The PBR1000 Summary: Activision Blizzard(NASDAQ: ATVI)

The PBR1000 Summary: Activision Blizzard, Inc(NASDAQ: ATVI)

ATVI ActivisionBlizzard PBR1000

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

The PBR1000 Summary: Activision Blizzard, Inc(NASDAQ: ATVI)

Business Description: “We create the most epic interactive gaming and entertainment experiences on earth immersing players in new, unimagined worlds. Our products help build community and create social platforms that bring people together. We are relentlessly curious, pushing the boundaries of what is possible to create games of our dreams—and yours. To put it simply, our goal is to make every day more fun with games such as Candy Crush™, Call of Duty®, World of Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Hearthstone® and Diablo®.”

Business Name: Activision Blizzard, Inc.
Fiscal Year Ending Month: December

Stock Price and Analyst Estimates for ATVI on 07/23/21:

  • Stock Price: $91.50
  • Average 12 Month Stock Price Target: $116.09
  • Estimated 12 Month Change: +26.87%
  • Analysts Recommendation: Buy, 4.59/5.00, based on 34 estimates

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for ATVI on 07/23/21:

  • 357 By Annual Revenues: $8.086 billion(12/31/20)
  • 112 By Market Capitalization: $74.16 billion(06/30/21)
  • 282 By Assets: $23.109 billion(12/31/20)
  • 596 By Employees: 9,500(12/31/20)

To get the complete profile for ATVI and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here!

On July 2, 2021, ATVI was on The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks. To find out who else is click here! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors

Through The PBR1000 US Public Companies Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. research should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The Week 22 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 22 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

Stock Market PBR1000 Snapshots Recap

It was a short 4 day trading week and the Friday jobs report showed lower gains than expected. But the number was large enough for The Stock Market Bull to have a big day and come from behind to get the 3-0 win in Week 22.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 22 of 2021 Ending 06/04/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 21 34,529.45 13,748.74 4,204.11
Week 22 34,756.39 13,814.49 4,229.89
Percent Change-Week 0.66% 0.48% 0.61%
Percent Change-Month 0.66% 0.48% 0.61%
Percent Change-Quarter 5.38% 4.28% 6.47%
Percent Change-YTD 13.56% 7.19% 12.61%
Percent Change-Record -0.06% -2.29% -0.41%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 22 Winner and Tally  Bull 3-0 Win
May Winner and Tally Bull 2-1 Mixed Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 10 3 Winning
The Stock Market Bear 7 0 Losing
Mixed Result 5 2
  Totals 22 5

US Stock Exchanges Week 22 Summary:

On Monday the US stock exchanges were closed in observance of Memorial Day. The Stock Market Bear got a mixed result on a subdued start of a new month Tuesday. The Stock Market Bull took Wednesday on a equally quiet day. On Thursday The Stock Market Bear returned, won all 3 indices, with the NASDAQ having a particularly bad day. On Friday the US jobs report came out. The result was a lower than expected number, but it was still high enough for optimism to prevail. The Stock Market Bull comes from behind with a solid win on Friday to take a come from behind 3-0 victory for Week 22 and with the DJIA and S&P500 closing just below records.

Week 22 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 06/04/21, at 1:23PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 172,315,808 confirmed cases globally with 3,705,200 deaths, +190,279 from last week, which is +109,551 from the prior week. For the US it is 33,337,659 confirmed cases and 596,910 deaths, +3,065 from last week, which is -1,645 from the prior week. Some states and businesses are offering creative incentives to get vaccinated. For example, California gave out its first round of 15 $50,000 rewards to vaccinated people in a lottery type model. President Biden is pushing for a 70% vaccination rate by July 4th, and Anheuser-Busch has responded by saying it provide a free beer to those aged 21+ when the goal is met. Ages 12 and up are now vaccination eligible, vaccines are readily available, and there will be a big promotional push with Vice President Kamala Harris in charge. The US is also making commitments to ship some vaccines to other countries based on infection rates and logistics.

US Federal Government: President Biden continues to meet with key Republicans regarding the infrastructure development plan and appears to be willing to make some major concessions to make something happen. This week he signaled that the proposed 28% corporate tax rate was negotiable and mentioned a 15% minimum rate as a compromise. Another round of discussions are scheduled for next week. The recent cybersecurity issues with businesses and governmental institutions are becoming a greater danger forcing the government to be more active in assessing the events, chasing down the bad actors, and bolstering security defenses.

US Economy: The US Dept of Commerce said Construction Spending was up +0.2% in April. IHS Markit and ISM manufacturing surveys indicated continued growth, but with concerns about supplier issues and hiring skilled people. The Federal Reserve Beige Book showed that the economy is being perceived as picking up. ADP said the private sector added 976,000 jobs in May, with a big percentage of that being from the Services Sector. These results corresponded with the IHS Markit and ISM services surveys. The US Dept of Labor said the US economy created 559,000 jobs in May, below expectations, but still a good number, and the unemployment rate fell from 6.1% to 5.8%. Weekly initial jobless claims fell to 385,000 at the end of May, another positive sign. Mortgage rates continued to be just below 3% for 30 year fixed mortgages. While potential inflation continues to be a concern for many, the Federal Reserve members continues to say that it is temporary and will moderate over the longer term.

Corporate News: Etsy(PBR921) is buying global fashion resale marketplace Depop for $1.6 billion. Southwestern Energy(PBR818) agrees to pay $2.7 billion for privately held natural gas producer Indigo Natural Resources. Blackstone(PBR441) is acquiring International Data Group for $1.3 billion. AMC Entertainment(PBR983) raises $587 million from a sale of 11.55 million shares through an offering in the continuing saga of meme stocks. Staples offers $1 billion to acquire Office Depot and OfficeMax consumer assets from parent ODP(PBR302). Kinder Morgan(PBR254) is acquiring Stagecoach Gas Services for $1.225 billion. CSX(PBR283) is doing a 3-1 stock split on 06/28/21. Trane Technologies(PBR236) President/COO Dave Regnery is to become CEO on 07/01/21. Chemours Company(PBR512) COO Mark Newman will become President/CEO on 07/01/21. Tyson Foods(PBR71) President/CEO Dean Banks has stepped down for personal reasons, COO Donnie King is his successor. Hillenbrand(PBR779) President/CEO Joe A. Raver is retiring at the end of 2021, EVP Kimberly K. Ryan is named successor. The GEO Group(PBR811) Chairman/CEO/Founder George C. Zoley to become Executive Chairman and board member Jose Gordo to become CEO on 07/01/21.

Society: It was a relatively quiet week, starting Monday with Memorial Day being commemorated across the US.

International News: Longtime Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to struggle to build a coalition government and is in danger of losing his position. June 4th marked the 22nd anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Incident in China.

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If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page for more information and to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy StocksThe PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions!

The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors
Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 May 2021 Top 5 Stocks Snapshots

The PBR1000 May 2021 Top 5 Stocks

A Mixed Result for The Stock Market Bull

stocks stockmarket bull bear PBR1000

The Stock Market Bull gets a mixed 2-1 win in May 2021 because The Stock Market Bear managed to hold onto the NASDAQ, who remains winless on a monthly basis for 2021.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 21  and May of 2021 Ending 05/28/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 20 Close 34,207.84 13,470.99 4,155.86
Week 21 & May Close(05/28/21) 34,529.45 13,748.74 4,204.11
Percent Change-Week 0.94% 2.06% 1.16%
Percent Change-Month 1.93% -1.53% 0.55%
Percent Change-QTD 4.69% 3.79% 5.82%
Percent Change-YTD 12.82% 6.68% 11.93%
Percent Change-Record -0.71% -2.76% -0.67%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 21 Winner and Tally  Bull 3-0 Win
May Winner and Tally Bull 2-1 Mixed Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 9 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 7 0
Mixed Result 5 2
  Totals 21 5

US Stock Exchanges Week 21 and May 2021 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull made a determined charge and had a good day at the pasture on Monday. The Stock Market Bear attempted a rather half-hearted but nevertheless moderately successful day on Tuesday. The rest of the week The Stock Market Bull prevailed, not dramatically, more like a relaxed grazing time with The Stock Market Bear out of sight, who was more occupied with making plans for the 3 day Memorial Day weekend. The Stock Market Bull gets an easy 3-0 win for Week 21, but has to settle for a mixed 2-1 result for May.



The May 2021 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 20

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 13+/7-; NASDAQ 8+/12-; SPX 11+/9-.

Record Days: DJIA 3, NASDAQ 0, SPX 1, Total 4

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 5 days(05/03-07/21)NASDAQ 2 days(05/06-07/21, 05/13-14/21),  and SPX 3 days(05/05-07/21, 05/26-28/21)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3 days(05/10-12/21, 05/17-19/21)NASDAQ 3 days(05/03-05/21, 05/10-12/21, 05/17-19/21), and SPX 2 days(05/10-12/21, 05/17-19/21)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 4 days, 05/13/21( D +1.29%, S +1.22%), 05/14/21(D +1.06%, N +2.32%, S +1.49%), 05/20/21(N +1.77%, S +1.03%), 05/24/21(N +1.41%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 4 days, 05/04/21(N -1.88%), 05/10/21(N -2.55%, S -1.04%), 05/11/21(D -1.36%), 05/12/21(D -1.99%, N -2.67%, S -2.14%)


The PBR1000 May 2021 Top 5 Stocks Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 May 2021 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on May 28, 20211 Month % Chg is compared to April 30, 202112 Months % Chg is compared to May 29, 2020, the 24 Months % Chg is compared to May 31, 2019, and 60 Months % Chg is compared to May 31, 2016. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the May 2021 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 28 rankings with the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.


Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +161% to -43%628 out of 998 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 0.53%, the median was a gain of 1.12%. The DJIA was +1.93%, NASDAQ -1.53%, SPX +0.55%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
AMC Entertainment 983 AMC $ 26.15 +161 +410 +118 -9
Peabody Energy 731 BTU $ 6.63 +79 +110 -72 n/a
Tenneco 194 TEN $ 15.69 +56 +132 +58 -71
Chico’s FAS 975 CHS $ 4.65 +55 +244 +38 -57
RR Donnelley 529 RRD $ 6.41 +48 +488 +187 -61


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +5,368% to -81%934 out of 982 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 49.10%, the median was a gain of 56.72%. The DJIA was +36.03%, NASDAQ +44.88%, SPX +38.10%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
GameStop 506 GME $ 222.00 +28 +5,368 +2,829 +663
Hovnanian 812 HOV $ 142.43 +7 +771 +1,399 +200
Tupperware 915 TUP $ 25.61 +5 +693 +38 -55
Titan International 981 TWI $ 9.29 -14 +655 +120 +47
BlueLinx 685 BXC $ 50.45 -0 +631 +151 +621


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +2,829% to -98%832 out of 978 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 45.70%. The median was a gain of 42.59%. The DJIA was +39.15%, NASDAQ +84.47%, SPX +52.76%.


Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
GameStop 506 GME $ 222.00 +28 +5,368 +2,829 +663
Tesla Motors 95 TSLA $ 625.22 -12 +274 +1,588 +1,300
Owens & Minor 341 OMI $ 44.71 +24 +464 +1,562 +20
Hovnanian 812 HOV $ 142.43 +7 +771 +1,399 +200
RH 733 RH $ 640.70 -7 +195 +652 +1,826


Table 4(R21): The PBR1000 Top 5 60 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 4 Summary: The range was +2,235% to -88%733 out of 917 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 108.49%. The median was a gain of 66.15%. The DJIA was +94.13%, NASDAQ +177.86%, SPX +100.49%.


Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
Square 311 SQ $ 222.52 -9 +174 +255 +2,235
RH 733 RH $ 640.70 -7 +195 +652 +1,826
Etsy 921 ETSY $ 164.73 -17 +103 +164 +1,681
AMD 299 AMD $ 80.08 -2 +49 +192 +1,652
Tesla Motors 95 TSLA $ 125.22 -12 +274 +1,588 +1,300


Table 5(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 5 Summary: The range was $2,207 billion to $0.04 billion. The average is $41.133 billionmedian is $11.96 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
1 Mo
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Apple 3 AAPL $ 2,079 -6 +51 +153
Microsoft 15 MSFT $ 1,880 -1 +37 +95
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,625 -7 +36 +82
Alphabet 9 GOOG $ 1,596 -1 +65 +105
Facebook 32 FB $ 932 +1 +45 +78
The PBR1000
  $ 41,133 +0 +45 +57


Table 6: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 132,520.76 +0.5 +49.1 +45.7 +108.5
DJIA 34,529.45 +1.9 +36.0 +39.2 +94.13
NASDAQ 13,748.74 -1.5 +44.9 +84.5 +177.9
S&P500 4,204.11 +0.6 +38.1 +52.8 +100.5
GOLD 1,906.30 +7.8 +9.4 +45.4 +56.6
OIL 66.63 +4.8 +88.7 +24.5 +35.7
SOYBEANS 1,530.50 -0.2 +82.0 +74.2 +41.9


If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors

Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. provides research only which should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Top graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for Investing on 05/28/21!

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for Investing!

Investing Stocks PBR25 PBR1000

Each month PBRMarketTools provides a list of 25 top buy stocks candidates, called The PBR25, in which to consider investing.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks on 05/28/21 Summary

– Average Recommendation: 4.66/5.00
– Average Recommendations Range: 4.53-4.92/5.00
– Average Number of Recommendations: 27
– Average Number of Buy Recommendations: 21
– Range of Number of Buy Recommendations: 10 to 43
– Average Estimated 12 Month Return: +29.9%
– Estimated 12 Month Return Range: +21.2% to +134.8%
– NYSE: 15 companies, NASDAQ: 10 companies
– Average Return since 05/29/20(12 mos): +39.0%
– DJIA Return since 03/31/20: +36.0%
– NASDAQ Return since 03/31/20: +44.9%
– S&P500 Return since 03/31/20: +38.1%
– Stock Price Range: $7.94 to $3,223.07
– Total The PBR25 Market Capitalization: $2,931.26 billion
– Market Capitalization Range: $3.11 billion to $1,625.47 billion
– Turnover: 13 Buy stocks from the 04/30/21 list remain, 12 new ones were added

The PBR25 is a great timesaver for evaluating investing in highly rated stocks for your portfolio and available for a very affordable investment.

The PBR25 is a subset of our popular and more comprehensive The PBR1000, which is made up of

  • publicly held companies
  • that trade on a major US stock exchange,
  • have annual revenues of at least $1 billion,
  • file annual 10-K reports with the US Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC),
  • and have headquarters or primary operations in the US.

The PBR1000 companies combined generate over 50% of all goods and services revenues in the US.

The PBR25 contains on a single page in PDF format key information on 25 stocks  which highly regarded analysts have given a “Buy” recommendation. The PBR25 is based on around 15,000 analyst recommendations. You will also get the MS-Excel records for all 25 Buy recommendations plus the over 200 data points and hotlinks to critical information from The PBR1000 master data set. It is an invaluable tool for researching high probability of success investing opportunities.

The PBR25 is created each month by sorting The PBR1000 by Analyst Recommendation and then by total number of recommendations. The top 25 with a Buy recommendation are selected and sorted by the Estimated 12 Month Return. On a 1-5 basis, a Buy recommendation has a weighted average greater than 4.50.

Data on the PDF report includes: Rank By Estimated 12 Month Return; Company Name; Last Fiscal Year Earnings Per Share; Last Fiscal Year Dividend; End of Previous Month Stock Price; Trading Symbol; Stock Exchange;  Average 12 Month Analyst Target Stock Price; Estimated 12 Month % Return; Analysts Overall Recommendation; Number of Analyst Recommendations for Buy, Outperform, Hold, Underperform, and Sell; Recommedation Weighted Average; Stock Price % Change from the previous month, last 24 months, past 60 months, and; Market Capitalization. It also includes the DJIA, NASDAQ, and S&P500 indexes for comparison purposes.

When you sign up you will be directed to a download for the current issue printable PDF version of The PBR25, which will also be emailed to you, along with the MS-Excel version, which you can then customize for your own personal evaluations. Subsequent issues will be emailed to you a few days after the last day of each month for 12 months, both in PDF and MS-Excel formats.

Here’s the order information for a monthly or discounted annual option:

Payment Options

Thank you for your order, we look forward to your investing success!

Have questions? Please use the Contact Us page.

Disclaimer: PBRMarketTools is an independent provider of business and markets news, data, and analytics only. It is not affiliated with any financial service, financial advisory firm or stock brokerage company. Our research analytics are not to be regarded as recommendations or advice.

PBR1000 Investing Investors

Empowering Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The Week 21 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 21 and May of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

stocks stock market bull bear investing PBR1000

The Stock Market Bull gets a mixed 2-1 win in May 2021 because The Stock Market Bear managed to hold onto the NASDAQ, who remains winless on a monthly basis for 2021.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 21  and May of 2021 Ending 05/28/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 20 34,207.84 13,470.99 4,155.86
Week 21 34,529.45 13,748.74 4,204.11
Percent Change-Week 0.94% 2.06% 1.16%
Percent Change-Month 1.93% -1.53% 0.55%
Percent Change-Quarter 4.69% 3.79% 5.82%
Percent Change-YTD 12.82% 6.68% 11.93%
Percent Change-Record -0.71% -2.76% -0.67%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 21 Winner and Tally  Bull 3-0 Win
May Winner and Tally Bull 2-1 Mixed Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 9 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 7 0
Mixed Result 5 2
  Totals 21 5

US Stock Exchanges Week 21 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull made a determined charge and had a good day at the pasture on Monday. The Stock Market Bear attempted a rather half-hearted but nevertheless moderately successful day on Tuesday. The rest of the week The Stock Market Bull prevailed, not dramatically, more like a relaxed grazing time with The Stock Market Bear out of sight, who was more occupied with making plans for the 3 day Memorial Day weekend. The Stock Market Bull gets an easy 3-0 win for Week 21, but has to settle for a mixed 2-1 result for May.

Week 21 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 05/28/21, at 2:20PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 169,148,029 confirmed cases globally with 3,514,921 deaths, +80,728 from last week, which is -4,513 from the prior week. For the US it is 33,234,714 confirmed cases and 593,845 deaths, +4,710 from last week, which is +648 from the prior week. Over 50% of US adults are now fully vaccinated. Vaccines are readily available across the US for ages 12 and up. Many poorer countries continue to struggle to get vaccines and have higher infection rates. There is some talk about needing booster shots in the future to counter COVID-19 variants and some pharmaceuticals are gearing up development. The cause of the initial outbreak in China is once again making news, with the US and the World Health Organization talking about putting together a commission to determine the source.

US Federal Government: US President Joe Biden’s administration’s revised $1.7 billion infrastructure development plan has been met with a Republican counter proposal for $928 billion. President Biden has also offered up a proposed $6 trillion US budget for the 2022 fiscal year and which will most assuredly also meet resistance.

US Economy: The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago reports that the US National Activity Index for April is at +0.24, indicating moderate economic growth. New Family Home Sales for April dropped 5.9% from March to an annual rate of 863,000 homes. FreddieMac said the average 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate dropped to 2.95% with 0.7 points/fees. The S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller indicated that US Home Prices in March grew 13.2% from the previous year. The TrueCar forecast for May New Auto Sales is at 1,509,221 units, a 35.8% increase over the previous year. The Conference Board Preliminary May Consumer Confidence Index is at 117.2, a slight drop from April, and approaching pre-pandemic levels. US Weekly Initial Job Claims took a nice dip to 406,000 for the week ending 05/22/21. The 2nd estimate of the US Annual Real Gross Domestic Product for 1Q21 remained at +6.4%. The US April Personal Annual Income Rate is at $21.195 trillion, a drop of 13.1% from March, an effect caused by stimulus checks having been paid in March. The American Automobile Association says the average price for a gallon of regular gas on 05/28/21 is at $3.044, it was $1.972 on 05/29/20. The US Treasury says the US National Debt on 05/25/21 was at $28.188 trillion, it was $25.752 trillion on 05/31/20. On 05/28/21 the yield on a 10 Year US Treasury Note is at 1.58%, it was 0.65% on 05/29/20. On 05/28/21 it would cost $1.2195 to buy a Euro. The University of Michigan Final May Consumer Sentiment Index is at 82.9, April was at 88.3, May 2020 was at 72.3.

Corporate News: Cabot Oil & Gas(PBR956) and Cimarex Energy(PBR939) to merge in an all stock deal, will create a new company with an enterprise value of $17 billion. IAC(PBR698) completes spin-off of its Vimeo unit as an independent public company. Amazon(PBR2) to acquire MGM for $8.45 billion. Amazon(PBR2) announces Andy Jassy will become its CEO on 07/05/21, succeeds Jeff Bezos who becomes Executive Chairman.  Mondelez(PBR102) to acquire Greece-based Chipita for $2 billion. There were some initial public offerings during the week. Airlines are seeing increased passenger traffic, cruise lines announced some summer voyages departure dates, and theme parks are opening as the COVID-19 pandemic starts to subside and more relaxed rules are implemented.

Society: It was a relatively quiet week, which included the 1 year remembrance of the death of George Floyd on 05/25/20 by a Minneapolis policeman who has since been convicted.

International News: The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has held so far with more details being worked out. US President Biden and Russia President Putin have agreed to meet in Geneva, Switzerland, on 06/16/21 to discuss relations between the two countries. The Russian government continues to deny it has anything to do with cyberattacks on US organizations.

More Resources:

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter!

PBRMarketTools Info:

If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page for more information and to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy StocksThe PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions!

The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors
Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 Summary: Baker Hughes(NYSE: BKR)

The PBR1000 Summary: Baker Hughes(NYSE: BKR)

BKR BakerHughes PBR1000

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

The PBR1000 Summary: Baker Hughes(NYSE: BKR)

Business Description: “Baker Hughes is an energy technology company that provides solutions to energy and industrial customers worldwide. Built on a century of experience and with operations in over 120 countries, our innovative technologies and services are taking energy forward – making it safer, cleaner and more efficient for people and the planet.”

Business Name: Baker Hughes Corporation
Ticker: NYSE: BKR
Fiscal Year Ending Month: December

Stock Price and Analyst Estimates for BKR on 08/06/21:

  • Stock Price: $21.19
  • Average 12 Month Stock Price Target: $27.63
  • Estimated 12 Month Change: +30.39%
  • Analysts Recommendation: Buy, 4.59/5.00, based on 27 estimates

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for BKR as of 08/06/21:

  • 134 By Annual Revenues: $20.705 billion(12/31/20)
  • 341 By Market Capitalization: $22.14 billion(07/30/21)
  • 203 By Assets: $38.007 billion(12/31/20)
  • 149 By Employees: 55,000(12/31/20)

To get the complete profile for BKR and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here!

On July 30, 2021, BKR was on The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks. To find out who else is click here! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors

Through The PBR1000 US Public Companies Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. research should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The Week 20 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 20 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

stocks stock market bull bear PBR1000

The Stock Market Bull wins only one day on the NASDAQ, but it was big enough, The Stock Market Bear has to settle for a mixed 2-1 result in Week 20.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 20  of 2021 Ending 05/21/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 19 34,382.13 13,429.98 4,173.85
Week 20 34,207.84 13,470.99 4,155.86
Percent Change-Week -0.51% 0.31% -0.43%
Percent Change-Month 0.98% -3.52% -0.61%
Percent Change-Quarter 3.72% 1.69% 4.61%
Percent Change-YTD 11.77% 4.52% 10.64%
Percent Change-Record -1.64% -4.72% -1.81%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 20 Winner and Tally  Bear 2-1 Mixed Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 7 0
Mixed Result 5 1
  Totals 20 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 20 Summary:

Week 20 was almost a duplicate of Week 19. The Stock Market Bear came out strong again on the first 3 days. But The Stock Market Bull decided to show up at the pasture and took Thursday in a big way, especially the NASDAQ. Friday was a split with The Stock Market Bull taking only the DJIA. The Thursday win by a large margin on Thursday by The Stock Market Bull spoils The Stock Market Bear‘s effort to ace 2 weeks in a row. Week 20 was a lot less volatile than Week 19 and The Stock Market Bear has to settle for a 2-1 mixed result. Week 21 will be the last week for May and unless something dramatic happens, May will probably end with a mixed result as well.

Week 20 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 05/21/21, at 2:21PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 165,713,514 confirmed cases globally with 3,434,193 deaths, +85,241 from last week, which is -2,728 from the prior week. For the US it is 33,079,478 confirmed cases and 589,135 deaths, +4,062 from last week, which is -207 from the prior week. Vaccines are readily available, there is really no excuse to not get vaccinated unless your personal beliefs are against such vaccinations. The CDC’s lowering recommendations for using masks has caused some confusion. India and Brazil cases and deaths rise again in the week.

US Federal Government: US President Joe Biden’s administration has lowered the proposed infrastructure development plan from $1.9 trillion to $1.7 trillion in an effort to get enough Republicans to accept the plan.

US Economy: The Federal Open Market Committee released the minutes of its late April meeting. Inflation, short term interest rates adjustments, and bond buying programs generated a lot more discussion than in previous sessions. The Federal Reserve also indicated that it will be making some comments about digital currencies in the next few months. Weekly initial jobless claims took another downward dip to 444,000, the lowest since the start of the pandemic, but above the around 250,000 before the pandemic. The housing starts annual rate indicated a disappointing drop, but permits issued were up. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index held steady in spite of increased costs for lumber and other materials. FreddieMac said the average 30 year fixed mortgage rate rose slightly to 3.0% with 0.6 points and fees. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia manufacturing survey was lower, but still well into positive territory, a similar result for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Conference Board leading economic index took a nice +1.6% jump in April. The National Association of Realtors said April existing home sales fell 2.7% from March to a 5.85 million annual rate.

Corporate Business: It is the tail end of 1Q21 corporate earnings reports and they were generally mixed. Share buyback programs are being reinstituted by several companies. IPOs continue to be popular and some were launched during the week. Ford debuts its all electric F-150 truck and announces a joint venture for 2 batteries factories. Mergers and acquisitions seemed to make a jump in the week as well, especially among tech companies.

Society: It was another quiet week, with much of the news still being on COVID-19 vaccination efforts and cautious optimism as the economy continues to reopen.

International News: A ceasefire was agreed to between Israel and Hamas, but details were still being worked out. As mentioned earlier, India, Brazil and some other countries continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases.

More Resources:

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter!

PBRMarketTools Info:

If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page for more information and to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy StocksThe PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions!

The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors
Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks April 2020 12 Month Report Card

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks April 2020 12 Month Report Card

Stocks PBR25 PBR1000 Report Card Subscribe

The April 2020 ThePBR25 became ThePBR24, gets an ‘A’ for its 12 Month Report Card.

By Larry C. Paxton

Welcome to The April 2020 The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks 12 Month Report Card.

As investors we count on professional stock analysts to provide comprehensive and diligent research to come up with their best take on how stocks will perform over the next 12 months. We then use that information to help us make stock buy, hold and sell decisions.

The PBR25 Premise

The premise of The PBR25 is that there is a high probability of success for stock investing when a large enough number professional stock analysts through their extensive research determine that a stock is a “Buy” and also forecasts a significant return over the next 12 months. PBRMarketTools assigns a Report Card grade based on how the stock analysts did.

Last 12 Months Influences

Since April 2020 a lot has happened that was not predicted and not part of analyst estimates at that time:

  • The COVID-19 Pandemic: It had become a reality, governments were trying to adjust, pharmaceuticals were developing and starting the testing process of potential vaccines. COVID-19 cases and deaths were accelerating. There were still a lot of unknowns, the future uncertain. Lockdowns were occurring, companies were closing or downsizing. Small businesses, especially restaurants and bars were trying to figure out what to do. Communications methods had changed dramatically with applications like Zoom being used by workers and family and friends. Toilet paper was still difficult to find. Amazon and other e-commerce businesses were ramping up their logistics capabilities. Jobs were still being lost. 12 months later much of the economy has recovered, COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for emergency use and are becoming plentiful. In most developed countries the cases and death rates are starting to drop, but is still a major issue in some countries like India and Brazil. The US has had 3 major rounds of stimulus checks for most people, but that has also increased national debt significantly. Economic policies are cautiously being implemented and monitored. Masking policies are starting to be lifted as more of the populations are vaccinated. There is a strong sense of optimism. The pandemic is no longer the headline news each day.
  • In May 2020 George Floyd, a black man, died a very visible death with his neck under the knee of a policeman. Other similar types of incidents occurred as well. The response was a lot of  civil unrest. The policeman was convicted of all charges by a jury in April 2021, but racial inequality concerns are still very present.
  • There was a very contentious 2020 US Presidential campaign that exacerbated how fractured the US is politically. New President Biden has been in office for a few months now, there seems to be a general sense of acceptance, and certainly the political environment has become a lot less volatile.

There is a lot more that can be said, but this is not meant to be an opinions post. It is a piece focused on the review of the recommendations stock analysts came up with at the end of March 2020 and the actual results 12 months later at the end of April 2021. PBRMarketTools is calling this a Report Card.

Creating The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks List for April 2020

The starting point is the prestigious The PBR1000, produced monthly by PBRMarketTools. To be included in The PBR1000 the 1,000 companies must meet the following criteria:

  • The companies must be publicly traded on the NYSE, NYSE American or NASDAQ stock exchanges, with a very few temporarily trading on the Over-The-Counter market because they are transitioning from bankruptcy.
  • They must be headquartered in the US or have primary operations in the US.
  • They must have generated at least $1 billion in revenues in their most recent full fiscal year.
  • They must file an annual 10-K form with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in US dollars
  • Each of the 1,000 companies is given a primary ranking based on revenues, with the company having the highest revenue amount ranked 1(currently Walmart). There are 27 secondary rankings in The PBR1000 based on other criteria as well.

Each month the 12 month estimates and recommendations by stock analysts are updated on The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks list for April 2020 was then created using the following process:

  • At any point in time The PBR1000 has around 15,000 stock analyst recommendations.
  • The PBR1000 was sorted by stock analyst recommendations.
  • Those stocks rated a “Buy” were then further sorted by the number of “Buy” recommendations.
  • For April 2020 a cut off of at least 12 “Buy” recommendations was then sorted by each stock’s weighted average, with a Buy being worth 5 points, Overweight 4 points, Hold 3 points, Underweight 2 points and Sell 1 point. The maximum weighted average is 5.00. For a stock to achieve a “Buy” recommendation its weighted average must be greater than 4.50.
  • The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks list was finalized by doing a descending sort by the weighted averages.

Characteristics of The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for April 2020

  • The PBR25 data for April 2020 is from May 1, 2020
  • Revenue rankings were from 2(Amazon) to 897(Parsley Energy, which was acquired in January, 2021. Magellan Midstream Partners was the next lowest, ranked at 778.)
  • Market capitalization(company stock value) ranged from $3.53 billion(OneMain Holdings) to $1,349.54 billion(Microsoft). Total market capitalization for all The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks was $4,352.46 billion
  • Weighted averages ranged from 4.65 to 5.00, the average was 4.74, on the 5.00 scale.
  • 16 companies traded on the NYSE and 8 companies on NASDAQ
  • 5 companies were energy related companies, 8 companies were technology related companies, 3 were financial services companies, 3 were retailers, 3 were healthcare related services, 1 was a food services company, 1 was a chemicals company, 1 was construction related.
  • Per share stock prices on 05/01/20 ranged from $13.70 to $2,286.04. The total for all 24 of the 25 stocks used was $6,097.46.
  • 12 month targeted stock prices ranged from $16.96 to $2,651.00. The total for all 24  stocks used was $7,083.07
  • The total average forecasted 12 month change was +$985.61, for a percent change of +16.16%

Actual Results for The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for March 2021

  • The 12 months of data are from Friday, May 1, 2020, and Friday, April 30, 2021.
  • One energy related company, Parsley Energy, was acquired in January, 2021. This analysis is based on the 24 remaining companies.
  • Per share stock prices on 04/30/21 ranged from $20.08 to $3,467.42. The total for all 24 stocks used was $9,156.94.
  • The 12 month actual difference was +$3,059.48, for a +50.18% change
  • Actual 12 month change ranged from -4.97%(a healthcare services company) to +176.35%(an energy services related company), the median was +33.72%.
  • 16 companies exceeded the forecasted 12 month average change, 8 companies did not
  • 23 companies had a positive gain, only 1 company had a loss.
  • 3 of the 8 companies that did not meet the forecast were energy related
  • The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks achieved a +50.18% gain over the 12 months which compares favorably against the 3 major US stock indices which had the following results: DJIA +42.79%, NASDAQ +62.26%, S&P500 +47.71%.

Conclusions, Observations, Validations and Realities

  • If you had bought 1 share each of The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks at the closing price on May 1, 2020, you would have achieved a +50.18% gain at the close on April 30, 2021, over three times the estimate and  an excellent return. For this reason, The April 2020 The PBR25 gets an ‘A’ on its 12 month Report Card.
  • The stock analysts +33.72% median result was above the forecasted +16.16% 12 month target, but there was a very wide fluctuation on both sides of the median
  • It is difficult to forecast out 12 months with any great accuracy, there are just too many variables and uncertainties, but it can be useful and helpful in providing some guidance
  • It does demonstrate that The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is a valid methodology and process for that particular month.
  • Our demonstration account, called The Charlie Fund, uses the popular “Buy & Hold with Consistent Monthly Investment Strategy” with the monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks as the primary research tool. It achieved a +46.62% return in 2020, a further validation of the methodology.
  • There are no guarantees! The reality is that there will always be ups and downs in the stock market and people make stocks buy, hold and sell decisions based on a wide range logical and emotional criteria, input from knowledgeable hard-working experts and well meaning friends, and if the sky is blue today. But the historical data is pretty convincing that stocks will trend up at an above average investment rate over the long haul.

Additional Information

  • The details of this summary, including company names and the over 200 fields of information for each company, were extracted from the updated The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks MS-Excel worksheet for March 2020, and has been distributed to The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks Subscribers for their personal use and further research
  • The next 12 Month Report Card will be for April 2020, and should be available between mid to late May 2021.
  • For characteristics of the most recent monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks go to The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks information page.

We are always interested in your feedback, which you can provide on the Contact Us page. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. The monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is a subset of the monthly The PBR1000 and is available as a separate monthly or annual subscription.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations. Any opinions expressed should not be regarded as advice.

Empowering Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

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(Article image courtesy of

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 

The PBR1000 Summary: ContextLogic(NASDAQ: WISH)

Wish ContextLogic Ecommerce PBR1000

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

The PBR1000 US Public Companies Summary:

ContextLogic(NASDAQ: WISH)

Business Description: “Founded in 2010 and headquartered in San Francisco, ContextLogic(NASDAQ: WISH) is one of the largest and fastest growing global ecommerce platforms, connecting millions of value-conscious consumers in over 100 countries to more than half a million merchants around the world. Wish combines technology and data science capabilities and an innovative discovery-based mobile shopping experience to create a highly-visual, entertaining, and personalized shopping experience for its users.”

Business Name: ContextLogic Inc.
Fiscal Year Ending Month: December

Stock Price and Analyst Estimates for WISH as of 07/23/21:

  • Stock Price: $9.18
  • Average 12 Month Stock Price Target: $17.10
  • Estimated 12 Month Change: +86.27%
  • Analysts Recommendation: Overweight, 4.27/5.00, based on 11 estimates

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for WISH on 07/23/21:

  • 774 By Annual Revenues: $2.541 billion(12/31/20)
  • 585 By Market Capitalization: $8.15 billion(06/30/21)
  • 867 By Assets: $2.397 billion(12/31/20)
  • 971 By Employees: 875(12/31/20)

To get the complete profile for WISH and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here!

On July 2, 2021, WISH was not on The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks. To find out who is click here! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors
Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. research should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The Week 19 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 19 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

Stock Market Stocks Bear Bull Investing Investor Economy

The Stock Market Bear starts out Week 19 strong, The Stock Market Bull makes an equally strong comeback, but waited one day too many.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 19  of 2021 Ending 05/14/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 18 34,777.76 13,752.24 4,232.60
Week 19 34,382.13 13,429.98 4,173.85
Percent Change-Week -1.14% -2.34% -1.39%
Percent Change-Month 1.50% -3.82% -0.18%
Percent Change-Quarter 4.25% 1.38% 5.06%
Percent Change-YTD 12.34% 4.20% 11.12%
Percent Change-Record -1.14% -5.01% -1.39%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 19 Winner and Tally  Bear 3-0 Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 7 0
Mixed Result 4 1
  Totals 19 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 19 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull decided to start Week 19 by taking some time off to smell the spring flowers. The Stock Market Bear took advantage over the first 3 days and not only pummeled the NASDAQ as he had done in weeks past, but also the DJIA and S&P500. When The Stock Market Bull looked up and saw the damage he butted The Stock Market Bear over the fence and took control of the pasture in a strong way on Thursday and Friday on all 3 indices. Unfortunately it was a day too late. The Stock Market Bear gets Week 19 with a 3-0 sweep. Will the volatility continue in Week 20?

Week 19 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 05/14/21, at 1:21PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 161,381,569 confirmed cases globally with 3,348,952 deaths, +87,969 from last week, which is -1,729 from the prior week. For the US it is 32,883,624 confirmed cases and 585,073 deaths, +4,281 from last week, which is -720 from the prior week. Vaccines supplies are plentiful through most state government programs and most pharmacies. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines were granted additional Emergency Use Authorizations by the US FDA for ages 12 and up. The CDC has released new guidelines saying people who have been fully vaccinated do not have to wear masks outside in most situations. Countries like India and Brazil continue to struggle with high infection and death rates.

US Federal Government: US President Joe Biden met with some Republicans to discuss his infrastructure development proposals and expressed a willingness to negotiate.

US Economy: The US Consumer Price Index jumped up 0.8% in April, much higher than forecast, and generated a lot of buzz about inflation concerns, which the Federal Reserve has downplayed, which has targeted 2% annual growth as a target. Weekly initial job claims fell to its lowest since the start of the pandemic. Job openings increased to 8.1 million. Wages remain around the same. Some sectors, primarily hospitality and retail, are struggling to find employees, most saying it is because unemployment benefits are still better than what the employers can offer. In response some states are talking about eliminating unemployment benefits. The US deficit widens to a record $1.9 trillion over the first 7 months of the fiscal year. Retail sales were unexpectedly flat in April, a significant increase had been forecast. Industrial output increased in April. US import prices increased. Mortgage rates remain near record lows. There was a ransomware cyberattack on Colonial Pipeline, a midstream energy company with 5,500 miles of pipelines that is the primary support for fuel supplies in the Northeast US. By the end of the week services were restored, the attackers have been identified, and once again demonstrated vulnerabilities in the US. Cryptocurrencies continue to grab headline news and draw a variety of reactions from banks, investors, corporations, and influential individuals.

Corporate Business: More 1Q21 corporate earnings reports came in with mixed results. Technology related companies continue to dominate much of the news. The shortage of semiconductor chips continues to be an issue for car and electronic goods manufacturers with some forecasts showing that the problem could last for a couple of years.

Society: It was a quiet week, with much of the news still being on COVID-19 vaccination efforts and cautious optimism as the economy continues to reopen.

International News: India, Brazil and some other countries continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases. Hamas in the Palestinian areas continues to launch rockets into Israel and Israel is responding with its own rockets targeted at military targets but which are also inflicting civilian casualties.

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