1) announces Camp by Walmart, a free star-studded virtual camp with 200+ activities that brings summer fun directly to customers’ own backyards; in partnership with Tribeca will be using 160 store parking lots for contact-free drive-in movie theaters for 320 showings starting in 08/20, will end in 10/20. $WMT PR link.

Apple(PBR4 $AAPL) to re-close 30 stores because new COVID-19 cases, 77 now closed out of its 271 stores. MarketWatch PR link.

Kroger(PBR22) gets US FDA Emergency Use Authorization approval for its COVID-19 Test Home Collection Kit, results confirmed in less than 72 hours, in partnership with Gravity Diagnostics plans to process more than 60,000 tests per week by 07/31/20. $KR PR link.

Centene(PBR42) to establish an East Coast headquarters in Charlotte, NC, will begin multi-phase construction on the new 1+ million sf campus in 08/20, plans to create 6,000 new jobs and invest $1 billion in the Charlotte community over time, corporate headquarters will remain in St. Louis, MO. $CNC PR link.

Pfizer(PBR62) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) announce positive preliminary data from the most advanced of four investigational vaccine candidates from their BNT162 mRNA-based vaccine program, Project Lightspeed, against SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the current global pandemic. $PFE PR link.

Merck(PBR66) gets US Federal Trade Commission approval to acquire exclusive worldwide rights from Ridgeback Therapeutics to develop EIDD-2801, an investigational orally-available antiviral agent currently in early clinical development for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. $MRK PR link.

T-Mobile US(PBR69), per agreement with the US Justice Department, completes its $1.4 billion sale of Sprint’s 9.3 million customers prepaid wireless business to DISH(PBR243)$TMUS PR link.

United Airlines(PBR73) adds nearly 25,000 domestic and international flights in August, 40% of its overall schedule compared to August 2019. $UAL PR link.

Coca-Cola(PBR82 $KO) to close by 07/31/20 Odwalla juice business and 230 refrigerated trucks network that delivered fresh drinks to stores, will cut around 300 jobs, decision base on changing consumer tastes. MarketWatch PR link.

McDonald’s(PBR149 $MCD) is pausing the reopening of more of dine-in service in the US as coronavirus cases continue to spread across states, 2,200 of its 14,000 US restaurants currently have dine-in available. MarketWatch PR link.

PG&E(PBR184) emerges from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, has new board of directors, funds Fire Victim Trust with $5.4 billion in cash and common stock representing 22.19% ownership stake in PG&E. $PCG PR link.

Constellation Brands(PBR337) acquires e-commerce digitally-native wine brand and direct-to-consumer (DTC) platform Empathy Wines, was launched in 2019, has sold 15,000 cases of wine to 2,000 subscribers, terms not disclosed. $STZ PR link.

Capri(PBR519) in 4Q21 report says all Versace, Jimmy Choo and Michael Kors stores in the Americas closed in mid-March 2020, approximately 70% of the 455 retail stores in the region are open, anticipate opening the vast majority of the remaining locations by 09/30/20. $CPRI PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR773)’s Men’s Wearhouse subsidiary does not make a $6.1 million interest payment due 07/01/20, has 30 day grace period to make the payment, corporate has paid its own interest payment. $TLRD PR link.

Roku(PBR993) adds Peloton health & fitness app channel, 30 day free trial, $12.99/mo after the trial. $ROKU PR link.

ADP says the Preliminary June 2020 US Change In Employment-Small Businesses is at +937,000, Mid-Sized +559,000, Large-Sized 873,000, Total Change +2,369,000, May 2020 was at +3,065,000, April -19,409,000, June 2019 +102,000. More details at the link. ADP PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary May 2020 Total Construction Spending Annual Rate-Residential is at $543.9 billion, Non-Residential $812.5 billion, Total $1,356.4 billion, April 2020 was at $1,386.1, March 2020 $1,426.7 billion, May 2019 $1,352.9 billion. USDOC PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee releases the 06/09-10/20 meeting minutes. “Over the intermeeting period, risk sentiment improved, on net, as optimism over reopening the economy, potential coronavirus treatments, the unexpectedly positive May employment situation report, and other indicators that suggest that economic activity may be rebounding more than offset concerns arising from otherwise dire economic data releases, warnings from health experts that openings may have been premature, and renewed tensions between the United States and China.” FOMC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the Preliminary June 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index(>50 Economy expanding) is at 52.6%, May 2020 was at 43.1%, April 2020 41.5%, June 2019 51.7%. “As predicted, the growth cycle has returned after three straight months of COVID-19 disruptions. Demand, consumption and inputs are reaching parity and are positioned for a demand-driven expansion cycle as we enter the second half of the year.” ISM PR link.

The IHS Markit June 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index is at 49.8, May 2020 was at 39.8, April 2020 36.1, June 2019 50.6. “The downward trend in production eased markedly as new orders stabilised amid reports of a relative improvement in demand conditions… Optimism about the year ahead meanwhile revived considerably.” IHS Markit PR link.

***Tuesday, June 30

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the Month of June ending 06/30/20:

DJIA ends June at 25,812.88, +3.19% from last Friday, +1.69% MTD, +17.77% QTD, -9.55% YTD, -12.65% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends June at 10,058.77, +3.09% from last Friday, +5.99% MTD, +30.63% QTD, +12.11% YTD, -0.72% from record 10,131.37 set 06/23/20.

SPX ends June at 3,100.29, +3.03% from last Friday, +1.84% MTD, +19.95% QTD, -4.04% YTD, -8.44% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Month of June 2020 News Summary: The Coronavirus Pandemic was the primary driver for most news during June. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 10,389,818 confirmed cases globally with 508,406 deaths. For the US it’s 2,620,250 confirmed cases and 126,645 deaths. There does appear to be some flattening out across countries of the world and economies are slowly being opened up. At the beginning of the month there was some optimism that the US could start reopening up its economy and states starting doing so. However, by the end of the month it was clear that there was an uptick rate in cases and several states have had to suspend or further modify their reopening plans. At the beginning of the month there was unexpected turmoil from the death of George Floyd, a person of color, when he died from a knee on his throat for several minutes by a Minneapolis policeman. It was unwarranted and protests broke out across the US that resulted in more deaths and destruction of property, some caused by some aggressive radical groups. This spread globally and other similar cases got wide reporting as well. By the end of the month some dialog was starting to happen. Local, state, and federal laws and proclamations continue to be made as incidents like this are reviewed and made public. This has also caused some bitterness especially in the South where many Civil War Memorials were defaced or destroyed. There does not appear to be an easy path forward to resolve this issues that have simmered and exploded time and again since the US Constitution went into effect in the late 1700’s. US/China trade negotiations were also at a difficult point compounded by events in Hong Kong as China tries to exert more pressure for it to be integrated into its society. Throughout the month the US economy was mixed as the reopening of the economy was attempted. The Federal Reserve gave a somewhat bleak forecast for the economy, rolled back some financial regulations, but also issued a stress test to the major banking institutions. After a major dip in March, the US stock exchanges made a very dramatic comeback for the quarter. The NASDAQ was especially active, set some new record highs, in trading that was volatile for much of the month for all exchanges. The Stock Market Bull prevailed 3-0 for June, but it was not an easy slog because The Stock Market Bear is relentless and continues to try to leverage the coronavirus pandemic and repercussions from it. The first half of 2020 is now in the books. With continued concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic, the simmering civil unrest, and the upcoming US presidential election, the second half could be just as difficult.

The June 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 3 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter! provides news, data, and analysis on 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. The data and analysis is included in The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots, an MS-Excel workbook with 15 snapshot worksheets, 28 rankings, and over 200 fields of data and information on each company. Click here to find out more! is an independent business intelligence and analytics service. It is not, nor is it affiliated with, any financial advisory or stock brokerage or related firms.

(Image courtesy of, Danilo Rizzuti)

Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved, Pax Business Resources, LLC.

The PBR1000 June 2020 Stocks & Commodities Snapshots

June 2020 The PBR1000: The Stock Market Bull Has 3 In a Row

PBR1000 Snapshots Recap

Even though The Stock Market Bull has won the last 3 months, he is still behind in the DJIA and S&P500 Year-to-Date.

By Larry C. Paxton

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the Month of June ending 06/30/20:

DJIA ends June at 25,812.88, +3.19% from last Friday, +1.69% MTD, +17.77% QTD, -9.55% YTD, -12.65% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends June at 10,058.77, +3.09% from last Friday, +5.99% MTD, +30.63% QTD, +12.11% YTD, -0.72% from record 10,131.37 set 06/23/20.

SPX ends June at 3,100.29, +3.03% from last Friday, +1.84% MTD, +19.95% QTD, -4.04% YTD, -8.44% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Month of June 2020 News Summary: The Coronavirus Pandemic was the primary driver for most news during June. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 10,389,818 confirmed cases globally with 508,406 deaths. For the US it’s 2,620,250 confirmed cases and 126,645 deaths. There does appear to be some flattening out across countries of the world and economies are slowly being opened up. At the beginning of the month there was some optimism that the US could start reopening up its economy and states starting doing so. However, by the end of the month it was clear that there was an uptick rate in cases and several states have had to suspend or further modify their reopening plans. At the beginning of the month there was unexpected turmoil from the death of George Floyd, a person of color, when he died from a knee on his throat for several minutes by a Minneapolis policeman. It was unwarranted and protests broke out across the US that resulted in more deaths and destruction of property, some caused by some aggressive radical groups. This spread globally and other similar cases got wide reporting as well. By the end of the month some dialog was starting to happen. Local, state, and federal laws and proclamations continue to be made as incidents like this are reviewed and made public. This has also caused some bitterness especially in the South where many Civil War Memorials were defaced or destroyed. There does not appear to be an easy path forward to resolve this issues that have simmered and exploded time and again since the US Constitution went into effect in the late 1700’s. US/China trade negotiations were also at a difficult point compounded by events in Hong Kong as China tries to exert more pressure for it to be integrated into its society. Throughout the month the US economy was mixed as the reopening of the economy was attempted. The Federal Reserve gave a somewhat bleak forecast for the economy, rolled back some financial regulations, but also issued a stress test to the major banking institutions. After a major dip in March, the US stock exchanges made a very dramatic comeback for the quarter. The NASDAQ was especially active, set some new record highs, in trading that was volatile for much of the month for all exchanges. The Stock Market Bull prevailed 3-0 for June, but it was not an easy slog because The Stock Market Bear is relentless and continues to try to leverage the coronavirus pandemic and repercussions from it. The first half of 2020 is now in the books. With continued concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic, the simmering civil unrest, and the upcoming US presidential election, the second half could be just as difficult.

The June 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 3 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month


The June 2020 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 22

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 14+/8-; NASDAQ 18+/4-; SPX 14+/8-.

Record Days: DJIA 0, NASDAQ 5, SPX 0

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 6 days(06/01-08/20), NASDAQ 8 days(06/12-23/20),  and SPX 4 days(05/29-06/03/20)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3 days(06/09-11/20, 06/17-19/20), NASDAQ 1 day(06/04/20, 06/11/20, 06/24/20), and SPX 3 days(06/09-11/20)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 11 days, 06/02/20(D +1.05%), 06/03/20(D +2.05%, S +1.36%), 06/05/20(D +3.15%, N +2.06%, S +2.62%), 06/08/20(D +1.70%, N +1.13%, S +1.20%), 06/12/20(D +1.90%, N +1.01%, S +1.31%), 06/15/20(N +1.43%), 06/16/20(D +2.04%, N +1.75%, S +1.90%), 06/22/20(N +1.11%), 06/25/20(D +1.18%, N +1.09%, S +1.10%), 06/29/20(D +2.32%, N +1.20%, S +1.47%), 06/30/20(N +1.87%, S +1.54%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 5 days, 06/09/20(D -1.09%), 06/10/20(D -1.04%), 06/11/20(D -6.90%, N -5.27%, S -5.88%), 06/24/20(D -2.72%, N -2.19%, S -2.59%), 06/26/20(D -2.84%, N -2.59%, S -2.42%)

The PBR1000 June 2020 Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 June 2020 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on June 30, 20201 Month % Chg is compared to May 29, 202012 Months % Chg is compared to June 28, 2019, and the 24 Months % Chg is compared to June 29, 2018. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the June 2020 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 27 rankings with the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +83% to -83%538 out of 997 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 1.05%, the median was a gain of 0.87%. The DJIA was +1.69%, NASDAQ +5.99%, SPX +1.84%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Michaels 531 MIK $ 7.07 +83 -19 -63
Whiting Petroleum
951 WLL $ 1.14 +62 -94 -98
290 JCPNQ $ 0.33 +59 -71 -86
Fossil Group
871 FOSL $ 4.65 +52 -60 -83
QEP Resources 988 QEP $ 1.29 +51 -82 -89

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +351% to -99%313 out of 995 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a loss of 2.95%, the median was a loss of 14.73%. The DJIA was -2.96%, NASDAQ +25.64%, SPX +5.39%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 1,079.81 +29 +383 +215
Hovnanian 894 HOV $ 23.39 +43 +208 -43
Cincinnati Bell 956 CBB $ 14.85 +1 +200 -5
Owens & Minor 331 OMI $ 7.62 -4 +138 -54
NVIDIA 284 NVDA $ 379.91 +7 +131 +60

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +291% to -99%363 out of 975 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 2.88%. The median was a loss of 13.77%. The DJIA was +6.53%, NASDAQ +33.93%, SPX +14.05%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Twilio 992 TWLO $ 219.19 +11 +61 +291
AMD 433 AMD $ 52.61 -2 +73 +251
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 1,079.81 +29 +383 +215
Veeva Systems 996 VEEV $ 234.42 +7 +45 +205
Roku 993 ROKU $ 116.53 +6 +29 +173

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: The range was $1,379 billion to $0.01 billion. The average is $28.329 billionmedian is $6.65 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
% Chg
Apple 4 AAPL $ 1,568 B +14 +22 +79
Microsoft 20 MSFT $ 1,505 B +9 +25 +128
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,337 B +12 +46 +140
Alphabet 11 GOOG $ 929 B -4 +1 +27
Facebook 46 FB $ 629 B -2 +8 +23
The PBR1000
  $ 28,947 B +0 -6 +10

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 89,755.06 +1.1 -3.0 +2.9
DJIA 25,812.88 +1.7 -3.0 +6.4
NASDAQ 10,058.77 +6.0 +25.6 +33.9
S&P500 3,100.29 +1.8 +5.4 +14.1
GOLD 1,800.50 +3.3 +27.5 +43.5
SILVER 18.64 +0.8 +21.4 +15.1
OIL            39.27 +11.2 -32.5 -47.0

To order a 12 month subscription of The PBR1000 Snapshots go to the Subscribe page.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $14 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. This service is used by astute business professionals and shrewd investors worldwide.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent provider of news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisor firm or stock brokerage service, and is not affiliated with any such organization.

(Graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2020 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 June 2020 Breaking News Recap

The PBR1000 for June: How Hot Will the Economy Be?

PBR1000 Economy

June is the start of summer. How much hotness will The PBR1000 contribute to the US and world economies?

By Larry C. Paxton

The June 2020 breaking news items of interest for The PBR1000 follow with the most current date first.

***Tuesday, June 30

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the Month of June ending 06/30/20:

DJIA ends June at 25,812.88, +3.19% from last Friday, +1.69% MTD, +17.77% QTD, -9.55% YTD, -12.65% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends June at 10,058.77, +3.09% from last Friday, +5.99% MTD, +30.63% QTD, +12.11% YTD, -0.72% from record 10,131.37 set 06/23/20.

SPX ends June at 3,100.29, +3.03% from last Friday, +1.84% MTD, +19.95% QTD, -4.04% YTD, -8.44% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Month of June 2020 News Summary: The Coronavirus Pandemic was the primary driver for most news during June. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 10,389,818 confirmed cases globally with 508,406 deaths. For the US it’s 2,620,250 confirmed cases and 126,645 deaths. There does appear to be some flattening out across countries of the world and economies are slowly being opened up. At the beginning of the month there was some optimism that the US could start reopening up its economy and states starting doing so. However, by the end of the month it was clear that there was an uptick rate in cases and several states have had to suspend or further modify their reopening plans. At the beginning of the month there was unexpected turmoil from the death of George Floyd, a person of color, when he died from a knee on his throat for several minutes by a Minneapolis policeman. It was unwarranted and protests broke out across the US that resulted in more deaths and destruction of property, some caused by some aggressive radical groups. This spread globally and other similar cases got wide reporting as well. By the end of the month some dialog was starting to happen. Local, state, and federal laws and proclamations continue to be made as incidents like this are reviewed and made public. This has also caused some bitterness especially in the South where many Civil War Memorials were defaced or destroyed. There does not appear to be an easy path forward to resolve this issues that have simmered and exploded time and again since the US Constitution went into effect in the late 1700’s. US/China trade negotiations were also at a difficult point compounded by events in Hong Kong as China tries to exert more pressure for it to be integrated into its society. Throughout the month the US economy was mixed as the reopening of the economy was attempted. The Federal Reserve gave a somewhat bleak forecast for the economy, rolled back some financial regulations, but also issued a stress test to the major banking institutions. After a major dip in March, the US stock exchanges made a very dramatic comeback for the quarter. The NASDAQ was especially active, set some new record highs, in trading that was volatile for much of the month for all exchanges. The Stock Market Bull prevailed 3-0 for June, but it was not an easy slog because The Stock Market Bear is relentless and continues to try to leverage the coronavirus pandemic and repercussions from it. The first half of 2020 is now in the books. With continued concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic, the simmering civil unrest, and the upcoming US presidential election, the second half could be just as difficult.

The June 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 3 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google unit acquires Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada based human computer interfaces and smart glasses pioneer North, terms not disclosed. $GOOG PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) delivers its 2,500th AH-64 Apache Helicopter, first one was delivered in 01/1984. $BA PR link.

Whirlpool(PBR154) implementing a workforce reduction program, includes voluntary retirement program and involuntary severance program, to be completed in 2020, expects $95 million in associated costs, expects total restructuring costs to be $260-280 million. $WHR PR link.

Mylan(PBR271) shareholders overwhelmingly approve plan to combine with Pfizer(PBR59)’s Upjohn division as Viatris, waiting final regulatory approvals, expects transaction to close in 4Q20. $MYL PR link.

AES Corp(PBR301) to sell 100% of its equity interest in the 295 MW Itabo power plant in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic to Grupo Linda, will net around $101 million, will further its decarbonization program, to close in 4Q20. $AES PR link.

Genworth Financial(PBR378) sale to China Oceanwide for $5.43/share, $2.7 billion cash close extended with 15th waiver from 06/30/20 to 09/30/20. $GNW PR link.

Cinemark(PBR699) will open showcasing some of Hollywood’s favorite classic films beginning Friday,07/24/20, with additional theatres reopening in subsequent weeks. $CNK PR link.

Kimco Realty(PBR991) realizes a $71.4 million gain from Albertsons Companies(NYSE: ACI) initial public offering, still has 39.8 million shares valued at around $628.2 million. $KIM PR link.

The US Dept of the Treasury says the 06/28/20 Debt Held By The Public is at $20.428 trillion, Intragovernmental $5.897, Total Debt $26.325 trillion, 05/31/20 was at $25.752 trillion, 04/29/20 $24.975 trillion, 06/28/19 $22.023 trillion. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary 1Q20 US Net International Investment Position-Assets is at $26.767 trillion, Liabilities $38.825 trillion, Balance -$12.058 trillion, 4Q19 was at -$11.051 trillion, 1Q19 -$10.145 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary May 2020 US 7th District Midwest Economy Index is at -9.91, April 2020 was at -6.00, March 2020 -1.02, May 2019 -0.32. ChiFed PR link.

Market News International says the June 2020 MNI Chicago Business Barometer(<50 is declining) is at 36.6, May 2020 was at 32.3, April 2020 35.4, June 2019 49.7. MNI PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary June 2020 Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 98.1, May 2020 was at 85.9, April 2020 85.7, June 2019 124.3. “Faced with an uncertain and uneven path to recovery, and a potential COVID-19 resurgence, it’s too soon to say that consumers have turned the corner and are ready to begin spending at pre-pandemic levels.” TCB PR link.

The S&P/CoreLogic/Case-Shiller Preliminary April 2020 US National Home Price Index(01/2000=100) is at 217.72, March 2020 was at 215.35, February 2020 213.31, April 2019 207.88. “April’s year-over-year gains were ahead of March’s, continuing a trend of gently accelerating home prices that began last fall. Results in April continued to be broad-based.” Case-Shiller PR link.

The American Automobile Assn says the 06/30/20 Average Price for a Gallon of Regular Gas is at $2.178, 05/29/20 was at $1.972, 04/30/20 $1.772, 06/28/19 $2.708. AAA PR link.

***Monday, June 29

Amazon(PBR2) to pay out over $500 million in a special Thank You bonus for June front-line workers, $500 for full-time Amazon, Whole Foods, and Delivery Service partners, $250 for part-timers, $1,000 for front-line Amazon & Whole Foods leaders, $3,000 for Delivery Service Partner owners, $150 for each Amazon Flex driver with more than 10 hours in June. $AMZN PR link.

Lowe’s(PBR44) adds $100 million to bonuses for COVID-19 pandemic work, has now allocated $450 million, active hourly associates in US stores, distribution centers and store support centers will receive the bonuses in mid-July, full-time hourly associates will receive $300, and part-time and seasonal associates will receive $150 from this new round. $LOW PR link.

Tesla(PBR117) had its Initial Public Offering 10 years ago on 06/29/20, opened at $17/share, closed today at $1,007.40/share.

Gilead Sciences(PBR133) says its remdesivi shortens COVID-19 related hospital stays by 4 days, is the first antiviral to have demonstrated patient improvement in clinical trials, set a price for governments of developed countries of $390 per vial, 5 treatments for $2,340, US private insurance companies will be $520 per vial. $GILD PR link.

Coty(PBR353) and Kim Kardashian West announced today that they have entered into a strategic transaction to further develop Kardashian West’s business globally, Coty will acquire a 20% ownership interest in Kardashian West’s beauty business for $200 million, to close in fiscal 3Q21. $COTY PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR356) gets delisting notice from the NYSE because of it filing for voluntary Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will start trading on OTC Pink Sheets on 06/30/20 with symbol CHKAQ$CHK PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR356) files for voluntary Chapter 11 protection in the US Bankruptcy Court, has entered into a Restructuring Support Agreement with most creditors, has secured $925 million in debtor-in-possession (“DIP”) financing from certain lenders, plan of reorganization to eliminate around $7 billion of debt. $CHK PR link.

Chipotle(PBR492) announces partnership with GrubHub for national pickup and delivery services, can order from Chipotle locations through the Grubhub app or $CMG PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR502) shifts theatre openings by 2 weeks, will resume theatre operations at approximately 450 US locations on Thursday, 07/30/20, and at approximately 150 remaining locations the following week. $AMC PR link.

***Friday, June 26

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 26 ending 06/26/20:

DJIA ends Week 26 at 25,015.55, -3.31% from last Friday, -1.45% MTD, +14.14% QTD, -12.34% YTD, -15.35% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 26 at 9,757.22, -1.90% from last Friday, +2.82% MTD, +26.72% QTD, +8.74% YTD, -3.69% from record 10,020.35 set 06/10/20.

SPX ends Week 26 at 3,009.05, -2.86% from last Friday, -1.16% MTD, +16.42% QTD, -6.86% YTD, -11.14% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 26 News Summary: The news of the week was again dominated by the Coronavirus Pandemic, which never seems to end, and saw a larger than expected spike up, a disappointment as states have started to reopen their economies and must weigh the importance of protecting the population, yet having a strong economy that keeps people employed and spending. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 3:37PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 9,695,374 confirmed cases globally with 491,777 deaths. For the US it’s 2,461,444 confirmed cases and 124,960 deaths. US economic news was mostly down as well, existing and new home sales annual rates were down, weekly initial jobless insurance claims were higher than expected, reopenings were announced then some reclosings followed, US/China trade negotiations don’t seem to be yielding much, the Fed released its bank stress tests that quite don’t simulate the current environment, and the Fed shut down bank share buyback programs and limited bank dividends. President Trump signed an executive order suspending H-1B foreigner work visas for the rest of the year to some controversy, there is some talk on a new $3 trillion stimulus round, there continues to be some discontent over police policies and practices in the wake of questionable actions and attitudes by some law enforcement personnel, and the US presidential election is starting to ramp up more significantly. The Stock Market Bull took charge early in Week 26, but The Stock Market Bear took a big turn on Wednesday, took a little rest on Thursday, pounced back on Friday to take Week 26 3-0, and set the stage for the last 2 business days of the first half of 2020. Most investors are a little dazed and confused as this first half ends, maybe believe that this has all just been a really bad dream, and are cautiously optimistic that the second half will be a much happier and rosier one, especially if football season gets to happen.

The Week 26 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 13 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 12 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Amazon(PBR2) to acquire Zoox, a California-based company working to design autonomous ride-hailing vehicles from the ground up, terms not disclosed. $AMZN PR link.

Microsoft(PBR20) making a strategic change in its retail operations, including closing Microsoft Store physical locations, will continue to invest in its digital storefronts on, and stores in Xbox and Windows. $MSFT PR link.

Facebook(PBR46) updates and revises posting policies to prepare for the 2020 US elections and fight against racial injustice. $FB PR link.

Gap Inc(PBR197) gets partnership with Kanye West to promote his YEEZY Gap fashion line, expected to appear in Gap stores and in 2021. $GPS PR link.

Office Depot(PBR291) approves a 1-for-10 reverse common stock split, to become effective at 4:01 p.m. EDT on 06/30/20. $ODP PR link.

Tractor Supply(PBR366) adds Miranda Lambert’s new line of MuttNation “On the Farm” natural ingredients pet food and treats, available online now, in stores starting 07/20/20. $TSCO PR link.

Boyd Gaming(PBR693) to reopen its Valley Forge Casino Hotel in King of Prussia, PA, on 06/26/20, and its Par-A-Dice Hotel Casino in East Peoria, IL, on 07/01/20, will then have 26 of 29 properties open. $BYD PR link.

Cedar Fair(PBR964) to open its Dorney Park amusement park in Allentown, PA, on 07/08/20 to season ticketholders, to daily ticketholders on 07/11/20, will require reservations. $FUN PR link.

Navistar(PBR274) CEO Troy Clarke to become Executive Chairman and EVP/COO Persio V. Lisboa to become President/CEO on 07/01/20. $NAV PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary May 2020 Personal Income Annual Rate is at $19.839 trillion, Personal Current Taxes are at $2.052 trillion, for Disposable Personal Income of $17.788 trillion, Personal Outlays are at $13.666 trillion, for Personal Savings of $4.121 trillion, April 2020 was at $6.025 trillion, March 2020 2.078 trillion, May 2019 $1.269 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The U of Michigan Final June 2020 Consumer Sentiment Index is at 78.1, May 2020 was at 72.3, April 2020 71.8, June 2019 98.2. “The resurgence of the virus will be accompanied by weaker consumer demand among residents of the Southern and Western regions and may even temper the reactions of consumers in the Northeast. As a result, the need for additional fiscal policies to relieve financial hardships has risen.” UMichigan PR link.

***Thursday, June 25

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google unit announces a licensing program to pay publishers for high-quality content for a new news experience launching later this year, will help participating publishers monetize their content through an enhanced storytelling experience, have signed partnerships with local and national publications in Germany, Australia and Brazil. $GOOG PR link.

Walt Disney(PBR49 $DIS) delaying the reopening of its California theme parks, including Disneyland, which had been scheduled to start reopening 07/17/20, waiting to receive approval from government officials. MarketWatch PR link.

Macy’s(PBR118) to reduce corporate and management headcount by approximately 3,900, has reduced staffing across its stores portfolio, supply chain and customer support network, will adjust as sales recover, most remaining furloughed colleagues returning to work beginning 07/05/20. $M PR link.

Marriott Intl(PBR150) reopens Gaylord Rockies in Colorado, Gaylord Palms in Florida and Gaylord Opryland in Tennessee, join the recently opened Gaylord Texan. $MAR PR link.

Windstream(PBR482) says Bankruptcy Court confirms Plan of Reorganization, expects to emerge from Chapter 11 in late 08/20 as a privately-held company. $WINMQ PR link.

Keysight Technologies(PBR601) has acquired for $330 million The Carlyle Group(PBR682) portfolio company Eggplant, a digital automation intelligence specialist that did around $38 million in 2019 revenues. $KEYS PR link.

The US Federal Reserve modifies the Volcker Rule for financial institutions. USFed PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases results of stress tests for 2020 and additional sensitivity analyses conducted in light of the coronavirus event. USFed PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the 1Q20 3rd Estimate US Real GDP Annual Rate is unchanged at -5.0%, 4Q19 was at +2.1%, 3Q19 +2.1%, 1Q19 +3.1%. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says that for the Week Ending 06/20/20 the US Initial Jobless Claims is at 1,480,000, 05/23/20 was at 2,123,000, 04/25/20 3,839,000, 06/22/19 227.000; for Week Ending 06/13/20 the Total Insured Unemployment is at 19,522,000, 05/16/20 was at 21,052,000, 04/18/20 17,992,000, 06/15/19 1,688,000; the 06/13/20 Insured Unemployment Rate is at 13.4%, 05/16/20 was at 14.5%, 04/18/20 12.4%, 06/15/19 1.2%. More details at the PR link. USDOL PR link.

FreddieMac says the 06/25/20 Weekly Average 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate is at 3.13% with 0.8 points & fees, 05/28/20 was at 3.15%, 04/30/20 3.23%, 06/27/20 3.73%. “After the Great Recession, it took more than ten years for purchase demand to rebound to pre-recession levels, but in this crisis, it took less than ten weeks.” FreddieMac PR link.

***Wednesday, June 24

Amazon(PBR2) Web Services unit launches Amazon Honeycode, allows customers to quickly build powerful mobile and web applications – with no programming required. $AMZN PR link.

Apple(PBR4 $AAPL) has acquired Apple products security developer FleetSmith, terms not disclosed. FleetSmith PR link.

Merck(PBR66) gets US FDA approval for KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) for the treatment of patients with recurrent or metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) that is not curable by surgery or radiation. $MRK PR link.

T-Mobile US(PBR69) pricies a registered public offering of 143,392,582 shares of its common stock at a $103.00/share, also separately announced the pricing of $1,860,465,000 aggregate purchase price for SoftBank shares who is monetizing its investment. $TMUS PR link.

Waste Management(PBR204) to acquire Advanced Disposal for $30.30/share cash, total enterprise value of $4.6 billion, includes approximately $1.8 billion of net debt, after close GFL Environmental to acquire a combination of Advanced Disposal and Waste Management assets for $835 million, representing approximately $345 million in 2019 revenues, part of agreement with the US Dept of Justice, to close by end of 3Q20. $WM PR link.

Ally Financial(PBR260) $2.65 billion cash & stock acquisition of privately held Woodbury, NY based $4.7 billion in assets non-prime credit card and consumer finance lender CardWorks has been terminated by mutual consent because of impacts of COVID-19 on the marketplace. $ALLY PR link.

Sempra Energy(PBR286) completes $2.23 billion divestiture of Chilean businesses. $SRE PR link.

GoDaddy(PBR748) CEO letter explains details of how 814 employees being affected by restructuring will be handled. $GDDY PR link.

GNC(PBR886) files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, remains open for business, has support from lenders, also reviewing option for a $760 million buyout, expects to accelerate the closure of at least 800 to 1,200 stores. $GNC PR link.

Crocs(PBR987) opens its new global headquarters in Broomfield, CO, 90,000 sf state of the art facility, plans to add to 375 positions that are moving there. $CROX PR link.

Worthington Industries(PBR645) Chairman/CEO John McConnell to become Executive Chairman, President Andy Rose to become President/CEO on 09/01/20. $WOR PR link.

The US Energy Information Administration says the 06/19/20 US Crude Oil Stocks were at 540.7 millions of barrels, 05/22/20 was at 534.4, 04/24/20 527.6, 06/21/19 469.6. USEIA PR link.

***Tuesday, June 23 profiles global stock exchanges operator Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., ranked #444 by revenues on The PBR1000. More details on the  Intercontinental Exchanges Spotlight page.

MasterCard(PBR186) to acquire Salt Lake City, UT based 500 employees worldwide Finicity, a leading N American provider of real-time access to financial data and insights, for $825 million, plus up to an additional $160 million, if performance targets are met. $MA PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) to reopen its MGM National Harbor luxury resort and casino in Prince George’s County, MD, on 06/29/20. $MGM PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR241) to reopen its Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa in Atlantic City, NJ, on 07/06/20. $MGM PR link.

AES Corp(PBR301) to sell its entire 49% equity interest in the 1,740 MW OPGC 1&2 coal-fired power plants in Odisha, India to Adani Power Limited, will reduce its portfolio of coal fired energy from 45% to 35%, on track to be <30% by end of 2020. $AES PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary May 2020 New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate is at 676,000, April 2020 was at 580,000, March 2020 612,000, May 2019 600,000; the May 2020 New Family Home Median Price is at $317,900, April 2020 was at $303,000, March 2020 $331,800, May 2019 $312,700. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the June 2020 Non-Manufacturing General Activity Index is at -3.6, May 2020 was at -68.6, April 2020 -96.4, June 2019 +10.2. “The respondents expect overall improvement in conditions over the next six months, as both future activity indexes rose well into positive territory.” PhillyFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the June 2020 US 5th District Manufacturing Index(Annualized) is at +0%, May 2020 was at -27%, April 2020 -53%, June 2019 +2%. “Manufacturers were also optimistic, overall, that conditions would improve in the next six months.” RichmondFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the June 2020 US 5th District Service Sector Revenue Index(Annualized) is at -28%, May 2020 was at -48%, April 2020 -87%, June 2019 +16%. “Firms also reported continued deterioration in local business conditions and decreased spending in June, but they were optimistic that conditions would improve in the coming months.” RichmondFed PR link.

***Monday, June 22

Microsoft(PBR20)’s Mixer unit decides time needed to grow its own livestreaming community to scale was out of measure with the vision and experiences that Microsoft and Xbox want to deliver for gamers, is teaming up with Facebook(PBR46) to enable the Mixer community to transition to Facebook Gaming$MSFT PR link.

Delta(PBR65) is first US arline since start of COVID-19 pandemic to re-start service to China with flights between Seattle and Shanghai-Pudong via Seoul-Incheon on 06/25/20, operating twice per week, and from July and beyond it will operate once-weekly flights from Seattle and Detroit, also via Incheon. $DAL PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR152) extends its operational pause in N America, cancelling all cruises through through 09/30/20. $CCL PR link.

PG&E(PBR184) gets confirmation of the company’s Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization by the US Bankruptcy Court, expects to emerge from Chapter 11 in July, will be eligible to participate in the state’s new go-forward wildfire fund. $PGC PR link.

W.W. Grainger(PBR265) to sell its distribution business in China, Grainger China, to a purchaser owned by the Grainger China management team and Sinovation Ventures, a China-based venture capital firm, will maintain its Global Sourcing operations based in China, to close in 2020, terms not disclosed. $GWW PR link.

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR276) gets a $850 million three-year secured asset-based revolving credit facility, expects approximately 95% of its total store fleet to re-open by the end of this week and nearly all stores to re-open by July 2020. $BBBY PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary May 2020 US National Activity Index is at +2.61, April 2020 was at -17.89, March 2020 -4.67, May 2019 -0.08. ChiFed PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary May 2020 Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 3,910,000, April 2020 was at 4,330,000, March 2020 5,270,000, May 2019 5,330,000; May 2020 Median Home Price is at $284,600, April 2020 was at $286,800, March 2020 $280,600, May 2019 $278,200. “Home sales will surely rise in the upcoming months with the economy reopening, and could even surpass one-year-ago figures in the second half of the year.” More info at the link. NAR PR link.

***Friday, June 19

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 25 ending 06/19/20:

DJIA ends Week 25 at 25,871.46, +1.04% from last Friday, +6.27% MTD, +18.04% QTD, -9.35% YTD, -12.45% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 25 at 9,946.12, +3.73% from last Friday, +11.89% MTD, +29.17% QTD, +10.85% YTD, -0.74% from record 10,020.35 set 06/10/20.

SPX ends Week 25 at 3,097.74, +1.86% from last Friday, +6.36% MTD, +19.85% QTD, -4.12% YTD, -8.52% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 25 News Summary: It was a return of the Coronavirus Pandemic in the major headline stories for the week. Some states were experiencing some upticks which raises the alarm of a possible second or more waves. To add more controversy President Trump is planning a big rally in Tulsa, OK, in an arena with face masks optional. AMC Theatres will start opening up on 07/15/20, initially said face masks were optional, then the next day said they would be a requirement. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 8,566,787 confirmed cases globally with 457,362 deaths. For the US it’s 2,209,930 confirmed cases and 118,894 deaths. The challenge of continuing to open up of the economy but risking the danger of creating a full blown second wave pandemic is a difficult balancing act with varied facts and opinions from scientists, politicians, economists, business owners and the citizenry. News and social media outlets reflect and influence this as well. At the same time the death in Minneapolis of a black man, George Floyd, by a white police officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck for several minutes, continues to create controversy about police attitudes, recruitment, , training and tactics. Today being Juneteenth has also sparked public conversations about racism, what it is, how pervasive is it, and what should be done. The US Presidential election is heating up too, with some interesting jockeying and ads by both sides. On a lighter note, the US economic news was mixed. Retail sales were higher than expected, initial jobless claims dropped a little, mortgage rates are at new lows and the Federal Reserve continues to grapple with using its powers in the most effective ways. A $1 trillion infrastructure plan is being worked on by both sides of the Congressional aisles, and there continue to be rumors about a new stimulus package. States and businesses continue to open up, except for some key areas such as the transportation sector as airlines try to add flights and keep enough cash reserves to help them get through this period. Cruise lines are delaying popular and profitable voyages. The Stock Market Bull had a good start to Week 25, The Stock Market Bear then tried a comeback in the 2nd half of the week, but failed to get a 2 week win streak. The Stock Market Bull ends up starting a new streak with a nice Week 25 3-0 win with only Tuesday being a volatile +-1% day, and it was a plus day. Stay tuned, the stage is set for what could be an interesting Week 26!

The Week 25 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 13 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 11 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Apple(PBR4 $AAPL) closing seven Apple stores in Arizona, two in both Florida and N Carolina, one in S Carolina because of coronavirus cases increase in those states. Associated Press PR link.

Merck(PBR66) completes acquisition of privately held vaccines, including a COVID-19 candidate, and immune-modulation therapies for infectious diseases and cancer developer Themis, terms not disclosed. $MRK PR link.

Mylan(PBR272) wins district court decision against Biogen(PBR221)’s Tecfidera® patent, clears the way for Mylan’s launch of its generic dimethyl fumarate product for multiple sclerosis patients upon the receipt of US FDA approval, working with the FDA to accelerate regulatory approval target action date, currently 11/16/20. $MYL PR link.

AMC Entertainment(PBR500) to require use of face masks when it starts reopening US theatres on 07/15/20, will have face masks available for $1. $AMC PR link.

Perrigo(PBR546) sells its UK-based Rosemont Pharmaceuticals business, a generic prescription pharmaceuticals manufacturer focused on liquid medicines, to a UK-headquartered private equity firm for around $195 million in cash, represents another step in Perrigo’s transformation to a consumer-focused self-care company. $PRGO PR link.

Synopsys(PBR689) replenishes its existing stock repurchase authorization to $500 million. $SNPS PR link.

Pyxus(PBR930) receives NYSE delisting notice for filing Chapter 11 bankuptcy notice, does not plan to appeal, is currently available on the OTC Pink List with ticker symbol PYXSQ. $PYXSQ PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary 1Q20 US Total Exports of Goods, Services & Income Receipts is at $902.3 billion, -5.0% from 4Q19; Total Imports of Goods, Services & Income Payments is at $1,006.5 billion, -4.5% from 4Q19; Total Deficit is at $104.2 billion, -0.1% from 4Q19. USDOC PR link.

The Cruise Lines International Assn’s ocean-going cruise line members will voluntarily extend the suspension of cruise operations from US ports until 09/15/20 due to coronavirus pandemic issues. CLIA PR link.

***Thursday, June 18

Medtronic(PBR101) has approved Foxconn for the manufacturing of its Medtronic Puritan Bennett™ 560 (PB560) ventilators, plans to make 10,000 in the next year. $MDT PR link.

Tesla(PBR117)‘s North American Model S Long Range Plus vehicles now have an official EPA-rated range of 402 miles. $TSLA PR link.

McDonald’s(PBR150) expects to hire approximately 260,000 restaurant employees in the US this summer. $MCD PR link.

Jones Lang LaSalle(PBR174) re-opens its Chicago headquarters, 75+ offices open across the US, to have around 100 open by 07/31/20. $JLL PR link.

Biogen(PBR221 $BIIB)‘s multiple sclerosis treatment Tecfidera patent is invalidated in challenge by Mylan(PBR272), biggest revenue produces for Biogen with $4.43 billion in 2019, plans to appeal by mid 2021 based on court decisions in other related cases. MarketWatch PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) terminates its sale of $500 million in common stock offering while it is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. $HTZ PR link.

JetBlue(PBR379) is adding 30 new domestic routes to serve customers in markets where leisure and VFR (visiting friends and relatives) travel is showing some signs of strength. $JBLU PR link.

Clorox(PBR459) announces AMC Entertainment(PBR500) to open 450 theatres on 07/15/20, have all remaining 150 theatres open by 07/31/20, with Phase 1 being at 30% of capacity, tentatively full capacity after further phase-ins by around Thanksgiving. $CLX PR link.

Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR756)’s Athene Holding Ltd unit acquires 11% stake in Prudential(PBR53) subsidiary Jackson National Life Insurance Company for $500 million, will reinsure a $27 billion in-force block of fixed deferred and fixed indexed annuities. $APO PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the 1Q20 Average Hourly Employee Cost-Wages & Salaries is at $25.91, Benefits $11.82, Total Costs $37.73, 10th Percent is at $13.15, 50th Percentile(Median) $28.40, 90th Percentile $74.17, Wages & Salaries % of Total Compensation is at 68.7%, Benefits 31.3%. USDOL PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the June 2020 3rd District Manufacturing General Activity Indicator is at +27.5, May 2020 was at -43.1, April 2020 -56.6, June 2019 +1.5. “Manufacturing conditions in the region showed signs of improvement this month… All future indicators improved, suggesting that the firms expect overall growth over the next six months.” PhillyFed PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary May 2020 Leading Economic Index is at 99.8, April 2020 was at 97.0, March 2020 103.1, May 2019 111.7. “The breadth and depth of the decline in the LEI between February and April suggest the economy at large will remain in recession territory in the near term.” PhillyFed PR link.

***Wednesday, June 17

Target(PBR36) is permanently raising its starting wage for US team members to $15/hour, will give a one-time recognition bonus of $200 to its frontline store and distribution center hourly workers for their efforts throughout the coronavirus pandemic, offering free access to virtual doctor visits for all team members through the end of the year. $TGT PR link.

Facebook(PBR46) building a new Voting Information Center to give people accurate information about voting, while also giving them the tools they need to register and make their voices heard at the ballot box, goal is 4 million new registrations, also activating option to turn off or on political ads. $FB PR link.

T-Mobile US(PBR69) per its agreement to acquire Sprint to sell Sprint’s Boost Mobile, Virgin Mobile and Sprint Prepaid business to DISH(PBR244) on 07/01/20. $TMUS PR link.

US Steel(PBR241) has commenced an underwritten public offering of 50,000,000 shares of its common stock, to use the net proceeds to strengthen its balance sheet, increase liquidity and for general corporate purposes. $X PR link.

Alcoa(PBR296) working with representatives of San Ciprian, Spain, site to restructure the aluminum plant that retains a portion of the casthouse in operation, collective dismissal could potentially affect up to 534 employees. $AA PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) suspends its sale of $500 million in common stock pending a further review of its purposes. $HTZ PR link.

ConAgra Brands(PBR322) reviewing its Mrs. Butterworth’s brand, including its syrup packaging, to eliminate racial bias, original intent was to evoke the images of a loving grandmother. $CAG PR link.

Perrigo(PBR539) makes minority investment in Watkins, CO, based leading supplier of industrial hemp-based CBD products free of tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC-free”) Kazmira, Perrigo to launch in a number of global markets, has exclusive for US store brand market. $PRG PR link.

Sinclair Broadcast(PBR608) to launch a news headline service, 25 positions to be filled, initial format includes 6am-9am slot on CW and MY networks, and its STIRR free streaming platform. $SBGI PR link.

Cinemark(PBR701) to kick off its four-phased reopening with select Dallas-area theatres beginning Friday, 06/19/20, with the remaining phases to take place between 07/03/20 and 07/17/20. $CNK PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary May 2020 New Residential Construction Private Family Building Permits Issued Annual Rate is at 1,220,000 units, +14.5% from April 2020, -8.8% from May 2019. USDOC PR link.

***Tuesday, June 16

Schlumberger(PBR95) will permanently remove more than $1.5 billion of structural costs on an annual basis with major changes to its organizational structure, includes reducing its variable headcount. $SLB PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) issues statement on its pleading guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter and one count of unlawfully starting a fire for the 2018 Camp Fire. $PCG PR link.

Norwegian Cruise Lines(PBR450) extends suspension of global cruise voyages to include all voyages embarking between 08/01/20 through 09/30/20 for its three cruise brands, excludes September Seattle-based Alaska voyages. $NCLH PR link.

Big Lots(PBR512) closes $725 million sale and leaseback of four company-owned distribution centers with affiliates of Oak Street Real Estate Capital. $BIG PR link.

Red Robin(PBR979) files registration to sell up to $40 million in common stock. $RRGB PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says that Preliminary May 2020 Industrial Capacity is at 64.8%, April 2020 was at 64.0%, March 2020 73.2%, May 2019 77.8%. NAHB PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary April 2020 Manufacturers Sales are at $406.8 billion, Retailers $382.7 billion, Wholesalers $395.4 billion, Total Sales $1.185 trillion, -14.4% from March 2020, -18.4% from April 2019. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Advance May 2020 Sales-Retail is at $446.9 billion, Food Services & Drinking Places $38.6 billion, Total Sales $485.5 billion, +17.7% from April, -6.1% from May 2019. USDOC PR link.

The Natl Assn of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Preliminary June 2020 Housing Market Composite Index(>50 = conditions are good) is at 58, May 2020 was at 37, April 2020 30, June 2019 64. “Builders report increasing demand for families seeking single-family homes in inner and outer suburbs that feature lower density neighborhoods. At the same time, elevated unemployment and the risk of new, local virus outbreaks remain a risk to the housing market.” NAHB PR link.

***Monday, June 15

Walmart(PBR1) joining forces with Shopify, an all-in-one commerce platform used by more than 1 million businesses, to open the Walmart Marketplace to their sellers. $WMT PR link.

United Airlines(PBR73) expects to have total available liquidity of approximately $17 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2020. $UAL PR link.

AbbVie(PBR94) gets US FDA approval for JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA™ XC for enhancement of the chin region, first and only product of its kind approved by the FDA for use in the chin. $ABBV PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) to sell up to $500 million in common stock, because in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy also issues a disclaimer saying it may lose value, even make it worthless, may be delisted by the NYSE. $HTZ PR link.

Brown-Forman(PBR604) to sell the Early Times, Canadian Mist, and Collingwood brands, and the Canadian Mist production assets, to Sazerac Company, to close in summer 2020, terms not disclosed. $BFB PR link.

Square(PBR691) acquires Verse, a Spanish P2P payments app that allows customers to send and receive payments from friends and family instantly, safely, and free of charge, terms not disclosed. $SQ PR link.

First Horizon National(PBR859) and IBERIABANK(NASDAQ: IBKC) get final regulatory approval for merger of equals, to close on 07/01/20, will become First Horizon upon completion of operations integration to be completed in 2021. $FHN PR link.

Pyxus(PBR930) files NT 10-K with the US SEC, was unable to provide annual report by 03/31/20 due to bankruptcy proceedings. $PYX PR link.

WW(PBR971) says Subscribers as of 06/06/20 totaled 4.9 million, up 7% from 06/08/19, consisting of 3.8 million Digital Subscribers and 1.1 million Studio + Digital Subscribers, plans to phase in reopen of 400 studios by 06/30/20. $WW PR link.

Lockheed(PBR56) Board member James D. Taiclet is now President/CEO, succeeds Marilyn Hewson who becomes Executive Chairman. $LMT PR link.

Pilgrim’s Pride(PBR268) President/CEO Jayson Penn begins paid leave of absence to focus on his defense of the recently disclosed indictment against him for price fixing, to which he has pleaded not guilty, Board has appointed Fabio Sandri, Pilgrim’s CFO, as interim president and CEO. $PPC PR link.

eBay(PBR288) publicly announces its termination of some previous employees for suspicious actions by its security personnel toward a blogger, who writes about the Company, and her husband, was also a factor in letting go of former CEO Devin Wenig. $EBAY PR link.

Avis Budget(PBR329) interim CEO Joe Ferraro is now CEO, Bernardo Hees named Executive Chairman. $CAR PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the June 2020 Empire State Manufacturing General Business Conditions Index is at -0.2, May 2020 was at -48.5, April 2020 -78.2, June 2019 -6.4. “After breaching record lows in April and May, the headline general business conditions index climbed forty-eight points to -0.2… Firms were notably more optimistic that conditions would be better in six months, with the index for future business conditions rising to its highest level in more than a decade… (June 2020 is at +56.5)” NYFed PR link.

***Friday, June 12

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 24 ending 06/12/20:

DJIA ends Week 24 at 25,605.54, -5.55% from last Friday, +5.17% MTD, +16.83% QTD, -10.28% YTD, -13.35% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 24 at 9,588.81, -2.30% from last Friday, +7.87% MTD, +24.53% QTD, +6.87% YTD, -4.31% from record 10,020.35 set 06/10/20.

SPX ends Week 24 at 3,041.31, -4.78% from last Friday, +4.43% MTD, +17.67% QTD, -5.86% YTD, -10.18% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 24 News Summary: The week started out with much of the nation continuing to be in shock and turmoil in response to the killing of a black man, George Floyd, by a Minneapolis white policeman, on 05/29/20. There were a lot of speeches given, statements made by a wide variety of civil rights leaders, government officials and law enforcement leaders. There continued to be some destructive riots. Racism and and anger over police actions, policies, and training were the topics that dominated talk radio, TV reporting, social media and newspaper coverage. Floyd’s funeral was in Houston, TX, on Wednesday with strongly worded speeches by national figures, but also an appeal for peace by the family. On the US economic news front on Wednesday the US Federal Open Market Committee concluded its meeting keeping federal funds rates at 0.00-0.25%, and forecasting a slow recovery of the economy from the coronavirus pandemic. But there is a deep yearning to get past the pandemic by people and businesses and for a return to normal. Several states continued to allow business reopenings. Many major retailers, casinos/hotels, amusement parks and restaurants continued or announce timings to reopen. The coronavirus pandemic saw a surge in cases and deaths. Many opine that this is because there is more testing. Many federal, state and local public health officials continue to express concerns over the reopenings and people not following social distancing rules. Many hospitals said they were not prepared or able to handle an increase in cases. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 7,586,973 confirmed cases globally with 423,545 deaths. For the US it’s 2,039,468 confirmed cases and 114,357 deaths. The Stock Market Bull charged into the pasture on Monday and had an excellent day, buoyed by the NASDAQ which reeled off 3 consecutive days of new records. But with mostly grim news dominating, The Stock Market Bear slashed and gashed his way to take over, with a major bloodletting on Thursday as all major US exchanges experienced a 5-7% drop. The badly wounded The Stock Market Bull made an attempt to come back on Friday, but the recovery was not nearly enough, and his 3 week win streak came to an ignoble end with everyone wondering what will happen in Week 25.

The Week 24 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 12 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 11 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Merck(PBR66) gets US FDA approval for GARDASIL 9 for the prevention of certain HPV-related head and neck cancers. $MRK PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR243) to reopen its MGM Northfield Park racino facility in Ohio on 06/20/20. $MGM PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) gets Bankruptcy Court to approve sale of up to $1.0 billion in common stock. $HTZ PR link.

GNC(PBR887) reaches an agreement with required lender groups to extend the springing maturity dates for certain loans from 06/15/20 to 06/30/20. $GNC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary May 2020 Import Prices Monthly Change is at +1.0%, the largest 1-month advance since February 2019, April 2020 was at -2.6%, March 2020 -2.4%, May 2019 +0.2%; May 2020 Export Prices Monthly Change is at +0.5%, April 2020 was at -3.3%, March 2020 -1.4%, May 2019 -0.3%; May 2020 Import Prices Change Year-To-Year are at -6.0%, Export Prices -6.0%. USDOL PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary June 2020 Consumer Sentiment Index is at 78.9, May 2020 was at 72.3, April 2020 71.8, May 2019 100.0. “Despite the expected economic gains, few consumers anticipate the reestablishment of favorable economic conditions anytime soon. Bad times financially in the economy as a whole during the year ahead were still expected by two-thirds of all consumers, and a renewed downturn was anticipated by nearly half over the longer term.” UMichigan PR link.

***Thursday, June 11

Jacobs Engineering Group(PBR245) is a Buy stock with a 4.81/5.0 rating. Find out more at the $J info link.

Uber(PBR226) and Lyft(PBR661) ordered by the State of California to treat drivers as employees. State of California PR link.

Keurig Dr Pepper(PBR279) says JAB Holdings BV intends for its majority-owned Maple Holdings BV subsidiary to convert 143 million shares, representing 10.1% ownership, into shares of KDP that will become freely tradeable after a lock-up period, JAB and Maple will collectively remain a 52.6% controlling shareholder of KDP following the distribution. $KDP PR link.

The Children’s Place(PBR917) is targeting to close an additional 300 stores by the end of fiscal 2021, with 200 closures planned for this year, and 100 closures planned for 2021, targeting mall-based, brick-and-mortar portfolio to represent less than 25% of revenue entering fiscal 2022, at end of 1Q20 has 920 stores and square footage of 4.3 million, has closed 275 stores, has 61 stores open to the public in the US and Canada as of 06/08/20. $PLCE PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary May 2020 US Producer Price Index Monthly Final Demand Change is +0.4%, April 2020 was at -1.3%, March 2020 -0.2%, May 2019 +0.2%; May 2020 Last 12 Months Change is at -0.8%, April 2020 was at -1.2%, March 2020 +0.7%, May 2019 +2.1%. USDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary 1Q20 Networth of Households and Non-Profits is at $110.8 trillion, 4Q19 was at $117.4 trillion, 3Q19 $114.2 trillion, 1Q19 $111.2. USFed PR link.

***Wednesday, June 10

Ford(PBR12) and Volkswagen sign agreements for joint projects on commercial vehicles, electric vehicles, autonomous driving, does not include cross-ownership between the companies. $F PR link.

Walt Disney(PBR49) plans phase in reopening of DisneyLand in Anaheim, CA, starting 07/09/20 with Downtown Disney District, Disneyland park and Disney California Adventure park on 07/17/20, hotels/resorts on 07/23/20. $DIS PR link.

AbbVie(PBR94) and Genmab A/S (Nasdaq: GMAB) enter into a broad collaboration to jointly develop and commercialize three of Genmab’s next-generation bispecific antibody products, including epcoritamab, AbbVie to pay $750 million up front, up to $3.15 billion based on milestone achievements. $ABBV PR link.

Bristol-Myers Squibb(PBR108) get US FDA approval for Opdivo ® (nivolumab) for the treatment of patients with unresectable advanced, recurrent or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) after prior fluoropyrimidine- and platinum-based chemotherapy. $BMY PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) gets delisting notice from the NYSE because Hertz has commenced voluntary petitions for reorganization under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, decision is being appealed, stock will continue trading during appeals process. $HTZ PR link.

Simon Property(PBR480) terminates $52.50/share, $3.6 billion cash 80% acquisition of of 26 super-regional shopping centers in the US and Asia Taubman Centers(NYSE: TCO) because of impacts of COVID-19 and TCO’s business practices during the pandemic. $SPG PR link.

Boyd Gaming(PBR695) on 06/15/20 to resume operations at its two properties in Indiana: Blue Chip Casino Hotel and Spa in Michigan City, and Belterra Casino Resort in Florence, on 06/19/20 to reopen Belterra Park in Cincinnati, OH, will have 24 of its 29 nationwide properties open. $BYD PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR771) as of 06/05/20 has reopened 634 stores, 44% of its fleet. $TLRD PR link.

Groupon(PBR871) to do 1:20 reverse stock split, to be effective after 06/10/20. $GRPN PR link.

Red Robin(PBR979) has reopened around 270 of its dining rooms, sales exceeding expectations, accompanied by record high dine-in Guest satisfaction scores and continued, strong retention of elevated off-premise sales. $RRGB PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) new Board to consist of 14 members, 11 of whom are new and will be officially appointed to join the Board at or prior to emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy, new Board chair to be elected. $PGC PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee 06/09-10/20 Meeting Statement keeps federal funds rate at 0.00-0.25%, says, “The ongoing public health crisis will weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and poses considerable risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.” FOMC PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee releases projections from its 06/09-10/20 meeting, shows anticipating US gross domestic product of -6.5% in 2020, +5.0 in 2021, +3.5% in 2022, +1.8% in the longer run. FOMC PR link.

The US Dept of the Treasury says the May 2020 Federal Government Receipts is at $173.9 billion, Outlays $572.7 billion, Monthly Deficit $398.8 billion; May 2020 Federal Government Receipts YTD(8 Months) is at $2.019 trillion, Outlays YTD $3.900 trillion, Deficit YTD $1.880 trillion, May 2019 Deficit YTD was at $0.739 trillion. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the May 2020 Monthly Consumer Price Index Change is -0.1%, April 2020 was at -0.8%, March 2020 -0.4%, May 2019 +0.1%. “Declines in the indexes for motor vehicle insurance, energy, and apparel more than offset increases in food and shelter indexes to result in the monthly decrease in the seasonally adjusted all items index.” USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary May 2020 US Current Employee Average Earnings/Hour is at $29.75, Average Work Week is 34.7 hours, Total Average Weekly Earnings is at $1,032.33, April 2020 was at $1,027.37, March 2020 $978.33, May 2019 $958.73. USDOL PR link.

***Tuesday, June 9

Best Buy(PBR71) will have more than 800 locations across the US allowing a limited number of people inside starting 06/15/20, is bringing back more than 9,000 of its previously furloughed full- and part-time store employees and Geek Squad Agents. $BBY PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR243) to re-open Las Vegas resorts Luxor and The Shoppes at Mandalay Bay Place 06/25/20, the ARIA, and Mandalay Bay, Four Seasons Las Vegas on 07/01/20. $MGM PR link.

Sempra Energy(PBR287) to close $2.23 billion cash sale of its equity interests in its Chilean businesses, including its 100% stake in Chilquinta Energía SA, to State Grid International Development Limited on 06/24/20. $SRE PR link.

Signet Jewelers(PBR465) has re-opened over 1,100 stores, will not reopen at least 150 North America stores and 80 UK stores, is committed to closing at least an additional 150 stores by the end of the fiscal year, continuing to optimize its virtual footprint through website efficiencies, expansion of site capabilities and building a roster of sales associates that are adept in virtual selling. $SIG PR link.

IAC(PBR554) agrees to sell shares valued at around $1.4 billion relating to Match Group in connection with separation of Match Group and IAC. $IAC PR link.

Verso Corp(PBR828) expects to idle the paper mill in Duluth, MN by the end of 06/20, and the Wisconsin Rapids Mill by the end of 07/20, will layoff approximately 1,000 employees. $VRS PR link.

Cedar Fair(PBR964) to open limited capacity amusement parks at 2 locations in Texas on 06/13/20, 1 in Kansas City, MO on 06/22/20, in Ohio Kings Island on 07/02/20 and Cedar Point on 07/09/20, waterparks re-opening dates not yet set. $FUN PR link.

HanesBrands(PBR419) appoints Steve Bratspies as CEO and member of the Board, effective 08/03/20, succeeds 37 year company veteran Gerald Evans, Jr. $HBI PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary April 2020 US Job Separations-Private are at 9,467,000, Government 421,000, Total Separations 9,888,000, March 2020 was at 14,643,000, April 2019 5,763,000. For Job Openings and Hires go to the link, Table AUSDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary April 2020 US Wholesale Sales-Durables is at $187.3 billion, Non-Durables $208.0 billion, Total Sales $395.3 billion, March 2020 was at $475.6 billion, February 2020 $501.0 billion, April 2019 $498.5 billion. USDOC PR link.

CoreLogic says the March 2020 US Home Mortgages 30 Days or More Delinquent Rate is at 3.6%, February 2020 was at 3.6%, January 2020 3.5%, March 2019 4.0%. “… the job market began its downward spiral in March as shelter-in-place orders went into effect, thus increasing the likelihood of borrowers falling behind on their mortgage payments.” CoreLogic PR link.

***Monday, June 8

SAIC(PBR452) is a Buy stock with a perfect 5.0/5.0 rating. Find out more at the $SAIC info link.

Macy’s(PBR118) recently raised $1.3 billion from sale of 8.375% senior secured notes, will get an additional $3.15 billion from an asset-based credit agreement. $M PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) gets agreement with a select number of investors, including affiliates of Appaloosa, Third Point LLC, Zimmer Partners and Fidelity Management & Research Company, LLC, who will purchase an aggregate of $3.25 billion in common stock of PG&E, expected to be issued in a private placement upon PG&E’s emergence from Chapter 11, will pay up to $10.50/share. $PCG PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) to relocate headquarters to new more cost effective Oakland facilities beginning in 2022 and will seek to sell San Francisco headquarters complex. $PCG PR link.

PPG(PBR207) will record a restructuring charge of $160 to $180 million pretax, $125 to $140 million after-tax, or $0.52-$0.58 cents per diluted share, in 2Q20, nearly all related to employee severance. $PPG PR link.

FannieMae says the May 2020 US Home Purchase Sentiment Index is at 67.5, April 2020 was at 63.0, March 2020 80.8, May 2019 92.0. “… As lockdown restrictions begin to ease across the country, we expect economic recovery to be largely shaped by consumers’ decisions regarding when and how to reengage in the economy. We believe this month’s HPSI results and Friday’s unexpectedly favorable labor market report to be encouraging signs for the months ahead.” FannieMae PR link.

***Friday, June 5

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 23 ending 06/05/20:

DJIA ends Week 23 at 27,110.98, +6.81% from last Friday, +11.36% MTD, +23.7% QTD, -5.00% YTD, -8.26% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 23 at 9,814.08, +3.42% from last Friday, +10.40% MTD, +27.45% QTD, +9.38% YTD, -0.03% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 23 at 3,193.93, +4.91% from last Friday, +9.67% MTD, +23.58% QTD, -1.14% YTD, -5.68% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 23 News Summary: At the beginning of the week the main headline dramatically changed from the coronavirus pandemic to the tragic death last Friday at the knee of a Minneapolis policeman on the neck of a man of color, George Floyd. Captured on video, the senseless loss caused outrage across many cities in the US and later the world, resulting in more deaths and property damage. It reaffirmed and increased awareness of systemic racism, poverty, as well as exposing radical groups fomenting much of the anger and destructive actions. Federal, state and local governments responded in a variety of ways with mixed reviews and results. Time will now see how this plays out. The international news front was also mixed with US/China trade issues appearing more problematic, compounded by China’s efforts to gain more control over a more democracy minded Hong Kong. Then some US economic news came out midweek, and the attention shifted to jobs. ADP released its monthly US private sector job changes report which was much more positive than expected. This was followed on Friday by an unexpected and stunningly positive report on jobs by the US Dept of Labor, which reflected the initial recovery efforts by businesses as they start re-opening. And while the coronavirus pandemic was still in the news, it really took a weak 3rd place at best. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 6,713,881 confirmed cases globally with 393,709 deaths. For the US it’s 1,890,592 confirmed cases and 108,920 deaths. The pharma industry was also in the spotlight as more companies are getting involved in developing vaccines, testing kits, and protective equipment, and getting US FDA emergency use authorization approvals. The Stock Market Bear was unable to take any advantage from the civil unrest. On the other hand, The Stock Market Bull pounced on the jobs reports, finishing Week 23 with a resounding 3-0 victory, way ahead of expectations and starting to close in on record highs established during pre-coronavirus pandemic times. It was a week of volatile civil unrest, volatile government, volatile economic news, and a volatile Wall Street. The first half of 2020 has certainly become an historic time in so many ways.

The Week 23 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 12 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Kroger(PBR22) and technology for grocery ecommerce Ocado (LSE: OCDO) to expand their partnership with plans to construct three new Customer Fulfillment Centers (CFC) in the Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest and West regions, will create over 1,000 jobs. $KR PR link.

Merck(PBR66) gets US FDA approval for RECARBRIO™ (imipenem, cilastatin, and relebactam) for the treatment of adults with hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP). $MRK PR link.

AbbVie(PBR94), Harbour BioMed, Utrecht University and Erasmus Medical Center are collaborating to develop a novel antibody therapeutic to prevent and treat COVID-19, the pandemic respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. $ABBV PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR243) will reopen Excalibur Hotel & Casino Thursday, 06/11/20 following its closure earlier this year, joins MGM Resorts’ Bellagio, New York-New York, MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature, which all opened in Las Vegas Thursday, 06/04/20. $MGM PR link.

Cedar Fair(PBR964) gets approval by Ohio to reopen its theme parks, including Cedar Point and Kings Island, expects to open soon. $FUN PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the May 2020 US Available Labor Force is at 158,277,000, Employed is at 137,242,000, +3,839,000 from April 2020, -19,516,000 from May 2019, Unemployed is at 20,985,000, -2,093,000 from April 2020, +15,097,000 from May 2019, Unemployment Rate is at 13.3%, April 2020 was at 14.7%, May 2019 3.6%. From Table AUSDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary April 2020 US Consumer Debt-Revolving is at $1.020 trillion, Non-Revolving $3.114 trillion, Total Consumer Debt $4.133 trillion, March 2020 was at $4.202 trillion, February 2020 $4.209 trillion, April 2019 $4.070 trillion. USFed PR link.

***Thursday, June 4

American Airlines(PBR67) planning to fly more than 55% of its 07/19 domestic capacity in 07/20, resuming lounge service 06/22/20 at 11 Admirals Club lounges in 10 key US cities. $AAL PR link.

JCPenney(PBR291) to start store closing sales at 154 stores in first phase starting 06/11/20 after hearing with Bankruptcy judge, will take 10-16 weeks, has around 500 stores open now. $JCP PR link.

TD Ameritrade(PBR471) shareholders approve its acquisition by Charles Schwab(PBR304) for approximately $26 billion all stock, announces that the US Dept of Justice has decided to close its investigation of the proposed merger, to close in 2H20. $AMTD PR link.

Simon Property(PBR484 $SPG) is suing 400+ properties Gap(PBR198), its largest tenant, for $65.9 million for unpaid back rent. TheRealDeal PR link.

Michaels Cos(PBR530) says it has around 1,000 stores open, expects to have all 1,273 open by 06/30/20. $MIK PR link.

Electronic Arts(PBR535) launches 25+ new games on its Steam service, will be adding more, subscription service for players to be available later in the summer. $EA PR link.

Tiffany(PBR588) acquisition by LVMH Moet Hennessey-Louis Vuitton does not include LVMH buying Tiffany stock at this time. $LVMH PR link.

Sabre Corp(PBR626) to end all team furloughs by 07/06/20, will restore employee compensation back to 100% of base pay, to do a reduction of force of around 800 across 43 offices, is in addition to the 400 previously announced. $SABR PR link.

Carpenter Technology(PBR839) is reducing approximately 20% of its total global salaried positions in response to impact of the COVID-10 pandemic. $CRS PR link.

La-Z-Boy(PBR936) to reduce its global workforce by about 10%, or approximately 850 employees, across its manufacturing, retail and corporate locations, including the closure of its Newton, MS upholstery manufacturing facility. $LZB PR link.

SeaWorld(PBR973 $SEAS) to re-open Busch Gardens Tampa Bay and Adventure Island parks on 06/11/20, will require advance online reservations to help manage capacity and maintain social distancing within the parks. MarketWatch PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Revised 1Q20 US Business Sector Labor Productivity Output/Hour(Annual Rate) is -0.7%, 4Q19 was at +1.0%, 3Q19 -0.4%, 1Q19 +4.0%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says the Preliminary April 2020 US Exports-Goods is at $95.5 billion, Services $55.8 billion, Total Exports $151.3 billion, March 2020 was at $190.2 billion, February 2020 $211.8 billion, April 2019 $209.3 billion; April 2020 US Imports-Goods is at $167.4 billion, Services $33.3 billion, Total Imports $200.7 billion, March 2020 was at $232.5 billion, February 2020 $246.4 billion, April 2019 $258.4 billion; the April 2020 Deficit is at $49.4 billion, March 2020 $42.3 billion, February 2020 $34.6 billion, April 2019 $49.1 billion; April 2020 Total Exports YTD(4 months) is at $763.8 billion, Imports YTD $932.0 billion, Total Deficit YTD $168.2 billion, April 2019 was at $194.2 billion. USDOC PR link.

***Wednesday, June 3

AIG(PBR64) completes $1.8 billion sale of its majority interest in reinsurance and run-off management solutions to the global insurance industry provider Fortitude Re to The Carlyle Group(PBR827) and T&D Holdings$AIG PR link.

Fitbit(PBR969) has developed a high-quality, low-cost, easy-to-use emergency ventilator, Fitbit Flow, which has obtained Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the US Food & Drug Administration for use during the COVID-19 public health emergency. $FIT PR link.

Red Robin(PBR979) expects to have re-opened around 270 dining rooms with limited capacity by 06/07/20, represents about 65% of currently open Company-operated restaurants. $RRGB PR link.

ADP says the Preliminary May 2020 US Change in Private Sector Non-Farm Employment is at -2,760,000, April 2020 was at -19,557,000, March 2020 -302,000, May 2019 +89,000; the May 2020 Goods Producing Sector is at -794,000, Services -1,967,000. $ADP PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary April 2020 US Manufacturers New Orders-Durables is at $168.7 billion, Non-Durables $215.6 billion, Total New Orders $384.3 billion, March 2020 Total was $441.8 billion, February 2020 $496.5 billion, April 2019 $497.2 billion. $USDOC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the May 2020 US Non-Manufacturing Index(<50% = contracting) is at 45.4%, April 2020 was at 41.8%, March 2020 52.5%, May 2019 56.9%. “Respondents remain concerned about the ongoing impact of the coronavirus. Additionally, many of the respondents’ respective companies are hoping and/or planning for a resumption of business…” ISM PR link.

The IHS Markit May 2020 US Composite PMI Index is at 37.0, April 2020 was at 27.0, March 2020 40.9, May 2019 50.9. “While views about prospects for the year ahead remained negative on balance, the degree of pessimism has also moderated considerably since April, to hint that sentiment is improving as increasing numbers of companies see the worst of the lockdown being behind them.” IHS Markit PR link.

***Tuesday, June 2

Pfizer(PBR62) is establishing the Pfizer Breakthrough Growth Initiative, will invest up to $500 million in biotechnology companies, will focus on making non-controlling equity investments in clinical-stage public companies, especially companies with small- to medium-sized market capitalizations across a range of therapeutic categories of interest to Pfizer. $PFE PR link.

The Cheesecake Factory(PBR822) has re-opened 34 restaurants since mid-May, expects to have approximately 65% of dining rooms across its concepts that closed due to COVID-19 reopened with limited capacity by mid-June, including an anticipated 124 Cheesecake Factory restaurants. $CAKE PR link.

Twitter(PBR677) appoints Patrick Pichette as independent Chairman, succeeds Executive Chairman Omid Kordestani who remains on the Board as a non-employee director. $TWTR PR link.

The PurdueU/CME Group May 2020 US Ag Economy Barometer Composite Index is at 103, April 2020 was at 96, March 2020 121, May 2019 101. “Farmers sentiment improved modestly in May as the Ag Economy Barometer rose to a reading of 103, but remained nearly 40 percent below its February peak of 168… two-thirds of producers believe it will be necessary for the U.S. Congress to pass additional legislation to provide more economic assistance to U.S. farmers.” PurdueU PR link.

***Monday, June 1

Coty(353) and KKR(PBR609) enter strategic partnership, KKR to acquire 60% ownership in Coty’s Professional and Retail Hair business, including the Wella, Clairol, OPI and ghd brands (together, “Wella”) for $3.5 billion, Coty Chairman Peter Harf adds CEO role. $COTY PR link.

Cooper Tire & Rubber(PBR794) to restart on a limited basis its tire manufacturing plant in El Salto, Mexico, already has plants re-opened in China, US, and Serbia. $CTB PR link.

Jones Lang LaSalle(PBR174) has named Siddharth N. (Bobby) Mehta Chairman of the Board, succeeds Sheila A. Penrose who had been Chairman since 2005, will remain an independent director. $JLL PR link.

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR277) appoints Harriet Edelman as Independent Chair Of Board, succeeds Patrick Gaston who has stepped down after 13 years on the Board. $BBBY PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary April 2020 US Total New Construction Spending-Residential is at $544.3 billion, Total Non-Residential $801.9 billion, Total $1.346 trillion, -2.9% from March 2020, +3.0% from April 2019. USDOC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the May 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index(< 50% = economy contracting) is at 43.1%, April 2020 was at 41.5%, March 2020 49.1%, May 2019 52.1%. “The coronavirus pandemic impacted all manufacturing sectors for the third straight month. May appears to be a transition month, as many panelists and their suppliers returned to work late in the month. However, demand remains uncertain, likely impacting inventories, customer inventories, employment, imports and backlog of orders.” ISM PR link.

The IHS Markit May 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index is at 39.8, April 2020 was at 36.1, March 2020 48.5, May 2019 50.5. “With increasing numbers of companies restarting production, we should see some improvements in the output trend in coming months, and it was reassuring to see signs of the downturn already starting to ease in May, suggesting April was the eye of the storm as far as the production collapse is concerned.” IHS Markit PR link.

***Friday, May 29

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 22 ending 05/29/20:

DJIA ends Week 22 at 25,383.11, +3.75% from last Friday, +4.26% MTD, +15.81% QTD, -11.06% YTD, -14.11% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 22 at 9,489.87, +1.77% from last Friday, +6.75% MTD, +23.24% QTD, +5.76% YTD, -3.33% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 22 at 3,044.31, +3.01% from last Friday, +4.53% MTD, +17.79% QTD, -5.77% YTD, -10.10% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The end of May and Week 22 News Summary: Center stage during this Week 22 US 4 day work week was the ongoing US and China issues. While trade discussions have been difficult, the latest concern is China taking over more control of former UK colony Hong Kong. US President Trump’s immediate response is to use sanctions. The coronavirus pandemic continues to be big news as well. Countries around the world are starting to re-open their businesses and economy to mixed reviews. In the US many major retailers announced their re-openings and current plans for more. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 5,878,701 confirmed cases globally with 362,769 deaths. For the US it’s 1,735,971 confirmed cases and 102,323 deaths. A stream of good news about potential vaccines and tests for coronavirus seemed to escalate during the week. The US economic news was mixed with real data indicating major downturns, especially for employment and real GDP adjusted down from -4.8% to -5.0%. However, it is also now showing some up signs, meaning negative numbers are starting towards the positive, and cautious optimism has been reflected in some interviews of Federal Reserve Board members. Week 22 was a typical progression from the start of May. The additional item of interest for May was the new $3 trillion stimulus package that went into effect mid-month to help businesses make it through the pandemic. It was certainly a good week and end of May for The Stock Market Bull. He came back well rested after the Memorial Day holiday, was eager to fight and quickly gored The Stock Market Bear deep on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Stock Market Bear recovered a little bit on Thursday, and Friday was a mixed result in favor of The Stock Market Bull who easily took Week 22 and the month of May with convincing 3-0 results, but still has a long way to go to get back to record levels achieved earlier in the year.

The Week 22 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 11 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

The monthly tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 2 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter! provides news, data, and analysis on 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. The data and analysis is included in The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots, an MS-Excel workbook with 15 snapshot worksheets, 28 rankings, and over 200 fields of data and information on each company. Click here to find out more! is an independent business intelligence and analytics service. It is not, nor is it affiliated with, any financial advisory or stock brokerage or related firms.

(Image courtesy of, Stuart Miles)

Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved, Pax Business Resources, LLC.

The PBRMarketTools June 2020 News & US Stock Exchanges Recap

The PBRMarketTools June 2020 News Summary and US Stock Exchanges Recap

PBR1000 News Summary Stocks Recap

After a rocky start in 2020 The Stock Market Bull now has won the pasture 3 months in a row, still has a ways to go to be ahead for the year.

***Tuesday, June 30

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the Month of June ending 06/30/20:

DJIA ends June at 25,812.88, +3.19% from last Friday, +1.69% MTD, +17.77% QTD, -9.55% YTD, -12.65% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends June at 10,058.77, +3.09% from last Friday, +5.99% MTD, +30.63% QTD, +12.11% YTD, -0.72% from record 10,131.37 set 06/23/20.

SPX ends June at 3,100.29, +3.03% from last Friday, +1.84% MTD, +19.95% QTD, -4.04% YTD, -8.44% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Month of June 2020 News Summary: The Coronavirus Pandemic was the primary driver for most news during June. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 1:33PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 10,389,818 confirmed cases globally with 508,406 deaths. For the US it’s 2,620,250 confirmed cases and 126,645 deaths. There does appear to be some flattening out across countries of the world and economies are slowly being opened up. At the beginning of the month there was some optimism that the US could start reopening up its economy and states starting doing so. However, by the end of the month it was clear that there was an uptick rate in cases and several states have had to suspend or further modify their reopening plans. At the beginning of the month there was unexpected turmoil from the death of George Floyd, a person of color, when he died from a knee on his throat for several minutes by a Minneapolis policeman. It was unwarranted and protests broke out across the US that resulted in more deaths and destruction of property, some caused by some aggressive radical groups. This spread globally and other similar cases got wide reporting as well. By the end of the month some dialog was starting to happen. Local, state, and federal laws and proclamations continue to be made as incidents like this are reviewed and made public. This has also caused some bitterness especially in the South where many Civil War Memorials were defaced or destroyed. There does not appear to be an easy path forward to resolve this issues that have simmered and exploded time and again since the US Constitution went into effect in the late 1700’s. US/China trade negotiations were also at a difficult point compounded by events in Hong Kong as China tries to exert more pressure for it to be integrated into its society. Throughout the month the US economy was mixed as the reopening of the economy was attempted. The Federal Reserve gave a somewhat bleak forecast for the economy, rolled back some financial regulations, but also issued a stress test to the major banking institutions. After a major dip in March, the US stock exchanges made a very dramatic comeback for the quarter. The NASDAQ was especially active, set some new record highs, in trading that was volatile for much of the month for all exchanges. The Stock Market Bull prevailed 3-0 for June, but it was not an easy slog because The Stock Market Bear is relentless and continues to try to leverage the coronavirus pandemic and repercussions from it. The first half of 2020 is now in the books. With continued concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic, the simmering civil unrest, and the upcoming US presidential election, the second half could be just as difficult.

The June 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 3 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter! provides independent news, data, and analysis on 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. The data and analysis is included in The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots, an MS-Excel workbook with 15 snapshot worksheets, 28 rankings, and over 200 fields of data and information on each company. Click here to find out more! 

(Photos and images courtesy of, ddpavumba)

Copyright © 2020, All Rights Reserved, Pax Business Resources, LLC.

The PBR1000 May 2020 Stocks & Commodities Snapshots

May 2020 The PBR1000: The Stock Market Bull Gains More Ground

PBR1000 Snapshots Recap

The Stock Market Bull continues to make a strong effort to overcome major losses from the coronavirus pandemic. Opinions are mixed about how long it will take.

By Larry C. Paxton

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 22 and month of May 2020 ending 05/29/20:

DJIA ends Week 22 at 25,383.11, +3.75% from last Friday, +4.26% MTD, +15.81% QTD, -11.06% YTD, -14.11% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 22 at 9,489.87, +1.77% from last Friday, +6.75% MTD, +23.24% QTD, +5.76% YTD, -3.33% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 22 at 3,044.31, +3.01% from last Friday, +4.53% MTD, +17.79% QTD, -5.77% YTD, -10.10% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The end of May and Week 22 News Summary: Center stage during this Week 22 US 4 day work week was the ongoing US and China issues. While trade discussions have been difficult, the latest concern is China taking over more control of former UK colony Hong Kong. US President Trump’s immediate response is to use sanctions. The coronavirus pandemic continues to be big news as well. Countries around the world are starting to re-open their businesses and economy to mixed reviews. In the US many major retailers announced their re-openings and current plans for more. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 5,878,701 confirmed cases globally with 362,769 deaths. For the US it’s 1,735,971 confirmed cases and 102,323 deaths. A stream of good news about potential vaccines and tests for coronavirus seemed to escalate during the week. The US economic news was mixed with real data indicating major downturns, especially for employment and real GDP adjusted down from -4.8% to -5.0%. However, it is also now showing some up signs, meaning negative numbers are starting towards the positive, and cautious optimism has been reflected in some interviews of Federal Reserve Board members. Week 22 was a typical progression from the start of May. The additional item of interest for May was the new $3 trillion stimulus package that went into effect mid-month to help businesses make it through the pandemic. It was certainly a good week and end of May for The Stock Market Bull. He came back well rested after the Memorial Day holiday, was eager to fight and quickly gored The Stock Market Bear deep on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Stock Market Bear recovered a little bit on Thursday, and Friday was a mixed result in favor of The Stock Market Bull who easily took Week 22 and the month of May with convincing 3-0 results, but still has a long way to go to get back to record levels achieved earlier in the year.

The Week 22 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 11 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

The monthly tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 2 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month


The May 2020 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 20

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 10+/10-; NASDAQ 14+/6-; SPX 13+/7-.

Record Days: DJIA 0, NASDAQ 0, SPX 0

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3 days(05/14-18/20), NASDAQ 6 days(05/04-11/20),  and SPX 3 days(05/07-11/20, 05/14-18/20, 05/22-27/20)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3 days(05/11-13/20), NASDAQ 2 days(04/30-05/01/20, 05/12-13/20), and SPX 2 days(04/30-05/01/20, 05/12-13/20)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 10 days, 05/04/20(N +1.23%, 05/05/20(N +1.13%), 05/07/20(N +1.41%, S +1.15%), 05/08/20(D +1.91%, N +1.58%, S +1.69%), 05/14/20(D +1.62%, S +1.15%), 05/18/20(D +3.85%, N +2.44%, S +3.15%), 05/20/20(D +1.52%, N +2.08%, S +1.67%), 05/26/20(D +2.17%, S +1.23%), 05/27/20(D +2.21%, S +1.48%), 05/29/20(N +1.29%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 4 days, 05/01/20(D -2.55, N -3.20%, S -2.81%), 05/12/20(D -1.89%, N -2.06%, S -2.05%), 05/13/20(D -2.17%, N -1.55%, S -1.75%), 05/19/20(D -1.59%, S -1.05%)

The PBR1000 May 2019 Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 May 2020 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on May 29, 20201 Month % Chg is compared to April 30, 202012 Months % Chg is compared to May 31, 2019, and the 24 Months % Chg is compared to May 31, 2018. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the May 2020 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 27 rankings with the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +139% to -91%713 out of 1,000 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 6.36%, the median was a gain of 4.88%. The DJIA was +4.26%, NASDAQ +6.75%, SPX +4.53%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Camping World 539 CWH $ 21.18 +139 +101 +11
United Natural Foods
146 UNFI $ 19.60 +84 +93 -57
Penn Natl Gaming
514 PENN $ 32.81 +84 +74 -4
992 TWLO $ 197.60 +76 +50 +266
Ocwen Financial 995 OCN $ 0.74 +75 -52 -83

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +351% to -99%412 out of 997 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 2.97%, the median was a loss of 8.70%. The DJIA was +2.29%, NASDAQ +27.33%, SPX +10.62%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 835.00 +7 +351 +193
Owens & Minor 332 OMI $ 7.93 +12 +195 -51
NVIDIA 284 NVDA $ 255.02 +21 +162 +41
RH 806 RH $ 216.89 +51 +155 +122
Cincinnati Bell 956 CBB $ 14.73 +1 +130 +20

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +292% to -99%375 out of 977 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 3.02%. The median was a loss of 16.01%. The DJIA was +3.96%, NASDAQ +27.52%, SPX +12.53%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
AMD 435 AMD $ 53.80 +3 +96 +292
Twilio 992 TWLO $ 197.60 +76 +50 +266
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 835.00 +7 +351 +193
Roku 993 ROKU $ 109.51 -10 +21 +192
Veeva Systems 996 VEEV $ 218.87 +15 +42 +183

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: The range was $1,379 billion to $0.01 billion. The average is $28.329 billionmedian is $6.65 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
% Chg
Apple 4 AAPL $ 1,379 B +10 +7 +58
Microsoft 20 MSFT $ 1,376 B +2 +14 +109
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,198 B +1 +31 +115
Alphabet 11 GOOG $ 968 B +5 +5 +33
Facebook 46 FB $ 642 B +16 +10 +25
The PBR1000
  $ 28,329 B +3 -6 +10

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 89,312.64 +6.4 +3.0 +3.0
DJIA 25,383.11 +4.3 +2.3 +4.0
NASDAQ 9,489.87 +6.8 +27.3 +27.5
S&P500 3,044.31 +4.5 +10.6 +12.5
GOLD 1,743.00 +2.9 +32.9 +33.6
SILVER 18.49 +23.5 +26.9 +12.3
OIL            35.32 +87.5 -34.0 -47.3

To order a 12 month subscription of The PBR1000 Snapshots go to the Subscribe page.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $14 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. This service is used by astute business professionals and shrewd investors worldwide.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent provider of news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisor firm or stock brokerage service, and is not affiliated with any such organization.

(Graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2020 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved, 

The PBR1000 May 2020 Breaking News Recap

The PBR1000 for May: When Do We Restart the Economy?

PBR1000 COVID19 Coronavirus Economy

Federal, State and Local Governments, Business Leaders, and the Public are all asking, “When do the drivers of the economy get the green light?”

By Larry C. Paxton

The May 2020 breaking news items of interest for The PBR1000 follow with the most current date first.

***Friday, May 29

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 22 ending 05/29/20:

DJIA ends Week 22 at 25,383.11, +3.75% from last Friday, +4.26% MTD, +15.81% QTD, -11.06% YTD, -14.11% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 22 at 9,489.87, +1.77% from last Friday, +6.75% MTD, +23.24% QTD, +5.76% YTD, -3.33% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 22 at 3,044.31, +3.01% from last Friday, +4.53% MTD, +17.79% QTD, -5.77% YTD, -10.10% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The end of May and Week 22 News Summary: Center stage during this Week 22 US 4 day work week was the ongoing US and China issues. While trade discussions have been difficult, the latest concern is China taking over more control of former UK colony Hong Kong. US President Trump’s immediate response is to use sanctions. The coronavirus pandemic continues to be big news as well. Countries around the world are starting to re-open their businesses and economy to mixed reviews. In the US many major retailers announced their re-openings and current plans for more. The coronavirus pandemic tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit is now 5,878,701 confirmed cases globally with 362,769 deaths. For the US it’s 1,735,971 confirmed cases and 102,323 deaths. A stream of good news about potential vaccines and tests for coronavirus seemed to escalate during the week. The US economic news was mixed with real data indicating major downturns, especially for employment and real GDP adjusted down from -4.8% to -5.0%. However, it is also now showing some up signs, meaning negative numbers are starting towards the positive, and cautious optimism has been reflected in some interviews of Federal Reserve Board members. Week 22 was a typical progression from the start of May. The additional item of interest for May was the new $3 trillion stimulus package that went into effect mid-month to help businesses make it through the pandemic. It was certainly a good week and end of May for The Stock Market Bull. He came back well rested after the Memorial Day holiday, was eager to fight and quickly gored The Stock Market Bear deep on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Stock Market Bear recovered a little bit on Thursday, and Friday was a mixed result in favor of The Stock Market Bull who easily took Week 22 and the month of May with convincing 3-0 results, but still has a long way to go to get back to record levels achieved earlier in the year.

The Week 22 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 11 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

The monthly tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 2 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

AbbVie(PBR94) gets US FDA approval for ORIAHNN™ (elagolix, estradiol, and norethindrone acetate capsules; elagolix capsules), the first oral medication for the management of heavy menstrual bleeding due to uterine fibroids in pre-menopausal women. $ABBV PR link.

Eli Lilly(PBR139) gets US FDA approval of CYRAMZA® (ramucirumab) as first-line treatment for metastatic EGFR-mutated non-small celllung cancer. $LLY PR link.

Eli Lilly(PBR139) gets US FDA approval of TAUVID™ (flortaucipir F 18 injection) for use in patients being evaluated for Alzheimer’s Disease. $LLY PR link.

Party City(PBR846) gets a Transaction Support Agreement with bond holders, to deleverage balance sheet by approximately $450 million, PCHI to also raise $100.0 million in new capital to increase its financial strength and support its global operations and ongoing transformation initiatives. $PRTY PR link.

The US Dept of the Treasury says the 05/27/20 US National Debt-Public is at $19.766 trillion, Intragovernmental $5.918 trillion, Total Debt $25.684 trillion, +2.8% from 04/29/20, +10.7% from 12/31/19, +16.6% from 05/31/19. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury 05/29/20 US 30 Year Treasury Bond Yield is at +1.41%, 04/30/20 was at +1.28%, 03/31/20 +1.35%, 05/31/19 +2.58%. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary April 2020 US Personal Income Annual Rate is at $20.675 trillion, +10.5% from March 2020, +11.7% from April 2019; Personal Savings After Outlays is at $6.149 trillion, +33.0% from March 2020, +9.7% from April 2019. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary April 2020 US 7th District Midwest Economic Index is at -7.98, March 2020 was at -1.02. “Index suggests Midwest growth fell substantially in April.” ChiFed PR link.

MNI Indicators says the May 2020 Chicago Business Barometer(<50 = declining) is at 32.3, April 2020 was at 35.4, March 2020 47.8, May 2019 54.2. “… the lowest level since March 1982, as business confidence cooled further amid the Covid-19 crisis.” MNI PR link.

The American Automobile Assn says the 05/29/20 US Average Price for a Gallon of Gas is at $1.972, 04/30/20 was at $1.772, 03/31/20 $1.997, 05/31/19 $2.825. AAA PR link.

The U of Michigan May 2020 Final Consumer Sentiment Index is at 72.3, April 2020 was at 71.8, March 2020 89.1, May 2019 100.0. “The CARES relief checks and higher unemployment payments have helped to stem economic hardship, but those programs have not acted to stimulate discretionary spending due to uncertainty about the future course of the pandemic.” UMichigan PR link.

***Thursday, May 28

Amazon(PBR2) will convert 125,000 of the 175,000 temporary jobs hired since March to permanent roles if employees would like to stay at Amazon long term. $AMZN PR link.

CVS Health(PBR5) will open additional COVID-19 test sites at select CVS Pharmacy drive-thru locations on Friday, 05/29/20 to establish a total of 1,000 sites across more than 30 states and Washington, DC. $CVS PR link.

Cisco(PBR61) to acquire privately held San Francisco, CA based internet and cloud intelligence platform provider ThousandEyes, terms not disclosed. $CSCO PR link.

JCPenney(PBR291) has reopened 150 stores in 27 states, now has 304 reopened stores nationwide, plans to have 500 open by 06/03/20. $JCP PR link.

Quest Diagnostics(PBR394) gets US FDA emergency use authorization for the Quest Diagnostics Self-collection Kit for COVID-19 (self-collection kit), allows an individual to swab the front part of the nostril and may be used on children (supervised by an adult) as well as adults. $DGX PR link.

Under Armour(PBR515) reopened its first US stores on 05/15/20, opened additional stores last week, will have nearly 50% of its N America stores open by Friday, 05/29/20, will continue to reopen additional stores on a case-by-case basis. $UA PR link.

Capri(PBR517) is phasing reopening of global stores, in the Americas less than 15% of the 455 retail stores in the region are open, anticipates having the majority open by early 07/20. $CPR PR link.

Electronic Arts(PBR535) gets multi-year renewal with the National Football League (NFL) and the NFL Players Association (NFLPA), the EA SPORTS™ Madden NFLfranchise will exclusively create authentic football simulation games, and EA SPORTS, the NFL and the NFLPA will partner to develop games in new genres, expanded esports programs. $EA PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the 1Q20 2nd Estimate US Real Gross Domestic Product Annual Rate Change was -5.0% to $21,534.9 billion, -0.9% from 4Q19, +2.1% from 1Q19. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says for Week Ending 05/23/20 the US 4 Week Moving Average Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims is at 2,608,000, for 04/25/20 it was at 5,033,250, 05/25/19 216,750; for Week Ending 05/16/20 the US 4 Week Moving Average Total Insured Unemployment is at 22,722,250, 04/18/20 was at 13,292,500, 05/18/19 1,672,500; 05/16/20 Insured Unemployment Rate is at 14.5%, 04/18/20 was at 12.4%, 05/18/29 1.2%. USDOL PR link.

The US Energy Information Administration says that 05/22/20 US Crude Oil Inventories are at 534.4 million barrels, 04/24/20 was at 527.6 mb, 03/20/20 455.4 mb, 5/24/19 476.5 mb. USEIA PR link.

FreddieMac says the 05/28/20 US Average 30 Year Fixed Home Mortgage Rate is at a record low of 3.15% with 0.8 points/fees, 04/30/20 was at 3.23%, 03/26/20 3.50%, 05/30/19 3.99%. FreddieMac PR link.

***Wednesday, May 27

Walmart(PBR1) enters the popular fashion resale market in partnership with ThredUP, has nearly 750,000 pre-owned items across women’s and children’s clothing, accessories, footwear and handbags. $WMT PR link.

AT&T(PBR9)’s WarnerMedia unit launches streaming service HBO Max, $14.99/mo, has over 10,000 hours of content. $T PR link.

GE(PBR33) to sell its GE Lighting business to Savant Systems, includes a long-term licensing agreement for use of the GE brand, terms not disclosed, to close mid 2020. $GE PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) has concluded its voluntary layoff program, involuntary layoff program to start, will affect 6,770 workers. $BA PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) has resumed production of the 737 MAX at its Renton, WA factory, to ramp up during rest of the year. $BA PR link.

Walt Disney(PBR49) has submitted a proposal to the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force in Florida describing a phased reopening of Walt Disney World Resort theme parks planned to begin on 07/11/20. $GE PR link.

Archer-Daniels-Midland(PBR54) and beef producer Marfrig (B3:MRFG3) to create PlantPlus Foods, a joint venture for the sale of plant-based food products across S American and N American markets. $ADM PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR134) enters into 10 year partnership with Arcus Biosciences(NYSE: RCUS) to co-develop and co-commercialize next-generation cancer Immunotherapies, Gilead to pay $175 million upfront plus a $200 million equity investment plus up to $1.6 billion based on milestones achieved. $GILD PR link.

Marriott Intl(PBR151) has informed above-property associates in the US that furloughs and reduced work week schedules which began in April will be extended through 10/02/20, is also rolling out a voluntary transition program for on-property and above-property associates in the US who may choose to leave the company. $MAR PR link.

American Electric Power(PBR203) has received approvals to acquire the entire planned 1,485 megawatts (MW) of wind generation in Oklahoma, will invest approximately $2 billion in this new renewable energy to serve its Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) and Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) customers. $AEP PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR243) reopening its Las Vegas properties Bellagio, New York-New York, MGM Grand Las Vegas and The Signature on 06/04/20. $MGM PR link.

Wynn Resorts(PBR439) to re-open its Wynn Las Vegas on 06/04/20. $WYNN PR link.

Boyd Gaming(PBR695) to resume operations at 9 properties in Nevada on 06/04/20, 2 properties in Missouri and 2 in Iowa on 06/01/20. $BYD PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for data collected through 05/18/20. “Although many contacts expressed hope that overall activity would pick-up as businesses reopened, the outlook remained highly uncertain and most contacts were pessimistic about the potential pace of recovery.” USFed PR link.

The US Federal Bank of Richmond says the May 2020 US 5th District Manufacturing Index(Annualized) is at -27%, April 2020 was at -53%, March 2020 +2%, May 2019 +7%. “… contacts expected conditions to improve in
the next six months.” RichmondFed PR link.

The US Federal Bank of Richmond says the May 2020 US 5th District Service Sector Revenue Index(Annualized) is at -48%, April 2020 was at -87%, March 2020 +1%, May 2019 +3%. “Survey respondents expected conditions and revenues to remain soft in the coming months.” RichmondFed PR link.

***Tuesday, May 26

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google unit to phase in re-opening of offices starting 07/06/20 at around 10% of capacity, 30% by September, giving each Googler an allowance of $1,000, or the equivalent value in a country, to expense necessary equipment and office furniture for the majority who continue to work from home. $GOOG PR link.

Merck(PBR66) to acquire privately held vaccines, including a COVID-19 candidate, and immune-modulation therapies for infectious diseases and cancer developer Themis, terms not disclosed. $MRK PR link.

Bristol-Myers Squibb(PBR108) gets US FDA approval for Opdivo® (nivolumab) + Yervoy® (ipilimumab) combined with limited chemotherapy as first-line treatment of metastatic or recurrent non-small cell lung cancer. $BMY PR link.

JCPenney(PBR291) launches its Linden Street brand with 100% cotton sheet sets starting at $40, and quilts and comforters ranging from $90 to $220. $JCPNQ PR link.

Regeneron(PBR387) offering a secondary public offering of 12.8 million of Sanofi‘s 23.2 million common shares, to repurchase approximately $5 billion of common stock directly from Sanofi, Sanofi to hold around 400,000 shares after common stock sale. $REGN PR link.

Triumph Group(PBR686) says all 36 of its operational factories have returned to safe operational status following closures related to government-mandated shutdowns, COVID-19 cases, and temporary closure of customer facilities, has recalled approximately 2,000 of the previously announced 4,200 furloughs, and completed the 700-person reduction in force of salaried positions. $TGI PR link.

Six Flags(PBR963) to re-open its Frontier City in Oklahoma City, OK, park with limited capacity beginning 06/05/20. $SIX PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary April 2020 US National Activity Index is at -16.74, March 2020 was at -4.97, February 2020 +0.05, April 2019 -0.69. ChiFed PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary April 2020 US New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate is at 623,000 units, March 2020 was at 619,000, February 2020 717,000, April 2019 664,000; April 2020 Median Home Price is at $309,900, March 2020 was at $326,900, February 2020 $331,400, April 2019 $339,000. USDOC PR link.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Preliminary March 2020 US Natl Composite Home Price Index((01/2000=100) is at 214.96, February 2020 was at 213.16, January 2020 212.34, March 2019 205.99, a 4.4% increase year-to-year. Case-Shiller PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary May 2020 Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 86.6, April 2020 was at 85.7, March 2020 118.8, May 2019 131.3. “While the decline in confidence appears to have stopped for the moment, the uneven path to recovery and potential second wave are likely to keep a cloud of uncertainty hanging over consumers’ heads.” TCB PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the May 2020 US 3rd District Non-Manufacturing General Activity Index is at -68.6, April 2020 was at -96.4, March 2020 -35.1, May 2019 +16.8. PhillyFed PR link.

***Monday, May 25

***US Memorial Day
***Remembering the fallen heroes
***who made the ultimate sacrifice
***so that we can remain free
***and a beacon of hope.
***US Stock Exchanges Closed.

***Friday, May 22

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 21 ending 05/22/20:

DJIA ends Week 21 at 24,465.16, +3.29% from last Friday, +0.49% MTD, +11.63% QTD, -14.27% YTD, -17.21% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 21 at 9,324.59, +3.44% from last Friday, +4.89% MTD, +21.10% QTD, +3.92% YTD, -5.02% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 21 at 2,955.45, +3.20% from last Friday, +1.48% MTD, +14.35% QTD, -8.52% YTD, -12.72% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 21 News Summary: During the week more retailers, manufacturers and other businesses announced their plans for re-opening during the coronavirus pandemic, with social distancing and other health aids being a part of the mix. The tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 5,169,907 confirmed cases globally with 335,993 deaths. For the US it’s 1,591,242 confirmed cases and 95,533 deaths. US economic data now shows much of the near term impact, such as jobs lost and existing home sales tumbling, but there are also some consumer and business surveys, which are more current, that indicate some optimism after the significant spike downwards. The US Federal Reserve says it still has more ways to help the economy recover. In the minutes of the last meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee it was very clear that they had significant discussions about how to proceed. Forecasts are all over the place with some experts saying there will be a quick recovery, meaning during the 3rd and 4th quarters of this year, and some saying it will take well into 2021 or 2022, some say even later, for a full recovery. This year will be compounded by the election process where both sides will most assuredly exaggerate their points of view on the economy and how they will fix it. Perhaps the biggest event of the week was the renewed tension between the US and China on trade issues. Investors started the week very positive. The Stock Market Bull, after the big loss last week, come out determined to redeem himself on Monday and was helped by news of a potential coronavirus vaccine result, and had a huge day. But The Stock Market Bear responded back on Tuesday as the news was questioned, then lost again on Wednesday, took Thursday, and Friday was a slight edge for The Stock Market Bull, who gets a strong Week 21 3-0 victory. We head into a long Memorial Day weekend with a breather for the stock exchanges on Monday, and then the finish of another volatile month in Week 22. Enjoy the long weekend, still stay safe and don’t eat too many hotdogs!

The Week 21 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 10 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Bed Bath & Beyond(PBR277) to have around 50% of its stores open by 06/13/20, includes about 500 Bed Bath & Beyond stores across North America, as well as around 50 Christmas Tree Shop stores and around 50 Cost Plus World Market stores in the US, is in addition to buybuy BABY and Harmon Face Values stores that have remained open; phase-in will bring approximately 11,000 associates back from furlough. $BBBY PR link.

Hertz(PBR314) and its US and Canada units file voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the US Bankruptcy Court, impact of coronavirus pandemic, does not include international or franchise locations, businesses remain open, has $1 billion in cash available to support ongoing operations. $HTZ PR link.

***Thursday, May 21

Macy’s(PBR118) closed all stores on 03/18/20, started re-opening on 05/04/20, have approximately 190 Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s stores open in their full formats, expect another 80 Macy’s stores to open for Memorial Day weekend, has seen a steady uptick in online sales. $M PR link.

L Brands(PBR243 $LB) to close 250 Victoria’s Secret stores in the US and Canada, sees brand generating $5.5-6.0 billion in revenues per year. The Motley Fool PR link.

YUM!(PBR491)’s Taco Bell unit to hire 30,000+ team members this summer. $YUM PR link.

Harley-Davidson(PBR507 $HOG) has begun a planned phased approach to resuming production in its US manufacturing facilities, full staffing of 1,000 expected at the engine and drivetrain factory in Menomonee Falls, WI, following Memorial Day weekend. Milwaukee Sentinel Journal PR link.

Tempur Sealy(PBR729) has begun opening its domestic retail stores in a phased approach, expects the vast majority of its approximately 160 U.S. retail locations to be open by the end of May. $TPX PR link.

The Conference Board says the April 2020 US Leading Economic Index(2016=100) is at 98.8, March 2020 was at 103.2, February 2020 110.6, April 2019 111.9. “Business conditions may recover for some sectors and industries over the next few months… But, the breadth and depth of the decline in the LEI suggests that an imminent re-opening of some sectors does not imply a fast rebound for the economy at large.” TCB PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary April 2020 US Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 4,330,000 units, March 2020 was at 5,270,000, April 2019 5,230,000; Median Sales Price is at $286,800, March 2020 was at $280,600, April 2019 $267,000. NAR PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the May 2020 US 3rd District Manufacturing General Activity Indicator is at -43.1, April 2020 was at -56.6, March 2020 -12.7, May 2019 +17.5. “The firms expect the current slump in manufacturing activity to last less than six months, as the broadest indicator of future activity strengthened further from last month’s reading; furthermore, the firms continue to expect overall growth in new orders, shipments, and employment over the next six months.” PhillyFed PR link.

***Wednesday, May 20

Intel(PBR45) has acquired wifi solutions provider Rivet Networks$INTC PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee releases the minutes from its 04/28-29/20 meeting, says “The staff observed that uncertainty regarding the economic effects of the coronavirus outbreak was extremely elevated and that the historical behavior of the U.S. economy in response to past economic shocks provided limited guidance for making judgments about how the economy might evolve over coming quarters.” FOMC PR link.

***Tuesday, May 19

Amazon(PBR2 $AMZN) to open new 820,000sf fulfillment center in former General Motors facility in Wilmington, DE, is third facility in state, will employ 1,000 fulltime workers. MarketWatch PR link.

Facebook(PBR140) launches Facebook Shops, a mobile-first shopping experience where businesses can easily create an online store on Facebook and Instagram for free. $FB PR link.

Kohl’s(PBR160) in quarterly report says it has opened up around 50% of its stores with the latest health and safety measures. $KSS PR link.

MGM Resorts(PBR244) to re-open its two Mississippi properties, Gold Strike Casino Resort in Tunica will reopen in a limited capacity to the public on 05/25/20, followed by Biloxi’s Beau Rivage Resort & Casino’s reopening 06/01/20, also in a limited capacity. $MGM PR link.

Darden Restaurants(PBR361) started re-opening restaurants 04/27/20, 49% now open through 05/17/20, with dining rooms limited to 25%-50% of capacity, expects to have 65% open by 05/31/20. $DRI PR link.

Capri(PBR518) says because of complications from the COVID-19 pandemic it is unable to file its annual 10-K report with the SEC, has up to 45 days after 05/27/20 to be in compliance. $CPRI PR link.

Pier 1 Imports(PBR954) seeking Bankruptcy Court approval to begin an orderly wind-down of its retail operations as soon as reasonably possible after store locations are able to reopen following the government-mandated closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, has not been able to find a buyer. $PIRRQ PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary April 2020 New Residential Construction Building Permits-Private Housing Annual Rate is at 1,074,000, March 2020 was at 1,356,000, February 2020 1,438,000, April 2019 1,330,000. Click on the link for Housing Starts, House Completions and additional data. USDOC PR link.

***Monday, May 18

Verizon(PBR19) completes acquisition of 390 employees enterprise-grade cloud-based video conferencing and event platform provider BlueJeans, will be deeply integrated into Verizon’s 5G product roadmap, providing secure and real-time engagement solutions for high growth areas such as telemedicine, distance learning and field service work. $VZ PR link.

Occidental Petroleum(PBR149) has completed sale of Anadarko’s Mozambique and South Africa assets to Total SA(NYSE: TOT), unable to sell Algerian assets per agreement with Algerian government, gets waiver from Total to sell the Ghana assets to another party. $OXY PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) says preliminary indications for its Plan of Reorganization is getting overwhelming acceptance by the wildfire victims entitled to vote on the Plan, Plan confirmation hearing scheduled for 05/27/20, believes that it remains on track for Plan confirmation by 06/30/20. $PCG PR link.

Uber(PBR227 $UBER) to cut 3,000 more jobs on top of 3,700 announced on 05/06/20, 6,700 is about 25% of workforce, to close 45 offices, in response to drop in rides from coronavirus pandemic. MarketWatch PR link.

Huntsman(PBR430) completes $300 million cash acquisition of CVC Thermoset Specialties, a N American specialty chemical manufacturer serving the industrial composites, adhesives and coatings markets, from Emerald Performance Materials LLC which is majority owned by affiliates of American Securities. $HUN PR link.

GameStop(PBR450) letter to shareholders explains progress made under strategic program “GameStop Reboot,” addresses issues by dissident stockholders. $GME PR link.

SS&C Tech(PBR565) completes $120 million acquisition of New York-based 150+ employees developer of systems for trust accounting, payments and unique asset servicing on modern, web-based technology Innovest Systems$SSNC PR link.

Boyd Gaming(PBR696) plans to reopen 7 casino properties in Louisiana and Mississippi this week, 2 more next week. $BYD PR link.

Hertz(PBR315) President/CEO Kathryn V. Marinello resigns from her roles and as a Board member, will continue in a consulting position for up to 1 year, EVP/Chief Retail Operations Officer N America Paul Stone elected to be President/CEO and Board member effective immediately. $HTZ PR link.

The Natl Assn of Home Builders says the Preliminary May 2020 Housing Market Composite Index(<50 = more builders view conditions as poor than good) is at 37, April 2020 was at 30, March 2020 72, May 2019 66. “As many states and localities across the nation lift stay-at-home orders and more furloughed workers return to their jobs, we expect this demand will strengthen. Other indicators that suggest a housing rebound include mortgage application data that has posted four weeks of gains and signs that buyer traffic has improved in housing markets in recent weeks.” NAHB PR link.

***Friday, May 15

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 20 ending 05/15/20:

DJIA ends Week 20 at 23,685.42, -2.56% from last Friday, -2.71% MTD, +8.07% QTD, -17.01% YTD, -19.85% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 20 at 9,014.56, -1.17% from last Friday, +1.41% MTD, +17.07% QTD, +0.47% YTD, -8.18% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 20 at 2,863.70, -2.26% from last Friday, -1.67% MTD, +10.80% QTD, -11.36% YTD, -15.43% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 20 News Summary: Several national governments are starting to open up their economies somewhat as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The tally as of 12:32PM Eastern US by the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 4,516,360 confirmed cases globally with 306,051 deaths. For the US it’s 1,432,045 confirmed cases and 86,851 deaths. Many US states are starting to open up their economies for most businesses, with social distancing and use of face masks being pushed as the responsibility for workers and customers. The US Food and Drug Administration continues to aggressively issue Emergency Use Authorizations for tests and possible treatments. President Trump says there will be a vaccine by the end of the year, but many view this as too optimistic. The openings are controversial with many prominent health professionals saying this is dangerous and will increase the spread of COVID-19, but politicians being pushed by businesses to say the risk to the economy is greater. It is a difficult balancing act with no clear cut answers at this time, even though there will be many in hindsight. US economic news was gloomy at best as figures from February through April are starting to show. The weekly initial jobless numbers continue to be in the millions, job openings is down, and there are concerns that it will take the 36 million employees out of work years to recover. Comments by members of the US Federal Reserve were not particularly encouraging as well. The US House has put together a new stimulus package of $3 trillion, but many have said it is dead on arrival. The US-China trade talks seem to have reached an impasse at this time, and the Saudi Arabia-Russia oil production issues continue to keep oil prices abnormally low. The Stock Market Bear was angry about his loss last week and charged hard at The Stock Market Bull and took out a big chunk of his hide the first 3 days of the week. The Stock Market Bull made some valiant attempts to come back the last two days of the week but it was not nearly enough, and he is forced to relinquish Week 20 with a 0-3 record.

The Week 20 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 9 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 10 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Facebook(PBR46) has acquired GIPHY, 50% of its traffic is from Facebook, Facebook to further integrate GIPHY’s GIF library into Instagram and other Facebook apps, terms not disclosed. $FB PR link.

Bristol-Myers Squibb(PBR108) gets US FDA approval for Opdivo® (nivolumab) + Yervoy® (ipilimumab) as first-line treatment of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer shose tumors express PD-L1≥1%. $BMY PR link.

Bristol-Myers Squibb(PBR108) gets US FDA approval for Pomalyst® (pomalidomide) for AIDS-related and HIV-Negative kaposi sarcoma. $BMY PR link.

JCPenney(PBR292) files voluntary petitions for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code, has restructuring support agreement with lenders holding approximately 70% of JCPenney’s first lien debt who are providing $900 million in debtor-in-possession financing, stores to close in phases during process. $JCP PR link.

Legg Mason(PBR761) shareholders approve $50.00/share cash, will also assume about $2 billion of Legg Mason’s outstanding debt, acquisition by Franklin Resources(PBR478), to close in 3Q20. $LM PR link.

GNC(PBR885) gets amended agreements to extend the springing maturity dates for the term loan facility, FILO credit facility and revolving credit facility to get balance under $50 million from 05/16/20 to 08/10/20. $GNC PR link.

WW(PBR963) says it will be laying off some personnel worldwide, expects reduction in force to be completed by end of 2020. $WW PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2020 Job Openings-Private is at 5,462,000, Government 730,000, Total 6,192,000, February 2020 was at 7,005,000, March 2019 7,364,000. USDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary April 2020 Industrial Production % of Capacity is at 64.9%, March 2020 was at 73.2%, February 2020 76.7%, April 2019 77.8%. USFed PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary March 2020 US Sales-Manufacturing is at $473.6 billion, Retail $437.6 billion, Wholesales $475.0 billion, Total Sales $1.386 trillion, February 2020 was at $1.463 trillion, January 2020 $1.471 trillion, March 2019 $1.458 trillion. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary April 2020 US Sales-Retail is at $371.5 billion, Food Services & Drinking Places $32.4 billion, Total Retail Sales $403.9 billion, March 2020 was at $483.5, February 2020 $527.3 billion, April 2019 $515.3 billion. USDOC PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the May 2020 US Empire State Manufacturing General Business Conditions Index is at -48.5, April 2020 was at -78.2, March 2020 -21.5, May 2019 +14.4. “While current conditions remained extremely weak, firms grew more optimistic that conditions would be better six months from now.” NYFed PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary May 2020 US Consumer Sentiment Index is at 73.7, April 2020 was at 71.8, March 2020 89.1, May 2019 100.0. “Confidence inched upward in early May as the CARES relief checks improved consumers’ finances and widespread price discounting boosted their buying attitudes. Despite these gains, personal financial prospects for the year ahead continued to weaken, falling to the lowest level in almost six years…” UMichigan PR link.

***Thursday, May 14

Kroger(PBR22) says it has hired more than 100,000 workers in the past eight weeks, including those from the hardest-hit sectors like restaurants, hotels and food service distributors, continues to hire. $KR PR link.

Delta(PBR65) to retire its 18 widebody Boeing 777s by the end of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, will accelerate strategy to simplify and modernize its fleet, while continuing to operate newer, more cost-efficient aircraft. $DAL PR link.

Goldman Sachs(PBR87) to acquire McLean, VA based 160 employees and around $11 billion in assets for RIAs boutique custodian for wealth management firms Folio Financial, to close in 3Q20, terms not disclosed. -Folio Financial $GS PR link.

Carnival Corp(PBR153) provides update on response to COVID-19 pandemic, is doing a combination of layoffs, furloughs, reduced work weeks and salary reductions across the company, including senior management, as all ships return to their home ports. $CCL PR link.

Tapestry(PBR474) expects to have over 300 Coach, Kate Spade, and Stuart Weitzman stores in N America offering curbside or store pickup service by the end of this week and around 120 stores to be open in Europe, Japan, Malaysia, and Australia, all stores are already open in China and S Korea. $TPR PR link.

Columbia Sportswear(PBR737) to reopen 30 branded stores in ten states on Friday, 05/15/20, bringing back more than 250 of its furloughed retail workers. $COLM PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary April 2020 US All Imports Price Index is at -2.6%, March 2020 was at -2.4%, February 2020 -0.7%, April 2019 +0.2%; All Exports Price Index is at -3.3%, March 2020 was at -1.7%, February 2020 -1.2%, April 2019 +0.1%; Year-to-Year All Imports is -6.8%, All Exports -7.0%. USDOL PR link.

***Wednesday, May 13

Ford(PBR12) to restart initial production in the UK at its Dagenham Engine Plant in Essex and Bridgend Engine Plant in South Wales from 05/18/20, means that all of Ford’s European manufacturing facilities will be back at work. $F PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary April 2020 Total Final Month Demand Producer Price Index is -1.3%, March 2020 was at -0.2%, February 2020 -0.6%, April 2019 +0.4%, Last 12 Months -1.2%. USDOL PR link.

***Tuesday, May 12

Facebook(PBR46 $FB) to pay $52 million to current and former moderators to compensate them for mental health issues developed on the job. The Verge PR link.

Thermo Fisher Scientific(PBR112) gets US FDA approval for further expanded emergency use authorization (EUA) for its multiplex real-time PCR test intended for the qualitative detection of nucleic acid from SARS‑CoV‑2, the virus that causes COVID-19$TMO PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR134) has signed non-exclusive voluntary licensing agreements with five generic pharmaceutical manufacturers based in India and Pakistan to further expand supply of remdesivir for distribution in 127 nearly all low-income and lower-middle income countries, as well as several upper-middle- and high-income countries that face significant obstacles to healthcare access. $GILD PR link.

Las Vegas Sands(PBR232) decides to discontinue its pursuit of Integrated Resort (IR) development in Japan$LVS PR link.

LabCorp(PBR264) is offering its COVID-19 at-home collection test kit to individuals nationwide who have symptoms consistent with COVID-19 infection and individuals without symptoms who may have been exposed to the virus, no upfront cost, is in addition to healthcare workers and first responders. $LH PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says the April 2020 US Federal Government Receipts are at $241.9 billion, Outlays $980.0 billion, for a Deficit of $737.9 billion; April 2020 YTD Receipts(7 Months) are at $1.845 trillion, YTD Outlays $3.327 trillion, YTD Deficit $1.481 trillion, YTD April 2019 was at $ 0.531 trillion. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary April 2020 Current Average Employee Earnings/Hour is at $30.01, Average Hours Worked Per Week 34.2, for Average Current Weekly Earnings of $1,026.34, +5.0% from March 2020, +7.3% from April 2019. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the April 2020 Consumer Price Index Change is at -0.8%, March 2020 was at -0.4%, February 2020 +0.1%, April 2019 +0.3%, Last 12 Months +0.3%. USDOL PR link.

CoreLogic says the February 2020 US Home Loans 30 Days or More Delinquent is at 3.6%, January 2020 was at 3.5%, December 2019 3.7%, February 2019 4.0%. “After a long period of decline, we are likely to see steady waves of delinquencies throughout the rest of 2020 and into 2021. The pandemic and its impact on national employment is unfolding on a scale and at a speed never before experienced and without historical precedent. The next six months will provide important clues on whether public and private sector countermeasures — current and future — will soften the blow and help us avoid the protracted, widespread foreclosures and delinquencies experienced in the Great Recession.” USDOL PR link.

***Monday, May 11

Abbott(PBR99) gets US FDA Emergence Use Authorization(EUA) for SARS-CoV-2 IgG lab-based serology blood test on the Alinity™ i system, plans to ship nearly 30 million antibody tests globally in May across its ARCHITECT® and Alinity i™ platforms and will have capacity for 60 million tests in June, is 4th COVID-19 US FDA EUA. $ABT PR link.

Tesla(PBR117) on 05/09/20 outlines plans to re-open Fremont, CA manufacturing facility, files lawsuit against Alameda County for City of Fremont denying re-open. $TSLA PR link.

Tesla(PBR117) Founder/CEO Elon Musk tweets that the Fremont, CA manufacturing facility is restarting production today against Alameda County rules, if anyone is arrested asks that it be only him. $TSLA PR link.

PNC Financial(PBR177) to sell its 22.4% investment in BlackRock(PBR218) through a registered offering and related buyback by BlackRock for $1.1 billion. $PNC PR link.

Coty(PBR354) to get initial investment of $750 million through the sale of convertible preferred shares to KKR(PBR608), sign a Memorandum of Understanding for the sale of a majority in Coty’s Professional Beauty and Retail Hair Businesses including the Wella, Clairol, OPI and ghd brands at a contemplated enterprise value of $4.3 billion. $COTY PR link.

Stage Stores(PBR952) files voluntary petitions under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, will simultaneously solicit bids for a going concern sale of the business or any of its assets and initiate an orderly wind-down of operations, will terminate the wind-down of operations at certain locations if it receives a viable going-concern bid. $SSI PR link.

***Friday, May 8

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 19 ending 05/08/20:

DJIA ends Week 19 at 24,331.32, +2.56% from last Friday, -0.06% MTD, +11.01% QTD, -14.74% YTD, -17.66% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 19 at 9,121.32, +6.00% from last Friday, +2.61% MTD, +18.46% QTD, +1.66% YTD, -7.09% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 19 at 2,929.80, +3.50% from last Friday, +0.60% MTD, +13.36% QTD, -9.32 YTD, -13.48% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 19 News Summary: Several US states have loosened up some restrictions put in place over the past few months to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Many companies in some some industries have been given the go-ahead and are starting cautiously to re-open their businesses. There are mixed opinions on this, as public and private health professionals would prefer to keep the restrictions in place, but business owners are bleeding cash and need to get their establishments running again to prevent permanent loss of their establishments. In April the US lost over 20 million jobs and the unemployment rate jumped from 3.5% a few months ago to 14.7%. Many experts are saying this is a “light” figure because many more people have been affected that have not been able to be counted for some reason. The latest COVID-19 numbers from John Hopkins U CSSE are: Globally confirmed cases are at 3,926,724, Deaths 273,034; US confirmed cases are at 1,281,246, Deaths 76,901. It is hard to tell if the curve is flattening as old hotspots start fading away, but new ones start. With the start of the re-opening of the economy there was optimism on Wall StreetThe Stock Market Bear was kicked out of the pasture as The Stock Market Bull charged in. NASDAQ did especially well by being the first exchange to go back positive year-to-date. While The Stock Market Bull once again ties The Stock Market Bear year-to-date in weekly wins, there is still a lot of effort that will be needed to get back above last year and to be in records territory. The question is, “Can The Stock Market Bull maintain his Spring romp in May?”

The Week 19 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 9 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 9 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Merck(PBR66) gets US FDA approval for LYNPARZA® (olaparib) as first-line maintenance treatment with Bevacizumab for HRD-positive advanced ovarian cancer. $MRK PR link.

AbbVie(PBR94) completes $193.23/share cash & stock $63 billion acquisition of Allergan(PBR197), creates a $50 billion revenues/year pharmaceutical company. $ABBV PR link.

Fluor(PBR166) on regulatory filing says it received a subpoena from the US Dept of Justice seeking documents and information related to 2Q19 charges; certain of the projects associated with those charges; and certain project accounting, financial reporting and governance matters, follows the US Securities and Exchange Commission investigation requesting on 02/18/20 similar information, Fluor is cooperating, Board has also formed a separate committee to do a review. $FLR PR link.

Royal Caribbean(PBR285) provides update on responses to COVID-19 pandemic, includes reducing workforce by around 26% of 5,000+ US shoreside employees. $RCL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the April 2020 US Total Number of Employed(Table A-1) is at 133,403,000, -22,369,000 from March 2020, -23,242,000 from April 2019; Total Unemployed is at 23,078,000, +15,937,000 from March 2020, +17,253,000 from April 2019; Unemployment Rate is at 14.7%, March 2020 was at 4.4%, February 2020 3.5%, April 2019 3.6%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary March 2020 US Wholesale Sales-Durables is at $225.8 billion, Non-Durables $249.2 billion, Total Sales $475.0 billion, -5.2% from February 2020, -5.2% from March 2019. See Table 1 for Inventories and Inventories/Sales Ratios. USDOC PR link.

***Thursday, May 7

UnitedHealth(PBR7) will provide more than $1.5 billion in initial assistance, including customer premium credits, to its UnitedHealthcare customers as many people have been unable to access routine or planned care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. $UNH PR link.

Alphabet(PBR11 $GOOG) drops controversial Sidewalk Labs unit ‘smart city’ project in Toronto. MarketWatch PR link.

Ford(PBR12) phasing in restart, includes its N American parts depots resuming full operations on 05/11/20, on 05/18/20 its N American assembly plants previously operating on three-shift patterns will return with two-shifts, most two-shift plants will return on one shift and most one-shift plants will operate on one shift, will include new health protocols, employees able to do their jobs remotely will continue to do so until advised otherwise. $F PR link.

Kohl’s(PBR159) to reopen stores in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi, Montana, and Texas, as well as a majority of its stores in Florida and Tennessee on Monday, 05/11, after opening stores in Arkansas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Utah earlier this week. $KSS PR link.

PG&E(PBR185) $200 million fine for causing deadly wildfires is waived by California regulators, fine would hinder PG&E’s plan to exit bankruptcy by 06/30/20 deadline. $PCG PR link.

Gap Inc(PBR198 $GPS) to open 800 stores by the end of May, will be across the company’s portfolio of chains including Old Navy, Banana Republic and Athleta, “Ship from store” service will be available at 1,000 stores and curbside pickup at 75, with plans to expand those services. MarketWatch PR link.

Charles Schwab(PBR291) to acquire assets of San Mateo, CA-based technology and data science developer of thematic investment strategies that allows investors to trade intelligently weighted baskets of stocks built around themes, investing styles or multi-asset models Motif, terms not disclosed, to close mid-2020. $SCHW PR link.

JCPenney(PBR292) and and Sephora USA have reaffirmed their long-standing partnership to operate Sephora inside JCPenney (SiJCP), have resolved outstanding legal matters and have agreed to mutually beneficial revisions to their joint enterprise operating agreement. $JCP PR link.

BorgWarner(PBR304) $3.3 billion all stock acquistion of Delphi Technologies PLC (NYSE: DLPH) amended to allow Delphi to use its $500 million revolving credit facility, exchange ratio lowered to 0.4307 shares of BorgWarner for each share of Delphi, on track to close in 2H20. $BWA PR link.

Ulta Beauty(PBR402) has curbside pickup in more than 700 locations, is planning to open around 180 locations in select states on 05/11/20. $ULTA PR link.

Fresh Del Monte(PBR579) reinstates share repurchase program, reflects the confidence it has in its long-term performance and its belief that it can successfully execute its strategy. $FDP PR link.

Tailored Brands(PBR758) to phase in opening of approximately 300 Men’s Wearhouse, Jos. A. Bank and K&G stores by Memorial Day, with the first stores opening in Georgia and Texas this week. $TLRD PR link.

TripAdvisor(PBR948) in 1Q20 report says response to COVID-19 includes a workforce reduction of around 700 employees, will likely impact another around 200, the 900 total representing 23% of the workforce, and furloughing a further approximately 850 employees, or 22% of its workforce. $TRIP PR link.

Cincinnati Bell(PBR970) shareholders approve $15.50/share cash, around $2.9 billion, includes debt, acquisition by Macquarie Infrastructure(PBR933), still needs regulatory approvals, to close in 1H21. $CBB PR link.

Fiserv(PBR303) CEO Jeffery Yabuki to step down on 07/01/20 after 15 years with the company, will continue to serve as Executive Chairman through 12/31/20, Frank Bisignano elected to become CEO. $FISV PR link.

Univar(PBR331) appoints independent Lead Director Christopher D. Pappas as independent Chairman, succeeds Stephen D. Newlin who will continue to serve on the Board. $UNVR PR link.

Teradata(PBR866) hires Steve McMillan as President/CEO and member of the Board effective 06/08/20, will succeed interim President/CEO Victor Lund who will continue as an advisor through 2020. $TDC PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary March 2020 Consumer Credit Outstanding-Revolving is at $1.066 trillion, Non-Revolving $3.143 trillion, Total $4.209 trillion, -0.3% from February 2020, +0.2% YTD(3 months), +3.8% from March 2019. USFed PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary 1Q20 US Business Sector Labor Productivity Output/Hour is at -2.3%, 4Q19 was at +1.0%, 3Q19 -0.4%, 1Q19 +4.0%. USDOL PR link.

FannieMae says the April 2020 US Home Purchase Sentiment Index is at 63.0, its lowest reading since November 2011, March 2020 was at 80.8, February 2020 92.5, April 2019 88.3. “… consumers reported a markedly more pessimistic view of homebuying and home selling conditions. Moreover, on net, more consumers reported that their household income is significantly lower today than it was 12 months ago.” FannieMae PR link.

***Wednesday, May 6

Ford(PBR12) in design collaboration with 3M(PBR98 $MMM) has built and is shipping 10,000+ powered airpurifying respirators(PAPRs) to healthcare workers, has ability to make 100,000 more, also receives order from New Jersey for 500,000 reusable gowns, can produce 200,000 per week. $F PR link.

Uber(PBR227) in response and demand as a result of the coronavirus pandemic is reducing its customer support and recruiting teams by approximately 3,700 full-time employee roles. $UBER PR link.

Marriott Vacations(PBR595) in response to coronavirus pandemic on its business is reducing corporate spending, includes furloughing 65% of associates and reducing work weeks by roughly 25%, on average, for its remaining associates. $VAC PR link.

Sinclair Broadcast(PBR607 $SBGI) agrees to pay record US Federal Communications Commission $48 million civil penalty and abide by a strict compliance plan in order to close three open investigations per its investigation into the company’s disclosure of information relating to its proposed acquisition of stations owned by Tribune MediaFCC PR link.

Sinclair Broadcast(PBR607) responds to $48 million fine by the US FCC, says it is pleased with the resolution and to be moving forward. $SBGI PR link.

Abercrombie & Fitch(PBR656) had closed stores mid March due to the coronavirus pandemic, to start to reopen stores in locations in N America and the EMEA region where regulations permit following guidance from government health authorities. $ANF PR link.

Danaher(PBR175) President/CEO Thomas P. Joyce Jr to retire on 09/01/20, EVP Rainer M. Blair named as successor. $DHR PR link.

Carlisle Cos(PBR548) Chairman David A. Roberts per mandatory retirement age of 72, President/CEO D. Christian Koch elected to add Chairman role to his responsibilities. $CSL PR link.

Hawaiian Electric(PBR759) Chairman since 2006 Jeff Watanabe retires, Retired Admiral Tom Fargo elected as the new Chairman. $HE PR link.

ADP says the April 2020 US Change In Employment-Small Businesses is at -6,005,000, Mid-Sized -5,269,000, Large-Sized -8,963,000, Total April 2020 -20,236,000, Total March 2020 was at a revised-149,000, Total February 2020 a revised +147,000, Total April 2019 +196,000, ADP PR link.

***Tuesday, May 5

Walgreens Boots Alliance(PBR18) to resume standard store operating hours starting today where permitted by local regulations. $WBA PR link.

Sysco(PBR55) in 3Q20 report says it has reduced its staffing levels by approximately 33% through a combination of temporary workforce furloughs and permanent reductions in force because of the impact to business by the COVID-19 pandemic. $SYY PR link.

United Airlines(PBR73) to slash 30% of management jobs starting in 10/20, at least 3,400 people, due to impact of COVID-19 pandemic. $UAL PR link.

Tyson(PBR75) to resume limited pork and beef production at its Waterloo, IA facility on Thursday, 05/07/20, with all workers being tested for COVID-19, and new health and social distancing rules. $TSN PR link.

Cognizant(PBR190) to acquire privately held Reston, VA based 1,000 employees global consultancy specializing in Workday enterprise cloud applications for finance and human resources Collaborative Solutions, terms not disclosed, to close in 2Q20. $CTSH PR link.

Uber(PBR227 $UBER) and Lyft(PBR868 $LYFT) being sued by the Attorney General of California and City Attorneys of Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco alleging worker misclassification of drivers, says should be classified as employees and have benefits. CA AG Office PR link.

Charles Schwab(PBR291) to introduce Schwab Stock Slices™, will enable investors to own any of America’s leading companies from the S&P 500 for as little as $5 each, even if their shares cost more, to launch 06/09/20, investors can purchase a single stock slice or up to 10 different Stock Slices™ at once, commission-free. $SCHW PR link.

Hertz(PBR315) enters into forbearances and limited waivers with certain of its corporate lenders and holders of its asset-backed vehicle debt, provides Hertz with additional time through 05/22/20 to engage in discussions with its key stakeholders to develop a financing strategy and structure that better reflects the economic impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic and Hertz’ ongoing operating and financing requirements. $HTZ PR link.

Wayfair(PBR337) in 1Q20 report says it has 21.1 million active customers, up 29% from last year, 9.9 million orders delivered in 1Q20, +21% from last year, average order was $235. $W PR link.

Alexion Pharmaceutical(PBR534) to acquire commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on life-threatening blood-related disorders Portola Pharmaceuticals(NASDAQ :PTLA) through a $18/share tender offer, around $1.4 billion, to close 3Q20. $ALXN PR link.

Bloomin’ Brands(PBR611) expects to have 336 total Bloomin’ Brands restaurant dining rooms opened with limited seating capacity across multiple states by the end of the day. $BLMN PR link.

Vornado Realty Trust(PBR867) in 1Q20 report says it has temporarily furloughed 1,803 employees, has collected substantially all rent due for 03/20 and collected 90% of rent due from office tenants for 04/20 and 53% of the rent due from retail tenants for 04/20, or 83% in the aggregate, rent relief and/or rent deferral for 04/20 and beyond has been requested by many retail and some office tenants. $VNO PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary March 2020 Total Exports-Goods is at $128.1 billion, Services $59.6 billion, Total Exports $187.7 billion, Total Imports-Goods is at $193.7 billion, Services $38.5 billion, Total Imports $232.2 billion, Total March 2020 Deficit $44.5 billion, Total March 2019 Deficit $52.6 billion, Total Exports YTD(3 Months) is at $603.8 billion, Total Imports YTD $733.6 billion, Total Deficit YTD $129.8 billion, March 2019 Total Deficit YTD was at $157.7 billion. USDOC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the April 2020 US Non-Manufacturing Index(<50% = economy contracting) is at 41.8%, March 2020 was at 52.5%, February 2020 57.9%, April 2019 55.5%. “Respondents are concerned about the continuing coronavirus impacts on the supply chain, operational capacity, human resources and finances, as well as the uncertain timelines for the resumption of business and a return to normality.” ISM PR link.

The IHS Markit April 2020 US Composite PMI Output Index is at 27.0, March 2020 was at 40.9, February 2020 49.6, April 2019 53.0. “With hope, infections rates have peaked and the economic downturn should start to ease as virus-related restrictions are lifted. However, while manufacturing may see a rebound in production as increasing numbers of factories are allowed to re-open, prospects look bleaker for many parts of the services economy…” IHS Markit PR link.

The PurdueU/CME Group April 2020 Ag Economy Barometer Composite Index is at 96, March 2020 was at 121, February 2020 168, April 2019 115. “Concerns about the economic outlook for their farms led fewer farmers to think now is a good time to make large investments in their farming operation…” PurdueU/CME Group PR link.

***Monday, May 4

Apple(PBR4) updates the 13-inch MacBook Pro with the new Magic Keyboard, doubles the storage across all standard configurations, offers 10th-generation processors for up to 80% faster graphics performance, starts at $1,299. $AAPL PR link.

GE(PBR33) Aviation unit developing a plan for permanent reductions of it global employee base because of deep contraction of commercial aviation, anticipates it will bring total 2020 reductions to as much as 25%. $GE PR link.

Intel(PBR45) has acquired Moovit, a mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) solutions company, known for its urban mobility application that offers travelers around the world the best multimodal trip planning by combining public transportation, bicycle and scooter services, ride-hailing, and car-sharing, for approximately $900 million. $INTC PR link.

Starbucks(PBR107) expects over 85% of its locations to be open by 05/08/20, 90%+ by early June, based on experience of having 98%+ now open in China operating under revised protocols, now has nearly 20 million people using its mobile app. $SBUX PR link.

Performance Food(PBR161) in 3Q20 report says it has furloughed or eliminated around 3,500 positions. $PFGC PR link.

L Brands(PBR243) and Sycamore Partners mutually agree to terminate Sycamore’s 55% acquisition of Victoria’s Secret unit for $525 million, L Brands still plans to establish Bath & Body Works as a pure-play public company and is preparing the Victoria’s Secret Lingerie, Victoria’s Secret Beauty and PINK businesses (collectively, Victoria’s Secret) to operate as a separate, standalone company; Leslie Wexner steps down as Chairman/CEO, remains on Board as Chairman Emeritus, CFO Stuart Burgdoerfer appointed Interim CEO & remains CFO, Bath & Body Works CEO Andrew Meslow to become L Brands CEO and director Sarah Nash to become L Brands Chairman on 05/14/20 at annual meeting. $LB PR link.

Leidos(PBR281) completes around $1 billion cash acquisition of L3Harris Technologies(PBR459) Security Detection and Automation businesses, which have 200 employees. $LDOS PR link.

NVIDIA(PBR286) to acquire Mountain View, CA-based Cumulus Networks, supports more than 100 hardware platforms with Cumulus Linux, its operating system for network switches, terms not disclosed. $NVDA PR link.

Express(PBR884) to phase in re-openings of its fashion apparel stores, expects to have around 300 open before Memorial Day. $EXPR PR link.

National Fuel Gas(PBR942) to acquire a Royal Dutch Shell plc (NYSE: RDS.A) subsidiary‘s upstream and midstream gathering assets in Pennsylvania for around $541 million, to close on 07/31/20. $NFG PR link.

Discover Financial(PBR229) appoints Board member Thomas Maheras as Chairman, succeeds Lawrence Weinbach who died unexpectedly on 05/01/20. $DFS PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary March 2020 US Manufacturers New Orders-Durables is at $240.4 billion, Non-Durables $233.2 billion, Total $473.6 billion, -10.3% from February 2020, -11.4% from March 2019. USDOC PR link.

***Friday, May 1

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 18 ending 05/01/20:

DJIA ends Week 18 at 23,723.69, -0.22% from last Friday, -2.55% MTD, +8.24% QTD, -16.87% YTD, -19.72% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 18 at 8,604.95, -0.34% from last Friday, -3.20% MTD, +11.75% QTD, -4.10% YTD, -12.35% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 18 at 2,830.71, -0.21% from last Friday, -2.81% MTD, +9.52% QTD, -12.38 YTD, -16.40% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 18 News Summary: As numbers from the coronavirus pandemic continue to grow, but apparently at a slower rate, or at least an anticipated slower rate, decisions on how to open up the drivers of the economy are starting to move from the discussion stage to the action stage with the usual tumult of expert voices on all sides of the issues. The emergence from the crisis will be an interesting test for federal, state, and local officials, business leaders, and the public as they work through this. Do not expect it to work perfectly and without some loud noises, especially since it is also an election year. As stated in the month of April recap, the economic reports started showing some of the impact of 2-3 months of the slowdown/shutdown, as well as 1st quarter corporate earnings reports which were starting to be released towards the end of April. However, with the major plunges the stock exchanges experienced in the first quarter, there was a sharp turnaround in April, which ended this week. Nevertheless, the last day of April and 1st day of May were significant down days. Once again, expert opinions are divided about the future. So while The Stock Market Bull took a resounding first victory month in April, The Stock Market Bear managed to just barely claw out a 3-0 win for Week 18. Welcome to a new month, it will be another interesting one for sure.

The Week 18 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 8 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 9 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

T-Mobile US(PBR69) says its Sprint unit had 538,000 total wireless net additions in 1Q20, total end of period connections were at 54,703,000. $TMUS PR link.

3M(PBR98) completes the around $650 million sale of substantially all of its $380 million in annual revenues drug delivery business to an Altaris Capital Partners affiliate, retains a 17% noncontrolling interest in the new company. $MMM PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR134) gets US FDA Emergency Use Authorization for the investigational antiviral remdesivir for the treatment of hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 disease, Gilead will be donating 1.5 million doses, enough for 140,000+ cases based on a 10-day daily dossage regimen. $GILD PR link.

Spirit AeroSystems(PBR389) to layoff approximately 1,450 hourly and salaried employees at its site in Wichita, KS, as a result of lower demand for commercial aircraft because of the COVID-19 pandemic. $SPR PR link.

TravelCenters(PBR468) commences reorganization, includes reducing its corporate headcount by a total of approximately 130 and eliminating certain positions. $TA PR link.

KeyCorp(PBR396) completes planned leadership transition, Chairman/CEO Beth Mooney retires, Chris Gorman becomes Chairman/CEO. $KEY PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says the Preliminary March 2020 Construction-Residential Annual Rate is at $557.9 billion, Non-Residential $802.6 billion, Total $1.361 trillion, +0.9% from February 2020, +4.7% from March 2019. USDOC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the Preliminary April 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index(<50 = economy is contracting) is at 41.5%, March 2020 was at 49.1%, April 2019 52.8%. “Comments from the panel were strongly negative (three negative comments for every one positive comment) regarding the near-term outlook, with sentiment clearly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and continuing energy market recession. The PMI® indicates a level of manufacturing-sector contraction not seen since April 2009, with a strongly negative trajectory.” ISM PR link.

IHS Markit says the April 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index is at 36.1, March 2020 was at 48.5, February 2020 50.7, April 2019 52.6. “As restrictions are lifted, demand should gradually revive, but the trade-off between risking a second wave of infections and bringing the economy back to life looks set to be one of the greatest challenges faced by policy- and lawmakers in recent history. The process will inevitably be led by caution, meaning recovery will also be frustratingly slow.” IHS Markit PR link.

***Thursday, April 30

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the month of April 2020 ending 04/30/20:

DJIA ends April at 24,345.72, +2.40% from last Friday, +11.80% MTD/QTD, -14.69% YTD, -17.62% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends April at 8,889.55, +2.95% from last Friday, +15.45% MTD/QTD, -0.93% YTD, -9.45% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends April at 2,912.43, +2.67% from last Friday, +12.68% MTD/QTD, -9.85% YTD, -13.99% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The April 2020 News Summary: It was another month of Coronavirus news and its effect on the world. As of late 04/30/20 the John Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Dashboard shows 3,271,692 cases confirmed worldwide with 232,807 deaths. In the US its 1,056,466 cases with 62,850 deaths. The response has included lockdowns, social distancing, temporary closures of businesses and schools, less traffic, and the pleasant side effects of bluer skies and being more aware birds chirping during a greening and flowering springtime. It is hopefully also a time for families to enjoy the playing and laughing with and getting to know better precious little ones. It has also been a time of great collaborations as companies work together to make ventilators, face masks, gowns, and other related medical aids, as well as accelerated development of new tests and vaccines. Medical practices started using telehealth capabilities. Only emergency situations were actively handled at hospitals. Significant internet bandwidth is being used, and seems to be working remarkably well, for on-line meetings, classes, and communications between loved ones. At the end of April some countries, and in the US some states, were starting to relax some restrictions. In the US the federal government launched some aggressive business loans programs and started sending out $1,200 stimulus checks to most adults, $500 for each child. The impact is around $3 trillion of new national debt. Towards the end of the month US economic indices and surveys, with data that often lags a month or two, started showing some of the damage, with just about all sectors down, except for some in technology and pharma. US initial unemployment claims climbed a remarkable 30,000,000 people in April from layoffs and furloughs. There do seem to be some indications that the cases and deaths are leveling off, but because not much is known about COVID-19 there are concerns about the virus recurring again soon and during the next flu season. Efforts to reopen the economy are being received with mixed reactions of optimism and skepticism from politicians, healthcare professionals, business leaders, and the public. Nevertheless, while the US stock exchanges suffered huge losses in February and March, in April there was a major resurgence, with daily activity still having big volatile up and down swings on an almost daily basis. But when the bell rang for April The Stock Market Bear, while still a big presence, lost out to The Stock Market Bull, who finally took over the pasture after some major struggles and prevails to win his first month of 2020 with a 3-0 victory, but there is a lot of ground to make up. Expert opinions remain varied and mixed, with many of them having agendas as well. Stay safe, keep informed, appreciate and thank those on the front lines, and we wish you and your dear ones the best as we all navigate and deal with these uncertain times.

The April 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 1 Month
The Stock Market Bear: 2 Months
Mixed Results: 1 Month

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

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(Image courtesy of, Stuart Miles)

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The PBR1000 April 2020 Stocks & Commodities Snapshots

April 2020 The PBR1000: The Stock Market Bull Starts a Comeback

PBR1000 Snapshots Recap

After an embarrassing March The Stock Market Bull charges onto the pasture and takes charge in April. But he still has quite a way to go to fully recover lost territory.

By Larry C. Paxton

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the month of April 2020 ending 04/30/20:

DJIA ends April at 24,345.72, +2.40% from last Friday, +11.80% MTD/QTD, -14.69% YTD, -17.62% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends April at 8,889.55, +2.95% from last Friday, +15.45% MTD/QTD, -0.93% YTD, -9.45% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends April at 2,912.43, +2.67% from last Friday, +12.68% MTD/QTD, -9.85% YTD, -13.99% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The April 2020 News Summary: It was another month of Coronavirus news and its effect on the world. As of late 04/30/20 the John Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Dashboard shows 3,271,692 cases confirmed worldwide with 232,807 deaths. In the US its 1,056,466 cases with 62,850 deaths. The response has included lockdowns, social distancing, temporary closures of businesses and schools, less traffic, and the pleasant side effects of bluer skies and being more aware birds chirping during a greening and flowering springtime. It is hopefully also a time for families to enjoy the playing and laughing with and getting to know better precious little ones. It has also been a time of great collaborations as companies work together to make ventilators, face masks, gowns, and other related medical aids, as well as accelerated development of new tests and vaccines. Medical practices started using telehealth capabilities. Only emergency situations were actively handled at hospitals. Significant internet bandwidth is being used, and seems to be working remarkably well, for on-line meetings, classes, and communications between loved ones. At the end of April some countries, and in the US some states, were starting to relax some restrictions. In the US the federal government launched some aggressive business loans programs and started sending out $1,200 stimulus checks to most adults, $500 for each child. The impact is around $3 trillion of new national debt. Towards the end of the month US economic indices and surveys, with data that often lags a month or two, started showing some of the damage, with just about all sectors down, except for some in technology and pharma. US initial unemployment claims climbed a remarkable 30,000,000 people in April from layoffs and furloughs. There do seem to be some indications that the cases and deaths are leveling off, but because not much is known about COVID-19 there are concerns about the virus recurring again soon and during the next flu season. Efforts to reopen the economy are being received with mixed reactions of optimism and skepticism from politicians, healthcare professionals, business leaders, and the public. Nevertheless, while the US stock exchanges suffered huge losses in February and March, in April there was a major resurgence, with daily activity still having big volatile up and down swings on an almost daily basis. But when the bell rang for April The Stock Market Bear, while still a big presence, lost out to The Stock Market Bull, who finally took over the pasture after some major struggles and prevails to win his first month of 2020 with a 3-0 victory, but there is a lot of ground to make up. Expert opinions remain varied and mixed, with many of them having agendas as well. Stay safe, keep informed, appreciate and thank those on the front lines, and we wish you and your dear ones the best as we all navigate and deal with these uncertain times.

The April 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 1 Month
The Stock Market Bear: 2 Months
Mixed Results: 1 Month


The April 2020 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 21

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 12+/9-; NASDAQ 12+/9-; SPX 11+/10-.

Record Days: DJIA 0, NASDAQ 0, SPX 0

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 4 days(04/22-27/20), NASDAQ 4 days(04/08-14/20),  and SPX 2 days(04/08-09/20, 04/16-17/20)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 2 days(04/20-21/20), NASDAQ 2 days(04/20-21/20), and SPX 2 days(04/20-21/20)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 11 days, 04/02/20(D +2.24%, N +1.72%, S +2.28%), 04/06/20(D +7.73%, N +7.33%, S +7.03%), 04/08/20(D +3.44%, N +2.58%, S +3.41%), 04/09/20(D +1.22%, S +1.45%), 04/14/20(D +2.39%, N +3.95%, S +3.06%), 04/16/20(N +1.66%), 04/17/20(D +2.99%, N +1.38%, S +2.68%), 04/22/20(D +1.99%, N +2.81%, S +2.29%), 04/24/20(D +1.11%, N +1.65%, S +1.34%), 04/27/20(D +1.51%, N +1.11%, S +1.47%), 04/29/20(D +2.21%, N +3.57%, S +2.66%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 8 days, 04/01/20(D -4.44, N -4.41%, S -4.41%), 04/03/20(D -1.69%, N -1.53%, S -1.51%), 04/13/20(D -1.39%, S -1.01%), 04/15/20(D -1.86%, N -1.44%, S -2.20%), 04/20/20(D -2.44%, N -1.03%, S -1.79%), 04/21/20(D -2.67%, N -3.48%, S -3.07%), 04/28/20(N -1.40%), 04/30/20(D -1.17%)

The PBR1000 April 2019 Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 April 2020 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on April 30, 20201 Month % Chg is compared to March 31, 202012 Months % Chg is compared to April 30, 2019, and the 24 Months % Chg is compared to April 30, 2018. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the April 2020 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 28 rankings and the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.

Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +318% to -77%906 out of 1,000 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 13.65%, the median was a gain of 14.28%. The DJIA was +11.08%, NASDAQ +15.45%, SPX +12.68%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Antero Resources 591 AR $ 2.98 +318 -59 -84
SM Energy
949 SM $ 4.05 +232 -75 -83
Apache Corp
451 APA $ 13.08 +213 -60 -68
Crestwood Equity
717 CEQP $ 10.94 +159 -70 -60
Range Resources 786 RRC $ 5.83 +156 -36 -58

Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +228% to -99%247 out of 993 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a loss of 9.69%, the median was a loss of 19.84%. The DJIA was -8.45%, NASDAQ +9.81%, SPX -1.13%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 781.88 +49 +228 +166
Owens & Minor 332 OMI $ 7.08 -23 +108 -56
Newmont Goldcorp 316 NEM $ 59.48 +31 +92 +51
Roku 993 ROKU $ 121.23 +39 +91 +273
AMD 433 AMD $ 52.39 +15 +90 +382

Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +382% to -99%343 out of 974 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a loss of 0.68%. The median was a loss of 17.88%. The DJIA was +0.76%, NASDAQ +25.80%, SPX +9.98%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
AMD 433 AMD $ 52.39 +15 +90 +382
Roku 993 ROKU $ 121.23 +39 +91 +273
Veeva Systems 996 VEEV $ 190.80 +22 +36 +172
Twilio 992 TWLO $ 112.30 +25 -18 +166
Tesla 117 TSLA $ 781.88 +49 +228 +166

Table 4(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 4 Summary: The range was $1,350 billion to $0.01 billion. The average is $27.476 billionmedian is $6.53 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
% Chg
% Chg
% Chg
Microsoft 20 MSFT $ 1,350 B +11 +12 +105
Apple 4 AAPL $ 1,259 B +13 -2 +44
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,183 B +21 +29 +113
Alphabet 11 GOOG $ 922 B +17 -0 +26
Facebook 46 FB $ 554 B +17 -5 +8
The PBR1000
  $ 27,476 B +13 -9 +6

Table 5: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 84,203.33 +13.7 -9.7 -0.7
DJIA 24,345.72 +11.1 -8.5 +0.8
NASDAQ 8,889.55 +15.5 +9.8 +25.8
S&P500 2,912.43 +12.7 -1.1 +10.0
GOLD 1,694.20 +6.5 +31.8 +28.7
SILVER 14.97 +5.8 -0.1 -8.5
OIL            18.84 -6.3 -70.5 -72.5

To order a 12 month subscription of The PBR1000 Snapshots go to the Subscribe page.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $14 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. This service is used by astute business professionals and shrewd investors worldwide.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent provider of news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisor firm or stock brokerage service, and is not affiliated with any such organization.

(Graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2020 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved, 

The PBR1000 April 2020 Breaking News Recap

The PBR1000: April is All About Social Distancing

PBR1000 Coronavirus COVID19

Every one must do their part to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa demonstrates.

By Larry C. Paxton

The April 2020 breaking news items of interest for The PBR1000 follow with the most current date first.

***Thursday, April 30

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the month of April 2020 ending 04/30/20:

DJIA ends April at 24,345.72, +2.40% from last Friday, +11.80% MTD/QTD, -14.69% YTD, -17.62% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends April at 8,889.55, +2.95% from last Friday, +15.45% MTD/QTD, -0.93% YTD, -9.45% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends April at 2,912.43, +2.67% from last Friday, +12.68% MTD/QTD, -9.85% YTD, -13.99% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The April 2020 News Summary: It was another month of Coronavirus news and its effect on the world. As of late 04/30/20 the John Hopkins University CSSE COVID-19 Dashboard shows 3,271,692 cases confirmed worldwide with 232,807 deaths. In the US its 1,056,466 cases with 62,850 deaths. The response has included lockdowns, social distancing, temporary closures of businesses and schools, less traffic, and the pleasant side effects of bluer skies and being more aware birds chirping during a greening and flowering springtime. It is hopefully also a time for families to enjoy the playing and laughing with and getting to know better precious little ones. It has also been a time of great collaborations as companies work together to make ventilators, face masks, gowns, and other related medical aids, as well as accelerated development of new tests and vaccines. Medical practices started using telehealth capabilities. Only emergency situations were actively handled at hospitals. Significant internet bandwidth is being used, and seems to be working remarkably well, for on-line meetings, classes, and communications between loved ones. At the end of April some countries, and in the US some states, were starting to relax some restrictions. In the US the federal government launched some aggressive business loans programs and started sending out $1,200 stimulus checks to most adults, $500 for each child. The impact is around $3 trillion of new national debt. Towards the end of the month US economic indices and surveys, with data that often lags a month or two, started showing some of the damage, with just about all sectors down, except for some in technology and pharma. US initial unemployment claims climbed a remarkable 30,000,000 people in April from layoffs and furloughs. There do seem to be some indications that the cases and deaths are leveling off, but because not much is known about COVID-19 there are concerns about the virus recurring again soon and during the next flu season. Efforts to reopen the economy are being received with mixed reactions of optimism and skepticism from politicians, healthcare professionals, business leaders, and the public. Nevertheless, while the US stock exchanges suffered huge losses in February and March, in April there was a major resurgence, with daily activity still having big volatile up and down swings on an almost daily basis. But when the bell rang for April The Stock Market Bear, while still a big presence, lost out to The Stock Market Bull, who finally took over the pasture after some major struggles and prevails to win his first month of 2020 with a 3-0 victory, but there is a lot of ground to make up. Expert opinions remain varied and mixed, with many of them having agendas as well. Stay safe, keep informed, appreciate and thank those on the front lines, and we wish you and your dear ones the best as we all navigate and deal with these uncertain times.

The April 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 1 Month
The Stock Market Bear: 2 Months
Mixed Results: 1 Month

Apple(PBR4) in 2Q20 report says it has authorized an increase of $50 billion to the existing share repurchase program. $AAPL PR link.

Microsoft(PBR20 $MSFT) Teams usage has increased to more than 75 million daily active users, had 200 million meeting participants in a single day in April. The Verge PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) expects to close its $25 billion bond offering on 05/04/20, does not plan to seek additional funding through the capital markets or the US government options at this time. $BA PR link.

Intel(PBR45) introduces the 10th Gen Intel® Core™ S-series desktop processors, including Intel’s flagship Core i9-10900K processor, the world’s fastest gaming processor. $INTC PR link.

Macy’s(PBR118 $M) to reopen 68 stores on 05/04/20, another 50 stores on 05/11/20, and all 775 stores to be open in 6 weeks, with modified hours and adjustments. MarketWatch PR link.

Danaher(PBR175) completes $825 million sale of its label-free biomolecular characterization, chromatography hardware and resins, and microcarriers and particle validation standards businesses, which generated $140 million in revenues in 2018, to Sartorius AG, sale was part of condition for its 03/31/20 acquisition of Biopharma. $DHR PR link.

SS&C Tech(PBR563) to acquire New York-based 150+ employees developer of systems for trust accounting, payments and unique asset servicing on modern, web-based technology Innovest Systems for $120 million, to close in 2Q20. $SSNC PR link.

Marathon Petroleum(PBR21) elects director John Surma as non-executive Chairman, President/CEO Michael Hennigan elected to the Board. $MPC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the US Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims for the Week Ending 04/25/20 is at 3,839,000, 03/21/20 was at 3,283,000, 02/22/20 219,000, 04/20/19 230,000; Total Insured Unemployment on 04/18/20 is at 17,992,000, 04/13/19 was at 1,655,000; the Insured Unemployment Rate on 04/18/20 is at 12.4%, 04/13/19 was at 1.2%. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce says the Preliminary March 2020 US Total Personal Income Annual Rate is at $18.696 trillion, -2.0% from February 2020, +1.4% from March 2019, Personal Current Taxes are at $2.188 trillion, Outlays $14.339 trillion, for Savings of $2.169 trillion, for a Savings Rate of 13.1%. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the 1Q20 Employment Cost Index for All Civilian Workers(12/2005=100) is at 140.0, 4Q19 was at 138.9, 1Q19 136.2. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says on 04/29/20 the US National Debt-Public is at $18.927 trillion, Intragovernmental $5.927 trillion, Total Debt $24.854 trillion, +4.9% from 03/31/20, +7.1% YTD, +12.8% from 04/30/19. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says the Yield on a 10 Year Treasury Note on 04/30/20 is at 0.64%, 03/31/20 was at 0.70%, 02/28/20 1.13%, 04/30/19 2.51%. USTreasury PR link.

FreddieMac says the US Weekly Average 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate as of 04/30/20 is at 3.23% with 0.7 points/fees, 03/26/20 was at 3.50%, 02/27/20 3.45%, 04/25/19 4.2%. “These low rates are driving higher refinance activity and have modestly helped improve purchase demand from their extremely low levels in mid-April.” FreddieMac PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary March 2020 US 7th District Midwest Economy Index is at -1.02, February 2020 was at -0.16, January 2020 -0.35, March 2019 +0.05. ChiFed PR link.

MNI Indicators says the April 2020 Chicago Business Barometer(<50 = Declining) is at 35.4, March 2020 was at 47.8, February 2020 48.9, April 2019 52.6. “… fell … to its lowest level since March 2009 as business confidence dipped sharply amid the current spread of COVID-19.” MNI PR link.

The American Automobile Assn says the US National Average Price Per Gallon of Regular Gas on 04/30/20 is at $1.772, 03/31/20 was at $1.997, 02/29/20 $2.447, 04/30/19 $2.882. AAA PR link.

***Wednesday, April 29

Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google unit to make its Google Meet video conferencing product free for everyone, with availability rolling out over the coming weeks, first 60 minutes are free. $GOOG PR link.

Centene(PBR42) to facilitate the distribution of 25,000 Quest Diagnostics(PBR395) COVID-19 test kits each week to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in ten states or districts across the country. $CNC PR link.

Best Buy(PBR71) will be offering in-store consultation service appointments in around 200 stores starting in 05/20. $BBY PR link.

Gilead Sciences(PBR134) phase 3 trial of investigational antiviral Remdesivir in patients with severe COVID-19 demonstrated that patients receiving a 10-day treatment course of remdesivir achieved similar improvement in clinical status compared with those taking a 5-day treatment course. $GILD PR link.

LPL Financial(PBR488) to acquire San Diego, CA, based Lucia Securities, a broker-dealer and registered investment advisor firm with around 20 advisors and $1.5 billion of client assets under management, terms not disclosed, to close in 2H20. $LPLA PR link.

Lyft(PBR868) to layoff around 982 employees, around 17% of its workforce, has furloughed around 288 employees, is impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. $LYFT PR link.

The Federal Open Market Committee issues a statement after its 04/28-29/20 meeting, keeps the federal funds short term interest rate at 0.00-0.25%, says “The Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook, including information related to public health, as well as global developments and muted inflation pressures, and will use its tools and act as appropriate to support the economy.” FOMC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary 1Q20 Real GDP Annual % Growth Rate is at -4.8%, GDP Annual $ Rate is at $21.538 trillion, -0.9% from 4Q19, +2.1% from 1Q19. USDOC PR link.

The US Energy Information Administration says US Millions of Barrels of Crude Oil in Inventory on 04/24/20 is at 527.6, was 455.4 on 03/20/20, 443.3 on 02/21/20, 460.6 on 04/19/19. EIA PR link.

***Tuesday, April 28 welcomes leading global provider of industry-specific, cloud-based software solutions for the life sciences industry Veeva Systems to The PBR1000, ranked 993 by revenues. More details on the  Veeva Systems Spotlight page.

Ford(PBR12) reports 1Q19 loss of over $2 billion, to phase in its manufacturing production in Europe starting 05/04/20, outlines other activities and plans to ramp up business. $F PR link.

Oracle(PBR77) selected by Zoom Communications as its new cloud infrastructure partner to handle dramatic increase in users and video conferencing usage. $ORCL PR link.

Electronic Arts(PBR536) to launch 5 of its games on Alphabet(PBR11)’s Google Stadia cloud-based gaming platform. $EA PR link.

TripAdvisor(PBR948) to reduce workforce by 900+, about 25% of workforce, in response to COVID-19 pandemic impact. $TRIP PR link.

WW(PBR958) in 1Q20 report says it ended quarter with 5.0 million subscribers, up from 4.6 million in 1Q19, will continue to make digital push. $WW PR link.

Crane(PBR694) Chairman R.S. Evans has retired as planned after 47 years with the company, director Jim Tullis is new Chairman. $CR PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the 1Q20 US Total Housing Units is at 140,362,000, +1,153,000 from 1Q19, Occupancy Rate is at 88.6%, 1Q19 was at 87.9%, Home Ownership Rate is at 65.3%, 1Q19 was at 64.2%. USDOC PR link.

The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller February 2020 US National Home Price Index(01/2000=100.00) is at 213.6, January 2020 was at 212.34, December 2019 212.38, December 2018 204.89. Case-Shiller PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary April 2020 US Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 86.9, March 2020 was at 118.8, February 2020 132.6, April 2019 129.2. “… consumers were less optimistic about their financial prospects and this could have repercussions for spending as the recovery takes hold. The uncertainty of the economic effects of COVID-19 will likely cause expectations to fluctuate in the months ahead.” TCB PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond April 2020 US 5th District Manufacturing Index(Annualized) is at -53%, March 2020 was at +2%, February 2020 -2%, April 2019 +9%. “Firms reported weakened local business conditions and expected conditions to remain soft in the next six months.” RichmondFed PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond April 2020 US 5th District Service Sector Revenue Index(Annualized) is at -87%, March 2020 was at +1%, February 2020 +26%, April 2019 +23%. “Firms expected conditions to remain soft in the near future.” RichmondFed PR link.

***Monday, April 27

Boeing(PBR40) to resume 787 operations at Boeing South Carolina (BSC), with most teammates returning on 05/03 or 05/04, includes all operations temporarily suspended on 04/08 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. $BA PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) terminates Master Transaction Agreement (MTA) with Brazil based Embraer, had planned to create a joint venture comprising Embraer’s commercial aviation business and a second joint venture to develop new markets for the C-390 Millennium medium airlift and air mobility aircraft, says Embraer did not satisfy the necessary conditions. $BA PR link.

Coca-Cola(PBR82) announces a 5 year agreement with Microsoft(PBR20) to standardize its business operations on Microsoft’s cloud, will utilize Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365 and Microsoft 365, will be implementing Microsoft Teams for collaborations. $KO PR link.

NVIDIA(PBR286) completes $125/share, around $6.9 billion cash acquisition of end-to-end Ethernet and InfiniBand smart interconnect solutions and services for servers and storage supplier Mellanox(NASDAQ: MLNX)$NVDA PR link.

Domtar(PBR498) to temporarily idle the operations of its Hawesville, KY, mill beginning 05/05/20, expects to restart the H1 paper machine in 06/20, while the H2 paper machine will remain idled until 07/20, will temporarily layoff around 400 employees. $UFS PR link.

Adtalem Education(PBR982) completes $465 million sale of its Brazilian portfolio, Adtalem Educacional do Brasil, to YDUQS, the second largest education company in Brazil. $ATGE PR link.

***Friday, April 24

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 17 ending 04/24/20:

DJIA ends Week 17 at 23,775.27, -1.93% from last Friday, +8.48% MTD/QTD, -16.69% YTD, -19.55% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 17 at 8,634.52, -0.18% from last Friday, +12.14% MTD/QTD, -3.77% YTD, -12.05% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 17 at 2,836.74, -1.32% from last Friday, +9.76% MTD/QTD, -12.20 YTD, -16.23% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 17 News Summary: Almost all news continues to revolve around the coronavirus pandemic. The world has nearly 200,000 deaths from coronavirus, the US has just over 50,000 of those, with New York getting hit the hardest. There are mixed signals as to whether or not there has been a peak or not. There is some talk about re-opening economies. In the US several states have indicated they are taking some initial steps, though cautiously. The Senate and House passed, and President Trump has signed, a new stimulus bill to provide an additional $484 billion to small businesses and healthcare operations. There was an initial disbursement of funds to 80 million taxpayers, more is scheduled over the next few months. 1Q20 corporate earnings are being released and it is clear that there has been an impact and it will continue into 2Q20. US economic reports on existing and new housing, jobless claims, and business and consumer surveys are also showing a downward trend. Companies are taking on debt in the hopes of getting through this. Oil prices continue to be near rock bottom, gold prices are rising. The Stock Market Bear came out strong the first couple of trading days, then The Stock Market Bull made a valiant comeback attempt. However, it came up short, The Stock Market Bear sweeps to a Week 17 3-0 victory after missing out the past couple of weeks. It will be interesting to see if the late in the week optimism carries over into Week 18. Use your face masks when appropriate and place your bets!

The Week 17 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 8 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 8 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

ExxonMobil(PBR3) has reconfigured manufacturing operations in Louisiana to produce medical-grade hand sanitizer for donation to COVID-19 response efforts, initial production of 160,000 gallons– enough to fill nearly 5 million 4-ounce bottles – is being distributed to medical providers and first responders in Louisiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania and Texas. $XOM PR link.

Johnson & Johnson(PBR35)’s Janssen Pharmaceutical unit and Emergent BioSolutions to collaborate on development and manufacturing of a COVID-19 vaccine, JNJ goal is to manufacture 1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines globally. $JNJ PR link.

Facebook(PBR46) introduces real time video Messenger Rooms, can be created from within Messenger or Facebook, up to 50 people, no time limit, rolling out in some countries this week and will expand to the rest of the world in coming weeks. $FB PR link.

US Foods(PBR109) completes $970 million cash acquisition from Apollo Global Mgmt(PBR995) of 70 small-format cash and carry stores across the US Northwest that serve small and mid-sized restaurants and other food business customers with $1.1 billion in revenues in 2019 Smart Foodservice Warehouse Stores$USFD PR link.

Sempra Energy(PBR286) completes $3.59 billion cash sale of its equity interests in its Peruvian businesses, including its 83.6% stake in Luz del Sur, to China Yangtze Power International (Hongkong). $SRE PR link.

SkyWest(PBR732) to receive $438 million through the Payroll Support Program Under CARES Act. $SKYW PR link.

AT&T(PBR9) Chairman/CEO Randall Stephenson to retire as CEO, will be Executive Chairman until 01/21, President/COO John Stankey elected to become CEO on 07/01/20, will become a Board member on 06/01/20. $T PR link.

The U of Michigan Final April 2020 Index of Consumer Sentiment is at 71.8, March 2020 was at 89.1, February 2020 101.0, March 2019 98.4. “In the weeks ahead, as several states reopen their economies, more information will reach consumers about how reopening could cause a resurgence in coronavirus infections. Consumers’ reactions to relaxing restrictions will be critical… ” UM PR link.

***Thursday, April 23

Kroger(PBR22) Health division is expanding free COVID-19 testing sites to Colorado, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee, joining existing sites in Kentucky and Tennessee, for all priority groups, including healthcare workers, first responders and symptomatic groups. $KR PR link.

DTE Energy(PBR217) says its mid-Michigan’s Gratiot County Polaris Wind park is operational, providing enough clean energy to power more than 64,000 homes, its 68 turbines generating 168 megawatts and is now the largest operating wind park in Michigan, the first of four new wind parks DTE will commission in 2020. $DTE PR link.

Baxter(PBR273) gets US FDA Emergency Use Authorization for its Oxiris Blood Purification Filter for COVID-19 treatment$BAX PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR355) adopts a shareholder rights plan to protect the availability of its net operating loss carryforwards valued at around $7.6 billion. $CHK PR link.

Agilent Technologies(PBR523) gets US FDA approval for PD-L1 IHC 22C3 pharmDx as a companion diagnostic (CDx) to identify patients with non-small cell lung cancer who are appropriate for first-line monotherapy with KEYTRUDA (pembrolizumab) on the Dako Omnis platform. $A PR link.

Cooper Tire & Rubber(PBR763) to reopen US and Serbia plants, Mexico facility to return to temporary shutdown. $CTB PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary March 2020 US New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate is at 627,000, February 2020 was at 741,000, January 2020 777,000, March 2019 693,000; Median Home Price is at $321,400, February 2020 was at $330,100, January 2020 $328,900, March 2019 $310,600; Months Supply is at 6.4. More data at the link. USDOC PR link.

***Wednesday, April 22

Tyson(PBR75) to indefinitely suspend operations at its Waterloo, IA, pork plant this week due to worker absenteeism, company’s largest pork plant with 2,800 team members, will provide COVID-19 testing. $TSN PR link.

L Brands(PBR241) receives notice from Sycamore Partners purporting to terminate 55% interest acquisition of Victoria’s Secret unit for $525 million and is seeking a declaratory judgment that its termination of the Transaction Agreement is valid; L Brands contends the termination is invalid. $LB PR link.

PG&E(PBR184) President/CEO Bill Johnson to retire 06/30/20, Board member Bill Smith to be interim CEO at that time until replacement hired. $PCG PR link.

The ADP Workforce Vitality Report says 1Q20 Average Wage Level is at $29.18, 4Q19 was at $28.93, 3Q19 $28.71, 1Q19 $28.40. ADP PR link.

***Tuesday, April 21

AbbVie(PBR94) gets US FDA approval for IMBRUVICA® (ibrutinib) in combination with rituximab for the treatment of previously untreated patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL); is 11th US FDA approval for IMBRUVICA since first approved in 2013. $ABBV PR link.

Netflix(PBR158) in 1Q20 report says it has 182.86 million global streaming paid memberships, 4Q19 was at 167.09 million, 1Q19 148.86 million. $NFLX PR link.

Quest Diagnostics(PBR392) has begun to perform antibody testing for coronavirus (COVID-19) using blood samples, expects to do 150,000 tests/day by early-May. $DGX PR link.

Chipotle(PBR489) in 1Q20 report says digital sales grew 80.8%, accounted for 26.3% of sales; agrees to pay $25 million fine related to past food safety incidents beginning in 2015. $CMG PR link.

Express(PBR882) adopts limited duration shareholder rights plan because of impact of COVID-19 pandemic on company, expires 04/19/21. $EXPR PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary March 2020 Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 5,270,000, February 2020 was at 5,760,000, March 2019 5,230,000; Median Sales Price is at $280,600, February 2020 was at 270,100, March 2019 $259,700. “More temporary interruptions to home sales should be expected in the next couple of months, though home prices will still likely rise.” NAR PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the April 2020 3rd District Non-Manufacturing General Activity Index is at -96.4, March 2020 was at -35.1, February 2020 +31.0, April 2019 +18.9. “The respondents expect overall declines over the next six months, as future activity indexes fell further to historic lows.” PhillyFed PR link.

***Monday, April 20

Alphabet(PBR11 $GOOG)’s Google unit and Facebook(PBR46 $FB) being forced by Australia to pay for news content. MarketWatch PR link.

Tyson(PBR72) will resume limited operations at its pork plant in Columbus Junction, IA, on 04/21/20 after being idle for two weeks due to COVID-19 concerns. $TSN PR link.

Uber(PBR226) gets $810 million federal govermentwide Rideshare/Ride-hail Passenger Services contract. $UBER PR link.

The Cheesecake Factory(PBR837) gets $200 million convertible preferred investment from affiliates of Roark Capital. $CAKE PR link.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary March 2020 US National Activity Index is at -4.19, February 2020 was at +0.06, January 2020 -0.27, March 2019 -0.04. “Index suggests economic growth decreased substantially in March.” ChiFed PR link.

***Friday, April 17

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 16 ending 04/17/20:

DJIA ends Week 16 at 24,242.49, +2.21% from last Friday, +10.61% MTD/QTD, -15.05% YTD, -17.97% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 16 at 8,650.14, +6.09% from last Friday, +12.34% MTD/QTD, -3.59% YTD, -11.89% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 16 at 2,874.56, +3.04% from last Friday, +11.22% MTD/QTD, -11.03 YTD, -15.11% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 16 News Summary: The primary news headliner continues to be the Coronavirus pandemic, now with over 2.2 million confirmed cases worldwide, and over 150,000 deaths, with the US being the leader with over 680,000 cases and over 32,000 deaths, the primary hot spot being New York City, according to John Hopkins University CSSE. But there is some cautious optimism as cases and death rates seem to have plateaued. Pharmaceuticals are working on therapies that have shown some initial positive results, and manufactures are coming together to make ventilators, face masks, and gowns. On Thursday US President Trump announced a 3 phase plan to re-open the economy starting soon. Over 80 million US stimulus checks have been delivered and more are in process. US economic data, which usually lags 1-2 months, is starting to show the short term negative effects, including more millions of unemployment claims, sales across all sectors showing significant declines, and business and consumer survey indices showing large drops. Expert opinions are mixed in forecasting a recovery, some saying it will happen quickly, some saying 2 years or more, some proclaiming there will be some profound changes in economic makeup as a result of people working and schooling from home, people eating at home, a reorganization of manufacturing, and supply logistics for just about everything. With the news of the leveling off of cases, plans to re-open the economy, and initial stimulus checks having been delivered, the US stock markets had another good weekly rebound. The major US stock exchanges alternated up and down volatile days, but Friday was a big up and The Stock Market Bull prevailed to win Week 16 with a 3-0 result, but still lags significantly The Stock Market Bear year-to-date and from the amazing record highs established in February. Stay safe, and let’s see what happens next week!

The Week 16 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 8 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 7 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

The total market capitalization(stock value) of The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is $4.9 trillion, the range is $2.99 billion to $1+ trillion, the median is $58 billion. More details on The PBR25 info page.

Walmart(PBR1) hires over 150,000 temporary workers over 30 day period, had over 1 million applicants, plans to hire 50,000 more. $WMT PR link.

TravelCenters(PBR464) says its travel centers remain open, providing essential services to drivers across the nation with fuel, showers, restrooms, quick-serve restaurants and convenience stores, but as a result of having to close full service restaurants is furloughing around 2,900 field employees and 122 corporate staff. $TA PR link.

Altria(PBR114) Chairman/CEO Howard Willard, who is recovering from COVID-19, retires after 28 years with the company, Vice Chairman/CFO Billy Gifford elected as new CEO, Thomas Farrell named Independent Chairman. $MO PR link.

The Conference Board Preliminary March 2020 US Leading Economic Index((2016=100) is at 104.2, February 2020 was at 110.9, January 2020 111.1, March 2019 111.7. “The sharp drop in the LEI reflects the sudden halting in business activity as a result of the global pandemic and suggests the US economy will be facing a very deep contraction.” TCB PR link.

***Thursday, April 16

Looking for the best stocks in which to consider investing? Check out The PBR25 to find out how our independent researchers select the Top 25 Buy StocksHere’s the link!

Chevron(PBR15) affiliates have sold non-operating interests in the Azeri-Chirag-Deepwater Gunashli (ACG) oil fields (including interests in the Western Export Route Pipeline) and the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline located in Azerbaijan, to MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC for $1.57 billion, part of $5-10 billion 2018-2020 divestment program. $CVX PR link.

Verizon(PBR19) to acquire enterprise-grade cloud-based video conferencing and event platform provider BlueJeans, will be deeply integrated into Verizon’s 5G product roadmap, providing secure and real-time engagement solutions for high growth areas such as telemedicine, distance learning and field service work, terms not disclosed. $VZ PR link.

Boeing(PBR40) will resume all Commercial Airplanes production in a phased approach at its Puget Sound-region facilities next week, after suspending operations last month in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. $BA PR link.

Southern Co(PBR145) to reduce its workforce by around 20%(about 6,000) in response to coronavirus pandemic effect on its business, expects reduction to last into the summer. $SO PR link.

Goodyear Tire(PBR214) in response to coronavirus pandemic affect on business to reduce its payroll costs through a combination of furloughs, temporary salary reductions and salary deferrals covering over 9,000 of its corporate and business unit associates, including substantial salary reductions and deferrals for the company’s CEO, officers and directors. $GT PR link.

VF Corp(PBR229)’s Dickies unit to shift production, manufacture by 09/20 3.4 million FDA-compliant isolation gowns for US hospitals and healthcare workers. $VFC PR link.

eBay(PBR287) as a result of hiring Jamie Iannone as eBay ‘s new CEO, activist investor Starboard has withdrawn its nomination of director candidates for election at eBay ‘s 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. $EBAY PR link.

Frontier Communications(PBR375) has received approvals on an interim basis from the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York for the “First Day” motions related to the Company’s voluntary Chapter 11 petitions filed on 04/14/20. $FTR PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary March 2020 US Housing Permits Issued Annual Rate is at 1,353,000 units, -6.8% from February, +5.1% from March 2019. For Housing Starts and Completions go to the link. USDOC PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the April 2020 3rd District Manufacturing General Activity Indicator is at -56.6, March 2020 was at -12.7, February 2020 +36.7, April 2019 +11.0. “Responses indicated a continued prominent weakening in manufacturing activity… The survey’s future indexes, however, remained elevated, suggesting that respondents expect growth in manufacturing activity to pick back up over a horizon of six
months.” PhillyFed PR link.

***Wednesday, April 15

The average estimated 12 month return on a The PBR25 Top Buy Stock is currently +20.2%. A financial institution has the highest estimate at +99.5%. Find out more here!

Apple(PBR4) announces the second-generation iPhone SE, 4.7 inch Retina HD display, features the best single-camera system ever in an iPhone, starts at $399. $AAPL PR link.

Best Buy(PBR71) to temporarily furlough 51,000 employees, including nearly all part-time employees, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. $BBY PR link.

United Airlines(PBR73) expects to receive $5.0 billion through the Payroll Support Program under CARES Act, includes federal government getting 4.6 million shares of UAL common stock. $UAL PR link.

GoPro(PBR988) to lay off 20% of its workforce, around 200 employees, in response to effect of coronavirus pandemic on its business. $GPRO PR link.

The US Federal Reserve releases its Beige Book from information collected through 04/06/20, reports “All Districts reported highly uncertain outlooks among business contacts, with most expecting conditions to worsen in the next several months.” USFed PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary March 2020 US % of Manufacturing Production Capacity is at 72.7%, February 2020 was at 77.0%, January 2020 76.7%, March 2019 78.4%; Capacity Growth Last 12 Months is at +1.9%. Go to the link for Industrial ProductionUSFed PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2020 Total Sales-Manufacturers is at $500.3 billion, Retail $463.2 billion, Wholesalers $500.7 billion, Total $1.464 trillion, -0.5% from January 2020, +1.4% from February 2019. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Advance March 2020 US Sales-Retail is at $434.5 billion, Food Services & Drinking Places $48.6 billion, Total $483.1 billion, -8.7% from February 2020, -6.2% from March 2019. USDOC PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the April 2020 Empire State Manufacturing General Business Conditions Index is at -78.2, March 2020 was at -21.5, February 2020 +12.9, April 2019 +9.4. “The headline general business conditions index plummeted fifty-seven points to -78.2, its lowest level in the history of the survey—by a wide margin… Though current conditions were extremely weak, firms expected conditions to be slightly better six months from now.” NYFed PR link.

The Natl Assn of Home Builders says the Preliminary April 2020 Composite Housing Market Index(<50=conditions are poor rather than good) is at 30, March 2020 was at 72, February 2020 74, April 2019 63. “Reflecting the growing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, builder confidence in the market for newly-built single-family homes plunged 42 points in April to 30… was the largest single monthly change in the history of the index and marks the lowest builder confidence reading since June 2012.” NAHB PR link.

***Tuesday, April 14

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is compiled monthly from 15,000 analyst estimates. Average return over 60+ months is 153%, S&P 500 average was 34%. Find out more here!

American Airlines(PBR67) approved by US Treasury for $5.8 billion in financial assistance from the Payroll Support Program (PSP) created through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, expects to separately apply for a loan from the US Treasury of approximately $4.75 billion. $AAL PR link.

3M(PBR98) is partnering with Cummins(PBR127) to increase the production of high efficiency particulate filters for use in 3M’s powered air purifying respirator(PAPRs). $MMM PR link.

Devon Energy(PBR456) agreement to sell it Barnett Shale unit to Banpu Kalnin Ventures has been amended from $770 million to up to $830 million, includes $570 million cash and contingent payments of up to $260 million, closing date changed from 04/15/20 to 12/31/20. $DVN PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2020 US Monthly All Imports Prices are at -2.3%, Exports -1.6%; Last 12 Months All Imports Prices are at -4.1%, Exports -3.6%. USDOL PR link.

CoreLogic says the January 2020 US House Loans 30 Days or More Delinquent is at 3.5%, December 2019 was at 3.7%, November 2019 3.9%, January 2019 4.0%. “The mortgage market experienced a strong year of improvement in loan performance during 2019 – carrying over into the first month of 2020. However, mounting job losses since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a national emergency has raised the possibility of many borrowers falling behind on their mortgage payments in coming months.” CoreLogic PR link.

***Monday, April 13

Because of volatility the monthly The PBR25 Top Stock Buy Recommendations has been updated for 04/09/20 and gives you the ability to do the updates yourself at any time. Find out more here!

Amazon(PBR2) says it has filled the 100,000 full/part time positions announced on 03/16/20, is now planning to hire for an additional 75,000 jobs. $AMZN PR link.

Ford(PBR12) to design and produce urgently needed medical equipment and supplies for health care workers, first responders and patients fighting coronavirus, including face shields, powered air-purifying respirators, reusable gowns, and COVID-19 collection test kits in collaborations with 3M(PBR98) and Thermo Fisher Scientific(PBR112)$F PR link.

Chesapeake Energy(PBR355) approves 1-for-200 reverse stock split, will be effective for start of trading on 04/15/20. $CHK PR link.

Blackstone(PBR401) to provide up to $2 billion to support Alnylam Pharmaceuticals(Nasdaq: ALNY), the leading RNAi therapeutics company, in a broad strategic collaboration for Alnylam’s advancement of innovative RNA interference (RNAi) medicines that have the potential to transform the lives of patients suffering from a range of debilitating diseases. $BX PR link.

Groupon(PBR797) adopts a limited duration rights plan as a result of market volatility and uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, expires 03/10/21. $GRPN PR link.

AutoNation(PBR148) President/CEO since 07/19 Cheryl Miller taking a leave of absence for health reasons, Executive Chairman Mike Jackson to add President/CEO role until she returns. $AN PR link.

eBay(PBR287) hires Jamie Iannone as CEO and member of the Board effective 04/27/20. $EBAY PR link.

***Friday, April 10

Prudential Financial(PBR53) to sell Prudential of Korea to KB Financial Group for $1.9 billion, to close by 12/31/20. $PRU PR link.

3M(PBR98) files lawsuit against New Jersey based Performance Supply LLC, alleging illegal price gouging and deceptive trade practices in the sales of N95 respirators, charging 500-600% over 3M list prices on $45 million in orders from New York. $MMM PR link.

The US Dept of Treasury says the March 2020 US Federal Government Receipts are at $236.8 billion, Outlays $355.9 billion, for a Deficit of $119.1 billion, March 2019 Deficit was at $146.9 billion; 2020 YTD(6 months) Receipts are at $1.604 trillion, YTD Outlays $2.347 trillion, for a YTD Deficit of $743.6 billion, 2019 YTD Deficit was at $691.2 billion. USTreasury PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2020 Employee Current Average Earnings Per Hour is at $28.62, Average Hours Worked Per Week at 34.2, for Average Weekly Earnings of $978.80, -0.2% from February 2020, +2.2% from March 2019. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the March 2020 Consumer Price Index Monthly Change is at -0.4%, February 2020 was at +0.1%, January 2020 +0.1%, March 2019 +0.4%, March 2020 Last 12 Months Change is at +1.5%, February 2020 was at +2.3%, January 2020 +2.5%, March 2019 +1.9%. USDOL PR link.

***Thursday, April 9

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 15 ending 04/09/20:
(***Note: US stock exchanges are closed on 04/10/20 in observance of Good Friday.)

DJIA ends Week 15 at 23,719.37, +12.67% from last Friday, +8.22% MTD/QTD, -16.89% YTD, -19.74% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 15 at 8,153.58, +10.59% from last Friday, +5.89% MTD/QTD, -9.13% YTD, -16.95% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 15 at 2,789.82, +12.10% from last Friday, +7.94% MTD/QTD, -13.65 YTD, -17.61% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 15 News Summary: At the start of the shortened week there appeared some encouraging signs globally that the Coronavirus pandemic may be slowing, even though the US has not seen that yet in major hit areas like New York. Social distancing, wearing facemasks, and frequent washing of hands seems to be helping. Scientists working for major pharmaceuticals, research organizations and government labs are working hard and cooperatively to find cures and develop vaccines for Coronavirus. Manufacturers are ramping up to make more face masks, ventilators, and protective gear. Global economic news is still not solid but everyone pretty much agrees that there will be at least a short term major hit with some saying a full recovery might not happen until well into 2021 based on assumptions that could change rapidly and dramatically one way or another. The US economy took another big hit as the week’s initial unemployment jobs claims were over 6.6 million. Companies are still doing layoffs, furloughs, taking out loans, suspending share buyback programs, and senior executives are taking significant salary cuts as strategies for preserving cash at this time. Retailers and restaurants are adapting to and promoting curbside pickup and delivery services. Besides the US $2.2 trillion stimulus bill which is starting to be implemented, the US Fed at the end of the week announced a $2.3 trillion loan package for lenders, primarily to be used by the major banking systems to support businesses. The Saudi Arabia-Russia oil production and prices war continues, but there was some news that negotiations are ongoing and the issues could be resolved soon. The major US stock exchanges reacted positively in Week 15. The Stock Market Bull charged onto the pasture, appearing to be COVID-19 free now, and severely gored The Stock Market Bear, as all exchanges were up over 10% for the week. Nevertheless, The Stock Market Bear still has a significant lead year-to-date. The Markets experts are all over the place on whether to buy stocks now, hold off, or get out altogether. This is Holy Week for many people across the world, and there are many prayers being lifted up for health and minimal economic impact. Let’s hope those prayers continue to be lifted and answered in a positive way in the weeks to come.

The Week 15 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 7 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 7 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

Pfizer(PBR62) to pay an $185 million up front fee to BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) to jointly develop a COVID-19 vaccine, to pay a total of up to $748 million based on milestone achievements. $PFE PR link.

The US Federal Reserve takes additional actions to provide up to $2.3 trillion in loans to support the economy. USFed PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2020 Producer Price Index Total Monthly Final Demand is at -0.2%, February 2020 was at -0.6%, January 2020 +0.5%, March 2019 +0.4%, Last 12 Months +0.7%. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2020 Wholesale Sales-Durables is at $238.1 billion, Non-Durables $262.5 billion, Total $500.6 billion, -0.8% from January 2020, +1.1% from February 2019. USDOC PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary April 2020 Consumer Sentiment Index is at 71.0, March 2020 was at 89.1, February 2020 101.0, April 2019 97.2. “Consumers need to be prepared for a longer and deeper recession rather than the now discredited message that pent-up demand will spark a quick, robust, and sustained economic recovery.” UMichigan PR link.

***Wednesday, April 8

Wells Fargo(PBR26) gets approval from the US Federal Reserve to expand its participation in the Paycheck Protection Program and offer loans to a broader set of its small business and nonprofit customers subject to the terms of the program. $WFC PR link.

Walt Disney(PBR49)’s Disney+ streaming service now has 50+ million subscribers, launched 5 months ago, available in over dozen countries. $DIS PR link.

Medtronic(PBR101) gets US FDA Emergency Use Authorization for its Puritan Bennett™ 560 (PB560) ventilator, expects to manufacture over 25,000 ventilators across all product lines over next 6 months. $MDT PR link.

Spirit AeroSystems(PBR385) receives notice that deliveries to Boeing(PBR40)‘s facilities have been suspended because of coronavirus pandemic, Spirit reducing workforce by 3,200, initiates voluntary retirement program for 850 employees, plus additional cost cutting actions. $SPR PR link.

The Federal Open Market Committee releases the minutes from its 03/15/20 Special Meeting when it lowered the federal funds rate from 1.00-1.25% to 0.00-0.25%. FOMC PR link.

***Tuesday, April 7

Greenbrier(PBR720) has orders for 8,500 railcars valued at $815+ million, has a $3.2 billion backlog, because of coronavirus pandemic has reduced global workforce by 3,500, primarily in Mexico. $GBX PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary February 2020 Job Openings-Private is at 6,101,000, Government 782,000, Total Openings 6,883,000, January 2020 was at 7,012,000, February 2019 7,047,000. USDOL PR link.

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary February 2020 Consumer Credit Outstanding-Revolving is at $1.096 trillion, Non-Revolving $3.129 trillion, Total $4.226 trillion, +0.5% from January 2020, +4.6% from February 2019. USFed PR link.

FannieMae says the March 2020 US Home Purchase Sentiment Index is at 80.8, February 2020 was at 92.5, January 2020 93.0, February 2019 84.3. “… the HPSI dropped to its lowest level since December 2016, with Americans reporting greater concern about their job security than at any point in the last six years… ” FannieMae PR link.

The Purdue U/CME Group March 2020 US Ag Economy Barometer is at 121, February 2020 was at 168, January 2020 167, March 2019 133. “The point drop was the largest one-month fall in the life of the index, which dates to October 2015. Declines in agricultural commodity prices and concerns about the coronavirus crisis impact on the U.S. economy and agricultural sector weighed heavily on farmer sentiment in March.” PurdueU/CME Group PR link.

***Monday, April 6

3M(PBR98) and Trump Administration announce a plan to import 166.5 million respirators over the next three months primarily from China to support healthcare workers in the US, will work together to ensure that this plan does not create further humanitarian implications for countries currently fighting the COVID-19 outbreak, and committed to further collaborate to fight price gouging and counterfeiting, also enables 3M to continue US production of 35 million N25 respirators which can be distributed to Canada and Latin America markets. $MMM PR link.

Fifth Third Bancorp(PBR310) is hiring for nearly 1,000 positions in retail banking centers, mortgage and operations, including a significant number in its Cincinnati headquarters market. $FITB PR link.

Tractor Supply(PBR358) plans to immediately fill more than 5,000 full-time and part-time Team Member positions across its nearly 1,900 stores in 49 states and eight distribution centers. $TSCO PR link.

Stericycle(PBR659) completes $462.5 million cash sale of its 2,000 employees Domestic Environmental Solutions business, excluding the healthcare customer and unused consumer pharmaceutical take-back services, to Harsco(PBR943)$SRCL PR link.

Woodward(PBR749) and Hexcel(PBR866) have mutually agreed to terminate their all stock merger of equals agreement, cite business uncertainties as a result of coronavirus pandemic. $WWD PR link.

IBM(PBR38) has new CEO, Arvind Krishna, has interview with CNBC. $IBM PR link.

Calumet Specialty(PBR657) accelerates CEO transition, appoints board member Steve Mawer as CEO, effective immediately. $CLMT PR link.

SeaWorld(PBR971) CEO Serge Rivera resigns as CEO and Board member, CFO/Treasurer Marc Swanson appointed Interim CEO, Chief Accounting Officer Elizabeth Castro Gulacsy appointed Interim CFO/Treasurer, all effective immediately. $SEAS PR link.

***Friday, April 3

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 14 ending 04/03/20:

DJIA ends Week 14 at 21,052.53, -2.70% from last Friday, -3.94% MTD/QTD, -26.23% YTD, -28.76% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends Week 14 at 7,373.08, -1.72% from last Friday, -4.25% MTD/QTD, -17.83% YTD, -24.90% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends Week 14 at 2,488.65, -2.08% from last Friday, -3.71% MTD/QTD, -22.97 YTD, -26.51% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The Week 14 News Summary: With 1.1 million cases and nearly 59,000 deaths worldwide, and growing exponentially, the COVID-19 virus dominates the news. The US now has the most cases with nearly 274,000, deaths are just under 7,100. The effect is now starting to show up in the US economy. Initial unemployment cl.aims have hit nearly 10,000,000 in the past 2 weeks. Jobs reports by ADP and the US government this week started to show considerable work losses as well as companies of all sizes furlough or layoff their employees. The pandemic is expected to grow significantly in April, there are more and more supply chain logistics issues, stores are still having trouble keeping inventories of important items. At the same time Saudi Arabia and Russia are locked in battle over oil prices, which have nosedived. The US is in the middle of the negotiations, and it appears there might be a helpful resolution soon. US stock market exchanges were mixed going into Friday, but The Stock Market Bull was exhausted, confused, and a no-show. The Stock Market Bear takes Week 14 3-0, now leads the weekly tally, is totally dominate year-to-date, and near-term looks like he will continue to do so.

The Week 14 of 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 6 weeks
The Stock Market Bear: 7 weeks
Mixed Results: 1 week

3M(PBR98) issues statement saying it is in compliance and working with US government to be in compliance with the Defense Production Order Act regarding its manufacturing of N25 respirators during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, says it has secured approval from China to export to the US 10 million N95 respirators manufactured by 3M in China, expresses concerns that its production in the US not be made available to Canadian and Latin American markets is a humanitarian issue, and could result in retaliation. $MMM PR link.

Chico’s FAS(PBR872) adopts a limited duration shareholder rights plan, expires 04/01/21, response to COVID-19 virus pandemic and affect it might have financially. $CHS PR link.

Ocwen Financial(PBR997) provides an update on its financial situation, plans to have shareholders vote on a reverse stock split at 2020 annual meeting, date not yet set. $OCN PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the March 2020 US Total Employed is at 155,772,000, -2,987,000 from February 2020, -976,000 from March 2019; Total Unemployed is at 7,141,000, +1,354,000 from February 2020, +929,000 from March 2019, Unemployment Rate is at 4.4%, February 2020 was at 3.5%, March 2019 3.8%. USDOL PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the March 2020 US Non-Manufacturing Index(>50% economy growing) is at 52.5%, February 2020 was at 57.9%, January 2020 55.5%, March 2019 56.1%. ISM PR link.

IHS Markit says the March 2020 US Composite PMI Output Index is at 40.9, February 2020 was at 49.6, January 2020 53.3, March 2019 54.6. “The marked decrease in business activity stemmed mainly from the outbreak of COVID-19 and the impact of measures to contain the virus spread on companies and households across the country.” IHS Markit PR link.

The John Hopkins U CSSE Dept says the Global COVID-19 Virus Cumulative Case Tally on 04/03/20 is at 1.07 million, with 55,761 deaths. JHU CSSE PR link.

***Thursday, April 2

DaVita Healthcare(PBR273) to hire at least 15,000 new employees throughout 2020, available positions range from care giving roles in centers across the US to corporate support roles. $DVA PR link.

Perrigo(PBR539) completes $113 million in cash acquisition in bankruptcy sale of the oral care assets of High Ridge Brands, assets include leading children’s oral care value brand, Firefly®, in addition to the REACH® and Dr. Fresh® brands. $PRGO PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the US Initial Unemployment Claims for the Week Ending 03/28/20 is 6,648,000, for 03/21/20 it was 3,307,000, 03/14/20 282,000. USDOL PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2020 US New Orders-Durable Goods is at $249.5 billion, Non-Durable Goods $247.9 billion, Total $497.4 billion, -0.0% from January 2020, +0.1% from February 2019. USDOC PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2020 Exports-Goods is at $137.2 billion, Services $70.3 billion, Total Exports $207.5 billion; Imports-Goods is at $198.4 billion, Services $49.1 billion, Total Services $247.5 billion, Total Deficit $39.9 billion, Total Exports YTD(2 months) is at $415.9 billion, Total Imports YTD $501.3 billion, Total Deficit YTD $85.4 billion, Total February 2019 Deficit YTD was at $105.1 billion. USDOC PR link.

***Wednesday, April 1

T-Mobile US(PBR69) completes $59 billion acquisition of Sprint(PBR90), John Legere hands off CEO role to Mike Sievert. $TMUS PR link.

Altria(PBR116) says it will defend its $12.8 billion minority investment in JUUL after the US Federal Trade Commission files an administrative complaint. $MO PR link.

Genworth Financial(PBR349) sale to China Oceanwide for $5.43/share, $2.7 billion cash close extended from 03/31/20 to 06/30/20, but hopes to close sometime in 05/20, needs Delaware regulatory approval, approval of financing by China regulators. $GNW PR link.

Whiting Petroleum(PBR877) files for Chapter 11 in US Bankruptcy Court, has more than $585 million of cash on its balance sheet and will continue to operate its business in the normal course without material disruption. $WLL PR link.

ADP says the Preliminary March 2020 US Change in Private Sector Employment-Small Sized Businesses(1-49 Employees) is at -90,000, Mid Sized(50-499) +7,000, Large Sized(500 or more) +56,000, Total -27,000, February 2020 was at +179,000, January 2020 +205,000, March 2019 +165,000. ADP PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2020 US Construction Spending-Residential is at $571.6 billion, Non-Residential $795.1, Total $1.367 trillion, -1.3% from January 2020, +6.0% from February 2019. USDOC PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the Preliminary March 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index(,50% economy contracting) is at 49.1%, February 2020 was at 50.1%, January 2020 50.9%, March 2019 55.3%. “Comments from the panel were negative regarding the near-term outlook, with sentiment clearly impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and energy market volatility.” ISM PR link.

IHS Markit says the March 2020 US Manufacturing PMI Index is at 48.5, February 2020 was at 50.7, January 2020 51.9, March 2019 52.4. “March data indicated a moderate deterioration in operating conditions across the U.S. manufacturing sector. Driving the overall decline were the sharpest downturns in output and new orders since the financial crisis in 2009 amid weak domestic and foreign demand conditions following the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).” IHS Markit PR link.

***Tuesday, March 31

The PBRMarketTools US Stock Exchanges Recap for the month of March ending 03/31/20:
DJIA ends March at 21,917.16, +1.30% from last Friday, -13.74% MTD, -23.20% QTD/YTD, -25.83% from record 29,551.42 set 02/12/20.

NASDAQ ends March at 7,700.10, +2.64% from last Friday, -10.12% MTD, -14.18% QTD/YTD, -21.57% from record 9,817.18 set 02/19/20.

SPX ends March at 2,584.59, +1.70% from last Friday, -12.51% MTD, -20.00% QTD/YTD, -23.67% from record 3,386.15 set 02/19/20.

The March 2020 News Summary: The news of the month was dominated by the COVID-19 virus pandemic. Stock exchanges worldwide have taken a significant dip. World and US economic data, which usually lags 1-3 months, is starting to show some of the impact. Supply chains are becoming disrupted. There is a run at grocery stores on almost all items, essential and non-essential. In the US manufacturing of face masks and much needed ventilators is ramping up. New York City has been especially hard hit, as well as California and the State of Washington. People are being strongly encouraged, and in some states it has been mandated, to stay at home and avoid contact with others as much as possible. A massive national $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill was created, passed and was signed into law quickly and with bipartisan support, another $2 trillion is being suggested for infrastructure issues. In China the rate of new cases has started dropping dramatically, in the US the forecast is that April will be the big month. The Stock Market Bear and his friend COVID-19 had several big feast days during the month. The Stock Market Bull tried to fight back and did have a few significant recovery days, but it was not nearly enough. The Stock Market Bear is undefeated so far in 2020, seems to have the momentum and appears energized to possibly do more of the same in April. Expert opinions vary, many of whom have their own agendas. Stay safe, do your research and due diligence, and wish you all the best in April!

The Month of March 2020 tally YTD is:
The Stock Market Bull: 0 months
The Stock Market Bear: 2 months
Mixed Results: 1 month

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