The Week 18 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 18 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

stocks stock market bull bear PBR1000 news recap

The Stock Market Bull finished Week 18 with records for the DJIA and S&P500, but is was a mixed win because The Stock Market Bear would not let go of the NASDAQ.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 18 of 2021 Ending 05/07/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(04/30/21) 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Record Close Date 05/07/21 04/26/21 05/07/21
Record Close 34,777.76 14,138.78 4,232.60
Week 17 & April Close 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Week 18 Close 34,777.76 13,752.24 4,232.60
Percent Change-Week 2.67% -1.51% 1.23%
Percent Change-Month 2.67% -1.51% 1.23%
Percent Change-Quarter 5.45% 3.82% 6.54%
Percent Change-YTD 13.63% 6.70% 12.69%
Percent Change-Record 0.00% -2.73% 0.00%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 18 Winner and Tally  Bull 2-1 Mixed Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 6 0
Mixed Result 4 1
  Totals 18 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 18 Summary:

The DJIA was all about The Stock Market Bull who took all 5 days, the last 3 days being new record highs. The S&P500 was a little more difficult because The Stock Market Bear took Tuesday, but The Stock Market Bull butted The Stock Market Bear aside Wednesday through Friday and posted a new record high on Friday. But The Stock Market Bear did take command of the NASDAQ Monday through Wednesday and inflicted some major losses. The Stock Market Bull took Thursday and Friday, but it was not enough. The Stock Market Bull takes Week 18 in a 2-1 mixed win. Will The Stock Market Bull‘s clean sweeps of Thursday and Friday carry over into Week 19?

Week 18 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 05/07/21, at 2:20PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 156,326,016 confirmed cases globally with 3,260,983 deaths, +89,698 from last week, which is +1,188 from the week before that. For the US it is 32,643,635 confirmed cases and 580,804 deaths, +4,989 from last week, which is +353 from the week before that. Vaccinations are now available just about everywhere in the US through state and county governments and most pharmacies now. US President Joe Biden says he is aiming for 70% of all US adults to have at least one vaccination by July 4th. Emergency Use Authorizations by the US FDA are expected soon for people 16 and under. Cases and death rates continue to be high in countries like India and Brazil.

US Federal Government: US President Joe Biden continues to push for his $4 trillion in spending for infrastructure and other projects. US Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell is pledging to battle against the plan because he feels it is too expensive.

US Economy: Manufacturing continues to grow and surveys indicate that trend should continue short term. Construction spending is also up. Weekly Initial Jobless Claims fell below 500,000, the lowest since the pandemic started. However, the Friday April Jobs Report fell far short of forecast. The Unemployment Rate rose slightly to 6.1%. Consumer Credit had a large increase for the second month in a row. While the Federal Reserve is saying it is not too concerned about inflation and has some tools to deal with it if it becomes an issue, there are others who seem increasingly alarmed by some signals that indicate near term inflation could become a problem.

Corporate Business: 1Q21 corporate earnings reports were somewhat mixed. Technology companies seem to be struggling to maintain momentum. Travel and hospitality services are still struggling and are concerned about hiring problems as the economy opens up post-pandemic.

Society: It was a quieter week. The biggest issues continue to be concerns about people not willing to get vaccines for one reason or another. Also, some state legislatures are passing laws about voting. Opponents view the legislation as restricting voting, proponents say it is protecting the ballot box from being abused.

International News: India, Brazil and some other countries continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases.

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The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR1000 Summary: Micron Technology(NASDAQ: MU)

The PBR1000 Summary: Micron Technology(NASDAQ: MU)

MU Micron Technology PBR1000

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

The PBR1000 Summary: Micron Technology(NASDAQ: MU)

Business Description: “We are an industry leader in innovative memory and storage solutions transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. With a relentless focus on our customers, technology leadership, and manufacturing and operational excellence, Micron delivers a rich portfolio of high-performance DRAM, NAND and NOR memory and storage products through our Micron® and Crucial® brands. Every day, the innovations that our people create fuel the data economy, enabling advances in artificial intelligence and 5G applications that unleash opportunities — from the data center to the intelligent edge and across the client and mobile user experience. ”

Business Name: Micron Technology, Inc.
Ticker: NASDAQ: MU
Fiscal Year Ending Month: August
Stock Price(05/05/21): $85.15
Analyst Estimates(05/05/21): $119.32 12 Month Target Average, +38.63% Estimated 12 Month Change, Buy Recommendation, 4.68/5.00, based on 31 Estimates.

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for MU as of 04/30/21:

#131 By Annual Revenues: $21.135 billion
#88 By Market Capitalization: $98.75 billion
#146 By Assets: $53.678 billion
#219 By Employees: 40,000

To get the complete profile for MU and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here!

To find out more about our popular The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks go to The PBR25 Information Page! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors
Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The PBR1000 April 2021 Top 5 Stocks Snapshots

The PBR1000 April 2021 Top 5 Stocks

The Bull Remains Unbeaten

Investing PBR1000 Snapshots Recap Bull Bear

The Stock Market Bull continues his monthly and year-to-date dominance in 2021. The Stock Market Bear is not hibernating and some say he will make an appearance soon. Place your bets carefully.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Indices Summary

Week 17 and April of 2021 Ending 04/30/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Record Close Date 04/16/21 04/26/21 4/29/21
Record Close 34,200.67 14,138.78 4,211.47
Week 16 Close 34,043.49 14,016.81 4,180.17
Week 17 & April Close 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Percent Change-Week -0.50% -0.39% 0.02%
Percent Change-Month 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-Quarter 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-YTD 10.68% 8.34% 11.32%
Percent Change-Record -0.95% -1.25% -0.72%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 17 Winner and Tally  Bear 2-1 Mixed Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 6 0
Mixed Result 3 1
  Totals 17 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 17 and April 2021 Summary

The Stock Market Bull started out a promising Week 17 on Monday by establishing new record highs for the NASDAQ and S&P500. The Stock Market Bear returned on Tuesday to take a nibble out of those marks and then Wednesday took out a good-sized chunk. This infuriated The Stock Market Bull who trampled the Bear on Thursday, established another new record for the S&P500 and appeared to have a lock to win the week. But The Stock Market Bear roared back on Friday, wiped out all the Bull‘s gains for the week except for the S&P500 where he fell shy just 1.01 points. In a back and forth week The Stock Market Bear prevails with a 2-1 mixed result for Week 17, but The Stock Market Bull easily captures the month of April with a 3-0 result. 


The April 2021 US Major Stock Market Exchanges Summary

Number of Trading Days: 21

Number of Gain(+)/Loss(-) Days: DJIA 12+/9-; NASDAQ 11+/10-; SPX 12+/9-.

Record Days: DJIA 4, NASDAQ 1, SPX 10, Total 15

Longest Gain Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 3 days(04/07-09/21, 04/14-16/21)NASDAQ 2 days(04/15-16/21, 04/08-09/21, 04/15-16/21, 04/23-26/21),  and SPX 3 days(04/07-09/21)

Longest Loss Streak(Consecutive Days): DJIA 2 days(04/12-13/21, 04/19-20/21)NASDAQ 2 days(04/06-07/21, 04/19-20/21, 04/27-28/21), and SPX 2 days(04/19-20/21, 04/27-28/21)

Big Swing Up Days(>1.00%): 7 days, 04/01/21( N +1.76%, S +1.18%), 04/05/21(D +1.13%, N +1.67%, S +1.44%), 04/08/21(N +1.03%), 04/13/21(N +1.05%), 04/15/21(N +1.31%, S +1.11%), 04/21/21(N +1.19%), 04/23/21(N +1.44%, S +1.09%)

Big Swing Down Days(<-1.00%): 0 days!


The PBR1000 April 2021 Top 5 Stocks Snapshots

The following are Top 5 partial tables excerpts from The PBR1000 April 2021 Snapshots. The price for stocks is for the close of trading on April 30, 20211 Month % Chg is compared to March 31, 202112 Months % Chg is compared to April 30, 2020, the 24 Months % Chg is compared to April 30, 2019, and 60 Months % Chg is compared to April 29, 2016. The PBR Rank is by annual revenues.

To get the complete The PBR1000 Snapshots  just click here to get your 12 month subscription and automatically download the April 2021 edition with the complete 15 Snapshots and 28 rankings with the bonuses The PBRMarketTools US Monthly Indices Snapshots and The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks.


Table 1(S11): The PBR1000 Top 5 Month Stock Price % Gainers

Table 1 Summary: The range was +52% to -79%754 out of 1,000 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 4.76%, the median was a gain of 4.08%. The DJIA was +2.71%, NASDAQ +5.40%, SPX +5.24%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
Scientific Games 743 SGMS $ 58.52 +52 +364 +153 +490
Clear Channel Outdoor 882 CCO $ 2.51 +39 +160 -49 -51
Genworth Financial 334 GNW $ 4.32 +30 +19 +14 +26
Kontoor Brands 837 KTB $ 62.83 +29 +224 n/a n/a
BlueLinx 685 BXC $ 50.47 +29 +823 +96 +653


Table 2(S12): The PBR1000 Top 5 12 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 2 Summary: The range was +2,929% to -71%945 out of 988 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 56.44%, the median was a gain of 61.55%. The DJIA was +39.14%, NASDAQ +57.07%, SPX +43.56%.

Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
GameStop 507 GME $ 173.59 -9 +2,929 +1,907 +429
Hovnanian 804 HOV $ 132.59 +25 +951 +771 +218
Party City 886 PRTY $ 7.00 +21 +823 +4 -51
BlueLinx 685 BXC $ 50.47 +29 +823 +96 +653
Titan International 967 TWI $ 10.79 +16 +665 +56 +63


Table 3(S13): The PBR1000 Top 5 24 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 3 Summary: The range was +1,907% to -98%749 out of 980 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 41.80%. The median was a gain of 27.50%. The DJIA was +27.38%, NASDAQ +72.48%, SPX +41.94%.


Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
GameStop 507 GME $ 173.59 -9 +2,929 +1,907 +429
Tesla 95 TSLA $ 709.44 +6 +354 +1,386 +1,373
Owens & Minor 341 OMI $ 36.09 -4 +410 +958 -1
Hovnanian 804 HOV $ 132.59 +25 +951 +771 +218
RH 732 RH $ 688.02 +15 +379 +545 +1,490


Table 4(R21): The PBR1000 Top 5 60 Months Stock Price % Gainers

Table 4 Summary: The range was +2,199% to -90%709 out of 924 stocks were up 0% or more. The average was a gain of 107.53%. The median was a gain of 62.90%. The DJIA was +90.59%, NASDAQ +192.39%, SPX +102.45%.


Company PBR
Symbol Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
AMD 299 AMD $ 81.62 +4 +56 +195 +2,199
Etsy 911 ETSY $ 198.79 -1 +206 +194 +2,164
NVIDIA 178 NVDA $ 600.38 +12 +105 +232 +1,590
Square 311 SQ $ 244.82 +8 +276 +236 +1,544
RH 732 RH $ 688.02 +15 +379 +545 +1,490


Table 5(S15): The PBR1000 Top 5 Market Capitalization

Table 5 Summary: The range was $2,207 billion to $0.04 billion. The average is $40.847 billionmedian is $11.49 billion, out of 1,000 companies.

Company PBR
Symbol Market Cap($B)
1 Mo
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
Apple 3 AAPL $ 2,207 +10 +75 +129
Microsoft 15 MSFT $ 1,899 +9 +41 +91
Amazon 2 AMZN $ 1,748 +14 +48 +83
Alphabet 9 GOOG $ 1,616 +17 +75 +80
Facebook 32 FB $ 924 +13 +67 +66
The PBR1000
  $ 40,847 +6 +48 +47


Table 6: The PBR1000 Index & Primary US Stock Exchanges/Commodities

Company Price
% Chg
12 Mos
% Chg
24 Mos
% Chg
60 Mos
% Chg
The PBR1000 130,442.32 +4.8 +56.4 +41.8 +107.5
DJIA 33,874.85 +2.7 +39.1 +27.4 +90.6
NASDAQ 13,962.68 +5.4 +57.1 +72.5 +192.4
S&P500 4,181.17 +5.2 +43.6 +41.9 +102.5
GOLD 1,768.80 +3.1 +4.4 +37.6 +36.6
SILVER 25.87 +5.5 +72.8 +72.7 +44.6
OIL 63.58 +7.5 +237.5 -0.5 +38.3


If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are a The PBR1000 company and would like to increase your visibility to our worldwide base of shrewd investors. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. provides research only which should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Top graphic courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for Investing on 04/30/21

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks Candidates for Investing!

Investing Stocks PBR25 PBR1000

Each month PBRMarketTools provides a list of 25 top buy stocks candidates, called The PBR25, in which to consider investing.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks on 04/30/21 Summary

– Average Recommendation: 4.65/5.00
– Average Recommendations Range: 4.54-4.90/5.00
– Average Number of Recommendations: 24
– Average Number of Buy Recommendations: 19
– Range of Number of Buy Recommendations: 9 to 32
– Average Estimated 12 Month Return: +26.4%
– Estimated 12 Month Return Range: +20.5% to +90.1%
– NYSE: 15 companies, NASDAQ: 10 companies
– Average Return since 04/30/20(12 mos): +52.5%
– DJIA Return since 03/31/20: +39.1%
– NASDAQ Return since 03/31/20: +57.1%
– S&P500 Return since 03/31/20: +43.6%
– Stock Price Range: $8.61 to $854.43
– Total The PBR25 Market Capitalization: $1,325.65 billion
– Market Capitalization Range: $1.90 billion to $209.59 billion

The PBR25 is a great timesaver for evaluating investing in highly rated stocks for your portfolio and available for a very affordable investment.

The PBR25 is a subset of our popular and more comprehensive The PBR1000, which is made up of

  • publicly held companies
  • that trade on a major US stock exchange,
  • have annual revenues of at least $1 billion,
  • file annual 10-K reports with the US Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC),
  • and have headquarters or primary operations in the US.

The PBR1000 companies combined generate over 50% of all goods and services revenues in the US.

The PBR25 contains on a single page in PDF format key information on 25 stocks  which highly regarded analysts have given a “Buy” recommendation. The PBR25 is based on around 15,000 analyst recommendations. You will also get the MS-Excel records for all 25 Buy recommendations plus the over 200 data points and hotlinks to critical information from The PBR1000 master data set. It is an invaluable tool for researching high probability of success investing opportunities.

The PBR25 is created each month by sorting The PBR1000 by Analyst Recommendation and then by total number of recommendations. The top 25 with a Buy recommendation are selected and sorted by the Estimated 12 Month Return. On a 1-5 basis, a Buy recommendation has a weighted average greater than 4.50.

Data on the PDF report includes: Rank By Estimated 12 Month Return; Company Name; Last Fiscal Year Earnings Per Share; Last Fiscal Year Dividend; End of Previous Month Stock Price; Trading Symbol; Stock Exchange;  Average 12 Month Analyst Target Stock Price; Estimated 12 Month % Return; Analysts Overall Recommendation; Number of Analyst Recommendations for Buy, Outperform, Hold, Underperform, and Sell; Recommedation Weighted Average; Stock Price % Change from the previous month, last 24 months, past 60 months, and; Market Capitalization. It also includes the DJIA, NASDAQ, and S&P500 indexes for comparison purposes.

When you sign up you will be directed to a download for the current issue printable PDF version of The PBR25, which will also be emailed to you, along with the MS-Excel version, which you can then customize for your own personal evaluations. Subsequent issues will be emailed to you a few days after the last day of each month for 12 months, both in PDF and MS-Excel formats.

Here’s the order information for a monthly or discounted annual option:

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Thank you for your order, we look forward to your investing success!

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Disclaimer: PBRMarketTools is an independent provider of business and markets news, data, and analytics only. It is not affiliated with any financial service, financial advisory firm or stock brokerage company. Our research analytics are not to be regarded as advice.

PBR1000 Investing Investors

Empowering Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 


The PBR1000 April 2021 Breaking News Recap

The PBR1000 for April: Workers Needed to Re-Open

PBR1000 News Jobs Economy Investing

As businesses re-open from the COVID-19 Pandemic they will be scrambling to welcome workers back.

The April 2021 breaking news items of interest for The PBR1000 follow with the most current date first.

***Friday, April 30

US Stock Indices Summary

Week 17 and April of 2021 Ending 04/30/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Record Close Date 04/16/21 04/26/21 4/29/21
Record Close 34,200.67 14,138.78 4,211.47
Week 16 Close 34,043.49 14,016.81 4,180.17
Week 17 & April Close 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Percent Change-Week -0.50% -0.39% 0.02%
Percent Change-Month 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-Quarter 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-YTD 10.68% 8.34% 11.32%
Percent Change-Record -0.95% -1.25% -0.72%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 17 Winner and Tally  Bear 2-1 Mixed Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 6 0
Mixed Result 3 1
  Totals 17 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 17 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull started out a promising Week 17 on Monday by establishing new record highs for the NASDAQ and S&P500. The Stock Market Bear returned on Tuesday to take a nibble out of those marks and then Wednesday took out a good-sized chunk. This infuriated The Stock Market Bull who trampled the Bear on Thursday, established another new record for the S&P500 and appeared to have a lock to win the week. But The Stock Market Bear roared back on Friday, wiped out all the Bull‘s gains for the week except for the S&P500 where he fell shy just 1.01 points. In a back and forth week The Stock Market Bear prevails with a 2-1 mixed result for Week 17, but The Stock Market Bull easily captures the month of April with a 3-0 result. 

Week 17 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 04/30/21, at 1:21PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 150,817,249 confirmed cases globally with 3,171,285 deaths, +88,510 from last week. For the US it is 32,333,463 confirmed cases and 575,815 deaths, +4,636 from last week. Vaccination rates in the US continue to grow and the rate of new cases and deaths is starting to drop. India has been hit hard with rates increasing dramatically and is asking for help across the globe.

US Federal Government: The event of the week was on Wednesday evening when US President Joe Biden addressed the nation regarding the progress of his administration after 100 days in office. He stressed progress on the COVID-19 pandemic, promoted his around $4 trillion in spending for infrastructure and other projects and how they would be paid for, discussed national security, talked about racial justice and encouraged Americans to be united while celebrating diversity at the same time.

US Economy: Housing prices increased around 12% over the past year, mortgage rates remain at near record lows, but available housing inventories remain low. Initial weekly jobless claims were at 553,000, continuing the downward trend. The Federal Open Market Committee met and voted to keep federal short term interest rates at 0.00-0.25%, and continue its assets purchase programs of $120 billion/month. The 1Q21 Gross Domestic Product annual rate was up at +6.4%. The Personal Income annual rate is nearly 30% more than last year. Consumer spending and outlooks were also up for the week, based on an optimistic post-pandemic view.

Corporate Business: 1Q21 corporate earnings reports were generally positive with guidance being cautiously optimistic about the COVID-19 pandemic coming to an end sometime in the summer.

Society: Every day there seems to be a mass shooting somewhere. Citizens and politicians continue to struggle with how to stop this trend without infringing on 2nd Amendment rights.

International News: India, Brazil and some other countries see a rise in COVID-19 cases.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of the Treasury says the 04/27/21 US National Debt-Public is at $21.943 trillion, Intragovernmental $6.169 trillion, making 04/27/21 US Total National Debt at $28.112 trillion, 03/31/21 was at $28.081 trillion, 02/28/21 $28.005 trillion, 04/30/20 $24.975 trillion. PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the Preliminary March 2021 US Personal Income Annual Rate is at $24.208 trillion, February 2021 was at $19.995 trillion, January 2021 $21.498 trillion, March 2020 $18.764 trillion. PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the 1Q21 US Employee Cost Index for All Civilian Workers(12/2005=100) is at 143.7, 4Q20 was at 142.4, 3Q20 141.1, 1Q20 140.0. PR link.

The U of Michigan Final April 2021 Consumer Sentiment Index is at 88.3, March 2021 was at 84.9, February 2021 76.8, April 2020 71.8. “… Overall, the data indicate an exceptional outlook for consumer spending through mid-2022. The size and persistence of the spending gains depend on continued job growth as well as wages that effectively draw people back into the labor force.” PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary March 2021 US 7th District Midwest Economy Index is at +0.65, February 2021 was at +0.50, January 2021 +0.65, March 2020 -0.68. “Index points to a pickup in Midwest growth through March.” PR link.

MNI Indicators/ISM-Chicago says the Preliminary April 2021 Chicago Business Barometer Index(>50 is gaining> is at +72.1, March 2021 was at +66.4, February 2021 +59.5, April 2020 +35.4. PR link.

The American Automobile Assn says the 04/30/21 US Average Price/Gallon of Regular Gas is at $2.895, 03/31/21 was at $2.874, 02/26/21 $2.699, 04/30/20 $1.772. PR link.

***Thursday, April 29

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Commerce/BEA says the 1Q21 Advance Estimate of the Real Gross Domestic Product Annual Rate is at +6.4%, $22.049 trillion, 4Q20 was at +4.3%, $21.495 trillion, 3Q20 +33.4%, $21.170 trillion, 1Q20 -5.0%, $21.561 trillion. PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says on 04/24/21 the US Weekly Initial Unemployment Insurance Claims is at 553,000, the 4 Week Moving Average is at 611,750; the 04/17/21 US Total Insured Unemployment is at 3,660,000, the 4 Week Moving Average is at 3,684,000; the 04/17/21 Insured Unemployment Rate is at 2.6%. PR link.

FreddieMac says on 04/29/21 the US Weekly Average 30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rate is at 2.98% with 0.7 fees/points, 03/25/21 was at 3.17%, 02/25/21 2.97%, 04/30/21 3.23%. “In light of the rising COVID caseloads globally, U.S. Treasury yields stopped moving up a month ago and have remained within a narrow range as the market digests incoming economic data. The good news is that with rates under three percent, refinancing continues to be attractive for many borrowers who financed before 2020. But, for eager buyers, especially first-time homebuyers, inventory continues to be extremely tight and competition for available homes to purchase remains high.” PR link.

***Wednesday, April 28

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve Open Market Committee issues a statement from its 04/27-28/21 meeting, agrees to maintain short term interest rates at 0.00-0.25%, “will continue to increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $80 billion per month and of agency mortgage‑backed securities by at least $40 billion per month…,” says “The COVID-19 pandemic is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world. Amid progress on vaccinations and strong policy support, indicators of economic activity and employment have strengthened. The sectors most adversely affected by the pandemic remain weak but have shown improvement. Inflation has risen, largely reflecting transitory factors. Overall financial conditions remain accommodative, in part reflecting policy measures to support the economy and the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses.” PR link.

The ADP Quarterly Workforce Vitality Report says the 1Q21 US Wage Growth is at +5.9%, +3.3% from 1Q20, Wage Level is at $30.84/hour, +$1.71 from 1Q20, Employment Growth is at -7.0%, -7.7% from 1Q20, and Turnover Rate is 82.2%, +14.9% from 1Q20. “The labor market recovery is gaining momentum. Progress in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is fueling economic improvement and the impact is evident as jobs gains pick up.” PR link.

The US Energy Information Administration says for the Week Ending 04/23/21 the US Crude Oil Stocks(Millions of Barrels) is at 493.1, on 03/26/21 it was at 501.8, 02/19/21 463.0, 04/24/20 527.6. PR link.

***Tuesday, April 27

Daily Economic News:

The Conference Board says the Preliminary April 2021 US Consumer Confidence Index(1985=100) is at 121.7, March 2021 was at 109.0, February 2021 90.4, April 2020 85.7. “Consumers’ assessment of current conditions improved significantly in April, suggesting the economic recovery strengthened further in early Q2. Consumers’ optimism about the short-term outlook held steady this month. Consumers were more upbeat about their income prospects, perhaps due to the improving job market and the recent round of stimulus checks. Short-term inflation expectations held steady in April, but remain elevated. Vacation intentions posted a healthy increase, likely boosted by the accelerating vaccine rollout and further loosening of pandemic restrictions.” PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the 1Q21 US Total Housing Units are at 141,533,000 with a Home Ownership Rate of 65.6%, 4Q20 was at 141,241,000 and 65.8%, 3Q20 140,949,000 and 67.4%, 1Q20 140,365,000 and 65.3%. PR link.

S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller says the Preliminary February 2021 US National Home Price Index(01/2000=100) is at 238.82, January 2021 was at 236.33, December 2020 234.32, February 2020 213.29. “These data remain consistent with the hypothesis that COVID has encouraged potential buyers to move from urban apartments to suburban homes. This demand may represent buyers who accelerated purchases that would have happened anyway over the next several years. Alternatively, there may have been a secular change in preferences, leading to a permanent shift in the demand curve for housing. Future data will be required to analyze this question.” PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the April 2021 US 5th District Manufacturing Sector Surveys Index is at +17%, March 2021 was at +17%, February 2021 +14%, April 2020 -53%. “Survey responses indicated supply constraints, with the backlog of orders and vendor lead time indexes registering historic highs. Meanwhile, inventories shrank as the indexes for inventories of finished goods and raw materials reached their lowest values on record. Manufacturers were optimistic that conditions would continue to improve in the coming months.” PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond says the April 2021 US 5th District Service Sector Surveys Revenue Index is at +22%, March 2021 was at +16%, February 2021 +6%, April 2020 -87%. “Firms … reported improving local business conditions and increased capital spending. Survey participants were optimistic that conditions would continue to improve in the next six months.” PR link.

TrueCar says the Forecast April 2021 US Unit New Auto Sales-Retail is at 1,259,036, Fleet is at 143,098, making April 2021 US Unit New Auto Sales at 1,402,134, March 2021 was at 1,604,983, February 2021 1,196,008, April 2020 710,827; Forecast April 2021 US Unit New Auto Average Transaction Price is at $37,144, March 2021 was at $37,215, February 2021 $37,780, April 2020 $37,161. “April of last year was the first full month of COVID-19’s impact on the day-to-day lives of Americans and the economy, and saw vehicle sales plummet to the lowest point during the pandemic. Despite the inventory challenges that linger, seeing total and retail sales up nearly 100% in one year is a hopeful and exciting milestone for the auto industry and economy…” PR link.

***Monday, April 26

Daily Economic News:

No items to report.

***Friday, April 23

Weekly US Stock Indices News:

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 16 of 2021 Ending Friday, 04/23/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Record Close Date 04/16/21 02/12/21 04/16/21
Record Close 34,200.67 14,095.47 4,185.47
Week 15 Close 34,200.67 14,052.34 4,185.47
Week 16 Close 34,043.49 14,016.81 4,180.17
Percent Change-Week -0.46% -0.25% -0.13%
Percent Change-Month 3.22% 5.81% 5.22%
Percent Change-Quarter 3.22% 5.81% 5.22%
Percent Change-YTD 11.23% 8.76% 11.29%
Percent Change-Record -0.46% -0.56% -0.13%
The Stock Market Bull vs The Stock Market Bear Tallies YTD
Week 16 Winner and Tally Bear 3-0
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 2 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 5 0
Mixed Result 3 1
  Totals 16 3

US Stock Exchanges Week 16 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull has been on a winning streak since Week 12. The Stock Market Bear had had enough and angrily started out Week 16 by making some good sized gashes on all 3 major US indices on Monday and Tuesday. The Stock Market Bull made a determined response by taking Wednesday. But The Stock Market Bear returned with a vengeance on Thursday. The Stock Market Bull charged back on Friday, achieved some new intraday record highs for the DJIA and S&P500, but as the day came to a close he became weary and lost some ground. He won the day, but was unable to overcome The Stock Market Bear‘s lead for the week. Week 16 goes to The Stock Market Bear 3-0, his first clear win since Week 11.

Week 16 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 04/23/21, at 6:20PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 145,261,836 confirmed cases globally with 3,082,775 deaths. For the US it is 31,990,519 confirmed cases and 574,179 deaths. Vaccinations are occurring at the rate of around 3 million doses per day. Today the pause on the Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was lifted. States continue to open up more. There are continuing concerns about variants, which have affected other countries, but so far have not had a major impact in the US. Vaccination programs continue to expand. US Federal Government: President Biden continues to push for an infrastructure plan and is meeting with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to try to come up with a plan that can pass. During a meeting on climate change that included several nations President Biden pledged to lower US greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030. President Biden also proposed a nearly 40% capital gains tax on households with more than $1 million in annual incomes. US Economy: The annual existing home sales rate fell 3.7% in March to 6.01 million and reached new highs for the median home price. New family home sales increased nearly 21% in March to a 1.02 million annual rate. 30 year fixed mortgage rates dropped to just below 3% again. US initial jobless claims fell to 547,000, a new post-pandemic low. Business and consumer surveys continue to show optimism over the next few months. Corporate Business: 1Q20 corporate earnings reports continue to be mixed, but guidance is cautiously optimistic, assuming the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end sometime in the summer. Society: Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for the killing of George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for around 9 minutes. International News: . There were surges in COVID-19 infections globally.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary March 2021 US New Family Homes Sold Annual Rate is at 1,021,000 units, February 2021 was at 846,000, January 2021 1,010,000, March 2020 612,000; the March 2021 Median New Home Price is at $330,800, February 2021 was at $345,900, January 2021 $362,200, March 2020 $328,200. PR link.

***Thursday, April 22

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says the Preliminary March 2021 US Current National Activity Index is at +1.71, February 2021 was at -1.20, January 2021 +1.10, March 2020 -4.47. “Index suggests economic growth rebounded in March.” PR link.

The Conference Board says the Preliminary March 2021 US Leading Economic Index(2016=100) is at 111.6, February 2021 was at 110.3, January 2021 110.2, December 2020 109.7. “The improvement in the U.S. LEI, with all ten components contributing positively, suggests economic momentum is increasing in the near term. The widespread gains among the leading indicators are supported by an accelerating vaccination campaign, gradual lifting of mobility restrictions, as well as current and expected fiscal stimulus…” PR link.

The Natl Assn of Realtors says the Preliminary March 2021 US Existing Home Sales Annual Rate is at 6,010,000 units, February 2021 was at 6,240,000, January 2021 6,660,000, March 2020 5,350,000; March 2021 Median Sales Price is at $329,100, February 2021 was at $313,000, January 2021 $303,900, March 2020 $280,700. PR link.

***Wednesday, April 21

Daily Economic News:

No items to report.

***Tuesday, April 20

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the April 2021 US 3rd District Nonmanufacturing Current General Activity Index is at +36.3, March 2021 was at +27.4, February 2021 +5.2, April 2020 -96.4. “The respondents continued to anticipate growth over the next six months.” PR link.

***Monday, April 19

Daily Economic News:

No items to report.

***Friday, April 16

The US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 15 of 2021 ending Friday, 04/16/21:

DJIA ends Week 15 at record 34,200.67, +1.18% from last Friday, +3.70% MTD/QTD, +11.74% YTD, +0.00% from record 34,200.67 set 04/16/21.

NASDAQ ends Week 15 at 14,052.34, +1.09% from last Friday, +6.08% MTD/QTD, +9.03% YTD, -0.31% from record 14,095.47 set 02/12/21.

SPX ends Week 15 at record 4,185.47, +1.37% from last Friday, +5.35% MTD/QTD, +11.43% YTD, +0.00% from record 4,185.47 set 04/16/21.

US Stock Exchanges Week 15 of 2021 News Summary:

The Stock Market Bear wanted to set the tone for Week 15 so came out Monday with a lot of loud angry growling. The intimidation worked as he took all 3 major US indices. But The Stock Market Bull struck back on Tuesday with an excellent day on the NASDAQ and taking the S&P500. The Stock Market Bear countered on Wednesday by wiping out those gains. With great determination The Stock Market Bull bounced back on Thursday and Fridays with consecutive record days on the DJIA and S&P500 and near a new record for the NASDAQ. The Stock Market Bull‘s strong end of Week 15 gives him a 3-0 victory, his 3rd week in a row, a nice lead year-to-date, and a lot of optimism in the stock market as the US economy continues to strengthen.

The Week 15 of 2021 tally YTD is:


  • The Stock Market Bull: 8 weeks
  • The Stock Market Bear: 4 weeks
  • Mixed Results: 3 weeks


Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Commerce/HUD says the Preliminary March 2021 US New Residential Building Permits Annual Rate is at 1,766,000 units, February 2021 was at 1,720,000, January 2021 1,886,000, March 2020 1,356,000. PR link.

The U of Michigan Preliminary April 2021 US Consumer Sentiment Index is at 86.5, March 2021 was at 84.9, February 2021 76.8, April 2020 71.8. “Consumers in early April reported surging economic growth and strong job gains due to record stimulus spending, low interest rates, and the positive impact of vaccinations.” PR link.

***Thursday, April 15

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary March 2021 US Industrial Production Capacity is at 74.4%, February 2021 was at 73.4%, January 2021 75.3%, March 2020 73.6%. PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2021 US Sales-Manufacturers are at $502.4 billion, Retailers $508.9 billion, Wholesalers $538.3 billion, making February 2021 Total US Sales at $1,549.6 billion, January 2021 was at $1,579.2 billion, December 2020 $1,498.0 billion, February 2020 $1,466.6 billion. PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Advance March 2021 US Retail Sales-Retailers is at $557.7 billion, Food Services & Drinking Places is at $62.2 billion, making Advance March 2021 US Total Retail Sales at $619.9 billion, February 2021 was at $563.7 billion, January 2021 $579.6 billion, March 2020 $484.7 billion. PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of New York says the April 2021 Empire State Manufacturing General Business Conditions Index is at +26.3, March 2021 was at +17.4, February 2021 +12.1, April 2020 -78.2. PR link.

The US Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia says the April 2021 US 3rd District Manufacturing General Activity Indicator is at +50.2, March 2021 was at +44.5, February 2021 +23.1, April 2020 -46.8. “The survey’s future indexes indicate that firms remain optimistic about growth over the next six months.” PR link.

The Natl Assn of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Preliminary April 2021 Housing Market Composite Index is at +83, March 2021 was at +82, February 2021 +84, April 2020 +30. “Strong buyer demand pushed builder confidence up in April even as builders continued to grapple with rising lumber prices and supply chain issues and consumers faced higher home prices due to a lack inventory.” PR link.

***Wednesday, April 14

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve releases the Beige Book for data through 04/05/21, says “National economic activity accelerated to a moderate pace from late February to early April… Outlooks were more optimistic than in the previous report, boosted in part by an acceleration in COVID-19 vaccinations.” PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2021 US Import Price Index is at +1.2%, February 2021 was at +1.3%, January 2021 +1.4%, March 2020 -2.4%, Last 12 Months +6.9%; the Preliminary March 2021 US Export Price Index is at +2.1%, February 2021 was at +1.6%, January 2021 +2.6%, March 2020 -1.4%, Last 12 Months +9.1%PR link.

***Tuesday, April 13

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2021 US Current Average Earnings/Hour is at $29.96, Average Hours Worked/Week is at 34.9 making Average Weekly Earnings Per Hour at $1,045.60, February was at $1,038.00, January 2021 $1,047.20, March 2020 $980.03. PR link.

The US Dept of Labor says the March 2021 US Consumer Price Index-Urban is at +0.6%, February 2021 was at +0.4%, January 2021 +0.3%, March 2020 -0.4%, the March 2021 Last 12 Months is at +2.6%, February 2021 was at +1.7%, January 2021 +1.4%, March 2020 +1.5%. PR link.

CoreLogic says the January 2021 US Housing Mortgages 30 Days or More Delinquent is at 5.6%, December 2020 was at 5.8%, November 2020 5.9%, January 2020 3.5%. “While delinquency rates are higher than we would like to see, they continue to decline. At the same time, foreclosure rates remain at historic lows. This is a good sign, and considering the improving picture regarding the pandemic and climbing employment rates, we are looking at the potential for a strong year of recovery.” PR link.

***Monday, April 12

The PBR1000 March 2021 Top 5 Stocks Snapshots is an overview of stocks performance, 5 tables of Top 5 stock performers, and a stocks & commodities indices summary. PR link.

Daily Corporate News:

Microsoft(PBR15 $MSFT) to acquire cloud and AI software leader representing decades of accumulated healthcare and enterprise AI experience Nuance Communications(NASDAQ: NUAN) for $56.00 per share, implying a 23% premium to the closing price of Nuance on Friday, 04/09/21, or around $19.7 billion cash, inclusive of Nuance’s net debt, to close by 12/31/21. PR link.

IBM(PBR40 $IBM) says Kyndryl will be the name of the new, independent company that will be created following the separation of its Managed Infrastructure Services business, will be headquartered in New York, NY, will have 4,600 global customers, to close by the end of 2021. PR link.

Ameriprise Financial(PBR246 $AMP) to acquire BMO Financial Group’s EMEA asset management business for approximately $845 million cash, adds $124 billion of AUM in Europe, to close in 4Q21. PR link.

PSEG(PBR309 $PEG) completes acquisition of 25% ownership interest from Orsted N America in 1,100 megawatt Ocean Wind project, New Jersey’s first offshore wind farm, could provide power by end of 2024. PR link.

Avantor(PBR423 $AVTR) to acquire Schwabmünchen, Germany based privately held robotic and liquid handling consumables manufacturer Ritter GmbH for around $1.05 billion cash, to close in 3Q21. PR link.

Ingersoll-Rand(PBR809 $IR) to sell its Specialty Vehicle Technologies Segment (“Club Car”) to global private equity firm Platinum Equity for $1.68 billion cash, to close in 3Q21. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of the Treasury says the March 2021 US Federal Government Receipts are at $267.6 billion, Outlays $927.2 billion, making the March 2021 US Federal Deficit at $659.6 billion, February 2021 Deficit was at $310.9 billion, January 2021 Deficit $162.8 billion, March 2020 Deficit $119.0 billion; the March 2021 US Federal Deficit YTD(6 months) is at $1,706.2 billion, March 2020 Federal Deficit YTD was at $743.5 billion. PR link.

***Friday, April 9

The US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 14 of 2021 ending Thursday, 04/09/21:

DJIA ends Week 14 at record 33,800.60, +2.20% from last Friday, +2.48% MTD/QTD, +10.44% YTD, +0.00% from record 33,800.60 set 04/09/21.

NASDAQ ends Week 14 at 13,900.19, +5.80% from last Friday, +4.93% MTD/QTD, +7.85% YTD, -1.39% from record 14,095.47 set 02/12/21.

SPX ends Week 13 at record 4,128.80, +3.88% from last Friday, +3.92% MTD/QTD, +9.92% YTD, +0.00% from record 4,128.80 set 04/09/21.

US Stock Exchanges Week 14 of 2021 News Summary:

Week 14 opened with a long 3 day well rested The Stock Market Bull confidently charging into the pasture and achieving new record highs on the DJIA and S&P500, and an excellent assault on the NASDAQ. The overwhelmed The Stock Market Bear showed up on Tuesday, took all 3 indices by thin margins. The Stock Market Bull then dominated the rest of the Week 14, easily gets his second week in a row 3-0 victory and strengthens his lead Year-To-Date. The reasons are pretty clear. The economy is showing a strong desire to grow, COVID-19 vaccinations are being administered at a quick rate, many states and business sectors are re-opening, the stimulus programs are being implemented, a new infrastructure program is being introduced, there seems to be an increasing trust in the Federal Reserve and the US Dept of the Treasury to be helpful, and there is less rancor and contentiousness in the federal government with the new administration. The question for Week 15 is to see if The Stock Market Bull has the momentum to get his first third week in a row win of 2021!

The Week 14 of 2021 tally YTD is:


  • The Stock Market Bull: 7 weeks
  • The Stock Market Bear: 4 weeks
  • Mixed Results: 3 weeks


Daily Corporate News:

Johnson Controls(PBR126) to acquire Edmonton, Alberta, Canada based 3,000 employees Silent-Aire, a family owned global leader in hyperscale data center cooling and modular critical infrastructure solutions with expected revenues of $650 million in 12 months ending in 05/21, for up to $870 million cash, including an upfront payment of approximately $630 million and additional payments for milestone achievements, to close by 06/30/21. PR link.

BJ’s Wholesale(PBR229 $BJ) President/CEO Lee Delaney has passed away unexpectedly due to presumed natural causes, EVP/Chief Admin Officer/CFO Bob Eddy named Interim CEO, Chairman Christopher J. Baldwin appointed Executive Chairman, both effective immediately. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary March 2021 US Producer Price Index is at +1.0%, February 2021 was at +0.5%, January 2021 +1.3%, March 2020 -0.5%; March 2021 Producer Price Index-Last 12 Months is at +4.2%, February 2021 was at +2.8%, January 2021 +1.7%, March 2020 +0.3%. PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2021 US Wholesale Sales-Durables is at $259.4 billion, Non-Durables $278.9 billion, making February 2021 US Wholesale Sales-Total at $682.5 billion, January 2021 was at $678.2 billion, December 2020 $653.2 billion, February 2020 $669.0 billion. PR link.

***Thursday, April 8

Daily Corporate News:

CommScope(PBR345 $COMM) to spin off its Home Networks business as an independent public company, to be completed by end of 1Q22. PR link.

KKR(PBR576 $KKR) to make a $500 million investment in cloud content management platform provider Box(NYSE: BOX), to close in 05/21. PR link.

Hologic(PBR607 $HOLX) to acquire $42 million in revenues in 2020 Mobidiag Oy, a privately held, commercial-stage Finnish-French developer of innovative molecular diagnostic tests and instrumentation, for an enterprise value of approximately $795 million, includes a cash payment of approximately $714 million for Mobidiag’s equity, and net debt of approximately $81 million, to close by 09/30/21. PR link.

GameStop(PBR422 $GME) nominates 6 candidates to be elected at annual meeting on 06/09/21, includes Chewy founder Ryan Cohen who is expected to be elected Chairman by the Board following the annual meeting. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

No items today.

***Wednesday, April 7

Daily Corporate News:

Target(PBR36 $TGT) commits to spend more than $2 billion with Black-owned businesses by the end of 2025. PR link.

MetLife(PBR47 $MET) completes $3.94 billion cash sale of its Metropolitan Property and Casualty Insurance Company and certain wholly owned subsidiaries to Farmers Group, Inc. (FGI), a subsidiary of Zurich Insurance Group, includes 10-year strategic partnership through which Farmers Insurance® will offer products on MetLife’s leading US Group Benefits platform. PR link.

XPO Logistics(PBR186 $XPO) is recruiting for more than 1,400 positions across N America to meet growing demand for its less-than-truckload (LTL) services, as the economy rebounds from COVID-19. PR link.

AMD(PBR301 $AMD) $143/share, around $35 billion, acquisition of FPGA and Adaptive SoCs innovator and developer Xilinx(PBR686 $XLNX) gets approval by shareholders of both companies, to close by 12/31/21. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

The US Federal Reserve says the Preliminary February 2021 US Consumer Credit Outstanding-Revolving is at $974.4 billion, Non-Revolving $3,231.4 billion, making February 2021 US Consumer Credit Outstanding-Total at $4,205.8 billion, January 2021 was at $4,178.2 billion, December 2020 $4,178.1 billion, February 2020 $4.208.9 billion. PR link.

The US Federal Open Market Committee releases its Minutes from the 03/16-17/21 meeting. “The Committee decided to keep the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to 1/4 percent and expects it will be appropriate to maintain this target range until labor market conditions have reached levels consistent with the Committee’s assessments of maximum employment and inflation has risen to 2 percent and is on track to moderately exceed 2 percent for some time.” PR link.

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the February 2021 US Exports-Goods is at $131.1 billion, Services $56.1, making February 2021 US Exports-Total at $187.2 billionFebruary 2021 US Imports-Goods is at $219.1 billion, Services $39.2 billion, making February 2021 US Imports-Total at $258.3 billion, making February 2021 Deficit at $71.1 billion, January 2021 Deficit was at $67.8 billion, December 2021 Deficit $67.0 billion; February 2021 YTD Deficit(2 months) is at $138.9 billion, February 2020 YTD Deficit was at $82.4 billion. PR link.

FannieMae says the March 2021 Home Purchase Sentiment Index is at 81.7, February 2021 was at 76.5, January 2021 77.7, March 2020 80.8. “The significant increase in the HPSI in March reflects consumer optimism toward the housing market and larger economy as vaccinations continue to roll out, a third round of stimulus checks was distributed, and the spring homebuying season began – perhaps with even more intensity this year, since 2020’s spring homebuying season was limited by virus-related lockdowns…” PR link.

***Tuesday, April 6

Daily Corporate News:

General Motors(PBR19 $GM): First-Ever Chevrolet Silverado Electric Pickup and GMC HUMMER EV SUV to be Built at GM’s Factory ZERO Plant.

Genworth Financial(PBR335 $GNW) has exercised its right to terminate its merger agreement with China Oceanwide Holdings Group Co., Ltd. as of 04/06/21, will pursue revised strategic plan.

Signet Jewelers(PBR440 $SIG) has acquired Rocksbox, an innovative jewelry rental subscription platform, giving it a significant foothold in a growing online service that speaks to next-generation jewelry customers, terms not disclosed.

Brink’s(PBR612 $BCO) has acquired PAI, Inc., the largest privately-held provider of ATM services in the US, for $213 million, expected to generate $320 million in annual revenues.

Greenbrier(PBR764 $GBX) has completed the formation of GBX Leasing, a special purpose subsidiary, to own and manage a portfolio of leased railcars primarily built by Greenbrier; GBX Leasing will acquire approximately $200 million per annum of newly-built and leased railcars from Greenbrier.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Labor says the Preliminary February 2021 US Job Openings-Private is at 6,732,000, Government 635,000, making February 2021 US Job Openings-Total at 7,367,000, January 2021 was at 7,099,000, December 2020 6,753,000, February 2020 7,012,000. PR link.

The PurdueU/CME Group March 2021 US Ag Economy Barometer Composite Index is at 177, February 2021 was at 165, January 2021 167, March 2020 121. “The barometer’s rise was virtually all attributable to farmer’s improved expectations for the future… The improvement in future expectations occurred even though producers are becoming increasingly pessimistic that the trade dispute with China will be resolved in a way that’s beneficial to U.S. agriculture.” PR link.

***Monday, April 5

Daily Corporate News:

Alphabet(PBR9)’s Google: Supreme Court Rules for Google in Long Copyright Fight With Oracle(PBR77). MarketWatch news link.

Sempra Energy(PBR267) to sell a non-controlling, 20% interest in Sempra Energy’s new business platform, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, to KKR(PBR576) for $3.37 billion in cash, to close in mid 2021.

Icahn Enterprises(PBR409) moving its headquarters to Florida, President/CEO Keith Cozza decides to not move, is stepping down from roles and as a director, IEP hiring Aris Kekedjian, the former Chief Investment Officer of General Electric Company (GE), as President/CEO, will also become member of the Board. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2021 US New Orders-Durables is at $254.1 billion, Non-Durables $251.6 billion, making February 2021 US Total New Orders at $505.7 billion, January 2021 was at $509.7 billion, December 2020 $496.3 billion, February 2020 $496.5 billion. PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the March 2021 Services PMI Index(>50 economy growing) is at 63.7%, February 2021 was at 55.3%, January 2021 58.7%, March 2020 52.5%. “The Services PMI® registered an all-time high of 63.7 percent… The March reading indicates the 10th straight month of growth for the services sector, which has expanded for all but two of the last 134 months.” PR link.

IHS Markit says the March 2021 US Composite PMI Output Index is at 59.7, February 2021 was at 59.5, January 2021 58.7, March 2020 40.9. “The IHS Markit Composite PMI Output Index… signal(s) the fastest upturn in private sector business activity since August 2014. Although the expansion in manufacturing sector production eased, service providers registered a marked rise in output.” PR link.

***Friday, April 2

***Good Friday.
***US Stock Exchanges Closed.

Daily Corporate News:

Tesla(PBR94) produced just over 180,000 vehicles and delivered nearly 185,000 vehicles in 1Q21.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Labor says the March 2021 Employed Labor Force is at 150,848,000, +609,000 from February 2021, -4,924,000 from March 2020; the March 2021 Unemployment Rate is at 6.0%, February 2021 was at 6.2%, March 2020 4.4%. “… improvements in the labor market reflect the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Job growth was widespread in March, led by gains in leisure and hospitality, public and private education, and construction.” PR link.

***Thursday, April 1

The US Stock Exchanges Recap for Week 13 of 2021 ending Thursday, 04/01/21:

DJIA ends Week 13 at 33,153.21, +0.24% from last Friday, +0.52% MTD/QTD, +8.32% YTD, -0.05% from record 33,171.37 set 03/29/21.

NASDAQ ends Week 13 at 13,480.11, +2.60% from last Friday, +1.76% MTD/QTD, +4.59% YTD, -4.37% from record 14,095.47 set 02/12/21.

SPX ends Week 13 at record 4,019.87, +1.14% from last Friday, +1.18% MTD/QTD, +7.02% YTD, +0.00% from record 4,019.87 set 04/01/21.

US Stock Exchanges Week 13 of 2021 News Summary:

Week 13 featured the end of March, the end of the 1st Quarter, the start of April, the start of the 2nd Quarter, and a Friday off for observing Good Friday, for a four day trading week. The Stock Market Bull started out the week with a new record high for the DJIA on Monday, but letting The Stock Market Bear have his way with the NASDAQ and S&P500. This encouraged the Bear who then took the hat trick on Tuesday. They traded places on Wednesday with The Bull recapturing the NASDAQ and S&P500, but didn’t have enough strength to keep the DJIA. On Thursday The Bear stayed in his cave to start dyeing Easter eggs, The Bull charged onto the pasture, took his trifecta for the week on Thursday, and established a new record high for the S&P500 while coming from behind to get a 3-0 Week 13 victory. With both now resting for 3 days it should make the first full week of April one to anticipate.

The Week 13 of 2021 tally YTD is:


  • The Stock Market Bull: 6 weeks
  • The Stock Market Bear: 4 weeks
  • Mixed Results: 3 weeks


Daily Corporate News:

Merck(PBR65 $MRK) completes $1.85 billion in equity value acquisition of Pandion Therapeutics(Nasdaq: PAND), a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing novel therapeutics for patients living with autoimmune diseases. PR link.

CarMax(PBR142 $KMX) to acquire remaining stake it does not own in $140 million in 2020 revenues Edmunds, implies an enterprise value of $404 million, to close by 06/30/21. PR link.

IQVIA(PBR268 $IQV) acquires 40% minority share of Q2 Solutions from Quest Diagnostics(PBR313 $DGX) for $760 million, results in 100% ownership by IQVIA. PR link.

Alcoa(PBR319 $AA) completes around $670 million sale of its rolling mill business, held by Alcoa Warwick, to Kaiser Aluminum, has 1,170 employees, produces 310,000 metric tons of flat rolled aluminum annually. PR link.

Kemper(PBR500 $KMPR) completes $370 million cash acquisition of Downers Grove, IL based network of 500 independent agents and 110+ captive agents specialty private passenger auto insurance in 5 states provider American Access Casualty CompanyPR link.

Ingersoll-Rand(PBR809 $IR) completes around $300 million cash sale of its majority interest in its High Pressure Solutions (HPS) Segment to private equity firm American Industrial Partners, retains a 45% common equity interest in the business. PR link.

Daily Economic News:

The US Dept of Commerce/Census says the Preliminary February 2021 US Construction Spending Annual Rate-Residential is at $727.4 billion, Non-Residential $789.5, making Preliminary February 2021 US Total Construction Spending Annual Rate at $1,516.9 billion, January 2021 was at $1,529.0 billion, December 2020 $1,510.3 billion, February 2020 $1,441.1 billion. PR link.

The Institute for Supply Management says the March 2021 US Manufacturing PMI Index(>50%=Economy expanding) is at 64.7%, February 2021 was at 60.8%, January 2021 58.7%, March 2020 49.1%. “This figure indicates expansion in the overall economy for the 10th month in a row after contraction in April… Optimistic panel sentiment increased, with eight positive comments for every cautious comment, compared to a 5-to-1 ratio in February.” PR link.

IHS Markit says the March 2021 US Manufacturing PMI Index is at 59.1, February 2021 was at 58.6, January 2021 59.2, March 2020 48.5. “With business expectations becoming even more optimistic in March, further strong production growth looks likely in the second quarter, but the big question will be whether rising price pressures also become more entrenched.” PR link.

***Wednesday, March 31

The US Stock Exchanges Recap for March 2021 ending 03/31/21:

DJIA ends March 2021 at 32,981.55, -0.28% from last Friday, +6.62% MTD, +7.76% QTD/YTD, -0.57% from record 33,171.37 set 03/29/21.

NASDAQ ends March 2021 at 13,246.87, +0.82% from last Friday, +0.41% MTD, +2.78% QTD/YTD, -6.02% from record 14,095.47 set 02/12/21.

SPX ends March 2021 at 3,972.89, -0.04% from last Friday, +4.24% MTD, +5.77% QTD/YTD, -0.04% from record 3,974.54 set 03/26/21.

US Stock Exchanges March 2021 News Summary:

The Stock Market Bull and The Stock Market Bear traded strong punches in the first week of March. But then The Stock Market Bull dominated with a lot of nice jabs during the second week. During weeks three and four the combatants traded punches. During the whole month The Stock Market Bear focused on the technology oriented NASDAQ, had some good rounds, but The Stock Market Bull managed to sneak ahead in the last week. The Stock Market Bull also established several new record highs for the DJIA and S&P500 during the month. The bottom line is that The Stock Market Bull takes a 3-0 victory for March and remains unbeaten in the first 3 months of 2021.

The March 2021 tally YTD(3 Months) is:


  • The Stock Market Bull: 2 months
  • The Stock Market Bear: 0 months
  • Mixed Results: 1 month


Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter! provides news, data, and analysis on 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. The data and analysis is included in The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots, an MS-Excel workbook with 15 snapshot worksheets, 28 rankings, and over 200 fields of data and information on each company. Click here to find out more! is an independent business intelligence service. We provide news, data and analytics, not advice. is not, nor is it affiliated with, any financial advisory or stock brokerage or related firms.

(Image by Dirk Wouters from Pixabay)

Copyright © 2021, All Rights Reserved, Pax Business Resources, LLC.

The Week 17 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 17 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

stocks stockmarket bull bear PBR1000 news recap

Week 17 was The Stock Market Bull’s at the close on Thursday, but on Friday The Stock Market Bear returned and spoiled the Bull’s victory dance.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Indices Summary

Week 17 and April of 2021 Ending 04/30/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Record Close Date 04/16/21 04/26/21 4/29/21
Record Close 34,200.67 14,138.78 4,211.47
Week 16 Close 34,043.49 14,016.81 4,180.17
Week 17 & April Close 33,874.85 13,962.68 4,181.17
Percent Change-Week -0.50% -0.39% 0.02%
Percent Change-Month 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-Quarter 2.71% 5.40% 5.24%
Percent Change-YTD 10.68% 8.34% 11.32%
Percent Change-Record -0.95% -1.25% -0.72%

The Stock Market Bull and Bear Tallies YTD

Week 17 Winner and Tally  Bear 2-1 Mixed Win
April Winner and Tally Bull 3-0 Win
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 3 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 6 0
Mixed Result 3 1
  Totals 17 4

US Stock Exchanges Week 17 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull started out a promising Week 17 on Monday by establishing new record highs for the NASDAQ and S&P500. The Stock Market Bear returned on Tuesday to take a nibble out of those marks and then Wednesday took out a good-sized chunk. This infuriated The Stock Market Bull who trampled the Bear on Thursday, established another new record for the S&P500 and appeared to have a lock to win the week. But The Stock Market Bear roared back on Friday, wiped out all the Bull‘s gains for the week except for the S&P500 where he fell shy just 1.01 points. In a back and forth week The Stock Market Bear prevails with a 2-1 mixed result for Week 17, but The Stock Market Bull easily captures the month of April with a 3-0 result. 

Week 17 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 04/30/21, at 1:21PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 150,817,249 confirmed cases globally with 3,171,285 deaths, +88,510 from last week. For the US it is 32,333,463 confirmed cases and 575,815 deaths, +4,636 from last week. Vaccination rates in the US continue to grow and the rate of new cases and deaths is starting to drop. India has been hit hard with rates increasing dramatically and is asking for help across the globe.

US Federal Government: The event of the week was on Wednesday evening when US President Joe Biden addressed the nation regarding the progress of his administration after 100 days in office. He stressed progress on the COVID-19 pandemic, promoted his around $4 trillion in spending for infrastructure and other projects and how they would be paid for, discussed national security, talked about racial justice and encouraged Americans to be united while celebrating diversity at the same time.

US Economy: Housing prices increased around 12% over the past year, mortgage rates remain at near record lows, but available housing inventories remain low. Initial weekly jobless claims were at 553,000, continuing the downward trend. The Federal Open Market Committee met and voted to keep federal short term interest rates at 0.00-0.25%, and continue its assets purchase programs of $120 billion/month. The 1Q21 Gross Domestic Product annual rate was up at +6.4%. The Personal Income annual rate is nearly 30% more than last year. Consumer spending and outlooks were also up for the week, based on an optimistic post-pandemic view.

Corporate Business: 1Q21 corporate earnings reports were generally positive with guidance being cautiously optimistic about the COVID-19 pandemic coming to an end sometime in the summer.

Society: Every day there seems to be a mass shooting somewhere. Citizens and politicians continue to struggle with how to stop this trend without infringing on 2nd Amendment rights.

International News: India, Brazil and some other countries see a rise in COVID-19 cases.

More Resources:

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter!

PBRMarketTools Info:

If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page for more information and to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy StocksThe PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions!

The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks March 2020 Report Card

The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks March 2020 Report Card

Stocks PBR25 PBR1000 Report Card Subscribe

The March 2020 ThePBR25 became ThePBR24, gets an ‘A’ for its 12 Month Report Card.

By Larry C. Paxton

Welcome to The March 2020 The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks 12 Month Report Card.

As investors we count on professional stock analysts to provide comprehensive and diligent research to come up with their best take on how stocks will perform over the next 12 months. We then use that information to help us make stock buy, hold and sell decisions.

The PBR25 Premise

The premise of The PBR25 is there is a high probability of success for stock investing when a large enough number professional stock analysts through their extensive research determine that a stock is a “Buy” and also forecasts a significant return over the next 12 months. PBRMarketTools assigns a Report Card grade based on how the stock analysts do.

Last 12 Months Influences

Since March 2020 a lot has happened that was not predicted and not part of their analysis at that time:

  • The world and the US were starting to understand the severity and effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Economies were struggling, a significant number of jobs were lost, and countries were starting to go into lockdown mode. 12 months later vaccines have been approved, production and distribution issues have been mostly worked out, and vaccinations are occurring at an accelerating rate. Nevertheless, cases continue to grow, and variants are showing up. However, in the US there is a growing sense of optimism that a full economic recovery is on the way.
  • In May 2020 George Floyd, a black man, died a very visible death with his neck under the knee of a policeman. Other similar types of incidents occurred as well. The response was a lot of  civil unrest. While issues and concerns remain, the policeman was convicted of all charges by a jury in April 2021.
  • There was a very contentious 2020 US Presidential campaign that exacerbated how fractured the US is politically. New President Biden has been in office for a few months now, there seems to be a general sense of acceptance, and certainly the political environment has become a lot less volatile.

There is a lot more that can be said, but this is not meant to be an opinions post. It is a piece focused on the review of the recommendations stock analysts came up with at the end of March 2020 and the actual results 12 months later at the end of March 2021. PBRMarketTools is calling this a Report Card.

Creating The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks List for March 2020

The starting point is the prestigious The PBR1000, produced monthly by PBRMarketTools. To be included in The PBR1000 the 1,000 companies must meet the following criteria:

  • The companies must be publicly traded on the NYSE, NYSE American or NASDAQ stock exchanges, with a very few temporarily trading on the Over-The-Counter market because they are transitioning from bankruptcy.
  • They must be headquartered in the US, or have primary operations in the US.
  • They must have generated at least $1 billion in revenues in their most recent full fiscal year.
  • They must file an annual 10-K form with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in US dollars
  • Each of the 1,000 companies is given a primary ranking based on revenues, with the company having the highest revenue amount ranked 1(currently Walmart). There are 27 secondary rankings in The PBR1000 based on other criteria as well.

Each month the 12 month estimates and recommendations by stock analysts are updated on The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks list for March 2020 was then created using the following process:

  • At any point in time The PBR1000 has around 15,000 stock analyst recommendations.
  • The PBR1000 was sorted by stock analyst recommendations.
  • Those stocks rated a “Buy” were then further sorted by the number of “Buy” recommendations.
  • For March 2020 a cut off of at least 14 “Buy” recommendations was then sorted by each stock’s weighted average, with a Buy being worth 5 points, Overweight 4 points, Hold 3 points, Underweight 2 points and Sell 1 point. The maximum weighted average is 5.00. For a stock to achieve a “Buy” recommendation its weighted average must be greater than 4.50.
  • The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks list was finalized by doing a descending sort by the weighted averages.

Characteristics of The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for March 2020

  • The PBR25 data for March 2020 is from March 31, 2020
  • Revenue rankings were from 2(Amazon) to 897(Parsley Energy, which was acquired during the following 12 months. Diamondback Energy was the next lowest, ranked at 608.)
  • Market capitalization(company stock value) ranged from $2.72 billion(OneMain Holdings) to $1,218.72 billion(Microsoft). Total market capitalization for all The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks was $4,663.03 billion
  • Weighted averages ranged from 4.89 to 4.69, the average was 4.75, on the 5.00 scale.
  • 16 companies traded on the NYSE and 8 companies on NASDAQ
  • 6 companies were energy related companies, 5 companies were technology related companies, 4 were financial services companies, 3 were retailers, 3 were healthcare related services, 1 was a food services company, 1 was a life sciences company, 1 was a real estate investment trust
  • Per share stock prices on 03/31/20 ranged from $10.50 to $1,949.72. The total for all 24 of the 25 stocks used was $5,921.33
  • 12 month targeted stock prices ranged from $20.44 to $3,049.08. The total for all 24  stocks used was $7,636.23
  • The total average forecasted 12 month change was +$1,714.93, for a percent change of +28.96%

Actual Results for The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks for March 2021

  • The data is from Wednesday, March 31, 2021
  • One energy related company, Parsley Energy, was acquired during the 12 month period. This analysis is based on the 24 remaining companies.
  • Per share stock prices on 03/31/21 ranged from $21.61 to $3,094.08. The total for all 24 stocks used was $9,080.21
  • The 12 month actual difference was +$3,158.88, for a +53.35% change
  • Actual 12 month change ranged from -13.43%(an energy company) to +180.96%(a financial services company), the median was +49.35%
  • 16 companies exceeded the forecasted 12 month average change, 8 companies did not
  • 24 companies had a positive gain, only 1 company had a loss
  • 3 of the 8 companies that did not meet the forecast were energy related
  • The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks achieved a +53.35% gain over the 12 months while the 3 major US stock indices had the following results: DJIA +50.48%, NASDAQ +72.04%, S&P500 +53.71%

Conclusions, Observations, Validations and Realities

  • If you had bought 1 share each of The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks at the closing price on March 31, 2020, you would have achieved a +53.35% gain at the close on March 31, 2021, an excellent return. For this reason, The March 2020 The PBR25 gets an ‘A’ on its 12 month Report Card.
  • The stock analysts +49.35% median result was above the forecasted +28.96% 12 month target, but there was a very wide fluctuation on both sides of the median
  • It is difficult to forecast out 12 months with any great accuracy, there are just too many variables and uncertainties, but it can be useful and helpful in providing some guidance
  • It does demonstrate that The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is a valid methodology and process for that particular month.
  • Our demonstration account, called The Charlie Fund, uses the popular “Buy & Hold with Consistent Monthly Investment Strategy” with the monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks as the primary research tool. It achieved a +46.62% return in 2020, a further validation of the methodology.
  • There are no guarantees! The reality is that there will always be ups and downs in the stock market and people make stocks buy, hold and sell decisions based on a wide range logical and emotional criteria, input from knowledgeable hard-working experts and well meaning friends, and if the sky is blue today. But the historical data is pretty convincing that stocks will trend up at an above average investment rate over the long haul.

Additional Information

  • The details of this summary, including company names and the over 200 fields of information for each company, were extracted from the updated The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks MS-Excel worksheet for March 2020, and has been distributed to The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks Subscribers for their personal use and further research
  • The next 12 Month Report Card will be for April 2020, and should be available between mid to late May 2021.
  • For characteristics of the most recent monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks go to The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks information page.

We are always interested in your feedback, which you can provide on the Contact Us page. provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company. The monthly The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks is a subset of the monthly The PBR1000 and is available as a separate monthly or annual subscription.

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. It is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations. Any opinions expressed should not be regarded as advice.

Empowering Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

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(Article image courtesy of

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved. 

The Week 16 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

The Week 16 of 2021 US Stock Market and News Recap

Recap Investing Stocks Bull Bear

Week 16 goes to The Stock Market Bear. It was not easy, and is his first win since Week 11.

By Larry C. Paxton

US Stock Market Indices Summary

Week 16 of 2021 Ending Friday, 04/23/21
Previous Year Close(12/31/20) 30,606.48 12,888.28 3,756.07
Previous Quarter Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Previous Month Close(03/31/21) 32,981.55 13,246.87 3,972.89
Record Close Date 04/16/21 02/12/21 04/16/21
Record Close 34,200.67 14,095.47 4,185.47
Week 15 Close 34,200.67 14,052.34 4,185.47
Week 16 Close 34,043.49 14,016.81 4,180.17
Percent Change-Week -0.46% -0.25% -0.13%
Percent Change-Month 3.22% 5.81% 5.22%
Percent Change-Quarter 3.22% 5.81% 5.22%
Percent Change-YTD 11.23% 8.76% 11.29%
Percent Change-Record -0.46% -0.56% -0.13%
The Stock Market Bull vs The Stock Market Bear Tallies YTD
Week 16 Winner and Tally Bear 3-0
Weeks Months YTD
The Stock Market Bull 8 2 Ahead
The Stock Market Bear 5 0
Mixed Result 3 1
  Totals 16 3

US Stock Exchanges Week 16 Summary:

The Stock Market Bull has been on a winning streak since Week 12. The Stock Market Bear had had enough and angrily started out Week 16 by making some good sized gashes on all 3 major US indices on Monday and Tuesday. The Stock Market Bull made a determined response by taking Wednesday. But The Stock Market Bear returned with a vengeance on Thursday. The Stock Market Bull charged back on Friday, achieved some new intraday record highs for the DJIA and S&P500, but as the day came to a close he became weary and lost some ground. He won the day, but was unable to overcome The Stock Market Bear‘s lead for the week. Week 16 goes to The Stock Market Bear 3-0, his first clear win since Week 11.

Week 16 News Summary:

Coronavirus Pandemic: As of today, Friday, 04/23/21, at 6:20PM Eastern US, the John Hopkins University CSSE unit says there are now 145,261,836 confirmed cases globally with 3,082,775 deaths. For the US it is 31,990,519 confirmed cases and 574,179 deaths. Vaccinations are occurring at the rate of around 3 million doses per day. Today the pause on the Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine was lifted. States continue to open up more. There are continuing concerns about variants, which have affected other countries, but so far have not had a major impact in the US. Vaccination programs continue to expand.

US Federal Government: President Biden continues to push for an infrastructure plan and is meeting with lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to try to come up with a plan that can pass. During a meeting on climate change that included several nations President Biden pledged to lower US greenhouse gases by 50% by 2030. President Biden also proposed a nearly 40% capital gains tax on households with more than $1 million in annual incomes.

US Economy: The annual existing home sales rate fell 3.7% in March to 6.01 million and reached new highs for the median home price. New family home sales increased nearly 21% in March to a 1.02 million annual rate. 30 year fixed mortgage rates dropped to just below 3% again. US initial jobless claims fell to 547,000, a new post-pandemic low. Business and consumer surveys continue to show optimism over the next few months.

Corporate Business: 1Q21 corporate earnings reports continue to be mixed, but guidance is cautiously optimistic, assuming the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end sometime in the summer.

Society: Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all counts for the killing of George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for around 9 minutes.

International News: . There were surges in COVID-19 infections globally.

More Resources:

Check out the BLOG page for the previous RECAPS and SNAPSHOTS posts.

Click here to follow The PBR1000 on Twitter!

PBRMarketTools Info:

If you are not a current The PBR1000 or The PBR25 Subscriber go to the Subscribe page for more information and to get our latest research and monthly snapshots.

Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000The PBR25 Top Buy StocksThe PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions!

The PBR1000: provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The research provides is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This business intelligence report is provided by: 

(Article image is courtesy of, ddpavumba.)

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The PBR1000 March 2021 Analytics Summary

The PBR1000 March 2021 Analytics Summary

Stocks PBR1000 PBR25 Investing

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

The 12 month timeframe from February, 2020, through January, 2021, covers the period from when the COVID-19 Pandemic took hold of the world, affecting everyone in a variety of ways. In this The PBR1000 Analytics Summary we look at the financial results and try to place it in perspective. The following table provides some of the data that highlights the effect of the pandemic.

12 Month Period 02/2019-01/2020 02/2020-01/2021
The PBR1000 Total Revenues $15.304 Trillion $14.919 Trillion
Percent Change               -2.52%
Average Profits to Revenues                +8.62%             +5.43%
Average Earnings Per Share                $4.24              $1.80
Number of Companies Paying Dividends                        716                      697
Total Dividends/Shares Paid           $ 1,233.85          $ 1,176.78
Average Annual Dividend /Share              $ 1.7233            $ 1.6883
     3/31/2019      3/31/2020
The PBR1000 Total of Stock Prices         $ 73,510.80       $ 124,713.97
12 Months Percent Change                -17.03%               69.65%
DJIA                -15.47%              50.48%
NASDAQ                 -0.38%              72.04%
SP500                 -8.81%               53.71%
Analyst Estimates      3/31/2019      3/31/2020
Total Number of Analyst Estimates                   14,724                   15,183
 Number of Buy Stocks (>4.50 to 5.00 Weighted Average)                        133                        155
 Overweight (>3.50 to 4.50)                       549                       550
Hold (>2.50 to 3.50)                       277                      264
Underweight (>1.50 to 2.50)                         27                        25
 Sell (1.00 to 1.50)                           8                          5
 No Estimate                           6                          1
Average Weighted Estimate                     3.88                    3.93
Total Market Capitalization   $ 24.390 Trillion  $ 38.589 Trillion

Some observations:

Revenues: Retailers, hospitality, and travel related industries were significantly adversely affected. On the other hand e-commerce, communications technologies, and healthcare industries were beneficiaries. The bottom line is that revenues fell only 2.52% from the 12 months ending January 31, 2020. Previous years had been gains of around 8%. The point is that while revenues took a hit, it was not as dramatic overall. What was affected was profits, earnings per share, and to some extent dividends. While there were negative and positive shifts in revenues, the bottom line is that it was almost a wash. Of course, these numbers reflect The PBR1000, the largest publicly held corporations in the US. Smaller businesses certainly were much more affected.

Stock Market: The stock market, which was in a long term bull market, took some big hits at the beginning of the pandemic. But as the table shows, the recovery was also very dramatic, one of the best years for equities investors. The Average Weighted Estimate, however, did not increase all that much, though there was a nice growth in number of Buy stocks.

Some Conclusions:

There was a shift and rebalancing of revenues in The PBR1000, with the total affect much less dramatic than for most smaller and midsize businesses.

The initial panic over the pandemic had a big effect on the stock market, but it recovered quite nicely. As industries that were the most negatively affected recover there should continue to be significant growth opportunities as the “new normal” sets in, the economy should have robust growth, and The Stock Market Bull should continue to dominate.

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Please use the Contact Us page if you are not on our email list or have questions about The PBR1000, The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks, The PBRMarketTools US Economic Indices or the Customization Services we provide. We appreciate your comments and suggestions! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. We provide information only and it should not be regarded as advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 business intelligence report is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.


The PBR1000 Summary: Alphabet(NASDAQ: GOOG)

The PBR1000 Summary: Alphabet(NASDAQ: GOOG)

GOOG Alphabet PBR1000 Investing

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Through The PBR1000 Analytics!

Business Description: “Alphabet is a collection of businesses — the largest of which is Google — which we report as two segments: Google Services and Google Cloud. We report all non-Google businesses collectively as Other Bets. Our Other Bets include earlier stage technologies that are further afield from our core Google business. We take a long term view and manage the portfolio of Other Bets with the discipline and rigor needed to deliver long-term returns. Our Alphabet structure is about helping each of our businesses prosper through strong leaders and independence.”

Business Name: Alphabet Inc.
Ticker: NASDAQ: GOOG(Class C)
Fiscal Year Ending Month: December

Stock Price and Analyst Estimates for GOOG on 08/06/21:

  • Stock Price: $2,740.72
  • Average 12 Month Stock Price Target: $3,160.94
  • Estimated 12 Month Change: +15.33%
  • Analysts Recommendation: Buy, 4.84/5.00, based on 44 estimates

Some of the 28 Current The PBR1000 Rankings for GOOG:

  • 9 By Revenues: $182.527 billion(12/31/20)
  • 3 By Market Capitalization: $1.800 trillion(07/30/21)
  • 24 By Assets: $319.616 billion(12/31/20)
  • 51 By Employees: 135,301(12/31/20)

To get the complete profile for GOOG and for all 1,000 of The PBR1000 click here!

On July 30, 2021, GOOG was not on The PBR25 Top Buy Stocks. To find out who is click here! provides The PBR1000, a compilation of 1,000 of the largest publicly held companies with primary operations in the US. These companies generate $15 trillion in annual revenues, more than all other US companies combined. The PBR1000 Monthly Snapshots provides these 1,000 companies in Excel format, includes 15 worksheets with 28 rankings, over 200 data/information points, hotlinks to key data, and important news items per company.

Empowering Astute Business Leaders and Shrewd Investors Worldwide

Through The PBR1000 US Public Companies Analytics!

Disclaimers: The PBR1000 is compiled from a variety of publicly available resources. As such, is not responsible for the data itself. Any liability for the representations or decisions based on the data is solely the responsibility of the authorized user, not, its employees or affiliates. is an independent business intelligence service providing news, data, and analysis. research should not be regarded as recommendations or advice. is not a financial advisory or stock brokerage firm and has no affiliation with such organizations.

This The PBR1000 Spotlight is provided by: 

Copyright © 2021 by Pax Business Resources, LLC, All Rights Reserved.